look what we pulled off the wall!!!

wait a minute.. which deck is live...er..

hahah.. you have to follow THAT..

oi! play something we know!

still in the queue at 1.00am...

come on sharon, the band have started..

don't look now,but the yin-yang questionmarks are coming to get you..

i will not buy this record, it is scratched..

mmm.. leather viewed through a toiletseat..

clenliness is next to water posing as beer..

shit.. one of these things must do SOMETHING

i feel so tall..

look at yer man!

ah, that explains it..

honey, i think my shoes are on fire..

mmm.. warm..




lazerhead strikes again.. soon she would remove her wig..

i can't get no...

duck or loose your head..

now this won`t hurt a bit..

micky dolenz made a susrprise appearence..

realisation dawns as to which direction one SHOULD be malleting in..

somebody, scream!

it wasn't me

listen man, did i tell you about barbie?

number 5 was used to bieng under survaillence..

to modify is divine

it was THIS big (wow)

that crack in th wall is burning.. how amusing!!

i think i have lost my sheep..

this beer is his actually..

can you hear me or WHAAAT

ahh.. i get it now..

oh that's nice.. a little to the left..

detective sargent piltdown adresses the crowd..

like moths they were drawn to the lazer..

peace baby..

the smoke demon began to take form..

the smoke demon announces it's intention to tyrril the venue..

as long as SOMEONE knows what they are doing, we are fine..

portrait of the artist..