wow.. my headphones fit my nuts perfectly!

robbie's best serious face

leeets dooo the tiiime waaarp agaaaiinnn..


heeere m8, have some cider.. it`s much better then ribena..

i'm only holding this for my m8..

so am i..

i have been sucking this ballbearing for 2 weeks now (yes he has)

oh shit, my hand is definatly stuck..

the deck tried blanking the CDplayer..

see- i have evidence..

now hold still.. this won`t hurt..

damn.. that reminds me, i left the heating on..

all the laydees love the way he claps..

"you`re off the case.."

lurking in the back room - a moog t-shirt!!

ohh.. i get it now.. this is MEANT to go round-n-round..