Check this out.. it's a kit that allows You to hear Ultrasonic sound.. Everything emits some, some things more then others.. Classic example, is the jangling of a set of keys - thru the Ultrasonic Rx, it sounds like windchimes.. Insects sound like jungle cats, the front lawn sounds like bacon frying etc..
Kit is on the way, expect some sounds like you have NEVER heard before, with an organic twist
Check this out.. it's a kit that allows You to hear Ultrasonic sound.. Everything emits some, some things more then others.. Classic example, is the jangling of a set of keys - thru the Ultrasonic Rx, it sounds like windchimes.. Insects sound like jungle cats, the front lawn sounds like bacon frying etc..
Kit is on the way, expect some sounds like you have NEVER heard before, with an organic twist
