remember this bit?

as promised, the front..

is that my old maths teacher over there?

ah yes, the front row...

mmm.. strawberry..

warm enough?

did somebody loose a contact??

steam is goooood..

hands up who want`s a choc-ice?

and who want`s a super-split?

clearly, the haircut was a winner..

i had the only 2 cornettos!

her lashednesses fine leather breeches..

wait.. that IS a broom... wow..

rice's latest haircut

oh god.. all thats left is a brunch with no stick, and a white magnum!

remember this?

no, i`m not tall, YOU are small.. that's all..

this guy says his deoderent CLEANS his shirt as he sweats..

the console.. token pioneer CD deck, 1200 Mk5 and the dreaded allen & grief..