14987 hits this month.. still about 20 an hour but down on last month's 16000+ (counter broke for the last 5 days!)

Got this in the mail: ---" Administration wrote: Dear Tim, With regard to the information on your Web Site about the Temple Theatre and the scurles remarks and mis information they're in. First of all it is not a lease, the company behind the Temple Theatre owns this property. I demand that you remove these untruths forthwith, and may i say, in future it would do you better to enquire from the Temple Theatre the facts rather than garbage and roumours that you posted up and this will not be tolerated by Temple Theatre. We have instructed our solicitors to deal with this, and seek an apology and damages, which we will in turn to our nominated charity, Temple Street Children's Hospital.Yours Sincerly Jerry Harrington For and Behalf of Temple Theatre."
My Public Reply: I respectfully apologise to All involved in the Temple Theatre,Temple Street Children's Hospital And anyone else i may have offended by Publicly speaking my mind on the subject of Rumours surrounding the Temple Theatre's Immediate Future.As a commentator on, and contributer to the Zeitgiest of Irish Clubbing, It is my duty and in my interest to comment on and investigate such rumours, and i am delighted to receive the above full denial & correction from the Temple Theatre/Jerry Harrington, and i look foward to many more Successfull bookings in the future, which i`m sure we are all now relieved to know is secure!
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 280701/20.00-21.00
Firen` Squad Squaddies: Pressure (DJ/Soprano),DJ Orbit (BananaBoy/KissFM),Timmy & Tommy (DJs/Letterkenny Mafia).
*lil devious/come home(dave clarke)-rulin - 40%
rulin016/wri:baker & little//sony,AMP,Universal music
*sabotage/silicone-poisoned records - 40%
psn001/no details
*zero 7/destiny-ultimate dilemma - 62%
udr043/wri:binns & hardaKer//universal,EMI pub. www.zero7.co.uk
*emmanuel top/detune my fortune-leaded - 50%
b150203/wri:top//*****tore music pub www.attack-records.com
*stargate/wilder-telstar - 34%
12stas3198px/wri:rustan & hermansen//ATV,EMI pub.
*mijk van dijk/gametrax vol2-superstition - 56%
efa62837-6/wri:van dijk//edition babelfish www.nobackspin.de
*rank 1/such is life-clubgroove - 33%
cgr018/wri:de goeij & bervoets//strenghold music www.rank-1.com
*filckman/hey paradise-mostiko 23203046
*mauro picotto/like this like that-temprogressive tp9122mx
*espionage/sex education-rosenberg solo13t www.rosenberg.uk.com
*double d & stienski/lesson 3-bootleg no details
*raven maize/the real life(fatboy slim)-rulin 18t
*saeed & palash/sub attack-addictive ar006 addictiverecords.com
*claudio coccoluto/nae-tago-credence creddj012
*christian hornbostal/back to the music-southeast se12018
*johan gielen/velvet moods-freestyle fs2017 info@a-s.be
*does your mother sew?/stitch that-spring recordings sli11101
*4 strings/into the night-liquid lq019 +31.35.6834112
*freefall/skydive(johnson mix)-incentive
*nils van gogh/rushin-kosmo
*absence/we can be 1-white no details
*kai tracid/2 many times-tracid traxxx
*dj scott project/overdrive-overdose
*ntrance/set u free-all around the world
*rejected EP/i can`t get enough-bootleg
Christ on a pink Bike what hotness we r experiencing.. 2 nites ago was the hottest midnight temp in dublin EVER!! rite now it's a cool 29 degrees centigrade out there,now i understand why my car has aircon!! i did a real homer in the traffic 2day,wound it down so low you had to hold my words over a lighter to hear what i was saying!! serious steam-breath!! ahahahahah!! as i watched every softtop in the country drop and the smug drivers realised they were breathing a 50/50 mix of carbon-monoxide and rotting drains,i chilled (literally) checking out SUN101- dublin's 80's station playing some serious crap (belinda carlisle) and some serious dope (ultravox).. ahhhh.. the world is melting.. i DO prefer the winter but.. So.. this weekend was TEMPLE THEATRE, judje jules' club of the month in mixmag, and who can blame him.. i WAS a bit worried as it only took 15 minutes to drive the 20km into town from the stix, seriously, NO traffic, NO people, it was like the day after the day afer.. SANDER KLIENENBERG in redbox, THE SURGEON in the area and ME in the temple.. basically an all-angles-covered weekend, and i expected 2 chickens and a dog to play to, really, since next weekend is WITNESS and the August Bank holiday, traditionally the BENDER of all benders for the irish summer posse, let's be honest here... Bu .. Lo!!! a nice stuffed venue!! all in and pumping to DARREN FLYNN when i arrived, and the crypt bursting with ORBIT doing an amazing MALCOM DUFFY impression! And what a nice surprise for me too, some loyal springers had fashioned (a-team stylee!!) spring t-shirts!! one had taken my tag/sig and blown it up for a shirt and the other had a cool stickman-hed angle.. i'm touched (but you knew that!) that ppl go to the trouble! Really!! i'm glad you get a kick out of making,wearing and showing ME the stuff! And yes, i probably got as big a kick out of You doing it as you did off my face lighting up when i saw it!! Maaaaad! First came the Mitsi/Spring TriColour Flags (a ledgend now.BTW) now comes the homebrew shirts!! COOL!! A leaf out of my own book there - if you can`t buy it, MAKE IT!!! Ehm... Got the GT3 cheat disk, looks like a PS1 disk to me, contains "savegame" bits for bouncing onto a memorycard, usual cheats apply,think we'll just get a full licence and leave the unlimited money for another time.. Still the killer App for the PS2 though i don`t want to ruin it just yet!
This must be the quietest 2 weeks in living memory,.,. the streets are mt, and the sky is full of whispy mist - EXCELLENT time for a horrormovie session.. anyone fancy this: FRIGHTFEST 2001
So.. we (JP,Cian BIL,Stan The Scooby,Hilary and Myself) have all become slaves to GT3 on PS2.. (sigh) it looks like it's RIDGE RACER 5 all over again! The temptation to cheat is there, but DATEL seem reluctant to issue codes for the AR and instead want 9.99 for some dodgy CD of cheats.. needless to say we are above paying for cheats, i mean, it`s un-ethical!! OK, i`m lying, we paid for it, the pain of driving a Turbo Yaris is getting too much to bear! Got the DATs of saturday night's set from GPO,have it packed into MP3s for the next distribution of Mp3 Mix CDRs in it`s entire glory.. sounds lush, and the crowd are very nice and "there".. Those waiting since b4 i was on holiday for CDRs should be getting them this week.. This weekend is TEMPLE THEATRE for me.. and if the rumours of it's impending closure are true, it MAY be the last time i play there.. so.. sad really concidering the likes of JULES is naming it as his "venue of the month", but the tell-tale scaffolding around the spire and walls spell decay and disaster for the old black church (for 'tis it..) could years of pounding kickdrums be fashioning our very own leaning tower of pizza? wave goodbye to another piece of our lives.. ;(
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 210701/20.00-21.00
Firen` Squad Portable Edition, Live from DRUM BAR Galway For the ESSENTIAL WEEKENDER on 2FM and Full A/V feed on The Web!
Squaddies: Cian O`Ciamhan (RNGDJ/2FMDJ/DJ),DJ Ted (Religon Records/Essence),Kieth Disco (Disconaughts Navigator).
*claudio coccoluto/blues brunch-credence - 73%
12creddj012/wri:martinez & coccoluto//many ed. musicali srl.
*bob marley/soul shakedown-silk - 7%
no details (due to kieth smashing the record over his head)
*christian hornbostal/back to the music-southeast - 51%
se12018/wri:hornbostal & blaize//vimana mv www.southeast-recordings.co.uk
*svenson & gielan/beauty of silence-xtrahard - 6%
x2h5dj/wri:artists//no details
*n trance/set u free-all around the world - 2%
12xglobe242/no details
*jfk/good god-y2k - 7%
y2k025/no details www.puregroove.co.uk
Special essence (gpo fri nite) resident mix Live from the Drum Bar!
No Details.
Special Pre-Prepared "essential weekender" Hour by DISCONAUGHTS!
Playlist Unavailable.
00.30-Live From the GPO!
That legdendary set in full:
*5 below zero/club quake - kickin' kick117a
*cuban sluts/bossa nova baby - white prgus4 +1.305.576.8860
*lil'devious/come home(dave clarke) - rulin 16p5
*nils van gogh/rushin - kosmo kos202
*hi end system/lost - toc ttm001 info@tictocmusic.co.uk
*orion too/you & me - mostiko 23-20077
*onmipresence/weapon - md 0085 www.mdrecords.net
*manchild/nothing without me - white 183tp12p www.manchild.co.uk
*kai tracid/too many times - tracid traxx ttx 2029
*hypertraxx/paranoid - overdose dmddose080 www.overdose.de
*offcast proj./into the light - reign 0217985 +44.1506.443888
*epo vs. sergio ercolino/cocane - clubtown 08-45006-20
*utah saints/lost vagueness - echo ecdj1051ab
*dj wout/the awakening - illusion ill 940101-12
*guess who!/posse - knotor b145855-1 www.kontor.cc
*peter g & the clubjock/club strings - deejay records djr002
*dax/ga ga - casa dura casa 009 www.puregroove.co.uk
-=(2fm broadcast ends@2am)=-
*devil d/he's the devil - mostiko 23200816
*ben shift/isla dorada - md 0083
*rmb/horizon - various records 27 587150
*sacramento/touch me - md 0079
*technoboy/ravers rules - titanic ttc009
*pascal colet/pupille 2001 - hardware files hdw000912
And so say all of us!! Special shouts to:jon & niall & gpo/drum cru for hosting one of the best nights ive -=ever=- played.. and i`m not talking "best nights" as in the poxy new coke add, you know, with the sad fuc*ers dressed like wannabees in the metro train late at night and one of them slugs from a can and realises the night he just had with his 5 buddies was "the best night of my life"?? well this is a different type of best, i actually mean i ENJOYED myself!! I had a HORRID 5 hour+ drive up in the bratmobile thanks to ENFIELD and MOATE.. WTF?? talk about bollocks! what gridlock! messsssy.. but soon snapped out of it whenthings got going.. Also respek due to the Roadcaster cru, overseer IAN,and shouts to the TALLAGHT delegation for making the effort too - all in all a pretty excellent weekender! WHAT?!?! no MOANS besides the traffik? welll... if you must pry.. (we must we must..) there WAS a triple-aborted brekfast incident.. starting with the lame continental in the hotel,i mean, how can u fuc* up toast & t, coffe, florncakes and orange juice? Well they did it.. bitter coffe (why scald the coffee?? are you stupid or something?its NOT meant to taste bitter!!!) rubber toast, DAIRYSLIME (note: DAIRYSLIME is NOT butter, it`s the devil`s spunk) and no sugar?!?!? -=SO=- pissed off was we that we left 2 seek other brekky pushers in the district.. (i had a masterplan of doing roomservice brekky at 9am after 2 hours sleep, then flaking out b4 housekeeping break the door down.. it was a nice thick door so i thought it`d b AT LEAST 3pm b4 they managed it..) so we hit eyre square and the cafe we did the last time we stayed over.. mmm.. microwave re-heated fried eggs? no. i don`t think so. especially for 6 quid for 2 eggs & 2 toast!!! fuc*thatforagameofbrekfast..lets go to MCDONALDS where a BIGEGGSPACEBUNBREKFAST is 2 quid and made in the last hour.. mmm.. finally we got passed the solid food barrier,but THEY HAD NO T R COFFEE due to a broken something.. WTF? Is it me? Don`t you west-coast doods do brekfast? Where's the croissants? the Mellow coffe? the _real_ cornflakes.. the panckakes.. the slivers of crisp bacon and maple syrup? the 2 boiled eggs and firm-but-not dough toast? Where's the Iced T? the Mineral water and ice? Ah well.. after 3 aborted brekky attempts and 2 hours sleep the drive home was a numb experience... but u cudnt get the smile off my face.. hope all who attended njoid it as much as we all did.. nice 1!
Hmmm.. well, i slept for 12 hours, didn`t help the "they're coming to get me" angle i developed after the super 12-hour airport horror i had.. So.. am i recharged? After a week of no music and baking sunshine? Sortof..I really have no problem with 40degree+ weather and blinding sunshine,just like i quite enjoy -30degrees and Snow-Blindness!! It sure makes a change from the mixedbag we get here in rocky-mountain-highland-wicklow.. (shit!! am i _really_ talking about the weather??) I read SO much newsprint out of total boredom that i can safely say i am an expert on the G8 conference and the various anarchist groups that are making it uncomfortable for the participating delegates in Italy this week.. Ditto on the current state of play in the cigarette wars and how the companys fix prices and encourage smuggling! er.. eh.. yeah, you guessed it, i was a little bit bored and subdued most of the time. Got a CD from Greek DJ from MAD STAFF on Rhodos which i`m gonna schedual for Power's mix slot on Sat nights,Deep house is the angle for the greeks it seems.. and the strange trend of naming urself after a famous DJ/Artist You admire continues.. I 1st noticed it in 1988 with ChrisCoolJ (LL CoolJay) at Lazer,he played Derek B "bad Young brother" and Pink Floyd "Time" alot!!
Our Friend From MAD STAFF Names Himself after Dimitri From Paris!? Confusing huh? Anyway, Listen out for the mix sooner or later.. Garage was NOWHERE on the Islands except for the Brit Strongholds like Aiya Napa and Falaraki (as expected) and the same went for the people.. In fact, any British crews out on a mission seemed to be Tagged with Themed t-shirts or armbands (much to their tribal-instinct-driven delight!) so everyone else could stear clear i imagine.. Very sad indeed if you think about it... If someone wanted to tag me as an Irishman or *** or Whatever i`d object in the strongest possible way,even if it was allegedly "for my own safety".
So Any funnys you ask? Err.. not really.. but 2 things about Gatwick airport.. When passing thru 2 the Airport lounge Airside, the security TOOK MY PHOTO WITHOUT MY CONCENT and without informing me they were doing so (do i LOOK stupid?) and then marked my boarding pass with a barcode sticker which in turn was linked to the digital image.. When i went to the gate, they scanned the barcode and up popped the image so they could see if it was me still.. WTF? hellooooo???? This is an invasion of privacy and i don`t like it at all.. so. there. just to warn you.. if you ever pass through gatwick and plan to do some shape-shifting or mind-transferrence into a nicer body, you`ll get dome hasstle from the Jobsworth and their extremely expencive Digital-imaging Privicy invasion network.. The BIG question is.. who said they could store a picture of me anyway?? and where is it NOW? Cunts.
Oh..And remember i Noticed the Virgin Megastores had all turned into No-Stock VSTOREs?? Well there is 1 slight advantage to the "only stocking the latest shit" aspect, they pile it high and sell it cheap!!! got a PILE of stuff in the Gatwick one.. DVDs like PEEPING TOM and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS for similer prices to the Web.. and the new Ministry Playstation2 DVD for Under a tenner, the Sonique mix Album i`m on for 12 quid etc... i was well happy.. er.. but then the last leg of the trip went a bit pete.. i left the bag of stuff in the luggage locker.. ulp! I mean.. if _You_ found a plastic bag stuffed with Groovy CDs and DVDs while cleaning out the aircraft after a redeye-business flight, what would YOU do? well i know what I would do.. regardless of my job, Hostess, Cleaning staff, Servisair Trainee, Nosey Last-passenger-off-the-flight or Pilot, i`d be STRAIGHT IN THERE for some hot free-shit action!!! No questions, straight into my bag and off into the sunset like a fuc*in` superstar before the closing titles in a steve reeves movie!! Whay-heyyy!!! I am SHOCKED and delighted to report the crew (BA) actually passed the bag,unsealed as it was,unmolested on to the lost-property section at dublin airport for them to enjoy.. and You know what? They admitted to having it and RISKYSEAN (who lives nearby) is lifting it for me today.. amazing. Now.. here's the darkside.. ehhehhehehhe.. when i phoned the BritishAirways 1-800 number on the offchance they could help find it, they bounced me around for an HOUR.. bulshitting me with various numbers in gatwick and dublin, in the end trying to pass me on to BRITISH MIDLAND???!?!?!?! I now am in possetion of ALL the Lost property numbers in Gatwick for all the service providers.. And they all FAILED to even TRY to help, all inventing lame excuses as to why it wasn`t their problem.. the BA staff were no better on the Switch,their phone system is so bad that i was RANDOMLY jumped in and out of OTHER PEOPLE's conversations and at one stage nearly ended up getting booked on a flight to LAGOS! The robofone system announces "ur call may be recorded for training purposes.." training in what?? ANARCHY?? I couldn`t have done a better job of designing a "black hole" phone-system myself! If you fancy trying it for yourself.. call 1-800-626-747 from ireland, it`s AMAZING.. really.. and it`s free!!
2moro night is a biggy!! Galway in full effect.. Live from the DRUM BAR in Ayre Square from 8pm (all wecome... yes it`s a family affair!!) with the SQUAD, then l8r in the GPO with POWER and me for a 2FM SPEAKEASY SESSION.. All live on 2FM 90-92FM, and in REALAUDIO on http://www.2fm.ie with Visuals as well during the squad from the venue!! it`ll be like a (drunken) TV show.. Here`s the lineup:
The 2FM Speakeasy Sessions Tour @ GPO Galway
This Saturday Catch All The Action Live From The GPO Galway Kicking Off With Mr Spring's Firing Squad,Live From The Drum Bar Between 8 & 9,For The First Official FREE Sessions Tour Warm Up Party.The Panel Of Guest's Will Include Cian Ó Ciabháin,Essence Resident DJ Ted,The Disconauts & A Live Studio Audience!!
Then @ 11 We Dive Headfirst Into The Main Room @ GPO For Some Pure Hedonistic Mayhem With John Power & Mr Spring On The Decks Till 2.If You Can't Be There Check Out All The Action Live On-Line With Our Resident Light Surgeons Providing The Audio & Visual Soundtrack.
Limited Tickets Are Still On Sale From Ticketmaster & Usual Outlets Nationwide Or Tune Into Mark McCabe & John Power This Friday From 7,For Your Chance To Get On Board The Hottest Guestlist In The Country.
2FM Sessions Tour @ GPO Galway On-Air Running Order
18:00 - 20:00 Clubversive With Boy George
20:00 - 22:00 The Firing Squad Live In Drum
22:00 - 23:00 Guest Hotmix : The Disconauts
23:00 - 00:45 John Power
00:45 - 02:00 Mr Spring
02:00 - 03:00 LATE NIGHT SESSIONS : Tony C
Back in 1 piece.. er.. sort of. And i have a story or 2 to tell 2.. but not now,when ive slept.
As the man himself is off galavanting and sunning himself in tastier climes I (we) are stuck with shite-awful pissing rain and thunder, in JULY!! WTF??
Where's this global warming we've been promised?? So anyway, back 2 da rok, and on with the update, the Firing Squad was pants without him anyway! MArk, behave m8!....
Greetings from the Aegean sea!! 34 Degrees here in the
shade.. Feta cheese is the only edible thing ive seen,
sheep`s eyeballs in aspic dont move me at all
greeks have a wierd turn on music, wailing burds on
twang.. The Turks have _no_ idea at all, wailing
BLOKES over Yamaha home organ beats.. But the Kings of
Stinky tunes are defin8ly the Albanians.. They defy
description. Soundclash city.. Did you see the thing
on the Island hoppers` ferry disasters? on TV? well,
the VERY BOAT that was in that disaster in Norway IS
HERE!! Running ppl between Lebanon and Cyprus!!! Good
lord!! OMEN: what was on greek TV lastnight? MIDNIGHT
EXPRESS.. I rest my case for the trying of local
produce... FALARAKI sux, full of pisshead english,
AIYA NAPA is much better, less booze mo tunage..
clickity clickity chips n` beans!!
www.hiphopireland.com has some fine photoz 2 cheer u up!!
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 060701/20.00-21.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Mark McCabe (2FMDJ/The New Robbie Williams),Andrew O'Connor (2FM Sports Kingpin),Robbie Spectrum (5 Dancing Men In 7 This Week Dude/Spectrum Is Green).
*lamai/troubled soul-AM:PM - 22%
*bassballs/l'impossible-gpo records - 52%
gpo005/no details
*tall paul vs. inxs/precious heart-duty free - 47%
dftel001p/no details
*u2/elevation-island - minus one third of infinity
12ele1/wri:u2 & bono//mother music/polygram BV www.u2.com
*roots manuva/witness(one hope)-big dada - 71%
bd022/wri:smith//chrysalis music
*dj ziad/4 to the floor-tripoli trax - 70%
ttrax077/pure groove music www.puregroove.co.uk
*skinny/morning light-cheeky 003c
//cheeky music
*ben shift/isla dorada-md 0083
wri:alba flores//king records edidiones www.mdrecords.net
*freefall/skydive-incentive cent22tdjaa
*pascal colet/pupile 2001-hardware files hdw000912
wri:grossmann//manifold music +4971133693099
*dj guis/de.generation-spectra spc023
*omnipresence-weapon-md 0085
wri:manzano//king records ediciones
*unknown/unknown-white label stitch 1
*cosmic gate/firewire-data
*Orion 2/you & me-mostiko
*dj garry/my own kind of style-FTW
*succargo/get it higher-startraxx str031
wri:succargo//startraxx publishing www.rhythmimport.nl
*dj wout/island of trance-illusion
*green martian records #039 no details
*xtc records #055 no details
*SuReaL/always on my mind-AM:PM ampmxdj146 www.ampm.co.uk
*nils van goch/rushin-kosmo kos202 www.kosmomusic.com
Much Joy to visit Limerick on Friday Nite, er.. i said it was THE DOCKS, as in a place whewre boats hang out, but it turned out to be "Doc's", as in 'belonging to a doctor'.. er.. so there.. have sore thighs after playing the isle of man TT race sim thingy before playing for 2 hours.. Very nice place! Maddeterrainian (?!) feel with the courtyard and such.. Very loud club indeed, bit of the old bass-carpet feedback which was a shame, as was the requests for 'silence' (which the guy on b4 me dropped actually) and '1 pop song at the end please'.. but hey, i defin8ly saw the funny side of it!! I reckon the place will mature nicely, it has _such_ potential! And wasn`t it mad 2 c the BALLINA cru in PanamaJaxx Last night?! Do i remember the COURT in ballina? Oh yes ;-) As 4 lastnite,fun but STILL very nasty conditions to work in.. those nasty flat-headed yellow wierd concorde-wannabe carts had returned to the decks despite the messing last time so basically every time the room took off the right deck skipped! How headwrecking for the cru when after a nice big build you launch into a -=bREakDAncEfRenZy=- and the bleeding record skips and ruins your rhythm!!! grrr!!! drove me mental. sorry. but it did. ANYWAY... i enjoyed meself and apart from the skippy-mc deck angl, i hope u lot did 2! It's Shocking that everywhere i play now people come up and ask me for POSSE by GUESS WHO,i detect a frenzy to get & play it approaching.. (mayday! etc..)
Single News: The current MrSpring Single "*****/LSA" Had sold out it`s initial Spanish Production run But Is Bieng Specially RePressed For a Bit of a release Here In Ireland.. ABBEY DANCE will be Importing & Distributing it (Dublin 8733733).. Meanwhile FUTURESOUNDS have a few Vinyl copies in stock (Dublin 6167020) from the initial run.. AL GIBBS of FM104 Informed on JOHN KELLY dropping ***** in MANUMISSION last weekend.. (??!!!??!?) this isn`t the 1st time someone has said to me they heard it in IBEEFA, but it IS the 1st time someone could back it up with a WHO,WHERE and WHEN!! Nice 1 for staying sober long enuf to notice AL! Reports also rolling in of shops in Ibeefa and DaCanaries charging 4000pts for a copy claiming it`s "Been deleted innit.." Well, i reassure you a special run is bieng done just for Irish Import as You read.. so Enuf the paying 20 quid for it behaviour... Album News: In production,expect 1st batch next week.. not sure of the release date yet, but obviously we missed the proposed "end of june" by a mile.. ho hum... NewSingle News: Have decided the next single will be 2 totally new tunes done in the last 2 weeks.. DOES YOUR MOTHER SEW?(STITCH THAT) and FiretrUCK! So. Now the messing begins.
Fancy a Portable CD/CDR/MP3 player? Look here.. Mmmm.. u can compile your own CDRs of MP3s and play them like a normal 6 hour+ cd!!! Mmmm niiiice. and it does CDV for all you kiddys out here in chinatown.. We were so bored today (it rained) we made a tv game! a simple ball&bat affair but it seriously beats anything on the PS2 for outright playability! The game is 90% skill and 10% luck.. i'd say we have a brand new event to wager on for the next COFFEE TABLE OLYMPICS!
Charley Says Whenever You go Out you should tell someone where You are going.. and You shouldn`t talk to any strange men in Lime-green highlighted tight white satin jumpsuits with capes at zebera crossings, nor should you set fire to the countryside.. Hehehe.. Oh and while You are at it.. Darkside have their VIDEO NASTIES 2 book out soon.. mmmmm.. TV Flaaashbaaack..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 290601/20.00-23.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Darren Rice (DJ/Creamfields Comp. Winner),Pressure (DJ/Living Ledgend),Conor G (DJ/Mono/Nova).
*weekend players/21st century-multiply - 44%
gbawv0102471/no details
*da hool/meet her at the love parade-manifesto - 55%
hooldj2/wri:dj hooligan//hanseatic music www.manifestorecords.co.uk
*mutiny/the virus-vc records - 60%
vcrtdj91/wri:barnes & davy//ministry of sound publishing info@kingunique.com
*de la soul/the art of getting jumped-tommyboy - 50%
no details www.tommyboy.com
*sipping soma/superconcious (so alive)-religon music - 18%
0118660rlgp/wri:matson/radford//beatform music www.religonmusic.com
*dj jean/lift me up-mo bizz - -37% (minus 37%)
mbzz043-12/wri:itty bitty & jean//hitpick songs www.digidance.cc
*backyard dog/baddest ruffest-east west - 56%
ew233t/wri:hanley & akinola//BMG music www.backyarddog.net
*king of house/beach bum - md records (esp) md0082
wri:jj dela fuente & dimas carbajo//king records edidiones musicales
*cosmoquito/der blaue planet - vinyl vibes (ger) 003
wri:dj neo//eec & emi music www.vinylvibes.de / www.tranceformation.de
*peter g & the clubjock/clubstrings - deejay records (ned) djr002
*privilege/power - stargate (bel) star005003
wri:mirisola/beelen//headroom music info@headroommusic.com
*kai tracid/too many times - tracid traxxx (ger) ttx2029
wri:kai mac donald//edition kunst & wahmsinn www.tracidtraxxx.de
*guesswho!/posse(i need you on the floor) - kontor (ger) kontor 168
no details www.nobackspin.de
*elastica/audience - nothing records (ger) nothing 028
wri:mertens//tempo music www.fogarea.de
*native/feel the drums - drizzly (ger) driz2011/63
wri:tissera//proof songs www.drizzly.de
*dave davis/underground subway - bonzai (bel) br2000168
wri:chab & davis//bonzai music www.bonzai.be
*5 below zero/club quake - kickin (UK) kick 117
no details//kickin music +442089644400
*squarepusher/my red hot car - warp (UK) wap147cd
wri:tom jenkinson//warp music www.warprecords.com
*groove electronic/indian requiem - headline (ger) hdr0003
epper//edition klangforschung www.headline-records.de
*qzar/dirty beat - dance pollution (itl) poll189
wri:dona & farina//arsenic sound srl. arsenic@tin.it
*dj wag/the big bang - overdose (ger) dmddose064
wri:wagenknecht & misar//edition yakooza www.overdose.de
*sacramento/touch me - md (esp) md0079
wri:manzano & shaker//king records ediciones musicales
*rocco & hiest/rescue me - black&blue (uk) neo12044
wri:rocco & hiest//black & blue music ltd.
*cygnus x/superstring dub - xtravaganza (uk) xtravdj28
no details
*mrspring/firetruck - spring recordings (irl) sli10801r
wri:********//atrisk music
*green matrian#039 - green martian records (bel) gm2001039
no details
Wow.. what a superlazyhazy weekend weve had.. the 1st weekend off ive had in such a long time.. and i did capital fuc*all! Except for the DVD install in the bratmobile.. all went slowly and well untill the powering up of the display - DOA `fraid.. so it`s winging it's way back to the edgeware road for a reload.. messy! verrrry messy.. not 2 worry, i cruised by the church on mainstreet after midday mass with the "your mother sucks cox in hell" scene from the exorcist at silly volume anyway,just 2 be sure.. Bumped in2 LAR WHEEL in dublin on friday,nice 2 c him functioning correctly, he informed on his m8s (liquid wheel) re:new trax in the can,i'm looking out for a MD soon from which we'll be able 2 judge the extent of damage they have sustained since we heard a trak of theirz last.. Weekend Listening went all albumy 4 us, SQUAREPUSHERs go plastic, HUMAN LEAGUEs secrets and LONDON POSSEs ganster chronicle went on rotation in the bratcave while the movie of the weekend was INVASION OF THE BODYSNATCHERS..
This week i'm recording a LEO KELLY tune and gigging in THE DOCKS in limerick on friday and PANAMA JACKS in castlebar on saturday.. PRESSURE plays newcastlewest on friday night too, so expect some messy convoy behaviour on friday night from ur eastcoast cuzinz!
The Album is Bieng made as i type,should have copies within a week and i'll have the first one out of the box 2 give away here weeks before anyone else gets theirs (the press, disrtibuter, shops, local theives & ***ish mafia etc..) so keep em peeled for a silly question 2 determine the lucky recipient!
14987 hits this month.. still about 20 an hour but down on last month's 16000+ (counter broke for the last 5 days!)

Got this in the mail: ---" Administration wrote: Dear Tim, With regard to the information on your Web Site about the Temple Theatre and the scurles remarks and mis information they're in. First of all it is not a lease, the company behind the Temple Theatre owns this property. I demand that you remove these untruths forthwith, and may i say, in future it would do you better to enquire from the Temple Theatre the facts rather than garbage and roumours that you posted up and this will not be tolerated by Temple Theatre. We have instructed our solicitors to deal with this, and seek an apology and damages, which we will in turn to our nominated charity, Temple Street Children's Hospital.Yours Sincerly Jerry Harrington For and Behalf of Temple Theatre."
My Public Reply: I respectfully apologise to All involved in the Temple Theatre,Temple Street Children's Hospital And anyone else i may have offended by Publicly speaking my mind on the subject of Rumours surrounding the Temple Theatre's Immediate Future.As a commentator on, and contributer to the Zeitgiest of Irish Clubbing, It is my duty and in my interest to comment on and investigate such rumours, and i am delighted to receive the above full denial & correction from the Temple Theatre/Jerry Harrington, and i look foward to many more Successfull bookings in the future, which i`m sure we are all now relieved to know is secure!
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 280701/20.00-21.00
Firen` Squad Squaddies: Pressure (DJ/Soprano),DJ Orbit (BananaBoy/KissFM),Timmy & Tommy (DJs/Letterkenny Mafia).
*lil devious/come home(dave clarke)-rulin - 40%
rulin016/wri:baker & little//sony,AMP,Universal music
*sabotage/silicone-poisoned records - 40%
psn001/no details
*zero 7/destiny-ultimate dilemma - 62%
udr043/wri:binns & hardaKer//universal,EMI pub. www.zero7.co.uk
*emmanuel top/detune my fortune-leaded - 50%
b150203/wri:top//*****tore music pub www.attack-records.com
*stargate/wilder-telstar - 34%
12stas3198px/wri:rustan & hermansen//ATV,EMI pub.
*mijk van dijk/gametrax vol2-superstition - 56%
efa62837-6/wri:van dijk//edition babelfish www.nobackspin.de
*rank 1/such is life-clubgroove - 33%
cgr018/wri:de goeij & bervoets//strenghold music www.rank-1.com
*filckman/hey paradise-mostiko 23203046
*mauro picotto/like this like that-temprogressive tp9122mx
*espionage/sex education-rosenberg solo13t www.rosenberg.uk.com
*double d & stienski/lesson 3-bootleg no details
*raven maize/the real life(fatboy slim)-rulin 18t
*saeed & palash/sub attack-addictive ar006 addictiverecords.com
*claudio coccoluto/nae-tago-credence creddj012
*christian hornbostal/back to the music-southeast se12018
*johan gielen/velvet moods-freestyle fs2017 info@a-s.be
*does your mother sew?/stitch that-spring recordings sli11101
*4 strings/into the night-liquid lq019 +31.35.6834112
*freefall/skydive(johnson mix)-incentive
*nils van gogh/rushin-kosmo
*absence/we can be 1-white no details
*kai tracid/2 many times-tracid traxxx
*dj scott project/overdrive-overdose
*ntrance/set u free-all around the world
*rejected EP/i can`t get enough-bootleg
Christ on a pink Bike what hotness we r experiencing.. 2 nites ago was the hottest midnight temp in dublin EVER!! rite now it's a cool 29 degrees centigrade out there,now i understand why my car has aircon!! i did a real homer in the traffic 2day,wound it down so low you had to hold my words over a lighter to hear what i was saying!! serious steam-breath!! ahahahahah!! as i watched every softtop in the country drop and the smug drivers realised they were breathing a 50/50 mix of carbon-monoxide and rotting drains,i chilled (literally) checking out SUN101- dublin's 80's station playing some serious crap (belinda carlisle) and some serious dope (ultravox).. ahhhh.. the world is melting.. i DO prefer the winter but.. So.. this weekend was TEMPLE THEATRE, judje jules' club of the month in mixmag, and who can blame him.. i WAS a bit worried as it only took 15 minutes to drive the 20km into town from the stix, seriously, NO traffic, NO people, it was like the day after the day afer.. SANDER KLIENENBERG in redbox, THE SURGEON in the area and ME in the temple.. basically an all-angles-covered weekend, and i expected 2 chickens and a dog to play to, really, since next weekend is WITNESS and the August Bank holiday, traditionally the BENDER of all benders for the irish summer posse, let's be honest here... Bu .. Lo!!! a nice stuffed venue!! all in and pumping to DARREN FLYNN when i arrived, and the crypt bursting with ORBIT doing an amazing MALCOM DUFFY impression! And what a nice surprise for me too, some loyal springers had fashioned (a-team stylee!!) spring t-shirts!! one had taken my tag/sig and blown it up for a shirt and the other had a cool stickman-hed angle.. i'm touched (but you knew that!) that ppl go to the trouble! Really!! i'm glad you get a kick out of making,wearing and showing ME the stuff! And yes, i probably got as big a kick out of You doing it as you did off my face lighting up when i saw it!! Maaaaad! First came the Mitsi/Spring TriColour Flags (a ledgend now.BTW) now comes the homebrew shirts!! COOL!! A leaf out of my own book there - if you can`t buy it, MAKE IT!!! Ehm... Got the GT3 cheat disk, looks like a PS1 disk to me, contains "savegame" bits for bouncing onto a memorycard, usual cheats apply,think we'll just get a full licence and leave the unlimited money for another time.. Still the killer App for the PS2 though i don`t want to ruin it just yet!
This must be the quietest 2 weeks in living memory,.,. the streets are mt, and the sky is full of whispy mist - EXCELLENT time for a horrormovie session.. anyone fancy this: FRIGHTFEST 2001
So.. we (JP,Cian BIL,Stan The Scooby,Hilary and Myself) have all become slaves to GT3 on PS2.. (sigh) it looks like it's RIDGE RACER 5 all over again! The temptation to cheat is there, but DATEL seem reluctant to issue codes for the AR and instead want 9.99 for some dodgy CD of cheats.. needless to say we are above paying for cheats, i mean, it`s un-ethical!! OK, i`m lying, we paid for it, the pain of driving a Turbo Yaris is getting too much to bear! Got the DATs of saturday night's set from GPO,have it packed into MP3s for the next distribution of Mp3 Mix CDRs in it`s entire glory.. sounds lush, and the crowd are very nice and "there".. Those waiting since b4 i was on holiday for CDRs should be getting them this week.. This weekend is TEMPLE THEATRE for me.. and if the rumours of it's impending closure are true, it MAY be the last time i play there.. so.. sad really concidering the likes of JULES is naming it as his "venue of the month", but the tell-tale scaffolding around the spire and walls spell decay and disaster for the old black church (for 'tis it..) could years of pounding kickdrums be fashioning our very own leaning tower of pizza? wave goodbye to another piece of our lives.. ;(
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 210701/20.00-21.00
Firen` Squad Portable Edition, Live from DRUM BAR Galway For the ESSENTIAL WEEKENDER on 2FM and Full A/V feed on The Web!
Squaddies: Cian O`Ciamhan (RNGDJ/2FMDJ/DJ),DJ Ted (Religon Records/Essence),Kieth Disco (Disconaughts Navigator).
*claudio coccoluto/blues brunch-credence - 73%
12creddj012/wri:martinez & coccoluto//many ed. musicali srl.
*bob marley/soul shakedown-silk - 7%
no details (due to kieth smashing the record over his head)
*christian hornbostal/back to the music-southeast - 51%
se12018/wri:hornbostal & blaize//vimana mv www.southeast-recordings.co.uk
*svenson & gielan/beauty of silence-xtrahard - 6%
x2h5dj/wri:artists//no details
*n trance/set u free-all around the world - 2%
12xglobe242/no details
*jfk/good god-y2k - 7%
y2k025/no details www.puregroove.co.uk
Special essence (gpo fri nite) resident mix Live from the Drum Bar!
No Details.
Special Pre-Prepared "essential weekender" Hour by DISCONAUGHTS!
Playlist Unavailable.
00.30-Live From the GPO!
That legdendary set in full:
*5 below zero/club quake - kickin' kick117a
*cuban sluts/bossa nova baby - white prgus4 +1.305.576.8860
*lil'devious/come home(dave clarke) - rulin 16p5
*nils van gogh/rushin - kosmo kos202
*hi end system/lost - toc ttm001 info@tictocmusic.co.uk
*orion too/you & me - mostiko 23-20077
*onmipresence/weapon - md 0085 www.mdrecords.net
*manchild/nothing without me - white 183tp12p www.manchild.co.uk
*kai tracid/too many times - tracid traxx ttx 2029
*hypertraxx/paranoid - overdose dmddose080 www.overdose.de
*offcast proj./into the light - reign 0217985 +44.1506.443888
*epo vs. sergio ercolino/cocane - clubtown 08-45006-20
*utah saints/lost vagueness - echo ecdj1051ab
*dj wout/the awakening - illusion ill 940101-12
*guess who!/posse - knotor b145855-1 www.kontor.cc
*peter g & the clubjock/club strings - deejay records djr002
*dax/ga ga - casa dura casa 009 www.puregroove.co.uk
-=(2fm broadcast ends@2am)=-
*devil d/he's the devil - mostiko 23200816
*ben shift/isla dorada - md 0083
*rmb/horizon - various records 27 587150
*sacramento/touch me - md 0079
*technoboy/ravers rules - titanic ttc009
*pascal colet/pupille 2001 - hardware files hdw000912
And so say all of us!! Special shouts to:jon & niall & gpo/drum cru for hosting one of the best nights ive -=ever=- played.. and i`m not talking "best nights" as in the poxy new coke add, you know, with the sad fuc*ers dressed like wannabees in the metro train late at night and one of them slugs from a can and realises the night he just had with his 5 buddies was "the best night of my life"?? well this is a different type of best, i actually mean i ENJOYED myself!! I had a HORRID 5 hour+ drive up in the bratmobile thanks to ENFIELD and MOATE.. WTF?? talk about bollocks! what gridlock! messsssy.. but soon snapped out of it whenthings got going.. Also respek due to the Roadcaster cru, overseer IAN,and shouts to the TALLAGHT delegation for making the effort too - all in all a pretty excellent weekender! WHAT?!?! no MOANS besides the traffik? welll... if you must pry.. (we must we must..) there WAS a triple-aborted brekfast incident.. starting with the lame continental in the hotel,i mean, how can u fuc* up toast & t, coffe, florncakes and orange juice? Well they did it.. bitter coffe (why scald the coffee?? are you stupid or something?its NOT meant to taste bitter!!!) rubber toast, DAIRYSLIME (note: DAIRYSLIME is NOT butter, it`s the devil`s spunk) and no sugar?!?!? -=SO=- pissed off was we that we left 2 seek other brekky pushers in the district.. (i had a masterplan of doing roomservice brekky at 9am after 2 hours sleep, then flaking out b4 housekeeping break the door down.. it was a nice thick door so i thought it`d b AT LEAST 3pm b4 they managed it..) so we hit eyre square and the cafe we did the last time we stayed over.. mmm.. microwave re-heated fried eggs? no. i don`t think so. especially for 6 quid for 2 eggs & 2 toast!!! fuc*thatforagameofbrekfast..lets go to MCDONALDS where a BIGEGGSPACEBUNBREKFAST is 2 quid and made in the last hour.. mmm.. finally we got passed the solid food barrier,but THEY HAD NO T R COFFEE due to a broken something.. WTF? Is it me? Don`t you west-coast doods do brekfast? Where's the croissants? the Mellow coffe? the _real_ cornflakes.. the panckakes.. the slivers of crisp bacon and maple syrup? the 2 boiled eggs and firm-but-not dough toast? Where's the Iced T? the Mineral water and ice? Ah well.. after 3 aborted brekky attempts and 2 hours sleep the drive home was a numb experience... but u cudnt get the smile off my face.. hope all who attended njoid it as much as we all did.. nice 1!
Hmmm.. well, i slept for 12 hours, didn`t help the "they're coming to get me" angle i developed after the super 12-hour airport horror i had.. So.. am i recharged? After a week of no music and baking sunshine? Sortof..I really have no problem with 40degree+ weather and blinding sunshine,just like i quite enjoy -30degrees and Snow-Blindness!! It sure makes a change from the mixedbag we get here in rocky-mountain-highland-wicklow.. (shit!! am i _really_ talking about the weather??) I read SO much newsprint out of total boredom that i can safely say i am an expert on the G8 conference and the various anarchist groups that are making it uncomfortable for the participating delegates in Italy this week.. Ditto on the current state of play in the cigarette wars and how the companys fix prices and encourage smuggling! er.. eh.. yeah, you guessed it, i was a little bit bored and subdued most of the time. Got a CD from Greek DJ from MAD STAFF on Rhodos which i`m gonna schedual for Power's mix slot on Sat nights,Deep house is the angle for the greeks it seems.. and the strange trend of naming urself after a famous DJ/Artist You admire continues.. I 1st noticed it in 1988 with ChrisCoolJ (LL CoolJay) at Lazer,he played Derek B "bad Young brother" and Pink Floyd "Time" alot!!

So Any funnys you ask? Err.. not really.. but 2 things about Gatwick airport.. When passing thru 2 the Airport lounge Airside, the security TOOK MY PHOTO WITHOUT MY CONCENT and without informing me they were doing so (do i LOOK stupid?) and then marked my boarding pass with a barcode sticker which in turn was linked to the digital image.. When i went to the gate, they scanned the barcode and up popped the image so they could see if it was me still.. WTF? hellooooo???? This is an invasion of privacy and i don`t like it at all.. so. there. just to warn you.. if you ever pass through gatwick and plan to do some shape-shifting or mind-transferrence into a nicer body, you`ll get dome hasstle from the Jobsworth and their extremely expencive Digital-imaging Privicy invasion network.. The BIG question is.. who said they could store a picture of me anyway?? and where is it NOW? Cunts.
Oh..And remember i Noticed the Virgin Megastores had all turned into No-Stock VSTOREs?? Well there is 1 slight advantage to the "only stocking the latest shit" aspect, they pile it high and sell it cheap!!! got a PILE of stuff in the Gatwick one.. DVDs like PEEPING TOM and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS for similer prices to the Web.. and the new Ministry Playstation2 DVD for Under a tenner, the Sonique mix Album i`m on for 12 quid etc... i was well happy.. er.. but then the last leg of the trip went a bit pete.. i left the bag of stuff in the luggage locker.. ulp! I mean.. if _You_ found a plastic bag stuffed with Groovy CDs and DVDs while cleaning out the aircraft after a redeye-business flight, what would YOU do? well i know what I would do.. regardless of my job, Hostess, Cleaning staff, Servisair Trainee, Nosey Last-passenger-off-the-flight or Pilot, i`d be STRAIGHT IN THERE for some hot free-shit action!!! No questions, straight into my bag and off into the sunset like a fuc*in` superstar before the closing titles in a steve reeves movie!! Whay-heyyy!!! I am SHOCKED and delighted to report the crew (BA) actually passed the bag,unsealed as it was,unmolested on to the lost-property section at dublin airport for them to enjoy.. and You know what? They admitted to having it and RISKYSEAN (who lives nearby) is lifting it for me today.. amazing. Now.. here's the darkside.. ehhehhehehhe.. when i phoned the BritishAirways 1-800 number on the offchance they could help find it, they bounced me around for an HOUR.. bulshitting me with various numbers in gatwick and dublin, in the end trying to pass me on to BRITISH MIDLAND???!?!?!?! I now am in possetion of ALL the Lost property numbers in Gatwick for all the service providers.. And they all FAILED to even TRY to help, all inventing lame excuses as to why it wasn`t their problem.. the BA staff were no better on the Switch,their phone system is so bad that i was RANDOMLY jumped in and out of OTHER PEOPLE's conversations and at one stage nearly ended up getting booked on a flight to LAGOS! The robofone system announces "ur call may be recorded for training purposes.." training in what?? ANARCHY?? I couldn`t have done a better job of designing a "black hole" phone-system myself! If you fancy trying it for yourself.. call 1-800-626-747 from ireland, it`s AMAZING.. really.. and it`s free!!
2moro night is a biggy!! Galway in full effect.. Live from the DRUM BAR in Ayre Square from 8pm (all wecome... yes it`s a family affair!!) with the SQUAD, then l8r in the GPO with POWER and me for a 2FM SPEAKEASY SESSION.. All live on 2FM 90-92FM, and in REALAUDIO on http://www.2fm.ie with Visuals as well during the squad from the venue!! it`ll be like a (drunken) TV show.. Here`s the lineup:
The 2FM Speakeasy Sessions Tour @ GPO Galway
This Saturday Catch All The Action Live From The GPO Galway Kicking Off With Mr Spring's Firing Squad,Live From The Drum Bar Between 8 & 9,For The First Official FREE Sessions Tour Warm Up Party.The Panel Of Guest's Will Include Cian Ó Ciabháin,Essence Resident DJ Ted,The Disconauts & A Live Studio Audience!!
Then @ 11 We Dive Headfirst Into The Main Room @ GPO For Some Pure Hedonistic Mayhem With John Power & Mr Spring On The Decks Till 2.If You Can't Be There Check Out All The Action Live On-Line With Our Resident Light Surgeons Providing The Audio & Visual Soundtrack.
Limited Tickets Are Still On Sale From Ticketmaster & Usual Outlets Nationwide Or Tune Into Mark McCabe & John Power This Friday From 7,For Your Chance To Get On Board The Hottest Guestlist In The Country.
2FM Sessions Tour @ GPO Galway On-Air Running Order
18:00 - 20:00 Clubversive With Boy George
20:00 - 22:00 The Firing Squad Live In Drum
22:00 - 23:00 Guest Hotmix : The Disconauts
23:00 - 00:45 John Power
00:45 - 02:00 Mr Spring
02:00 - 03:00 LATE NIGHT SESSIONS : Tony C
Back in 1 piece.. er.. sort of. And i have a story or 2 to tell 2.. but not now,when ive slept.
As the man himself is off galavanting and sunning himself in tastier climes I (we) are stuck with shite-awful pissing rain and thunder, in JULY!! WTF??
Where's this global warming we've been promised?? So anyway, back 2 da rok, and on with the update, the Firing Squad was pants without him anyway! MArk, behave m8!....
Greetings from the Aegean sea!! 34 Degrees here in the
shade.. Feta cheese is the only edible thing ive seen,
sheep`s eyeballs in aspic dont move me at all

greeks have a wierd turn on music, wailing burds on
twang.. The Turks have _no_ idea at all, wailing
BLOKES over Yamaha home organ beats.. But the Kings of
Stinky tunes are defin8ly the Albanians.. They defy
description. Soundclash city.. Did you see the thing
on the Island hoppers` ferry disasters? on TV? well,
the VERY BOAT that was in that disaster in Norway IS
HERE!! Running ppl between Lebanon and Cyprus!!! Good
lord!! OMEN: what was on greek TV lastnight? MIDNIGHT
EXPRESS.. I rest my case for the trying of local
produce... FALARAKI sux, full of pisshead english,
AIYA NAPA is much better, less booze mo tunage..
clickity clickity chips n` beans!!
www.hiphopireland.com has some fine photoz 2 cheer u up!!
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 060701/20.00-21.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Mark McCabe (2FMDJ/The New Robbie Williams),Andrew O'Connor (2FM Sports Kingpin),Robbie Spectrum (5 Dancing Men In 7 This Week Dude/Spectrum Is Green).
*lamai/troubled soul-AM:PM - 22%
*bassballs/l'impossible-gpo records - 52%
gpo005/no details
*tall paul vs. inxs/precious heart-duty free - 47%
dftel001p/no details
*u2/elevation-island - minus one third of infinity
12ele1/wri:u2 & bono//mother music/polygram BV www.u2.com
*roots manuva/witness(one hope)-big dada - 71%
bd022/wri:smith//chrysalis music
*dj ziad/4 to the floor-tripoli trax - 70%
ttrax077/pure groove music www.puregroove.co.uk
*skinny/morning light-cheeky 003c
//cheeky music
*ben shift/isla dorada-md 0083
wri:alba flores//king records edidiones www.mdrecords.net
*freefall/skydive-incentive cent22tdjaa
*pascal colet/pupile 2001-hardware files hdw000912
wri:grossmann//manifold music +4971133693099
*dj guis/de.generation-spectra spc023
*omnipresence-weapon-md 0085
wri:manzano//king records ediciones
*unknown/unknown-white label stitch 1
*cosmic gate/firewire-data
*Orion 2/you & me-mostiko
*dj garry/my own kind of style-FTW
*succargo/get it higher-startraxx str031
wri:succargo//startraxx publishing www.rhythmimport.nl
*dj wout/island of trance-illusion
*green martian records #039 no details
*xtc records #055 no details
*SuReaL/always on my mind-AM:PM ampmxdj146 www.ampm.co.uk
*nils van goch/rushin-kosmo kos202 www.kosmomusic.com
Much Joy to visit Limerick on Friday Nite, er.. i said it was THE DOCKS, as in a place whewre boats hang out, but it turned out to be "Doc's", as in 'belonging to a doctor'.. er.. so there.. have sore thighs after playing the isle of man TT race sim thingy before playing for 2 hours.. Very nice place! Maddeterrainian (?!) feel with the courtyard and such.. Very loud club indeed, bit of the old bass-carpet feedback which was a shame, as was the requests for 'silence' (which the guy on b4 me dropped actually) and '1 pop song at the end please'.. but hey, i defin8ly saw the funny side of it!! I reckon the place will mature nicely, it has _such_ potential! And wasn`t it mad 2 c the BALLINA cru in PanamaJaxx Last night?! Do i remember the COURT in ballina? Oh yes ;-) As 4 lastnite,fun but STILL very nasty conditions to work in.. those nasty flat-headed yellow wierd concorde-wannabe carts had returned to the decks despite the messing last time so basically every time the room took off the right deck skipped! How headwrecking for the cru when after a nice big build you launch into a -=bREakDAncEfRenZy=- and the bleeding record skips and ruins your rhythm!!! grrr!!! drove me mental. sorry. but it did. ANYWAY... i enjoyed meself and apart from the skippy-mc deck angl, i hope u lot did 2! It's Shocking that everywhere i play now people come up and ask me for POSSE by GUESS WHO,i detect a frenzy to get & play it approaching.. (mayday! etc..)
Single News: The current MrSpring Single "*****/LSA" Had sold out it`s initial Spanish Production run But Is Bieng Specially RePressed For a Bit of a release Here In Ireland.. ABBEY DANCE will be Importing & Distributing it (Dublin 8733733).. Meanwhile FUTURESOUNDS have a few Vinyl copies in stock (Dublin 6167020) from the initial run.. AL GIBBS of FM104 Informed on JOHN KELLY dropping ***** in MANUMISSION last weekend.. (??!!!??!?) this isn`t the 1st time someone has said to me they heard it in IBEEFA, but it IS the 1st time someone could back it up with a WHO,WHERE and WHEN!! Nice 1 for staying sober long enuf to notice AL! Reports also rolling in of shops in Ibeefa and DaCanaries charging 4000pts for a copy claiming it`s "Been deleted innit.." Well, i reassure you a special run is bieng done just for Irish Import as You read.. so Enuf the paying 20 quid for it behaviour... Album News: In production,expect 1st batch next week.. not sure of the release date yet, but obviously we missed the proposed "end of june" by a mile.. ho hum... NewSingle News: Have decided the next single will be 2 totally new tunes done in the last 2 weeks.. DOES YOUR MOTHER SEW?(STITCH THAT) and FiretrUCK! So. Now the messing begins.
Fancy a Portable CD/CDR/MP3 player? Look here.. Mmmm.. u can compile your own CDRs of MP3s and play them like a normal 6 hour+ cd!!! Mmmm niiiice. and it does CDV for all you kiddys out here in chinatown.. We were so bored today (it rained) we made a tv game! a simple ball&bat affair but it seriously beats anything on the PS2 for outright playability! The game is 90% skill and 10% luck.. i'd say we have a brand new event to wager on for the next COFFEE TABLE OLYMPICS!
Charley Says Whenever You go Out you should tell someone where You are going.. and You shouldn`t talk to any strange men in Lime-green highlighted tight white satin jumpsuits with capes at zebera crossings, nor should you set fire to the countryside.. Hehehe.. Oh and while You are at it.. Darkside have their VIDEO NASTIES 2 book out soon.. mmmmm.. TV Flaaashbaaack..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 290601/20.00-23.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Darren Rice (DJ/Creamfields Comp. Winner),Pressure (DJ/Living Ledgend),Conor G (DJ/Mono/Nova).
*weekend players/21st century-multiply - 44%
gbawv0102471/no details
*da hool/meet her at the love parade-manifesto - 55%
hooldj2/wri:dj hooligan//hanseatic music www.manifestorecords.co.uk
*mutiny/the virus-vc records - 60%
vcrtdj91/wri:barnes & davy//ministry of sound publishing info@kingunique.com
*de la soul/the art of getting jumped-tommyboy - 50%
no details www.tommyboy.com
*sipping soma/superconcious (so alive)-religon music - 18%
0118660rlgp/wri:matson/radford//beatform music www.religonmusic.com
*dj jean/lift me up-mo bizz - -37% (minus 37%)
mbzz043-12/wri:itty bitty & jean//hitpick songs www.digidance.cc
*backyard dog/baddest ruffest-east west - 56%
ew233t/wri:hanley & akinola//BMG music www.backyarddog.net
*king of house/beach bum - md records (esp) md0082
wri:jj dela fuente & dimas carbajo//king records edidiones musicales
*cosmoquito/der blaue planet - vinyl vibes (ger) 003
wri:dj neo//eec & emi music www.vinylvibes.de / www.tranceformation.de
*peter g & the clubjock/clubstrings - deejay records (ned) djr002
*privilege/power - stargate (bel) star005003
wri:mirisola/beelen//headroom music info@headroommusic.com
*kai tracid/too many times - tracid traxxx (ger) ttx2029
wri:kai mac donald//edition kunst & wahmsinn www.tracidtraxxx.de
*guesswho!/posse(i need you on the floor) - kontor (ger) kontor 168
no details www.nobackspin.de
*elastica/audience - nothing records (ger) nothing 028
wri:mertens//tempo music www.fogarea.de
*native/feel the drums - drizzly (ger) driz2011/63
wri:tissera//proof songs www.drizzly.de
*dave davis/underground subway - bonzai (bel) br2000168
wri:chab & davis//bonzai music www.bonzai.be
*5 below zero/club quake - kickin (UK) kick 117
no details//kickin music +442089644400
*squarepusher/my red hot car - warp (UK) wap147cd
wri:tom jenkinson//warp music www.warprecords.com
*groove electronic/indian requiem - headline (ger) hdr0003

*qzar/dirty beat - dance pollution (itl) poll189
wri:dona & farina//arsenic sound srl. arsenic@tin.it
*dj wag/the big bang - overdose (ger) dmddose064
wri:wagenknecht & misar//edition yakooza www.overdose.de
*sacramento/touch me - md (esp) md0079
wri:manzano & shaker//king records ediciones musicales
*rocco & hiest/rescue me - black&blue (uk) neo12044
wri:rocco & hiest//black & blue music ltd.
*cygnus x/superstring dub - xtravaganza (uk) xtravdj28
no details
*mrspring/firetruck - spring recordings (irl) sli10801r
wri:********//atrisk music
*green matrian#039 - green martian records (bel) gm2001039
no details
Wow.. what a superlazyhazy weekend weve had.. the 1st weekend off ive had in such a long time.. and i did capital fuc*all! Except for the DVD install in the bratmobile.. all went slowly and well untill the powering up of the display - DOA `fraid.. so it`s winging it's way back to the edgeware road for a reload.. messy! verrrry messy.. not 2 worry, i cruised by the church on mainstreet after midday mass with the "your mother sucks cox in hell" scene from the exorcist at silly volume anyway,just 2 be sure.. Bumped in2 LAR WHEEL in dublin on friday,nice 2 c him functioning correctly, he informed on his m8s (liquid wheel) re:new trax in the can,i'm looking out for a MD soon from which we'll be able 2 judge the extent of damage they have sustained since we heard a trak of theirz last.. Weekend Listening went all albumy 4 us, SQUAREPUSHERs go plastic, HUMAN LEAGUEs secrets and LONDON POSSEs ganster chronicle went on rotation in the bratcave while the movie of the weekend was INVASION OF THE BODYSNATCHERS..
This week i'm recording a LEO KELLY tune and gigging in THE DOCKS in limerick on friday and PANAMA JACKS in castlebar on saturday.. PRESSURE plays newcastlewest on friday night too, so expect some messy convoy behaviour on friday night from ur eastcoast cuzinz!
The Album is Bieng made as i type,should have copies within a week and i'll have the first one out of the box 2 give away here weeks before anyone else gets theirs (the press, disrtibuter, shops, local theives & ***ish mafia etc..) so keep em peeled for a silly question 2 determine the lucky recipient!