[scotproject preps in the red zone..]

["ahhh.. the volume pot.. needs to be more THIS way.."]

[ever seen "from beyond"?]

["..feckin' midgets.."]

["me me me me.. i want one.."]

["oh.. i never noticed them up there.."]

["..louder i said!!!"]

[...the plasmaworms devour another muppet with a camcorder..]

[blue was the colour of the night..]

[scot proj. stash]

[UV-tanning, or irradiation?]

[jules checks the arsenel before launching stingray...]

["did the earth move for you nancy?"]

[finally, the lazer awakens..]

[now you know how candy-floss feels...]

[note how the jack is still full...]

[the cylons arrive...]

[draughty, but stylish GK LED curtain.. $2999.99 at argos..]

[sub-atomic view of a bead of morillo's sweat..]

[that air-comb really works man...]

[mmm.. pointy...]

[typical "ready-brekkied" view of the action mid-floor...]

[the moment god arrived..]

[pete-doherty-cam view, rear-floor..]

[marco V & CD stash]

[marco dons his eminem hat..]

[the wires prepare to jump marco...]

[the garden of messiness (shoulder-hi view)]

[all we hear is - R A D I O M A R C O]

[tricolour makes excellent nuke-shield...]

[angel joins crowd...]

[decks finally catch fire...]

[the falcon waits for a scrap..]

[no, you are sideways, i am still upright..]

[now THAT'S a crowd]

[pesky LEDsnakes again..]

[the lazer finds the troublemakers...]

[the lazer frys the troublemakers..]

[the lazer does a victory scan..]

[everybody thank the lazer..]

[it's trying to communicate..]

[brian, one of the angels enjoys a honk...]

[just ignore it, it'll get bored and go away..]

[helooooooooo tricolour cru..]

[luke's lightsaber - upclose and personal..]

[wrong direction pal...]

["...I left a bottle of jack here.. did you see it?"]

["which one of you lifted franck's jack? come on now.. was it you?..you?" (etc..)]