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Chat system


  • Chat system

    All live chat is now via IRC - irc:// or
    Last edited by playthatbeat; Fri 27-08-2021, 10:37 AM.
    jUst plAythAtbEAt

  • #2
    this rocks!!!!

    and some words are not aloud and are censored

    fuck = &%@$
    cock =&%@$
    today fm =&%@$* fm


    that chat room is mad. i think this sat night im gonna get bladdered at home and tune in, alldo thats been happening a lot recently


    • #3
      Originally posted by jasonmcareedj View Post
      that chat room is mad. i think this sat night im gonna get bladdered at home and tune in, alldo thats been happening a lot recently

      Oh man you're telling me. I don't remember half the room last weekend! Not sure if I was in there coz I was hammered or if I was hammered so I was there Don't try that at home kids


      • #4
        Lol!! yes, the room can be a bit messy and amnesiacy.. but hey!

        Also: People who cannot stay connected: watch things like BeBo open in the background - this can mess up your java and so on.. Just a hint
        jUst plAythAtbEAt


        • #5
          change it to the bladdered room


          • #6
            its a good place to be on a saturday evening be it either warming up for the club or chillin!


            • #7
              it can also result in a GANG MENTALITY taking over your saturday night if u r stuck in.. this can lead to messing.. oh yes..
              jUst plAythAtbEAt


              • #8
                Some changes in the chat jan 09 - new version of the chatroom - the BLOATY version - for those of you with far-too much processor power..

                also, the wordfilter has been relaxed to allow some delicious slagging fun..
                jUst plAythAtbEAt


                • #9
                  i aint had a saturday night in in ages! think ill just drag the lads over to my place for a few drinks next weekend just so i can chat for a bit!

                  oh yes! alcohol and chat!


                  • #10
                    havent done it ina while this weekend eh

                    oi springer cant wai ttill april mate


                    • #11
                      thought I was gonna be in this valentines. Girlfriend has decided we are now going to go out and get shitfaced instead! damn her!


                      • #12
                        Under the thumb my man yeah we need to get bk to the REAL topics of our life on the aul chatroom. the times we have had =)


                        • #13
                          there have been some pretty emotional outbursts in the auld room lately.. it's starting to take on a theraputical role.. VENT MY BROTHERS & SISTERS, TEH MIGHTY CHATS WILL FIX YOU...
                          jUst plAythAtbEAt


                          • #14
                            I must get in on this chatroom lark and do a bita rantin meself haha, its been a while!

