85,451KB MP3
Yep, you read that Filename right - Pressure Live at the ASYLUM in Dublin City Centre In 1993.. Yes, it really did exist, and yes, it really was as messy as the Folklore Implys.. This File was Constructed from the original Master Cassette Recorded Right There, Right Then.. Some of You may Know this set from the bootleg Tape titled "WANTED!", that went Bootleg Triple-Platinum in 1995, after selling 6,000 copies Out of a Suitcase-with-legs at that year's Mad one at the Point.. Probably.. Well, here it is - Digitally remastered, and now featuring things like Hi-Hats, which the Multi-Generation tapes you have heard before this omitted.. Using the same technology George Lucas used to Fu*k Up THX-1138 and ruin Star Wars, we have painstakinly re-painted every hi-hat and clap in the mix - over 200,000 Closed Hi Hats alone were Re-Constructed to bring you this Definatly-Better-Then-the-bootleg-you-had-in-school one..
(about 90mins)
Yep, you read that Filename right - Pressure Live at the ASYLUM in Dublin City Centre In 1993.. Yes, it really did exist, and yes, it really was as messy as the Folklore Implys.. This File was Constructed from the original Master Cassette Recorded Right There, Right Then.. Some of You may Know this set from the bootleg Tape titled "WANTED!", that went Bootleg Triple-Platinum in 1995, after selling 6,000 copies Out of a Suitcase-with-legs at that year's Mad one at the Point.. Probably.. Well, here it is - Digitally remastered, and now featuring things like Hi-Hats, which the Multi-Generation tapes you have heard before this omitted.. Using the same technology George Lucas used to Fu*k Up THX-1138 and ruin Star Wars, we have painstakinly re-painted every hi-hat and clap in the mix - over 200,000 Closed Hi Hats alone were Re-Constructed to bring you this Definatly-Better-Then-the-bootleg-you-had-in-school one..
(about 90mins)