Right I never thought it would happen but im now a regular on Twitter any of the springboard family on there?
No announcement yet.
the chatroom also has a twatter: http://twitter.com/srnyonw4i
please to make following, and it will make the followings back at you..
also: not worksafe..
a nice anonamous way to follow twitter, without having a twitter account USED to be to watch the RSS feed - since they disabled it, you now have to play smartass to get it..
ours is: http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=srnyonw4i <-- just insert this into your RSS reader
read about how to get an anon rss feed of any twatter a/c here: http://sociable.co/2011/04/30/twitte...-feed-rss-url/
In fact, MOST good sites have an RSS feed - and this pre-dates twitter by 10 years.. there are RSS apps, and stuff like THUNDERBIRD does RSS natively.. sadly, the RSS from mrspring.info is a bit lame, as it will only show new activity in the public areas. not that we have a stormin' busy board as it is.. lol.. but things like BBC news and RTE news are amusing.. RSS > TwatterLast edited by playthatbeat; Wed 29-06-2011, 10:35 AM.