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    21,320KB MP3.

    OK. Well. Now. I often hear people waxing on nostalgicly about the "glory days" of pirate radio in Ireland.. People Fondly remember ERI, NOVA and sometimes ARD and BIG D. Nobody ever mentions RADIO DUBLIN. So, here is an infamous bandscan, featuring an absolutely STUNNING outside Broadcast made by DUBLIN for the 22nd anniversary of the Station. The tape starts with some clips of Some of the other Pirates at the time, recorded on the same afternoon, in the same tape machine with the same tuner and antenna, so you can appreciate the different quality audios that were common in the day.. The clip features a few people that have since lost the patch over one eye I won`t name names, nor shall i try and guess what the f**k was going on during the RADIO DUBLIN outside broadcast, just download this, and re-live those care and quality-free days of Pirate Boradcasting and flogging a LONG dead horse, with a less then effective whip. WARNING: THIS CLIP MAY SCARE YOU!!

    (about 23mins)
    jUst plAythAtbEAt

  • #2
    Cookie Monster Brown Bread

    Time to revive this thread, as sadly, the COOKIE MONSTER, aka Eamonn Cook, aka Gerry Marsden passed away this weekend. I say SADLY as he was busy rotting in prison for multiple convictions related to child abuse, with many more pending, and his passing away (from cancer i am told) means he escapes early, unlike his surviving victims.

    So, i had a listen to the recording again, and it;s up for download, check it out:

    The series of events You will hear in this:

    * bandscan of various stations - you can hear the various qualitys of audio, ranging from Optimod beefy FM processed sound, thru' to hacked Aircraft transmitters

    * Radio Dublin appear, sounding like crap compared to everyone else, and they are in a ballroom/bingo hall in Walkinstown doing an 'outside broadcast' - USING A PHONE LINE, and in studio, a phone handset is up against a microphone or transducer patched to the ON AIR desk.

    * A randomer walks into the studio and starts to play at DJ - the house is deserted as everyone is at the party trying to score some affirmation or maybe cop a feel - the phone appears off the hook, so randomer puts it back in the cradle, it rings, he answers thinking it's the adoring public ringing to say how great he is, and as it is patched thru' to air, he is clueless that the 3 people listening can hear this carcrash of hum & him bellowing in his best posh accent "HELLO, RADIO DUBLIN?" - it's likely the captain had pulled the earpiece out and taped it to a mic to achieve the link, so he could not hear the idiots down the ballroom/bingo hall screaming at him to GTFO.

    * eventually he gets the message and leaves the desk alone, putting the lads back on air from their "PARTY", who then slag him off for his messsing

    * back at the event, the DJ on stage is trying his best mid-atlantic accent, and decides to play at host, passing the mic to his boss - the captain, eamonn hisself, using the bullshit name GERRY MARSDEN that day.

    * Gerry takes the baton, and starts interviewing the poor creatures that are there for the party - most have kids that WON TICKETS and are there cos' it's free, and are clueless. Gerry asks one poor girl if she will be entering for the MISS RADIO DUBLIN competition later, so we have to assume she was either Young, Cute, Had special needs, or a combination of the 3. PLAIN SIGHT he is at it. PLAIN SIGHT, except fuc*ing NOBODY listened to Radio Dublin back then, so it was likely missed.

    * Another 'presenter' interrupts from the studio end, and starts to plug his own show and chat to the capt'n, - the audio is superb through this witty banter, as is the subject matter

    * Gerry tires of this and it's back to the hot pumping DJ action on stage for some funky WANG CHUNG or whatever
    jUst plAythAtbEAt


    • #3
      Nice heartwarming thread about this lovely man:

      I should add something, in relation to one of the comments about some of the Radio Dublin staff being done for fraud - yes, i was witness to some of this! After the 89 shutdowns, when all the pirate stations went off-air (except DLR) there were many groups formed to pitch for the new licenses, mostly containing some local business tycoons (ie: pub owners) with money they needed to wax, and the usual collection of ageing radio twats, full of cloned and poorly interpreted ideas re: radio. Some of these groups won licenses, some did not. Mostly, those who were not pedos in suits won, and ex-radio dublin staff were left to wander in search of really stupid rural folk with money who would be impressed with stories of the early days of radio piracy, with vague references to the IRA and INLA for added cool.

      I came across several of these types during the early stages of the 'new' stations coming on air. They had IT ALL. Faces of alcoholics, shady fake names, ill-fitting suits, and for me, the best thing, VERY LITTLE actual knowledge of how radio works - both technically and intellectually. I could say "...we are waiting for the winkywankywoo to be delivered..." and then hear one of these idiots repeating this word-for-word later that day to someone else. It became a bit of an in-joke. OH, so to the fraud - yeh, well, all the shady suits fancied themselves as sales men (they all do) and their speciality was cashing cheques in pubs, especially when they had got the client to make the cheque out to them, instead of the radio station. Some were so sure of themselves, they didn't even schedule the ads they had sold, leading to a lot of pissed off clients.. STANDARD. In one place, these idiots made a IR£100,000 hole, by stealing the money from advertisers, and worst of all, not running the ads, alienating the client base for a decade.


      Most of them are dead now, which is also lovely.

      jUst plAythAtbEAt


      • #4

        Some things to watch out for if You are trying to spot and ex-radio dublin staffer:

        * Wears an ill-fitting suit
        * Smells of wee and Majors
        * Drives a brown car with no tax
        * Has 2 first names as his fake name, like DAVE ALAN or BRIAN DAVIDson etc.
        * Has vaguely famous sounding fake name , like DAVE FOXTON, or BRIAN DUKE
        * Knows nothing about radio whatsoever
        * Owns only early 80's compilation albums (tracks by T'pau, Wang Chung etc.)
        * Swears he is in the IRA, Hamas, INLA, UDF, NF, NRA (etc.)
        * 'goes way back' with Declan Meehan, Robbie Dale, Gerry Ryan etc.
        * Dj'd in THE OLYMPIC when it was a roller disco
        * Lives with mum or in caravan in her garden
        * On sex-offender register 'for a misunderstanding' on public transport
        jUst plAythAtbEAt


        • #5
          Thanks to a member for this link:

          and this one:

          jUst plAythAtbEAt


          • #6
            This partially related, as what most people do NOT remember clearly, is there were 2 groups of staff that split from RADIO DUBLIN in the early days - ie: the people who were not shite pedos, they joined the already FAR better ARD (Alternative Radio Dublin) and BIG D (aka big dick radio - for the presenters that had deeper voices and larger knobs).. Both of these stations were ALSO fuc*ing terrible, but many of the people that worked on them ended up on NOVA, SUNSHINE, 2FM, Millenium and many are still working today. Catch any of them in the right mood, and they will tell You of the cookie monster, and how creepy his whole gang were, and how they never felt comfortable around them.

            Basically, the Music spirit and Talent and drive left Radio Dublin, partially because Cookie was a fuc*ing monster, mostly because the station sucked balls, and THESE people went on to join the voices (and backbones) of radio in Ireland for decades to follow - NOT the creeps who stayed at RADIO DUBLIN - they all went on to smell of wee and touch up kids, and are now, thankfully, dead, or alone and about to be dead.

            The only fly in the ointment in this amazing piece of film is the brief flash of the king of the TV/Radio Rapers, Jimmy-The-Sav, but i think he was there because he thought DIG D was RADIO DUBLIN, him being not that smart and all, after all that bare-knuckle boxing..

            Anyway, some amazing stuff in this clip - INCLUDING shots of the OLYMPIC BALLROOM when it was a Roller Disco, and the opening week of THE IRISH LIFE MALL, which later went on to be the building COMREG offices were located - the people who control the radio spectrum in Ireland

            Last edited by playthatbeat; Mon 06-06-2016, 1:20 PM.
            jUst plAythAtbEAt


            • #7
              Back on topic - and related to the previous post, in that i think the Capt'n is referring to the mutiny that spawned Dig D and ARD, and the monster in general, here's some totally plausible shite:

              jUst plAythAtbEAt


              • #8
                Need some partial fill-in on all this scene? get this:


                Or click on this:

                jUst plAythAtbEAt


                • #9
                  Well-known Pirate radio and conspiracy theory expert Miles J has some epic videos on Youtube, this one starts with a snippit of CHANNEL 2, then ARD - channel 2 was Radio Dublin's attempt to make a channel to compliment the mother-station, and play some of the stuff more suitable for YOUNGER listeners.. or something..

                  Anyway, geek off:

                  jUst plAythAtbEAt

