This is a very interesting Recording indeed.. The night in question was a "benifit" night for the Irish DMC franchise, to raise funds to send an irish rep. to the World Mixing Chanpionships.. On the Bill were Scary Eire, SoundCrowd (as DJs) and er.. some other people i can't remember.. This was also, i think, the night Ireland's Music Tech Guru LARRY O'TOOLE met/got to know better his future wife.. Well it was the first time we all saw them in one room together..
Anyway, it`s a nice tight set, all the classics and so on.. Yes. the Quality is totally crap, but this was requested by the band, as parts of this set will be available someday in full Quality.. Whatever, it`s no worse audio then some radio tapes i treasure..
(about 28mins)
This is a very interesting Recording indeed.. The night in question was a "benifit" night for the Irish DMC franchise, to raise funds to send an irish rep. to the World Mixing Chanpionships.. On the Bill were Scary Eire, SoundCrowd (as DJs) and er.. some other people i can't remember.. This was also, i think, the night Ireland's Music Tech Guru LARRY O'TOOLE met/got to know better his future wife.. Well it was the first time we all saw them in one room together..

(about 28mins)