We knew it was gonna be good when there was over 100 people in by 10pm. After some inital problems with the sound, the lads got off to a ripping start. A flawless techno/electro set by Sean Galvin, runner up in u.c.c. dj societys dj contest followed by the winner of same contest, Greg Hartnett who played a harder techno set.
Then it was the turn of the vetern technoheads, first Jamie Behan then T-rev.....they absolutely rocked the place. By this time there was over 250
happy punters in the small venue & the heat was really rising.
Tom hades liveset was awesome. fucking hard, & the quality of the sound was as good as vinyl or cd. The place went absolutely wild. Mr Hades kindly gave us permission to record his set which i will be posting up promptly. Then it was all back to Rouslans gaff for a big party. More nights like this please..............
we also recorded toms set ...you can get it off http://www.techfm.net in the next few days