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Look what i found!
i think it rained. yes, it rained. alot.
Then some nice farmers arrived and put bails of straw down for us to make mudballs out of.
...this was when man first realised that adding straw to mud makes a surface that is entirely dangerous to mashed people.. Mud - you know where you are with a bit of mud.. especially mud that has had all it`s crunchy bits creamed by other people first.. But Straw & Mud? Nah, some instinct inside us sees straw in mud and wants to help free it, and what better way to do that then wash it in the rain, which is falling from above alot.
No springer i have to disagree (this was when man first realised that adding straw to mud) People have been doing this for YEARS in africa building houses and shit and they also realised that It's not the best way sinceadding water to soil is how u make it, it will probably DESTROY it too but stilll good fun when ur MaShEd out of it
♪♫♪♫NoT fOr ArMeR
mmm.. yes, i remember "straw houses" from AFRICAN and MIDDLE-EASTERN history, i was speaking with my philistine pig-ignorant blinkered IRISH brain, where Straw and Mud never met professionally - celtic people used build shit out of ROCK, which if NEWGRANGE is anything to go by, was the correct choice. I mean, you never hear of an ancient MUD HUT bieng uncovered near jericho do you? No, because mud huts fuc*ing MELT don't they?