*TUCCILLO Disco En Paradiso (MIE 8031466700885 Rebirth)
*DE HEY, Michel vs MIRKO Nocreche (originalsh) mix) (EC 089D EC Holland)
*CHILDS, Jake The Blame (original mix) (BUSH 3028 Bush)
*MILLER, Sean Keep The Funk Alive (LEENA 021 Leena Germany)
*Samuel Deep Street Movement (Olene Kadar tool edit) (OFF 024 Off Germany)
*Ken Tamburri Bullenkloster (BUZACOMP 075 Budenzauber Germany)
*PERONI, Bruto aka DEEPCHILD Go Slow (original mix) (SPH 017 Sophisticate Recordings)
*BORDERLINE Stay (TURBO 101D Turbo Canada)
*BUKADDOR & FISHBECK Camino (MBF 12079 My Best Friend Germany)
*EXOPLANET Even Impermanence Is Transient (original mix) (PROTON 0145 Proton Music)
*BASS KLEPH Oh Yeah (DEFDIG 1102 Definitive Recordings)
*CAMBAS, Christian vs PHNTM Inferno (original mix) (GSR 118 Great Stuff Germany)
*DJ Link & Cesar Almena Mafia Cello (ARCHIVES 007 Patterns Holland)
*NO ID We The People (DFM 005 Diffused)
*RUMENIGE & LOKTIBRADA Eggss (UFF 70 Antidandruff Recordings)
*Selda Fever Called Love (Stefano Noferini remix) (DPE 342 Deeperfect
*DA SILVA, Rui Escaping My Mind (Matt Tolfrey & Inxec mix) (KMT 026 Kismet)
*MOLLONO BASS Sand In My Hand (ACKER 0223 Acker Germany)
*ARCANO Whisper Of Madness (AR 026 Anunaki)
*Rubix Qube Switch Craft (ORG 004 Highly Evolved)
*DE HEY, Michel vs MIRKO Nocreche (originalsh) mix) (EC 089D EC Holland)
*CHILDS, Jake The Blame (original mix) (BUSH 3028 Bush)
*MILLER, Sean Keep The Funk Alive (LEENA 021 Leena Germany)
*Samuel Deep Street Movement (Olene Kadar tool edit) (OFF 024 Off Germany)
*Ken Tamburri Bullenkloster (BUZACOMP 075 Budenzauber Germany)
*PERONI, Bruto aka DEEPCHILD Go Slow (original mix) (SPH 017 Sophisticate Recordings)
*BORDERLINE Stay (TURBO 101D Turbo Canada)
*BUKADDOR & FISHBECK Camino (MBF 12079 My Best Friend Germany)
*EXOPLANET Even Impermanence Is Transient (original mix) (PROTON 0145 Proton Music)
*BASS KLEPH Oh Yeah (DEFDIG 1102 Definitive Recordings)
*CAMBAS, Christian vs PHNTM Inferno (original mix) (GSR 118 Great Stuff Germany)
*DJ Link & Cesar Almena Mafia Cello (ARCHIVES 007 Patterns Holland)
*NO ID We The People (DFM 005 Diffused)
*RUMENIGE & LOKTIBRADA Eggss (UFF 70 Antidandruff Recordings)
*Selda Fever Called Love (Stefano Noferini remix) (DPE 342 Deeperfect
*DA SILVA, Rui Escaping My Mind (Matt Tolfrey & Inxec mix) (KMT 026 Kismet)
*MOLLONO BASS Sand In My Hand (ACKER 0223 Acker Germany)
*ARCANO Whisper Of Madness (AR 026 Anunaki)
*Rubix Qube Switch Craft (ORG 004 Highly Evolved)