[you'll need these to avoid the wrath of the uptight one's]
[helloooo front row]
[i dropped my eyeball..]
[what r the chances of that happening?]
[i like to practice without the barbells..]
[obligitory deckside-view]
[the mitzi tricolour & the cream tricolour met accross a crowded room...]
[actually, it's the world that's sideways..]
[proof that outdoors was actually there..]
[keeeeep oooonnn moooving..]
[risky sean claims "this is my universe.."]
[power fades in & out of this dimension..]
[power am the lizard king..]
[what r the chances of that happening twice?]
[help, someone is feeling my bum..]
[oh my god.. that'd be a rip in the fabric of space-time]
[say cheese for the plasma..]
[it felt EXACTLY like it looked..]
[jesus, did I play that record?]
[little does he know that it doesn`t suck, it blows..]
[the arch of lushness..]
[hairy crystalline]
[melting upwards..]
[2 brave souls scale the Cream FTA]
[slide this way please..]
[..and now cough..]
[look what happens when i do this...]
[fairground attraction..]
[funny how life can be.. after dark..]
[.. and i`m not gonna take this anymore..]
[which one of these is the ejector-seat?]
[col n' jon lead the chorus..]
[wow, the crowd is moving like the sea..]
[in the eye of the storm]
[baked cake announces he is there..]
[2 people at the centre of the blast remain unscathed..]
[intimate moments are the best...]
[smoking kills eventually]