a fink there was small and i mean small arenas in the building itself?
No announcement yet.
PLSS, Will it happen?
Ehhh oooo iii eh yeah
Nope 7 arenas 5 tents + 2 Room's Or there abouts have my Lanyard Thingy here will try do something with it soon. . . . . . . .
1) Hed Kandi V.I.P,
2) Letrik Tent,
3) Irish Legends Room,
4) LOVE 90's outdoor Stage, Which Still Was Playing eventho Noone was @ er
5) Street Life Tent
6) GoodGreef Xtra Hard Tent
7) Main LOVE StageLast edited by Armer; Thu 11-06-2009, 3:59 PM.♪♫♪♫NoT fOr ArMeR
Originally posted by playthatbeat View PostAhh Madrid.. where you can still buy new vinyl (el corte ingles) and there is an abundance of 2nd hand vinyl stores, bursting with disco and 80's electro waiting to be plundered. I am SO overdue a trip there.. last time i went it pissed rain the whole time, and the queues for the arty stuff my bird wanted to see were stupid large... DAMN YOU AND YOUR HISTORIC CITY WITH ITS ABUNDANCE OF ELECTRONIC MUSIC AND AWESOME GRAFITII!!
Was savage otherwise though, beautiful weather for 3 days, not a drop of rain and clear skies every single day! Booze is a bit expensive however and that was our only disappointment, but we'd definitely go back again when we had more time and more money, lol