Hahaha aaaah poor Magoon, of all the shams 2get a car raped u wudn wish it on our Magoon! He was tellin me he fuct it off the curb alright! Not upta much just the usual general messin, 24 bottles of amstel down the Smarket 4 7.49......suck that up hahaha in fucken fairness, +wen u bring the bottles back u get a couple a yo yos 2, sweet as a nut
............Hahahaha Helix and Springer sham yer favourite track just came on! Ne way...
Farrell sham, all sorts of shite hawkin, cant think of ntin in particular right now, Just doin it Dam style
Take it easy!

............Hahahaha Helix and Springer sham yer favourite track just came on! Ne way...
Farrell sham, all sorts of shite hawkin, cant think of ntin in particular right now, Just doin it Dam style

Take it easy!