[yay! we found the sherry!]

[yep - this is the last dance next to these railings EVER]

[bibi interior]

[we totally arent students]

[look fiiiirewooorks]

[.. and he says "only if i can have a go first" hahahahahahahah]

[carefull.. thats hot..]

[the discoball lurked and waited for it`s chance...]

[what do we win?]

[quick - ninja-formation, and make it FIERCE]

[oh god is that a camera flash?]

[another sweaty DJ neck..]

[hey, HEY.. this thing is glued to my thumb...]

[sorry, we thought this was the way out..]

[actually, i own the place..]

[no, you're doing it wrong, look, THERE.. now you can hear it..]

[bring me more booZe i say!]

[wha'happen to my hearing????]

[this man here, invented tyres, and is extremely wealthy...]

[...in training..]

[i'm gonna be THIIIIIIIIS tall when i'm finished..]

[...no wait, the red light IS on..]

[that will teach you...]

[i feel safer with this bag on my head..]

[oh yeah? well where's YOUR T.V. Licence then????]