Thought sum of yas mite find this mildley humurous, is still hilarious to meself me cuz & roomate at the time, needless 2say the 2 house mates who were older +girls were none to pleased to wander down in the mornin to find a giant fucken sign in the hallway of the flat + the kitchen absolutley covered in shite footprints hahahaha
i didn get rid of it for months, & showed a load of interested future tenants around while it was till there lol
( the land lady asked me 2, she didn no bout it..wonder how business is goin?!
The pics a couple of years old now, came off the wall! aaaah gud times!
The other 1 was taken at the Chemical Brothers this year @the point, finished to quickley &2 early i thought which was a pain in the ass,still plenty of fun was had & a flat tire on the way home 2
...funny tho

The pics a couple of years old now, came off the wall! aaaah gud times!
The other 1 was taken at the Chemical Brothers this year @the point, finished to quickley &2 early i thought which was a pain in the ass,still plenty of fun was had & a flat tire on the way home 2