Discovered Today the TestPressings of the next Thing have been Totaly LOST by the Couriers, so we are 14 days behind now since new ones have to be done! Very uncool, as I now have a FINAL version of the next thing.. a 9 minute+ acid thingy with contributions from the TRIPOD brains! I want to do a 1-sided mega-limited run of it NOW, but i must wait to see if we are go for the next one first! Grr!
Check out COMPUTER ARTWORKS while you are on and go to their ORGANIC ART page for a download of their Doggsbollocks Wierd screensaver thingy - it cooks up the bestest "Alien" shapes you've ever seen!
It`s been a very busy week in radio land.. SPIN FM the new 15-24 yearold's station for Dublin has been appointing staff and every hour that passes, a fine new rumour is bieng propagated!! The Dance side of things is what interests us most (duh!) and teh nicest runour so far is JOHNNY MOY has landed a gig as a consultant for same.. Well!! He always was/is a "doer", some of my earliest memorys of Dance-gigs feature Johnny, mostly in an Admin role, I only ever danced to him once (in the TEMPLE OF SOUND) and was stunned at how well the tune i'd made for him sounded on the floor.. ("SQUIRT" i think.. the one with the al-nafiish samples and the Dx-100 rollingbassline??) I remember at the VERY last moment of mixing, he made me jack the Bassdrum up into the forefront, and i realised why when the track got dropped out..
If it`s true, and not some cruel joke, then may i wish JM all the best with SPIN, and now 24-7 (the Ministry's WORLDSPACE digital radio service) seems to be playing a very short loop of bits of compilation albums whenever i tune in, i suspect SPIN may actually intend to make it`s own programming rather then re-transmit the 24-7 service they alreay run (as widely speculated).. In fact, if they have any cop, they`ll move the 24-7 service to Dublin and make it work.. Remember WORLDSPACE's signal footprint reaches most of Asia, Europe and Africa and soon Both the Americas.. Could Ireland Shpe the Future of Emerging Dance Cultures??? Could Moy become the next Jesus? Will 24-7 Make it on air Before the Spoof On-Air Deadline? How much Dance will there be? Or Will there be ANY specialist Programming at all? The Station Is a YOUTH station.. So It should cater for the Youth.. So.. Sex,Sugar and SpaceInvaders it is then!
Some Cool Programme Ideas i`d do if I was running SPIN FM:
WHATS MY YOLK - Where a panel of Guests Try To Guess What's In a Selection Of Yolks/"Irish Stew"/Tacos/Chinese Dumplings Scored in Dublin.
THE CREDIT LINE - Where a Panel of Girls Compete for PhoneCredit By Inventing Phone-Show Storys about Nightclubs and Taxi-Drivers
TWOC-SHOP - A Show for Young Motar-Enthusiasts interested in Car-Theft and Stereo Removal
CINEBLAG - Where a group of Stringers get to preview all the latest films and then read out the press-releases on air
VIDIBLAG - Where a group of Stringers get to preview all the latest Bootleg films on CDV and slag them off
HITSHITSHITS - Light-hearted "10-in-a-row" selections from imported Compilation Albums (10 hours a day)
THE ROCK SHOW - With Lot`s of German Death-Metal and interviews with German Death-metal Bands.
BUZZBOX - All the Best Free Intoxicants and Household Substances Tested & Graded
CELEBWATCH - How to Avoid/Mug/Photgraph in dodgy situations all the Celebritys that come to dublin to get wasted..
NUTBAD & LOONEYHEAD - Madcap "Homework Shift" Zoo Show With Dublins Oldest Teenagers..
SHOE VIEW - Young Female Lifestyle Show
GAMECOPYWORLDZ - Lifestyle Programme For the Discerning Gamer
DRINKLINK - Reviews of the best Under-Age Drinking Dens & Slack Offies.. Best Offers On Supermarket Cider etc..
BLIND SHAG - Where We get 3 Blokes & 3 Lasses Pissed, Blindfold them and see who shags the Boiler!!!
CAUGHT RAPID - A Daily Internet Magazine Featuring all te latest XXX passwords and Warez Updates
all programming ideas (c)2002 mrspring globalthermodynamicauralexitationcorporation
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 260102/20.00-22.00
20.00:Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Liam Dollard (original flavour),
Simon & Giles Selecta (Power FM/Selecta Records), Mario Piu (BXR Records).
*stella brown/never knew love.. -perfecto - 40%
perf26tp/no details//cop con www.perfecto-fc.com
*ascension/for a lifetime -xtravaganza - 2%
xtravdj20/no details//cop con
*baz/smile to shine -whitelabel - 43%
316tp12/no details//cop con
*marc et claude/the history of acid house-alphabet city - 75%
alph0220-6/wri:driessen & romboy//warner chappell
*kelli/kids(rui da silva)-one little indian - 12%
318tp12/no details//cop con
*afroman/crazy rap-universal - 2%
mcstd40273015628-2/wri:foreman//universal music
*darren christian/temporal-duty free - 43%
df035/wri:christian//cop con
*tripods project/2 - cdr no details
*s2/l.a - pulse049 www.overdose.de
*kylie minogue/in your eyes - tripolitrax 12rdjy6569a
*4clubbers/children - dropout drop0112-6
*c4/higher level - uberdruch02 www.djthecrow.de
*dj nano 0.1/fuc*ing in the sky - temprogressive tp9161mx
*cosmic gate/hardcore(kaylab) - emi germany 724355038562
*flutlitch/icarus - negativa neg02l
coast 2 coast/be with me - religon rlg003 www.religonmusic.com
We got Our X-Arcade Controler from X-Gaming this week and have been VERY busy playing ROBOTRON here in the shack as the flu sloooowly passes.. heheh.. Got some Nifty news too that the FRANKIE mix i did is bieng released properly and is actually approved.. in fact the comment was it was "more respectfull to the original" then ??? ??????'s mix! Now all i need is for someone to strip the ORIGINAL video for "Relax" (the club one, not the laser or the "i dont wanna die" ones) and cut it up in time with my track.. i'td look fab.. That's nice to know, i thought i`d "over banged" a bit on it, but hey.. energy wins this time. Still no TPs of the next thingy out, grr!! Back in the Studio Yesterday and Today.. Pressure was about yesterday as Ricer slept on the couch.. Finished a nice Trauma-Track called "No Sun", it`s not very nice at all, but sometimes you need to hear something like this to get the auld blood pumping
might up a snippit if i`m arsed l8r..
Link of the week here.. a FINE selection of Books..Go to the "Mics, Headphones, etc.Speakers, Stands, and Accessories" Dropdown menu and Select BOOKS.. Featuring those all-time-classsic Favorite "So You've decided to try a cracked version of Cubase And can`t make Any Sense Of it" Books.. And A Phallanx of Books On The Likes Of ANALOGUE SYNTHESIS and DANCE MUSIC (for 6.95 each!!) and LIVE SOUND, RECORDING TECHNIQUES, MIDI etc. etc.. No Joke, It`s all here.. So Enuf, Go forth and read... Jeez they even Do a "Plain English" Guide For LOGIC!! Result!
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 190102/20.00-22.00
20.00:Firen` Squad, Squaddies: DJ Ted (swordsman),
Serious John (sandle), DJ Pressure (Token Non-GPO Person).
*jakatta/ever so lonley-rulin' - 60%
rulin25p2/wri:chandra//mercury music pub.
*bingster productions feat. alison limerick/no other love-quattro - 65%
no details/white label
*dominator/lord of the rings-trigger - 12%
74321-91435-1/no details www.tansmuzik.de
*kylie/in your eyes - tripolitrax - 23%
12rdjy6569/wri:minogue & stannard//emi music pub. www.kylie.com
*S.K.F./ultraviolence - breathless - 30%
brth005pt/no details www.breathlessrecords.com
*coast 2 coast & amanda Jamison/be with me - religon - 57%
rlg003/wri:dobbin & johnston//religon music www.religonmusic.com
*taiko/silence - dropout drop 0110-6
*killahurtz/west on 27th - hooj hooj91
*meteor 7/universal music - universal b034636-01
*unix/wild pleasure - monotone mon0001312
*flutlitch/icarus - negativa neg02l
*nightlife/pro-agressive - liquid lq021
*"the mystery" - whitelabel no details 08482922 rr007
*headliners/lost witness - faktory fak6012
*s2/l.a - pulse049 www.overdose.de
Sorry we r l8 with the playlist this week.. bin busy u c.. doing the SESSIONS TOUR ALBUM !! a nice Doubler, 1 disc each from me and Power.. More about this later in the week.. God my hands hurt.. also discovered the joys of CORDLESS ELECTRIC SCREWDRIVERs, and how they do HALF some shelves b4 packing in and needing a 4-hour charge.. HELLO?? Is it me..??
Still have the Killer flu mind.. so that may be interfering with thought processes and the general running of ting..
Better L8 then Never.. The results of "The" Poll of 2001.. The ONLY cheat-Free Poll Going.. Er..
Top 10 2FM DJ Sets Of 2001 :
1 : Dave Clarke 2FM Sessions @ Redbox
2 : Fatboy Slim @ Creamfields Ireland
3 : Sasha & John Digweed @ Winter Party
4 : Mr Spring @ 2FM Sessions Grill Letterkenny
5 : Fergie @ 2FM Sessions Redbox
6 : Carl Cox @ Winter Party
7 : Ron's Mobile Disco @ Witnness Dance
8 : Greg Dowling & Shane Johnson @ 2FM Sessions Sir Henry's
9 : Etienne De Crecy @ Redbox
10 : Freddy Fresh 2FM Late Night Sessions Mix
Now The Awards.
Best Spoof : Homelands Is Coming To Dungarven
Best Hobby DJ : Niall Redmond
Best Bar Staff : GPO Galway
Best Reason For Not Letting You Into A Club This Year :
"Wearing An Ireland Jersey Into The Local When Eire Beat Holland"
Best Munchie : Wispa Byte
Best Game : Grand Theft Auto 3
Best Flick : Lord Of The Rings
Best Car : Ferrari F355 GTS
Best Crowd : Panama Jacks Castlebar
Best Website : Clubbing.com
Best Chick With Decks : Lottie
Best Label : Skint
Best Night Out : Creamfields Ireland June 23rd
Best Album : Zero 7 Simple Things
Best Venue : South Tramore Waterford
Best Irish DJ : Mr Spring
Best Visiting DJ : Mauro Picotto
Best Resident DJ : Jay Pigeon
Best Tune : Basement Jaxx Where's Your Head At
Remind me to get the FluJab Next year.. This is silly. Anyway, looks like the TPs of the next tune will be here next week, and we R doing a little mailout on this one, makes sense since it'll save me sending everyone 1! And it`s time to do a simple label design too, fed up with stickers and confusion! Anyway.. Have to Thank Jason D for linking me up to this..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 120102/20.00-22.00
20.00:Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Darren Flynn(..as a bird),
Diarmad Johnson & Gary McDonagh(..as 2 peas), Valentino Cansiani (recycled looper),
Joe Clark & Dermot C.(..westcoast pins), Will O`Brien (..old skhool?)
*stereo MCs/running -island - 28%
cid789/588904-2/wri:birch & hallam//saar srl. & emi virgin
*plasma/imagination -wonderboy - 27%
wbdj030/no details
*scanners/players -limbo - 49%
limbo109t/white label no details
*plank 15/strings of life -multiply - 74%
cdmulty82/wri:may & jones//transmat Music & zomba songs
*timo maas/to get down -perfecto - 47%
perf30cdp2/wri:maas & buttrich//emi music
*ramirez/orgasmico(pascal f.e.o.s.) - dfc 1397
*raul cremona/slim label - md 0090
*taiko/silence - dropout drop 0110-6
*fergie/bass EP - duty free dftel004
*vdp project/somebody scream - whitelabel 23203106
*pro-tech/out of control - pulse 046
*jam & spoon/be angeled - nulife nux35a
*o.e.g./endless horney - pulsive media 010
*j.f.k./whiplash - y2k 027
Here's something that is 10-years old this month.. A cutup tape from 1992 done by slicing together on 1/4-inch tape loads of linear snippits from tunes i rescued from mouldy-obscrity 2ndhand-stylee for 50p each! Took about 3 days to do.. Simple really.. just played the pieces of the tunes repeadedly onto (agfa tape at 15ips) 1/4-inch and then edited them together machine-gun stylee, or made loops of them or of a series of cuts and re-dubbed the bits in a funky order back onto 1/4-inch again - really a great project for me, i`d always wanted to do that kind of thing since realising pause-buttons were for lamers and all i really needed was a pair of decent open-reels and a blade!!! Mmmm... Feel the crap quality and the cuts! Be warned.. the material used is ALL from the same batch rescued from a dusty and damp corner of a vinyl graveyard.. (mac's records in georges street mall actually!) And suffers from bieng old and only of curiosity value! You`ll need Window's Media Player 7.x to do it properly..
Ooookay.. Sent off the parts for the next EP thingy.. SLI10302 will have 3 tracks and 1 parts band. TRIPODS, U.O.A. and PLEASURE are all slightly edited down to 7 minutes(ish) from the beta CDRs floating around, and U.O.A. has been re-EQ'd but is essentially the same.. i`ve decided to slap the parts for TRIPODS onto the end of the track, starting with the siren part, just for fun, call it an A'CAPELLA of TRIPODS! Anyway.. Should have it out end of feburary, maybe.
Piccys of Panama Jack's In Castlebar and GPO in Galway On New-Year's-Eve Night are here, Try Gallery 9 and 10 respectivly! I'm so proud to announce my "good n' proper" slating in THE SLATE last month too.. (see below)

[Flu mode:ON] Oh lord what a killer Flu has decended upon the Bratcave this day.. Stabbing pains in the Breadbasket, major-league Nightmares and sweats, and a total collapse of all reasoning in the nasal and bronchial departments. Last year i got the Flu on New-year's day from a nice woman sitting opposite to me on the train back from castlebar, this year it was down to the non-shutting window in the Hotel.. god almighty.. i must give off the impression that i`m an idiot! Whenever i arrive in a hotel the desk clunk takes 1 look at me and decides i`m obviously a knacker cos i have some sportsgear on, so i get given the roo woth the hole in the cieling (etc..) welllll.. i suppose that's the price i pay for wearing comfortable clothes! [Note to the Foriegner on the desk at our hotel this NYE: I may dress casually, but at least i choose what i wear to work and don`t let some trumped-up diet-pilled ("'cos i`m on nights these days..") pencil-sharpener arse tell me what to wear.. ] Anyway, i WILL be writing to the Hotel managment team at their head-office in stockholm to explain the importance of giving clients nice rooms regardless of how they dress..
So what of new year i hear you say!?! Wellll.. the amount of pussy-assed driving was off the scale.. i`ve never seen so many lamers driving at 20mph just cos of a little snow and black ice.. do`nut you all realise that sliding is more energy efficiant then traction? Think about it.. hit a nice streach at 100 mph and ease off the juice, and let nature take it`s coarse!! You need only correct your coarse when carrearing towards a perticularly hard object that hasn`t been padded with snow yet! Heheh.. ANYWAY.. Panama Jacks was lovely, so nice to see the big room open.. Poor Old PRSSURE had to man the dex from the off cos The Local Resident was having a bad-hair day.. well actually a bad-nose day, since said nose was lying twitching in the dirt outside the club after bieng un-ceremoniously lobbed off in a fit of pique.. Ehm.. blaady prima-donnaz.. so i took the reigns and warmed up a bit more b4 heading out into the night to go back to galway again for the conclusion of the 2001-Exorcisim! I THINK we had a good time.. the weather parted like the red sea to allow us to go about our business that night, and for this i am greatfull.. Yes we were all a bit late, but hey, we made it.. Big screaming shouts to everyone during, before and after the events.. such a nice time!
And so to the new year.. this Saturday at 8pm on 2FM we have our 2001 Radio Dance awards.. JP has been working hard fixing it so i win everything, so do tune in and laugh along with mother!
God i feel sick as a half-eaten parrot.
Thank God for Krisma TV!
Discovered Today the TestPressings of the next Thing have been Totaly LOST by the Couriers, so we are 14 days behind now since new ones have to be done! Very uncool, as I now have a FINAL version of the next thing.. a 9 minute+ acid thingy with contributions from the TRIPOD brains! I want to do a 1-sided mega-limited run of it NOW, but i must wait to see if we are go for the next one first! Grr!
Check out COMPUTER ARTWORKS while you are on and go to their ORGANIC ART page for a download of their Doggsbollocks Wierd screensaver thingy - it cooks up the bestest "Alien" shapes you've ever seen!
It`s been a very busy week in radio land.. SPIN FM the new 15-24 yearold's station for Dublin has been appointing staff and every hour that passes, a fine new rumour is bieng propagated!! The Dance side of things is what interests us most (duh!) and teh nicest runour so far is JOHNNY MOY has landed a gig as a consultant for same.. Well!! He always was/is a "doer", some of my earliest memorys of Dance-gigs feature Johnny, mostly in an Admin role, I only ever danced to him once (in the TEMPLE OF SOUND) and was stunned at how well the tune i'd made for him sounded on the floor.. ("SQUIRT" i think.. the one with the al-nafiish samples and the Dx-100 rollingbassline??) I remember at the VERY last moment of mixing, he made me jack the Bassdrum up into the forefront, and i realised why when the track got dropped out..

Some Cool Programme Ideas i`d do if I was running SPIN FM:
WHATS MY YOLK - Where a panel of Guests Try To Guess What's In a Selection Of Yolks/"Irish Stew"/Tacos/Chinese Dumplings Scored in Dublin.
THE CREDIT LINE - Where a Panel of Girls Compete for PhoneCredit By Inventing Phone-Show Storys about Nightclubs and Taxi-Drivers
TWOC-SHOP - A Show for Young Motar-Enthusiasts interested in Car-Theft and Stereo Removal
CINEBLAG - Where a group of Stringers get to preview all the latest films and then read out the press-releases on air
VIDIBLAG - Where a group of Stringers get to preview all the latest Bootleg films on CDV and slag them off
HITSHITSHITS - Light-hearted "10-in-a-row" selections from imported Compilation Albums (10 hours a day)
THE ROCK SHOW - With Lot`s of German Death-Metal and interviews with German Death-metal Bands.
BUZZBOX - All the Best Free Intoxicants and Household Substances Tested & Graded
CELEBWATCH - How to Avoid/Mug/Photgraph in dodgy situations all the Celebritys that come to dublin to get wasted..
NUTBAD & LOONEYHEAD - Madcap "Homework Shift" Zoo Show With Dublins Oldest Teenagers..
SHOE VIEW - Young Female Lifestyle Show
GAMECOPYWORLDZ - Lifestyle Programme For the Discerning Gamer
DRINKLINK - Reviews of the best Under-Age Drinking Dens & Slack Offies.. Best Offers On Supermarket Cider etc..
BLIND SHAG - Where We get 3 Blokes & 3 Lasses Pissed, Blindfold them and see who shags the Boiler!!!
CAUGHT RAPID - A Daily Internet Magazine Featuring all te latest XXX passwords and Warez Updates
all programming ideas (c)2002 mrspring globalthermodynamicauralexitationcorporation
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 260102/20.00-22.00
20.00:Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Liam Dollard (original flavour),
Simon & Giles Selecta (Power FM/Selecta Records), Mario Piu (BXR Records).
*stella brown/never knew love.. -perfecto - 40%
perf26tp/no details//cop con www.perfecto-fc.com
*ascension/for a lifetime -xtravaganza - 2%
xtravdj20/no details//cop con
*baz/smile to shine -whitelabel - 43%
316tp12/no details//cop con
*marc et claude/the history of acid house-alphabet city - 75%
alph0220-6/wri:driessen & romboy//warner chappell
*kelli/kids(rui da silva)-one little indian - 12%
318tp12/no details//cop con
*afroman/crazy rap-universal - 2%
mcstd40273015628-2/wri:foreman//universal music
*darren christian/temporal-duty free - 43%
df035/wri:christian//cop con
*tripods project/2 - cdr no details
*s2/l.a - pulse049 www.overdose.de
*kylie minogue/in your eyes - tripolitrax 12rdjy6569a
*4clubbers/children - dropout drop0112-6
*c4/higher level - uberdruch02 www.djthecrow.de
*dj nano 0.1/fuc*ing in the sky - temprogressive tp9161mx
*cosmic gate/hardcore(kaylab) - emi germany 724355038562
*flutlitch/icarus - negativa neg02l
coast 2 coast/be with me - religon rlg003 www.religonmusic.com
We got Our X-Arcade Controler from X-Gaming this week and have been VERY busy playing ROBOTRON here in the shack as the flu sloooowly passes.. heheh.. Got some Nifty news too that the FRANKIE mix i did is bieng released properly and is actually approved.. in fact the comment was it was "more respectfull to the original" then ??? ??????'s mix! Now all i need is for someone to strip the ORIGINAL video for "Relax" (the club one, not the laser or the "i dont wanna die" ones) and cut it up in time with my track.. i'td look fab.. That's nice to know, i thought i`d "over banged" a bit on it, but hey.. energy wins this time. Still no TPs of the next thingy out, grr!! Back in the Studio Yesterday and Today.. Pressure was about yesterday as Ricer slept on the couch.. Finished a nice Trauma-Track called "No Sun", it`s not very nice at all, but sometimes you need to hear something like this to get the auld blood pumping

Link of the week here.. a FINE selection of Books..Go to the "Mics, Headphones, etc.Speakers, Stands, and Accessories" Dropdown menu and Select BOOKS.. Featuring those all-time-classsic Favorite "So You've decided to try a cracked version of Cubase And can`t make Any Sense Of it" Books.. And A Phallanx of Books On The Likes Of ANALOGUE SYNTHESIS and DANCE MUSIC (for 6.95 each!!) and LIVE SOUND, RECORDING TECHNIQUES, MIDI etc. etc.. No Joke, It`s all here.. So Enuf, Go forth and read... Jeez they even Do a "Plain English" Guide For LOGIC!! Result!
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 190102/20.00-22.00
20.00:Firen` Squad, Squaddies: DJ Ted (swordsman),
Serious John (sandle), DJ Pressure (Token Non-GPO Person).
*jakatta/ever so lonley-rulin' - 60%
rulin25p2/wri:chandra//mercury music pub.
*bingster productions feat. alison limerick/no other love-quattro - 65%
no details/white label
*dominator/lord of the rings-trigger - 12%
74321-91435-1/no details www.tansmuzik.de
*kylie/in your eyes - tripolitrax - 23%
12rdjy6569/wri:minogue & stannard//emi music pub. www.kylie.com
*S.K.F./ultraviolence - breathless - 30%
brth005pt/no details www.breathlessrecords.com
*coast 2 coast & amanda Jamison/be with me - religon - 57%
rlg003/wri:dobbin & johnston//religon music www.religonmusic.com
*taiko/silence - dropout drop 0110-6
*killahurtz/west on 27th - hooj hooj91
*meteor 7/universal music - universal b034636-01
*unix/wild pleasure - monotone mon0001312
*flutlitch/icarus - negativa neg02l
*nightlife/pro-agressive - liquid lq021
*"the mystery" - whitelabel no details 08482922 rr007
*headliners/lost witness - faktory fak6012
*s2/l.a - pulse049 www.overdose.de
Sorry we r l8 with the playlist this week.. bin busy u c.. doing the SESSIONS TOUR ALBUM !! a nice Doubler, 1 disc each from me and Power.. More about this later in the week.. God my hands hurt.. also discovered the joys of CORDLESS ELECTRIC SCREWDRIVERs, and how they do HALF some shelves b4 packing in and needing a 4-hour charge.. HELLO?? Is it me..??
Still have the Killer flu mind.. so that may be interfering with thought processes and the general running of ting..
Better L8 then Never.. The results of "The" Poll of 2001.. The ONLY cheat-Free Poll Going.. Er..
Top 10 2FM DJ Sets Of 2001 :
1 : Dave Clarke 2FM Sessions @ Redbox
2 : Fatboy Slim @ Creamfields Ireland
3 : Sasha & John Digweed @ Winter Party
4 : Mr Spring @ 2FM Sessions Grill Letterkenny
5 : Fergie @ 2FM Sessions Redbox
6 : Carl Cox @ Winter Party
7 : Ron's Mobile Disco @ Witnness Dance
8 : Greg Dowling & Shane Johnson @ 2FM Sessions Sir Henry's
9 : Etienne De Crecy @ Redbox
10 : Freddy Fresh 2FM Late Night Sessions Mix
Now The Awards.
Best Spoof : Homelands Is Coming To Dungarven
Best Hobby DJ : Niall Redmond
Best Bar Staff : GPO Galway
Best Reason For Not Letting You Into A Club This Year :
"Wearing An Ireland Jersey Into The Local When Eire Beat Holland"
Best Munchie : Wispa Byte
Best Game : Grand Theft Auto 3
Best Flick : Lord Of The Rings
Best Car : Ferrari F355 GTS
Best Crowd : Panama Jacks Castlebar
Best Website : Clubbing.com
Best Chick With Decks : Lottie
Best Label : Skint
Best Night Out : Creamfields Ireland June 23rd
Best Album : Zero 7 Simple Things
Best Venue : South Tramore Waterford
Best Irish DJ : Mr Spring
Best Visiting DJ : Mauro Picotto
Best Resident DJ : Jay Pigeon
Best Tune : Basement Jaxx Where's Your Head At
Remind me to get the FluJab Next year.. This is silly. Anyway, looks like the TPs of the next tune will be here next week, and we R doing a little mailout on this one, makes sense since it'll save me sending everyone 1! And it`s time to do a simple label design too, fed up with stickers and confusion! Anyway.. Have to Thank Jason D for linking me up to this..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 120102/20.00-22.00
20.00:Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Darren Flynn(..as a bird),
Diarmad Johnson & Gary McDonagh(..as 2 peas), Valentino Cansiani (recycled looper),
Joe Clark & Dermot C.(..westcoast pins), Will O`Brien (..old skhool?)
*stereo MCs/running -island - 28%
cid789/588904-2/wri:birch & hallam//saar srl. & emi virgin
*plasma/imagination -wonderboy - 27%
wbdj030/no details
*scanners/players -limbo - 49%
limbo109t/white label no details
*plank 15/strings of life -multiply - 74%
cdmulty82/wri:may & jones//transmat Music & zomba songs
*timo maas/to get down -perfecto - 47%
perf30cdp2/wri:maas & buttrich//emi music
*ramirez/orgasmico(pascal f.e.o.s.) - dfc 1397
*raul cremona/slim label - md 0090
*taiko/silence - dropout drop 0110-6
*fergie/bass EP - duty free dftel004
*vdp project/somebody scream - whitelabel 23203106
*pro-tech/out of control - pulse 046
*jam & spoon/be angeled - nulife nux35a
*o.e.g./endless horney - pulsive media 010
*j.f.k./whiplash - y2k 027
Here's something that is 10-years old this month.. A cutup tape from 1992 done by slicing together on 1/4-inch tape loads of linear snippits from tunes i rescued from mouldy-obscrity 2ndhand-stylee for 50p each! Took about 3 days to do.. Simple really.. just played the pieces of the tunes repeadedly onto (agfa tape at 15ips) 1/4-inch and then edited them together machine-gun stylee, or made loops of them or of a series of cuts and re-dubbed the bits in a funky order back onto 1/4-inch again - really a great project for me, i`d always wanted to do that kind of thing since realising pause-buttons were for lamers and all i really needed was a pair of decent open-reels and a blade!!! Mmmm... Feel the crap quality and the cuts! Be warned.. the material used is ALL from the same batch rescued from a dusty and damp corner of a vinyl graveyard.. (mac's records in georges street mall actually!) And suffers from bieng old and only of curiosity value! You`ll need Window's Media Player 7.x to do it properly..
Ooookay.. Sent off the parts for the next EP thingy.. SLI10302 will have 3 tracks and 1 parts band. TRIPODS, U.O.A. and PLEASURE are all slightly edited down to 7 minutes(ish) from the beta CDRs floating around, and U.O.A. has been re-EQ'd but is essentially the same.. i`ve decided to slap the parts for TRIPODS onto the end of the track, starting with the siren part, just for fun, call it an A'CAPELLA of TRIPODS! Anyway.. Should have it out end of feburary, maybe.
Piccys of Panama Jack's In Castlebar and GPO in Galway On New-Year's-Eve Night are here, Try Gallery 9 and 10 respectivly! I'm so proud to announce my "good n' proper" slating in THE SLATE last month too.. (see below)

[Flu mode:ON] Oh lord what a killer Flu has decended upon the Bratcave this day.. Stabbing pains in the Breadbasket, major-league Nightmares and sweats, and a total collapse of all reasoning in the nasal and bronchial departments. Last year i got the Flu on New-year's day from a nice woman sitting opposite to me on the train back from castlebar, this year it was down to the non-shutting window in the Hotel.. god almighty.. i must give off the impression that i`m an idiot! Whenever i arrive in a hotel the desk clunk takes 1 look at me and decides i`m obviously a knacker cos i have some sportsgear on, so i get given the roo woth the hole in the cieling (etc..) welllll.. i suppose that's the price i pay for wearing comfortable clothes! [Note to the Foriegner on the desk at our hotel this NYE: I may dress casually, but at least i choose what i wear to work and don`t let some trumped-up diet-pilled ("'cos i`m on nights these days..") pencil-sharpener arse tell me what to wear.. ] Anyway, i WILL be writing to the Hotel managment team at their head-office in stockholm to explain the importance of giving clients nice rooms regardless of how they dress..
So what of new year i hear you say!?! Wellll.. the amount of pussy-assed driving was off the scale.. i`ve never seen so many lamers driving at 20mph just cos of a little snow and black ice.. do`nut you all realise that sliding is more energy efficiant then traction? Think about it.. hit a nice streach at 100 mph and ease off the juice, and let nature take it`s coarse!! You need only correct your coarse when carrearing towards a perticularly hard object that hasn`t been padded with snow yet! Heheh.. ANYWAY.. Panama Jacks was lovely, so nice to see the big room open.. Poor Old PRSSURE had to man the dex from the off cos The Local Resident was having a bad-hair day.. well actually a bad-nose day, since said nose was lying twitching in the dirt outside the club after bieng un-ceremoniously lobbed off in a fit of pique.. Ehm.. blaady prima-donnaz.. so i took the reigns and warmed up a bit more b4 heading out into the night to go back to galway again for the conclusion of the 2001-Exorcisim! I THINK we had a good time.. the weather parted like the red sea to allow us to go about our business that night, and for this i am greatfull.. Yes we were all a bit late, but hey, we made it.. Big screaming shouts to everyone during, before and after the events.. such a nice time!
And so to the new year.. this Saturday at 8pm on 2FM we have our 2001 Radio Dance awards.. JP has been working hard fixing it so i win everything, so do tune in and laugh along with mother!
God i feel sick as a half-eaten parrot.
Thank God for Krisma TV!