Does any1 no if the fields of cream are ever comin back?
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Cert it wud,creamfields is quality! Such a laugh in 2002, the lust tent was fucken burstin wit people, unreal! The only thing that i didn like was loosin this giant properly made banner thingy we made that said 'TUNE' on it+ me n all the lads names...was made especially to throw up 2springer in the lush tent-aaaah the unfairness of it
But sher theres no real difference between the lineup Cream would put on & the one GK have on this the end of the day theyre both POD run events & alot of the lineup decision would lie with them, the big clubbing brand (GK,Cream) is only used to promote the event & sometimes to help in enticing the DJ's over (also to negotiate a much better fee)
Cream in my opinion killed the dance scene around 2001 with all their boring proggy bollocks....even Mixmag laid the blame for the decrease in clublands popularity at Seb Fontaines door (who was the then cream resident)
I know it couldnt have done much more having peaked in 99/00 with all the quality trance around,but it really hit rock bottom with a fucking bang
Homelands would be different alright cos they alway tend to go for the cooler end of the scale, and over here that worked as they tended to take all the quality names & use them over here as opposed to some of the needless shit they use in the the irish ones kinda happened before all the hardcore knacks even knew they were happening
No wat u mean! It makes events so much better..obviously when u dont have some scumbags in the middle of the dancefloor lookin 4 trouble, godskitchen 4example, the amount of them! Reminds me of teenage disco's..remember the 'knacker circle' were all the tough boys used to stand around (maniac 2000) lolwhile head scumbag who 'thought' he could breakdance rolled around on the floor like a lost chicken on coke!
Good thing we used to lush copious amounts of rancid muck b4 we went in and played 'who can get the most birds' while the boyos bopped away to the latest selection from 'top 30 hits'!
But to get back to the point about events, i still reckon that one of the best events,if not the best 1ive bin 2 was the last sessions tour in Enigma! Not an ounce of aggro in that room, such love, such tunes! The Irish are well capable of havin there own massive event, theres no doubtin the lack of DJ's and 'definatly' no doubtin the level of talent!