so, been building a midibox synth containing the AY38912 chip for the last while.. see it here:
a few things to watch for: the AY board needs to be grounded, else the chip won't make any noise, and the CORE module needs the extra cable from j4 to the pic on the underside of the board to enable the bankstick/memories..
it's a pretty hard sounding synth, 3 square waves on seperate channels, and a tunable (rate?) noise generator..
lemonhorse (the designer/coder of the MBAY) has made an interesting stepped 'fx' sequencer, where the machine can step thru' a series of states of being per note played, and has extensive MIDI control over the paramaters inside too.. now, this ain't no SID chip synth, but it's still got a nice 8-bit sound you will love..
here it is in all it's bleeping glory:
So, the tune.. You can hear lots of Linndrum, SciFi samples, HSS3i, Nebulophone, Emulator Realtime glitching and so on, then the MBAYv2 comes in about 1:57 mins in, bleeping on with 2 voices and 1 ENV effect under rate control (CC 04), and then about 3mins it makes some bass growwwl and flybys as well with the 3rd Voice
Some nice GRRROWL to be had by setting the ENV rate as zero
a few things to watch for: the AY board needs to be grounded, else the chip won't make any noise, and the CORE module needs the extra cable from j4 to the pic on the underside of the board to enable the bankstick/memories..
it's a pretty hard sounding synth, 3 square waves on seperate channels, and a tunable (rate?) noise generator..
lemonhorse (the designer/coder of the MBAY) has made an interesting stepped 'fx' sequencer, where the machine can step thru' a series of states of being per note played, and has extensive MIDI control over the paramaters inside too.. now, this ain't no SID chip synth, but it's still got a nice 8-bit sound you will love..
here it is in all it's bleeping glory:
So, the tune.. You can hear lots of Linndrum, SciFi samples, HSS3i, Nebulophone, Emulator Realtime glitching and so on, then the MBAYv2 comes in about 1:57 mins in, bleeping on with 2 voices and 1 ENV effect under rate control (CC 04), and then about 3mins it makes some bass growwwl and flybys as well with the 3rd Voice