the aliens were arriving behind them..

i know the answer!!! look here.. over HERE!!!!

the eventual owners of "the flag"..

one for "up the arse corner" in VIZ..

see what i mean about the eyes?

don`t look now, but yer man's eyes look like a cylon-centurian's..

the aliens made another pass along the back of the room...

eh.. you know that wig i borrowed from you.. well, there's been an accident..

just do it.. (etc)

there.. i stamped on it.. it won`t bother you again..

deep thought..

the keys to the keep...

look up there you fools, that bleeding flying saucer is back..

it's actually THIS long..

the 091

bow your head in respect for the tunes that died here tonight..

there's a good boy..