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FGTS PWND - twitter plugin fixed :P


  • FGTS PWND - twitter plugin fixed :P

    On 31st of August twitter disabled basic authentication to its services. They replaced it with a messy system called OAuth. The net is stuffed full of complaints about it.
    As a result, several twitter apps across all systems (desktop, mobile etc) have stopped working until their developers play ball with twitter and re-write their twitter applications to use OAuth.
    Our IRC twitter plugin was one of these affected applications, so it stopped working completely on that day.

    As things are, we would have two choices in order to comply with twitter's new policy:
    1) we would have to email twitter begging for our shits & giggles bot to be let use plain auld basic authentication to post utter codfish to twitter - something they would refuse - or
    2) set up and register an new app with twitter, read all their docs on how to use OAuth, obtain an application key and secret and build a completely new IRC plugin from scratch.

    I say Fuck That.

    Instead, a backdoor in the twitter API was found that lets us keep posting $rants and the like just as we used to
    The only changes anyone will see on is each post (or Twitter Status) now has "(posted) ... via Twitter for Android" at the bottom. This is a complete lie of course - Twitter for Android was never actually used

    So - Twitter is back for all to (ab)use in Thassall :P

  • #2
    HAHAHAHA >FUCKIN WIN! twit off...
    I AM A UFO


    • #3
      Delete command added

      Right - just made some changes and added some new features.

      New command
      +forget deletes a tweet. Each twitter tweet has an id which is a number. To delete a tweet, you need its ID so I modified the +tweets command to show us each tweets id after the tweet itself:

      So to delete a tweet, first find its
      id by typing +tweets id:

      <AS400XL> +tweets id
      bitbot> AS400XL: vyudget348vntuh wn ui8748vghjf k fs (24576397186), downloaded entire back catalogue of Sandra.Let the eurodisco begin (24549508564) ...

      then type +forget <tweet id / number>

      <AS400XL> +forget 24576397186
      bitbot> AS400XL: I forgot tweet #24576397186.

      If you want to be sure that tweet is gone, type +tweets again to see:

      <AS400XL> +tweets
      bitbot> AS400XL: downloaded entire back catalogue of Sandra.Let the eurodisco begin (24549508564), tune after the match, and maybe the temple of sound (24502529412)

      And there ya go. Also - the Twitter API cache for bitbot has been reduced from 60 seconds to 10 so we don't have to wait one minute for new +posts to appear in the +tweets list.
      +list Twitter for the commands
      +help forget for help on the forget command

      Last edited by ; Fri 17-09-2010, 9:04 PM.


      • #4
        nonsense command added

        Having fun with this

        new command +nonsense returns tweets from some randomer. At the moment I've got it to choose from Joe Duffy, Paris Hilton, 50 Cent, Fianna Fáil, David Icke, Alex Jones and Twenty Major.

        Need help tho - need to add plenty more from others so send me a list.

        Some twitter accounts can't be got - tried to add Bono for the lulz but his shit is under lock and key so no dice there, but shit - now that I think of it bono is b&... anyhoo - if anyone's arsed - reply to this with names for me to get, and I'll add them, the lamer the better
        Last edited by ; Sun 19-09-2010, 10:38 PM.


        • #5
          stunning!!! holy lawd..
          jUst plAythAtbEAt


          • #6

            Oh look, we did it again for the third time
            Isn't life great!


            • #7
              Full API sketch now

              Updated it again, because Twatr HQ are slowly disabling old stuff we used to be able to use.

              As of today, the bot talks to twatr only through their valid API calls and nothing else.
              This means we're in a much better position to $rant arse to it for the future.

              There is no more grabbing dodgy xml files, saving them into memory, searching through them for the right shit, compiling lists of said shit and getting the bot to reply it back - now, everything is done directly through our srnyonw4i app interface making life a lot easier and faster.

              There's also extra nonsense we can do if needed now - see who has retweeted our tweets, find friends of people following us, etc etc and blah. We're using a python library called Tweepy for the gluecode here, and they have loads of options.

              That's all. Just mentioned it here because I re-coded the entire plugin from the ground up since 3am this morning


              • #8
                this is outstanding , as always.. proceed...
                jUst plAythAtbEAt


                • #9

                  Went looking for the beatport and junodownload APIs today, found the vimeo one instead... so we now have a vimeo plugin that shows us the last 20 Springsession videos.

                  For the last 20 Springsession video URLs and info:
                  type +vimeo

                  To search for a vimeo user named thx1138x:
                  type +vimeo thx1138x
                  and if they exist, their info will be shown

                  To see that user's videos if they have at least 1:
                  type +vimeo thx1138x videos

                  There you go. I'll get back to beatport and junodownload when I have time, this +vimeo stuff is just a lulzy side effect for now
                  Last edited by ; Mon 21-05-2012, 6:26 PM.


                  • #10
                    new twatr search commands

                    +search <text>
                    Searches twatr for <text>, which can be anything, and I do mean anything - in fact, You don't even need to put the search term in quotes if there's a space like you do with !fight "nonsense spa", coz we're too damn good for that.

                    +searchuser <name>

                    Searches for a user name, not the same as search above, because this one only lets you search users, not data.

                    +user <username/userid>
                    Shows data about a twatr user. Use the +searchuser command above to get these if you don't know them already.

                    So why bother? Well, I was bored. Also, +search "blahwtf" is almost better than doing !google "blahwtf" because we get SOOOOO much more random uncensored shite now.
                    Then finally, to search for people and stuff on twatr, you need 1) a feckin account, and 2) you have to go to all the trouble of remembering another username & password to log in with before you can even try to start look around in there... with this - NO ACCOUNT NEEDED
                    Last edited by ; Wed 23-05-2012, 2:01 AM.

