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  • Tracklist


    I want a tracklist for mr spring gpo gaway sessions tour 2001 one of the tunes on it is warmducher too many times

    I remember this tape from after party's in 2001 and would love a tracklist

  • #2
    would help if there was audio of the set available to listen to - is it online anywhere? Youtube or something?
    jUst plAythAtbEAt


    • #3


      • #4
        Oh yes, i remember this night! Was epic. Sweat dripping on the records in the DJ booth did not help :/

        I was going thru' a Belgian phase clearly, half of this set is FTW or Mostiko records! Some of these tunes were licenced for the ill-fated Sessions tour CD, so there will be track names etc. for them.

        Will have to listen back to this again when i have the time..
        jUst plAythAtbEAt


        • #5
          Oh yes the session tour cd where can I look this up or find , I can remember a session tour cd from 2001 it had Oliver klein one for you James holden mix on it ,if that the ill fated cd

          The session tour party where great times and 6 2 6


          • #6

            Now, to find the artwork..
            jUst plAythAtbEAt


            • #7
              excellent much appreciated

              That scooter tune on this is "Guess who posse i need you on the floor tea mix " I remember this from gpo set tape but not on the recording I've sent you on you tube

              On the gpo tape recording I had many moon ago that posse I need you on the floor you change track on brake down from 45 to 33 was well executed!

              From the gpo set i really after the tune that say " relax my friend catch your breath my friend MOTHERFUCKER ! UNCH UNCH UNCH

              you had the tracklist for gpo set on a thread on her few years ago but I can't find the thread ,Do you delete old threads or does the system delete old thread for space ? By any chance where you under user name on here as =GOD= I think that user name posted the tracklist but I'm talking a good few years ago I seen the tracklist so user =GOD= might have noting to do with it .

              Session tour cd sounds great its bring back some memories from my days out raving all night as the wide-eyed loner, standing at the gates of oblivion i stole these words from your post before
              Last edited by MitziTurbo; Sun 07-08-2022, 2:10 AM.


              • #8

