Back in the studio today.. Went on a Devilfish/909/RareOldShite trip and actually chopped out a loveley tune.. Did an experiment. Cos i could. I got one of thos Beheringer Multiband Compressor jobbies awhileback, not the Ultradyne, the cheap 2-band one, under a hunderd quid like.. mad cheap, and it has a few other little tricks up it`s sleeve too. It not only compresses Bass and top seperatly - and VERY fast if you want it to because it`s digital and "looks ahead" to react quicker - but does some stereo width stuff and er.. some exititation and some other kind of "polished bass sound" stuff too.. in a single rack with balenced ins & outs.. nice. So it basically replaces a rack full of gear. and costs under a ton. messy. messy for the likes of us with a rack of processing crap that is. so. i did a tune with the usual (analog) chain either bypassed or in "nothing" modes, and the digi-yolkymabob at a nicely customised over-the-top loads of trickery setting. taped it. then i bypassed the digijobbie and cranked up the real shit. the Meek compressor needed much more level to get it driven properly, so the master fader had to travel up a good 2 inches to get it biting correctly.. Then i lobbed a load of arse on it with the aphex.. and some more "normal" top as well while i was at it.. and did another pass. So. wanna know which sounded better? Well. The Digi one was brighter and more polished alright, rode well and no sucking or wierd imaging going on.. i really liked it. Lovely. all there. So, the Analogue one therefore sounded muffled in comparison. needed some more highend detail, so i repassed it with more-then-i`d-really-concider-necessary High end splash from the 204, and some midrange detail on the Ultrafex2 (did i mention it? oh sorry.. on midrande Ex-i-ting duties.. no "3d" engaged.. ) er.. and anyway.. i just don`t know, i can`t pick them apart now, except for the Analogue version is Definatly much more "in your face" when you turn it up to pain level, and much nicer to listen to at low volume, it actually sounds clearer. After ALL that it actually sounds cleaner then the Digital sexbox.. What i mean by "cleaner" is on the analogue chain the track reveals all its little quirks, while on the digital lad it "smears" the whole overall picutre somewhat. Don`t get me wrong, ANYTHING that helps the thing sound more "together" is good by me.. god i love distortion.. etc.. but this isn`t a distortion, it's almost as if it's been "washed" and "pressed" and "neatly folded", where the analogue sounds "wash n' wear".. And by "wash n' wear" i mean DAMN comfortable. Analogue rocks. Still. But for sub-a-ton, the digibox is grrrreat stuf!
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 270402/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Sam Louther (deep), Ronan o (nova), Ken O`Flannigan (shady), Kenny Carpenter (shadier)
*precision vs. the freak/the progress -2play - 32%
tp030p/wri:the freak//cop con
*dario g/carnival 2002 -wea - -1,000,000,000,000 (minus 1 trillion)
No details - disk destroyed
*dj shadow/you can`t go home again! -island - 5%
ciddj797/wri:dj shadow//mowax music/mca music
*eminem/without me -interscope - 34%
emcdp4/wri:eminem//universal music
*kristine blonde/you make me go ohhh.. -milkk - 24%
wea343cd1/wri:kotecha & dixon//careers-BMG music
*willy wonka/golden ticket chocolate bar -nestle - 46%
<--- 1st time a chocolate bar won!!
no details/confectionary www.nestle.ie
*gardner & thomas/control -prolekult - 5%
kult034/wri:gerdner & blackwatch//cop con info@prolekult.com
*ferry corsten/punk - zeitgeist polydor 570714-1
*steve hill vs. new renegades/everything is go - y2k ltd008
*reeloop/fuc*ing society - tracid traxx ttx2034r
*rob dougan/clubbed to death - cheeky rob02
*cosmic gate/the truth - emi electrola 5508516
*humate/vivid - urban zeitgiest b259493
*blank & jones/djs Fans & freaks - incentive centdj30(?)
*kai tracid/trance & acid - tracid traxx ttx2035r
Power also updated his script today..
[or.. all the bits they chopped out of the TV show.. that we can remember.. ]
*Barry McGuigan (pres.) Bit - [cut] Round of applause lasting a genuine/approx 20-50 times longer then actually used when he stepped up to the mike. The Only reason people stopped clapping was because he was trying to speak.Scary.Emotional highlight of the night.
*Dave Fanning (pres.) - [cut] Start of Intro mention of Uaneen.
*Phil Kieran (rec.) - [cut] Entire Acceptance Speach Cut. Did the Up the rest of the community and reminded everyone the dance thing is an indipendent scene and so on..
*Bono (pres.) - [cut] Entire First half of intro where he mysteriously begins to reveal the winners without doing the "the nominations are..." speal gets lost.. the episode doesn`t seeeeem to make sense without the first bit..
*John Hughes (rec.) - [cut] Acceptance speach Butchered to a single sentance.
*The Revs (perf.) - [cut] All of the "Fuc*ing" in their tune replaced with a sharp needle-scratching noise. Sad.
*U2 (aud.) - [cut] Expressions on their faces as Bellfire did a "playback n' grind" all over one of their tunes.
* David Kitt (rec.) - [cut] 1st half of Acceptance Speach where he explains the delay in making his way to the stage was down to him having to be fished from the audience to accept the award,because he was in the middle of telling a joke, and wasn`t paying any attention.
* David Holmes (pres.) - [cut] Entire "dance award" intro, nominees, banter etc. all removed in it`s entirety.
[.. oh yeah.. and the bits in the TV show we DEFINATLY cannot remember at all.... thank god.]
*Westlife (Perf.) - [vt] Full Fuc*ing Stop. They simply were not there. At all. Not even a little bit. Not a Sploom nor A slug was seen. Or a sausage even. WTF. Oh wait.. there's more..
*Six (Perf.) - [vt]. Or whatever they are called. WTCF? i mean.. WTFTCF? Mecca-ditto. I am not taking the piss here at all.. they were SOOO not there either.. Now. 2 VERY worrieng things. Well 3 actually. The first is, Why were they Made/convinced to do it earlier infront of the second worrieng thing.. (Worrieng thing No.2 is bieng revealed now to make things clearer for you, it is:The FAKE AUDIENCE they had placed infront of them for the "performance" thing.. ) well? Was someone afraid we'd laugh? No? How about throw tables at them? No? Maybe touch them? or get them wasted and tell them "virus" thoughts to eat away at the very basis of Pop music itself?? What-fuc*ing-Ever. I think they made the CORRECT decision.Oh. and the Actual Worrieng part of the second Worrieng thing is this: Where did this "stunt" audience come from/and go to? I mean.. RENTACROWD must be having monday off.. Or are they on tour with the act? Oh, and worrieng thing Number 3? That it may actually have happend infront of us all along and we.. er.. had a "mass episode" sort of thing. But i swear, NOBODY can remember any of the boyband shite at all.. It was all planted. Scardy Cats.
*Bellfire (Perf.) - [pb].This sort of qualifys as they were there in the flesh, but thats about all.
I have Photographs of the HOTPRESSAWARDS. Oh Yes. Yes i do. Mmm. Not _that_ sure of the script yet, but after developing them i`m sure i`ll have a rough draft for y'all with piccys.. Maybe. Tomorrow is CARRICKMACROSS for me gigwise.. god i need some rest. etc.

Ooookay.. so my "Mix-training" article is in print in the new Clubbing.com,& i made the frontcover with it! Good god. May all who read it get so confused they give up ANY dreams of sync-mixing immediatly afterwards.. for that is the plan... too many djs and not enuf clubnights requires dirty tricks!! COMING NEXT MONTH: Mrspring's guide to Pulling Leggy Birds..
We are all off to THE HOTPRESS AWARDS today in Belfast.. It`ll be on BBC NI and TV3 over the next 3 days or so since the BBC are filming the whole thing - it is after all bieng held in their TV studio in Belfast, after all, In fairness, After all. Ehm.. i`m not sure WHY we are going, but i think one of us has been nominated for Best Something-or-other.. Ah yes, i`m up for The "Token Dance-Community Recognition Award", Either that or "Best Media Whore" or possibly "Best Forced Conversion from Angry Punk to Paid Jock".. Speaking of Media Whores, i HAVEN'T forgotton the Latest Slating In THE SLATE, I have been well busy l8ly and just havn't had the time to Do it justice.. Also, i got news today the E4 is alive! The Synthesizer Service Centre Have Revived it!! And it's due back home next week.. Aw.. i`m so happy!! More ELECTION stuff to pester any leeches with: HEALTHCARE FOR THE HANDICAPPED, THE MMR VACCINE CAUSING MORE DAMAGE THEN IT PREVENTS, THE LIES THE CUN*S TOLD US LAST TIME THEY WANTED TO BE ELECTED, THE CRISES AT RTE, LACK OF FUNDING FOR LOCAL SPORTS, AIR QUALITY, ENCOURAGING US TO BUY CARS THEN MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO DRIVE & PARK THEM, WASTING OUR PUBLIC MONEY ON A POXY STADIUM WHEN WHAT WE NEED IS LAW & ORDER & HEALTHCARE, THE LUXARY GAP, THE CELTIC TIGER MYTH, THE SMELL AT NIGHT IN DUBLIN, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, QUANGO CULTURE, ***** FUC*ING WALSHE, THE BLOODY EURO, THE BRITS POISENING OUR SEA, PAEDO PERV PRIESTS, STARS ON SUNDAY, THE SKY TV INVASION KILLING OUR CULTURE & MEDIA INDUSTRY, ALCAHOL ABUSE, DRUG ABUSE, CHILD ABUSE, VERBAL ABUSE, OBTUSE VIEWS and the classic GIVE ME SOME MONEY YOU BASTERD AND I`LL VOTE FOR YOU.
Major Mailbox Fillingness re:Sunshine MP3 i have released on Playthatbeat.net - Accross the board it`s a "yes" and a big "thanx" for doing it.. A few puzzled Questions as to my plot 'giving it away' like this, well, it's simple really.. I don`t see it bieng of any use except as an album track 4 the phuture,and a listening thing at this time.. so rather then sit on it, i thought i`d spread it about a bit. Now You may think i should put it out on vinyl, but with the lack of testicular fortitude currently bieng displayed by the industry, i think it`d be over their heads and only of use to the serious music-lover on a personal level.. so why waste thousands of Euro pushing it upon deaf ears and agnostic decks? That will only make it`s journey to the one's that need it more difficult.. Also, i can`t live with the idea of someone paying 12 euro for it to listen to when they can MP3 it for free from a mate anyway.. so here, the best quality MP3 i can justify as a freebie, as a freebie. Enjoy, and if you still love it when we are compiling the next album, then it'll be there, in full 16-bit un-mashed ster-e-er-e-oh. Now don`t just sit there gawking, download it and spread it about - remember , under the 2002 EEC directive 303a and 202b, ACID HOUSE IS TO BE MADE COMPULSORY so you might as well get with the program now before we have to reformat you.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 200402/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Joe Clark & Dermot C (roadcaster), Hugh Scully, Shay Hannon & Mugsy (studio),Helix (virtual), Pascall (nornirn)
*thomazz/mozarecta -arcade - 25%
2320321/wri:thomazz//roadrunner music
*sub zero/voyage voyage -white - 4%
back03djp1/no details whitelabel
*rob dougan/clubbed to death -cheeky - 75%
rob01/wri:dougan//bmg music publishing
*29 palms/touch the sky -perfecto - 9%
no details whitelabel
*liberty x/just a little -v2 - -55% (minus 55%)
vvr5018960p/wri:escoffery & hagen//emi music publishing
*dino lenny/i feel stereo -incentive - 30%
cent40t/wri:lenny & doria//cop con
*technohead/i wanna be a hippy - arcade 23205946 jo@roadrunnerarcade.be
*uberdruck/now or never - pulsive media 013 www.pulsivemedia.com
*headquarter/pumpin - zyx bft033-12 www.bigfoot-records.de
*reeloop/fucking society - tracid traxx ttx2034
*phonetic/to the rhythm - deep mission trance dmt11 www.uptiderecords.de
*humate/vivid - urban zeitgiest b259493
*taurus vs. laurent/bladerunner - everlasting ever 012-12
*showtech/save the day - arcade t2-6008-1
*kai tracid/trance & acid - tracid traxx ttx2035
So.. Ireland is Up on the SKY-Digibox (aka: the shitbox, the addbox, the rupert box, the dodgybox) you should have a new channel lineup from today.. look around channel 106 onwards.. Spooky huh? Of coarse, this means you can now get DIGITAL quality copys of the 6:2:6 output as long as you have a SONY digibox & minidisk machine equipped with digital Ins & outs,although the quality from the Phono-sockets on the back of your Digibox should pump fairly nifty sound anyways - well, better then Analogue FM anyway.. For those of us with plain "harry-normal" setups, it`s out with the 4-hour videotape and on with the Nicam-Stereo Video Recorder.. Remember to SCART into the VCR for a non-messy operation.. You will be AMAZED with the sound quality on playback, VCR Stereo & Nicam Sound is no joke.. So, no excuses, start your VCR-Library of 6:2:6 mixes and features THIS WEEKEND! Here in the shack we use TDK-300 tapes.. 5 hours in SP, 10 hours in LP mode on each tape.. and when the picture is not important, LP is the way to go. In fact, i have been known to fill a tape with 10 hours of "nice" visuals (from KRISMA TV or SPACE NIGHT or SPICE PLATINUM) and then "Audio Dub" 6:2:6 mixes over it for a snazzy "afters" tape - that goes for 10 hours without bieng changed. Oh yes. The Laziest Fuc*er on the Firm - that`s me.
The Scene is Set for the SPRING vs PICOTTO CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH!! This May & June Bank Holidays, In Galway City! The Venues: The Vic, Cap:450 (spring) & Temple Galway, Cap:950 (picotto). Judging: The Clubbers Of Galway. Points of interest: * Temple has been Dogged By cancellations lately, John "OO" & Tall Paul Failing to show has damaged the credibility of both the venue and the Jocks billed to play there.. * The Vic is Smaller and Cheaper accross the board, and hasn`t had a makeover lately. * Galway Clubland is in fragmented now after the forced installation of "Dad-House" in the slots that were traditionally Dance nights - clubber confidence is at an all-time low in galway. * A super-Heavyweight bout such as this could be settled on a "Show & tell" basis alone. Either way, Galway clubbers can now demonstrate their Utter Support or Disgust for the Current path chosen by the established Galway Club-Entertainment providers - Vote with your feet - Blank the Dad-house shite and Come and see Mauro or Me. Make them suffer in Daddyland. Have them reaching for their Slippers & Coke with shaking, liverspotted Claws - Brandy and Cigars Anyone? Time to Wakeup - this isn`t a fight between Me and Mauro - I`d kick his ass anyways (italians always forget to Close their fists in scraps, and they respect a person's Genetils) - this is a fight between US (the music lovers) and THEM (the trouser mob). Between Me & Mauro, You Are GUARANTEED and top lad.
New Choon For You On Playthatbeat.net.
Thank you KK-Posse. A Very Enjoyable night! The First night in a while where the bouncer(s) admitted "almost liking" some of the tunes.. Don`t ever change People. Tonight is THE SESSIONS TOUR from PANAMA JACKS in Castlebar.. We should have a linkup with the roadcaster for The Squad, at _least_ Jay Pidgeon will be available, with a slim chance of some LISA LASHES as well.. The outlook is For Heavy Radio-Malleting and Grevious Oinkage which will pass by 2am-ish to make way for 6:2:6 DRIVE with our new(ish)est addition, CONOR G. Con will be Requiring TRAFFIC REPORTS to help smooth the trip home after clubland and You are required to particip8.. text him your reports on your night in/out.. who sucked? who rocked? who gives a f**k? So.. More changes in the Ether.. No more Boy George (snif.. sob.. blubb..) is a shame, and i`m told George will be in the cuntry in the next 4tnight, so i MUST attempt an interview/media ambush and extract the real script.. or at least a storyboard offovhim.
Tonight We visit ZOO in Who-Kill(ed)Kenny..
A translation of the Channel names you will find if you do like i suggested yeaterday.. You won`t get channel names yet since the transmission is a test.. so here's the meaning of the Numbers..
Test # Channel Name
9612 2FM & 6:2:6
9614 Lyric FM
9602 Network 2 TV
9611 RTE Radio 1 FM
9613 RnaG FM
9601 RTE 1 TV
9604 TG4 TV
9603 TV3 TV
Mmmm.. Now the TV services won`t be watchable till the 23rd April, but you can enjoy the Radio untill then!! These channels WILL be on the Sky Channel guide by then, but for now, SERVICES,4,4 with 10.744H, 22,000, 5/6 as the parameters will get you in! Our Friends in Europe and N.Africa should Find these services on the ASTRA 2B Satellite at 28.2east with the above settings.. Digirox!
Ooops.. looks like it's all gone pete.. goddamn. Oh.. fixed is it? Right.. For those of you with SKY digiboxes.. go to SERVICES, hit "4" then "4" again.. then enter the following details: Frequency 10744, Polarity: H, Rate: 22000 and 5/6 for the f.e.c... Do a search and select the services you want to add to your "extra channels" menu.. I am of coarse referring to the 2FM digital channel now available/testing there.. You can access it by selecting "SERVICES then "6" once it`s been stored.
Use it wisely my son.
Our intro has been fixed.. apparently we are subject to an invasion!!!!! Upgrade your cache now.. re-load mrspring.net and during the intro hit your RELOAD or REFRESH button to reveal all!! [note: i don`t watch HOME & AWAY and NEIBHOURS at all anymore. Really. I`m Oz-Soap Free.. I just do a bit of medicinal Corrie and A Bit of 'Enders on weekends.. to be sociable.. as u do..]
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 130402/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Sandy Rivera (representin), Niall Redmond (escortin),Conor G (6:2:6n)
*only paradise/help me -virgin - 80%
no details white label
*scumfrog vs. bowie/loving the alien -positiva - 55%
cdivdj172/wri:bowie//rzo music ltd.
*marc et clause & tony hadley/feel you -alphabet city - 0%
abcd02086/wri:driessen & hadley//alphabet city & slipstream publishing
*ian pooley/missing you -nrk - 97%
no details/wri
ooley//cop con
*holly valance/kiss kiss -london - 17%
no details - record stolen by sandy for "the beats at the start"
*funky fresh few/heavy hittin' -grand central - 65%
gc147/wri:savage & george//cop con www.grandcentralrecords.co.uk
*infernal/music - insolent insmx202
*dial m for moguai/beatbox 2002 - knukleheadz khz001 www.knukleheadz.co.uk
*digital guerrilla/feel the drum - suntec tec053 www.hitland.com
*schalldruck/turntable junky - uberdruck ud04 www.djthecrow.de
*commander tom/sweet thing - noom068-6
*precision & the freak/the progress - 2play tp030p
*human resource/dominator 2002 - amendo ma9702 www.antler-subway.be
*olympic moonshine/the revolution - spring sli10702
*humate/vivid - urban zeitgiest b259493
[Stuff played on Mark McCabe's Show, Saturday 13.04.02]
the streets/let's push things foward - locked on..sugarbabes/freak like you - island..london dodgers/down down bizniss - locked on..so solid crew/ride wid us - so solid beats..norlander vs. Xpansions/elevation - bootleg..DJD presents../shake it baby - direction..k-klass/baby wants to ride - white..jens/loops and things - arcade..vicious delicious/hocus pocus - dfc..moby/we are all made of stars - mute..xpress2/lazy - skint..harrison crump/adore - subliminal..g's over you/over you - 1way..1 giant leap/for my culture - palm pictures..john cutler/it`s yours - direction..soul avengerz/i can't stop - dtension..spiller revisits saint germain/spiller rose - positiva..mary j blige/dance for me - white..unidentified artist/untitled - strictly rhythm
I've had Such a reaction to the "Leave me there" track, that i have decided to do a run of it on vinyl with the Other "norty" trak of note lately "The revolution".. They went off to the factory today and to whet your appetite, there is a Windows Media Player Video version of "Leave me there" available on playthatbeat for download (or streaming if you are on cable/broadband).. You may have to Download the WM8 Codec from microsoft to play it, but it`s a small download as long as you are running Mediaplayer 7.. I used up all the remaining footage i rescued from the Sacred Camcorder Tapes we did back in 1992-1994 to make it, so there, the Irish retro-vision project is complete.. Enjoy! Obviously it means that "mOOnshine" and "No sunshine" won`t be released now, but i did use the same code i used for "mOOnshine" to make "Leave me there", i just bolted the new sounds into it and re-arranged it a bit, so i think it'll have to be called a varient on "mOOnshine" to be fair.. oh, and i DID include the Parts to "mOOnshine" on the record as well.. But i`m going to save the Original "mOOnshine" and "No sunshine" for the next album now. To be honest, i think that dance music has got a bit to serious for my liking, and i`m wasting my time doing "serious" tracks as singles, let's be honest here, the one's that people actually BUY are the silly tunes to play out, and the demand for this tune after only 2 plays on the radio and 1 weekend in the clubs is silly.. not since Blaxxtraxx have i had so many DJs on to me looking for a copy!! I don`t even know if we'll offer it to the UK Yet since i`m sure we'll do the whole batch here.. God it`s a good time to be irish!
Another Track Uploaded to PLAYTHATBEAT.NET today.. Got THE SLATE as well.. apparently according to the shop i found it in, there are "hit squads" going around removing it and (this is the stupid bit) LEAVING copies of a Lesser rag alone.. I haven`t heard of this kind of thing ("flyer dumping") since the HipHop Days in dublin (1990ish) and i thought there was a gentlemen's agreement NOT to do this kind of thing any more.. sad innit? How sad i hear you squeal? well this weekend has to r8 as the saddest in gigging history.. a total of 700 people went out this weekend, abut 500 to the OASIS in carrickmacross, and the other 200 spread among the other 60 major clubs that ran something this weekend.. I THINK i had the smallest crowd of the lot, 2, me and DEREK the driver. Please, DO NOT mention this weekend ever again. I forgot/messed up everything i was meant to do.. Apologies to PASCAL who got "4got" on the squad this weekend, messy.. (and so on..) Anyway. I suppose you gathered BOY GEORGE is Finished on 6:2:6? The production company that supplies the show has discontinued it.. so CONOR G joins 6:2:6 next weekend, from 2-4am.. doing the "6:2:6 Drive" Face it, it _is_ our drive-time slot.. So expect loads of news, current affairs and traffic news!! (not)
Thank you for all the kind calls about the E4,really, we are all touched. No news yet, but when i get some i`ll up it 4sure4sure. I'm Delighted to hear THE SLATE has made it to another issue, and i`m proud to be their longest-running pet hate so far, with more ink wasted on me in the current issue.. I`ll elabor8 as soon as i can find a copy, couldn`t find it anywhere today in dublin strangely.. Well, it had to happen i suppose, a new sampler has been aquired, and it`s another EMU (E4XTultra).. King's ransom price, but it had to be done, now, maybee we can get back to work.. Oh, all except the Yamaha SPX-90 (yes!) MultiFX unit.. our FAVORITE vintaj Digi-grindmeister (got 2nd hand in 1990 from an ex-live rig setup so it has dents you wouldn't believe in it) has bitten the dust in sympathy with the E4.. It`s been promptly replaced with a TC electronic M1 but it's one of those machines that does something unique (the pitchshift alog is special..) and i miss the "dimension-D" chorus as well.. (sob) you see, in this case it's the fact that it is FLAWED that makes it so unique.. Ah well.. it`s nearly 20 now i suppose.. time it had (at least) it`s battery changed..
Tonite we visit Smokey Joes in Balintubber/Castleree and tomorrow after a 4-hour 6:2:6 jaunt from 6-10pm (mcCabe is on holidays) We are off for a bit of Athy.. heheheh.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 060402/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Al Gibbs (FM104), DJ7 (.net),Ken Tobin (neither), Casper ("Bar Manager")
*lost witness/did i dream? -data - 65%
data28p1/no details white label
*timo maas/shifter -perfecto - 70%
perf31cdp/wri:maas & greene//emi music www.timomaas.com
*black twang/kick off -bad magic - ((25+(10^-13))/4)%
magic23/wri:rotton//warner chappell
*bradski & jenski/hardbeat -clubtools - 55%
b260685/wri:janssen & smitshoek//twisted minds recording
*pafffendorf/be cool -data - [marking aborted 'cos of offence caused]
data29p1/wri:gottfried & connor/upright songs
*moby/we are all made of stars -mute - 87%
no details/white label/wri:moby//mute songs
*the streets/lets push things foward -locked on - 30%
679003cdlp/wri:skinner//pure groove music
*ftw/children - ftw 23.205656 tom@roadrunnerarcade.be
*taurus vs. laurent/bladerunner - everlasting ever01212 www.everlasting-records.de
*panic machine/rock on - accalwan aca9958-12
*tripods construction kit - spring sli10302
*miss peppermint/back in time - dropout 0214-6
*olympic massive/leave me there - spring sli10702
*cosmic gate/exploration of space - data30tr
*r.o.o.s./instant moments 2002 - basic beat 294-5 www.basic-beat.com
*the tornados/telstar - decca f11494
*so solid crew/ride wid us - so solid beats rwu2
May the Gods Bless & watch over the E4 on it's journey to london, possibly it`s LAST journey anywhere. The Synthesizer Service Centre have the Lazarus Gig,so lets keep the fingers crossed.. Sigh.. I`ll miss it if it's curtains i really will.Want to hear the story of the sampler? Might as well. Originally i had an Akai s900.. waaay back.Then an s950 - Time streach! Wow! Then went mad on a Roland s-750 - It had a mouse/CRT display and 32 Stereo voices.. and Lovely filters.. Mmm. and A hard drive.. mmm.. Then came the New Emulator Range.. I'd Always wanted an Emulator, Since seeing Depeche mode playing a Mk1 AND a Mk2 on TOTP one night.. Mmm.. Sampling.. But at 10 grand (when 10 grand was alot of money..) it was out of my league.. I was 14 and still in school after all. So.. When EMU did the EMAX for a grand ("affordable") i nearly went for it, but chose the Akai instead.. Can`t remember why.. possibly because the EMAX looked like and Ensoniq Mirage [Long, slim, dark.. no knobs at all etc.. heavy.. boring..] except very plasticky, and was a keyboard, not a serious-looking rack with a big (for the time) display! So i lived with and maxed out the akai's and the Roland.. then my music shop-owning cousin Karl (yo fatboy!) cooked up a "Fully loaded" demo model of the almost Ultimate sampler of all time, the 64-voice, 8 balenced outs, digi in & out behmoth EMU e-64.. I borrowed the display model, promply sold the akais and the roland and ordered the 128-voice version, the EIV.. I got SUCH a good deal cos of him bieng my Cuz and all.. Jesus christ my life changed.. Such a Monster.. And all set up like a Modular synth! loads of routing easily changed on the fly!!! Wow.. goodby "christmas-tree" operating systems, hello sampling heaven. It cost a lifetime of Sample-Library, 3 samplers and all the money i had, and we have been happy ever after for 7+ years.. (snif) Ahhhhhhhh i want it baaaaaack. I even bought back my old Roland in the meantime, but it makes no difference. I want my E4 back. In fact untill i do. I`m banning samples in the shack.(easily done). From now on breaks must be cut in by hand onto multitrack.. Er.. or we could just "take a break" for a while.. nervous breakdown? don`t mind if i doooooooo...
Everything was fine.. i was all ready to do the usual site update this evening with playlists etc.. but the events of today have put the mockers on that little plot.. Please (if u will) turn to page 300.. the Appendix of the script, and read the paragraph on SHIT FITS.. I am currently experiencing a Grade 4 shitfit.. that is: I am lucid but thinking at a million miles an hour, I will hit anyone/thing that looks at me the wrong way, i have a stern expression on and i am seriously concidering getting a new life. Why? Today my trusty and extraordinaryly expensive Sampler (a Rev.1 EMU e4 - Fully loaded) Died. Just locked up and now it won`t boot.. What did i do to it? I loved it for Years.. Fed it Fresh Zip Disks and A King's Ransom of 16MB 30-pin simms (currently valued at more then the sampler itself they are so rare..).. We made Hits, Shit and Noises every time we met.I don`t want a new one. I liked the old one. It worked. And it cost a fortune. 2moro is the day i depart on the epic journey of the millenium.. Find someone that will service a Rev.1 E4.. Wish me luck.. because if i can`t find anyone, the voodoo spell will surely be broken, and bollocks music will take over.. I`m far too pissed off to do the playlists now, so Enuf.. I`m going to get highly messy now and work myself into a total state.. Power Updated his Script though..
Well.. more Fun Has emerged re:Love Parade in Berlin.. I noticed this week that the WITNESS festival (a.k.a. WETNESS, a.k.a. SLIPNESS) is on the same weekend as the 'parade.. I can only presume 6:2:6 will be at Witness to cover the mud-sliding and rain-baiting events from the dance tent (let`s hope they have some dance music in it this time to break up the relentless downpours of alcahol and acid rain..) and if my memory serves me right, it`ll be a right auld laff.. i can`t wait to donut my car in the mud again in front of 30,000 people.. [interesting fact: guinness piss makes the bestest donut-mud for FWD cars IMHO] ehm.. anyway.. so this presents a bit of a problem.. Should we stay here and slide about in the mud, or should we go to berlin to represent our country in the OLYMPICS OF DANCE MUSIC? Or should we do BOTH? Somebody help me out here.. Look, i have nothing against rock music as such, but it IS a waste of my time at this stage in the proceedings.. I mean, we have worked hard over the last 20 years to irradicate the blight of (c)rock upon this isle,and i feel we should go the whole hog and really try to bring the LOVE PARADE here next year, and to do this we MUST attend this year on behalf of our country and show the world what we are made of. I am prepared to DRIVE all the way to Berlin, as are the rest of the cru, and party like we just don`t care on the back of a mad float in a parade of 1.5 million like-minded souls just to prove a point. No.. don`t try and talk me out of it.. I`ll enjoy the Drive.. Especially on the LOVELY Autobahn... Mmmm.. Autobahn. In the Meantime, a Cardboard-cutout of me will be placed in the window of the ROADCASTER and a loop of me saying "In fairness" over a special 2-hour long medley of ROOTS MANUVA's entire "run come save me" album will be broadcast to cover the gap left in the world by my/our absence... Mmm.. Absence..
This weekend we examine "coasters" in tarbert co.kerry for headlice and easy-parking ability.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 300302/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Darran Rice (southeastcoast), Andrea Friendly (southcoast),Pressure (eastcoast)
*roger goode/in the beginning again -tsunami - 40%
tsu6029/wri:goode & corsten//purple eye entertainment
*solace/checkmate -bermuda records - 18%
ch001/no details//mofu music 07971.825765
*technohead/i wanna be a hippy -arcade - -26% (minus 26%)
23-205946/no details jo@roadrunnerarcade.be
*mos def vs. massive attack/i against i -virgin - 93%
no details because pressuse took my only copy of it. as usual.
*mark lowndes/the curse -religon music - 60%
rlg004/wri:lowndes//cop con
*JFK/sound of blue -y2k - 23%
y2k030/no details//puregroove music
*zombie nation/unload - drohscheibe dreh014-1r
*showtech/save the day - arcade tr6008-1
*digital guerrilla/feel the drum - suntec tec053 www.hitland.com
*thomas trouble/the real hardcore - blutonium046 www.blutonium.de
*mixfactory/take me away(bootleg) - LMT001
*kai tracid/pure acid - tracid traxx ttx2035
*vernon's world/wanderer - dos or die dos188
*orion 2/you & me(tom x) - zyx two5060
*signum/second wave - white wl031
FILM 2 WATCH OUT FOR: "24 hour party-people", a film mostly about NEW ORDER and the Rave Scene in Manchester, starring STEVE COOGAN.. Strange really since NEW ORDER would probably be better suited in a Film about the Post-Punk Scene in Manchester.. Ah well.. THE GUARDIAN on 30th March had a Stunning piece about the Entire "Retro" and "rave nostalgia" thingy.. Here's a sample..
"....fixed in my mind as a time of feeling that I was in on something noone else knew about, a secret that belonged to perhaps just a few thousand people in the country. At times it was rubbish: the rip-offs; the cancellations; the dangerous venues in the middle of nowhere. But at it's best -dancing as the summer sun rose over exquisite British countryside with a gorgeous stranger you'd met five hours earlier -it was in some ways the best I've ever felt. The idea that, 15 years on,(the U.K.) central government would be Proposing the establishment of "chill-out rooms" in clubs to reduce the risk of drug-related casualties, as it did a few weeks ago, would have been laughable. Even now, the idea that the people who run the country use the word "chill-out" seems faintly ridiculous. But I don't feel a Sense of "things ain't what they used to be". The opposite, in fact: things are somehow exactly what they used to be. The near-geriatric class of '87 has not been booted out of town in the way the long hairs and flatulent prog-rockers of 1977 were booted out by punk. And it's because they are still relevant. The culture whose birth they oversaw has yet to be threatened or superseded. ..Nor will it be for a long time yet. Ecstacy in the States now has its tentacles around hip hop, the biggest-selling musical form in the world. Among college kids,the whole raving lifestyle is only taking off, with the music rebranded as "electronica". Norman Jay, a pioneering British DJ, who pre-dates Shoom by many years and now plays allover the world says this: "I don't think dance culture has even reached its logical conclusion yet. It's still on an upward-curve. It will eventually fall flat,but I don't see it in my lifetime. It will only get bigger. The differenceis that as a DJ now you don't have to be good, you only have to be popular. Kids nowadays have hadit dumbed out of them."A week ago I went to review theChemical Brothers, a duo now in their thirties who formed a good five years after Shoom. Watching them perform their formulaic dance music to a crowd 10 years younger than me, I felt not that I was too old and didn't understand it, but that I understood it only too well, and it just wasn't very good. It felt tired, old, stagnant. Even the name Chemical Brothers sounded lame, as if it was trying too hard.Where taking ***** was once rebellion and marked you out as different, it is now conformity: it marks you out as dumb, as a sheep. It's utterly banal ; more mainstream than Pop Idol. Perhaps"Norman Jay is right and there are still many more years left to run for the formula. Perhaps, like Mick Jagger, Danny Rampling will still be banging out the big anthems when he's old enough for his buss pass. But I hope that the new thing is already secretly breaking, somewhere out there. No one would tell you if it was, that's for sure. In1987, people only shouted "Acieeed" for a week or two, afterwhich time it was considered unspeakably naff.I Recall with crystal clarity pulling up on my scooter alongside three lads in a van, and jogging up and down to some acidtrack playing on a pirate station,and shouting it to them and then shouting it back. And as we roared with laughter, the instant of kinship and conspiracy is one that i will remember for ever." [TOM HORAN, THE GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER, MARCH 30 2002]
So what do you reckon? Make you think? A few Home truths spelt out for us all at last? It`s a pity He keeps reffering to Rampling as some sort of god of the scene, i mean, he never did shit for me, or any1 i know, but the points made are 100% on the nose.. A sad realisation to begin the month.. especially about the Chems.. (giggle)
This is where the 21034 Hits on mrspring.net came from in March..
2 Unresolved/Unknown
<-- pesky Aliens again!!
3 Ireland
4 US Commercial
5 United Kingdom
6 Australia
7 Spain
8 US Educational
9 Netherlands
10 Non-Profit Organization
11 France
12 Canada
13 Belgium
14 Japan
15 Finland
16 Italy
17 Denmark
18 Saudi Arabia
19 Sweden
20 Germany
21 United States
22 Bulgaria
23 Hungary
24 Poland
25 Switzerland
26 South Africa
27 Norway
28 Austria
29 Brazil
30 Romania
We lost a bunch of regulars last month due to the strange goings on in our intro.. those connecting directly to UPDATE should feel proud they avoided the confusion at the frontdoor last month.. but you`ll really want to start acccessing us directly at http://www.mrspring.net this month as even stranger things are due.. allegedly.
Back in the studio today.. Went on a Devilfish/909/RareOldShite trip and actually chopped out a loveley tune.. Did an experiment. Cos i could. I got one of thos Beheringer Multiband Compressor jobbies awhileback, not the Ultradyne, the cheap 2-band one, under a hunderd quid like.. mad cheap, and it has a few other little tricks up it`s sleeve too. It not only compresses Bass and top seperatly - and VERY fast if you want it to because it`s digital and "looks ahead" to react quicker - but does some stereo width stuff and er.. some exititation and some other kind of "polished bass sound" stuff too.. in a single rack with balenced ins & outs.. nice. So it basically replaces a rack full of gear. and costs under a ton. messy. messy for the likes of us with a rack of processing crap that is. so. i did a tune with the usual (analog) chain either bypassed or in "nothing" modes, and the digi-yolkymabob at a nicely customised over-the-top loads of trickery setting. taped it. then i bypassed the digijobbie and cranked up the real shit. the Meek compressor needed much more level to get it driven properly, so the master fader had to travel up a good 2 inches to get it biting correctly.. Then i lobbed a load of arse on it with the aphex.. and some more "normal" top as well while i was at it.. and did another pass. So. wanna know which sounded better? Well. The Digi one was brighter and more polished alright, rode well and no sucking or wierd imaging going on.. i really liked it. Lovely. all there. So, the Analogue one therefore sounded muffled in comparison. needed some more highend detail, so i repassed it with more-then-i`d-really-concider-necessary High end splash from the 204, and some midrange detail on the Ultrafex2 (did i mention it? oh sorry.. on midrande Ex-i-ting duties.. no "3d" engaged.. ) er.. and anyway.. i just don`t know, i can`t pick them apart now, except for the Analogue version is Definatly much more "in your face" when you turn it up to pain level, and much nicer to listen to at low volume, it actually sounds clearer. After ALL that it actually sounds cleaner then the Digital sexbox.. What i mean by "cleaner" is on the analogue chain the track reveals all its little quirks, while on the digital lad it "smears" the whole overall picutre somewhat. Don`t get me wrong, ANYTHING that helps the thing sound more "together" is good by me.. god i love distortion.. etc.. but this isn`t a distortion, it's almost as if it's been "washed" and "pressed" and "neatly folded", where the analogue sounds "wash n' wear".. And by "wash n' wear" i mean DAMN comfortable. Analogue rocks. Still. But for sub-a-ton, the digibox is grrrreat stuf!
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 270402/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Sam Louther (deep), Ronan o (nova), Ken O`Flannigan (shady), Kenny Carpenter (shadier)
*precision vs. the freak/the progress -2play - 32%
tp030p/wri:the freak//cop con
*dario g/carnival 2002 -wea - -1,000,000,000,000 (minus 1 trillion)
No details - disk destroyed
*dj shadow/you can`t go home again! -island - 5%
ciddj797/wri:dj shadow//mowax music/mca music
*eminem/without me -interscope - 34%
emcdp4/wri:eminem//universal music
*kristine blonde/you make me go ohhh.. -milkk - 24%
wea343cd1/wri:kotecha & dixon//careers-BMG music
*willy wonka/golden ticket chocolate bar -nestle - 46%
<--- 1st time a chocolate bar won!!
no details/confectionary www.nestle.ie
*gardner & thomas/control -prolekult - 5%
kult034/wri:gerdner & blackwatch//cop con info@prolekult.com
*ferry corsten/punk - zeitgeist polydor 570714-1
*steve hill vs. new renegades/everything is go - y2k ltd008
*reeloop/fuc*ing society - tracid traxx ttx2034r
*rob dougan/clubbed to death - cheeky rob02
*cosmic gate/the truth - emi electrola 5508516
*humate/vivid - urban zeitgiest b259493
*blank & jones/djs Fans & freaks - incentive centdj30(?)
*kai tracid/trance & acid - tracid traxx ttx2035r
Power also updated his script today..
[or.. all the bits they chopped out of the TV show.. that we can remember.. ]
*Barry McGuigan (pres.) Bit - [cut] Round of applause lasting a genuine/approx 20-50 times longer then actually used when he stepped up to the mike. The Only reason people stopped clapping was because he was trying to speak.Scary.Emotional highlight of the night.
*Dave Fanning (pres.) - [cut] Start of Intro mention of Uaneen.
*Phil Kieran (rec.) - [cut] Entire Acceptance Speach Cut. Did the Up the rest of the community and reminded everyone the dance thing is an indipendent scene and so on..
*Bono (pres.) - [cut] Entire First half of intro where he mysteriously begins to reveal the winners without doing the "the nominations are..." speal gets lost.. the episode doesn`t seeeeem to make sense without the first bit..
*John Hughes (rec.) - [cut] Acceptance speach Butchered to a single sentance.
*The Revs (perf.) - [cut] All of the "Fuc*ing" in their tune replaced with a sharp needle-scratching noise. Sad.
*U2 (aud.) - [cut] Expressions on their faces as Bellfire did a "playback n' grind" all over one of their tunes.
* David Kitt (rec.) - [cut] 1st half of Acceptance Speach where he explains the delay in making his way to the stage was down to him having to be fished from the audience to accept the award,because he was in the middle of telling a joke, and wasn`t paying any attention.
* David Holmes (pres.) - [cut] Entire "dance award" intro, nominees, banter etc. all removed in it`s entirety.
[.. oh yeah.. and the bits in the TV show we DEFINATLY cannot remember at all.... thank god.]
*Westlife (Perf.) - [vt] Full Fuc*ing Stop. They simply were not there. At all. Not even a little bit. Not a Sploom nor A slug was seen. Or a sausage even. WTF. Oh wait.. there's more..
*Six (Perf.) - [vt]. Or whatever they are called. WTCF? i mean.. WTFTCF? Mecca-ditto. I am not taking the piss here at all.. they were SOOO not there either.. Now. 2 VERY worrieng things. Well 3 actually. The first is, Why were they Made/convinced to do it earlier infront of the second worrieng thing.. (Worrieng thing No.2 is bieng revealed now to make things clearer for you, it is:The FAKE AUDIENCE they had placed infront of them for the "performance" thing.. ) well? Was someone afraid we'd laugh? No? How about throw tables at them? No? Maybe touch them? or get them wasted and tell them "virus" thoughts to eat away at the very basis of Pop music itself?? What-fuc*ing-Ever. I think they made the CORRECT decision.Oh. and the Actual Worrieng part of the second Worrieng thing is this: Where did this "stunt" audience come from/and go to? I mean.. RENTACROWD must be having monday off.. Or are they on tour with the act? Oh, and worrieng thing Number 3? That it may actually have happend infront of us all along and we.. er.. had a "mass episode" sort of thing. But i swear, NOBODY can remember any of the boyband shite at all.. It was all planted. Scardy Cats.
*Bellfire (Perf.) - [pb].This sort of qualifys as they were there in the flesh, but thats about all.
I have Photographs of the HOTPRESSAWARDS. Oh Yes. Yes i do. Mmm. Not _that_ sure of the script yet, but after developing them i`m sure i`ll have a rough draft for y'all with piccys.. Maybe. Tomorrow is CARRICKMACROSS for me gigwise.. god i need some rest. etc.

Ooookay.. so my "Mix-training" article is in print in the new Clubbing.com,& i made the frontcover with it! Good god. May all who read it get so confused they give up ANY dreams of sync-mixing immediatly afterwards.. for that is the plan... too many djs and not enuf clubnights requires dirty tricks!! COMING NEXT MONTH: Mrspring's guide to Pulling Leggy Birds..
We are all off to THE HOTPRESS AWARDS today in Belfast.. It`ll be on BBC NI and TV3 over the next 3 days or so since the BBC are filming the whole thing - it is after all bieng held in their TV studio in Belfast, after all, In fairness, After all. Ehm.. i`m not sure WHY we are going, but i think one of us has been nominated for Best Something-or-other.. Ah yes, i`m up for The "Token Dance-Community Recognition Award", Either that or "Best Media Whore" or possibly "Best Forced Conversion from Angry Punk to Paid Jock".. Speaking of Media Whores, i HAVEN'T forgotton the Latest Slating In THE SLATE, I have been well busy l8ly and just havn't had the time to Do it justice.. Also, i got news today the E4 is alive! The Synthesizer Service Centre Have Revived it!! And it's due back home next week.. Aw.. i`m so happy!! More ELECTION stuff to pester any leeches with: HEALTHCARE FOR THE HANDICAPPED, THE MMR VACCINE CAUSING MORE DAMAGE THEN IT PREVENTS, THE LIES THE CUN*S TOLD US LAST TIME THEY WANTED TO BE ELECTED, THE CRISES AT RTE, LACK OF FUNDING FOR LOCAL SPORTS, AIR QUALITY, ENCOURAGING US TO BUY CARS THEN MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO DRIVE & PARK THEM, WASTING OUR PUBLIC MONEY ON A POXY STADIUM WHEN WHAT WE NEED IS LAW & ORDER & HEALTHCARE, THE LUXARY GAP, THE CELTIC TIGER MYTH, THE SMELL AT NIGHT IN DUBLIN, PUBLIC TRANSPORT, QUANGO CULTURE, ***** FUC*ING WALSHE, THE BLOODY EURO, THE BRITS POISENING OUR SEA, PAEDO PERV PRIESTS, STARS ON SUNDAY, THE SKY TV INVASION KILLING OUR CULTURE & MEDIA INDUSTRY, ALCAHOL ABUSE, DRUG ABUSE, CHILD ABUSE, VERBAL ABUSE, OBTUSE VIEWS and the classic GIVE ME SOME MONEY YOU BASTERD AND I`LL VOTE FOR YOU.
Major Mailbox Fillingness re:Sunshine MP3 i have released on Playthatbeat.net - Accross the board it`s a "yes" and a big "thanx" for doing it.. A few puzzled Questions as to my plot 'giving it away' like this, well, it's simple really.. I don`t see it bieng of any use except as an album track 4 the phuture,and a listening thing at this time.. so rather then sit on it, i thought i`d spread it about a bit. Now You may think i should put it out on vinyl, but with the lack of testicular fortitude currently bieng displayed by the industry, i think it`d be over their heads and only of use to the serious music-lover on a personal level.. so why waste thousands of Euro pushing it upon deaf ears and agnostic decks? That will only make it`s journey to the one's that need it more difficult.. Also, i can`t live with the idea of someone paying 12 euro for it to listen to when they can MP3 it for free from a mate anyway.. so here, the best quality MP3 i can justify as a freebie, as a freebie. Enjoy, and if you still love it when we are compiling the next album, then it'll be there, in full 16-bit un-mashed ster-e-er-e-oh. Now don`t just sit there gawking, download it and spread it about - remember , under the 2002 EEC directive 303a and 202b, ACID HOUSE IS TO BE MADE COMPULSORY so you might as well get with the program now before we have to reformat you.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 200402/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Joe Clark & Dermot C (roadcaster), Hugh Scully, Shay Hannon & Mugsy (studio),Helix (virtual), Pascall (nornirn)
*thomazz/mozarecta -arcade - 25%
2320321/wri:thomazz//roadrunner music
*sub zero/voyage voyage -white - 4%
back03djp1/no details whitelabel
*rob dougan/clubbed to death -cheeky - 75%
rob01/wri:dougan//bmg music publishing
*29 palms/touch the sky -perfecto - 9%
no details whitelabel
*liberty x/just a little -v2 - -55% (minus 55%)
vvr5018960p/wri:escoffery & hagen//emi music publishing
*dino lenny/i feel stereo -incentive - 30%
cent40t/wri:lenny & doria//cop con
*technohead/i wanna be a hippy - arcade 23205946 jo@roadrunnerarcade.be
*uberdruck/now or never - pulsive media 013 www.pulsivemedia.com
*headquarter/pumpin - zyx bft033-12 www.bigfoot-records.de
*reeloop/fucking society - tracid traxx ttx2034
*phonetic/to the rhythm - deep mission trance dmt11 www.uptiderecords.de
*humate/vivid - urban zeitgiest b259493
*taurus vs. laurent/bladerunner - everlasting ever 012-12
*showtech/save the day - arcade t2-6008-1
*kai tracid/trance & acid - tracid traxx ttx2035
So.. Ireland is Up on the SKY-Digibox (aka: the shitbox, the addbox, the rupert box, the dodgybox) you should have a new channel lineup from today.. look around channel 106 onwards.. Spooky huh? Of coarse, this means you can now get DIGITAL quality copys of the 6:2:6 output as long as you have a SONY digibox & minidisk machine equipped with digital Ins & outs,although the quality from the Phono-sockets on the back of your Digibox should pump fairly nifty sound anyways - well, better then Analogue FM anyway.. For those of us with plain "harry-normal" setups, it`s out with the 4-hour videotape and on with the Nicam-Stereo Video Recorder.. Remember to SCART into the VCR for a non-messy operation.. You will be AMAZED with the sound quality on playback, VCR Stereo & Nicam Sound is no joke.. So, no excuses, start your VCR-Library of 6:2:6 mixes and features THIS WEEKEND! Here in the shack we use TDK-300 tapes.. 5 hours in SP, 10 hours in LP mode on each tape.. and when the picture is not important, LP is the way to go. In fact, i have been known to fill a tape with 10 hours of "nice" visuals (from KRISMA TV or SPACE NIGHT or SPICE PLATINUM) and then "Audio Dub" 6:2:6 mixes over it for a snazzy "afters" tape - that goes for 10 hours without bieng changed. Oh yes. The Laziest Fuc*er on the Firm - that`s me.
The Scene is Set for the SPRING vs PICOTTO CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH!! This May & June Bank Holidays, In Galway City! The Venues: The Vic, Cap:450 (spring) & Temple Galway, Cap:950 (picotto). Judging: The Clubbers Of Galway. Points of interest: * Temple has been Dogged By cancellations lately, John "OO" & Tall Paul Failing to show has damaged the credibility of both the venue and the Jocks billed to play there.. * The Vic is Smaller and Cheaper accross the board, and hasn`t had a makeover lately. * Galway Clubland is in fragmented now after the forced installation of "Dad-House" in the slots that were traditionally Dance nights - clubber confidence is at an all-time low in galway. * A super-Heavyweight bout such as this could be settled on a "Show & tell" basis alone. Either way, Galway clubbers can now demonstrate their Utter Support or Disgust for the Current path chosen by the established Galway Club-Entertainment providers - Vote with your feet - Blank the Dad-house shite and Come and see Mauro or Me. Make them suffer in Daddyland. Have them reaching for their Slippers & Coke with shaking, liverspotted Claws - Brandy and Cigars Anyone? Time to Wakeup - this isn`t a fight between Me and Mauro - I`d kick his ass anyways (italians always forget to Close their fists in scraps, and they respect a person's Genetils) - this is a fight between US (the music lovers) and THEM (the trouser mob). Between Me & Mauro, You Are GUARANTEED and top lad.
New Choon For You On Playthatbeat.net.
Thank you KK-Posse. A Very Enjoyable night! The First night in a while where the bouncer(s) admitted "almost liking" some of the tunes.. Don`t ever change People. Tonight is THE SESSIONS TOUR from PANAMA JACKS in Castlebar.. We should have a linkup with the roadcaster for The Squad, at _least_ Jay Pidgeon will be available, with a slim chance of some LISA LASHES as well.. The outlook is For Heavy Radio-Malleting and Grevious Oinkage which will pass by 2am-ish to make way for 6:2:6 DRIVE with our new(ish)est addition, CONOR G. Con will be Requiring TRAFFIC REPORTS to help smooth the trip home after clubland and You are required to particip8.. text him your reports on your night in/out.. who sucked? who rocked? who gives a f**k? So.. More changes in the Ether.. No more Boy George (snif.. sob.. blubb..) is a shame, and i`m told George will be in the cuntry in the next 4tnight, so i MUST attempt an interview/media ambush and extract the real script.. or at least a storyboard offovhim.
Tonight We visit ZOO in Who-Kill(ed)Kenny..
A translation of the Channel names you will find if you do like i suggested yeaterday.. You won`t get channel names yet since the transmission is a test.. so here's the meaning of the Numbers..
Test # Channel Name
9612 2FM & 6:2:6
9614 Lyric FM
9602 Network 2 TV
9611 RTE Radio 1 FM
9613 RnaG FM
9601 RTE 1 TV
9604 TG4 TV
9603 TV3 TV
Mmmm.. Now the TV services won`t be watchable till the 23rd April, but you can enjoy the Radio untill then!! These channels WILL be on the Sky Channel guide by then, but for now, SERVICES,4,4 with 10.744H, 22,000, 5/6 as the parameters will get you in! Our Friends in Europe and N.Africa should Find these services on the ASTRA 2B Satellite at 28.2east with the above settings.. Digirox!
Ooops.. looks like it's all gone pete.. goddamn. Oh.. fixed is it? Right.. For those of you with SKY digiboxes.. go to SERVICES, hit "4" then "4" again.. then enter the following details: Frequency 10744, Polarity: H, Rate: 22000 and 5/6 for the f.e.c... Do a search and select the services you want to add to your "extra channels" menu.. I am of coarse referring to the 2FM digital channel now available/testing there.. You can access it by selecting "SERVICES then "6" once it`s been stored.
Use it wisely my son.
Our intro has been fixed.. apparently we are subject to an invasion!!!!! Upgrade your cache now.. re-load mrspring.net and during the intro hit your RELOAD or REFRESH button to reveal all!! [note: i don`t watch HOME & AWAY and NEIBHOURS at all anymore. Really. I`m Oz-Soap Free.. I just do a bit of medicinal Corrie and A Bit of 'Enders on weekends.. to be sociable.. as u do..]
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 130402/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Sandy Rivera (representin), Niall Redmond (escortin),Conor G (6:2:6n)
*only paradise/help me -virgin - 80%
no details white label
*scumfrog vs. bowie/loving the alien -positiva - 55%
cdivdj172/wri:bowie//rzo music ltd.
*marc et clause & tony hadley/feel you -alphabet city - 0%
abcd02086/wri:driessen & hadley//alphabet city & slipstream publishing
*ian pooley/missing you -nrk - 97%
no details/wri

*holly valance/kiss kiss -london - 17%
no details - record stolen by sandy for "the beats at the start"
*funky fresh few/heavy hittin' -grand central - 65%
gc147/wri:savage & george//cop con www.grandcentralrecords.co.uk
*infernal/music - insolent insmx202
*dial m for moguai/beatbox 2002 - knukleheadz khz001 www.knukleheadz.co.uk
*digital guerrilla/feel the drum - suntec tec053 www.hitland.com
*schalldruck/turntable junky - uberdruck ud04 www.djthecrow.de
*commander tom/sweet thing - noom068-6
*precision & the freak/the progress - 2play tp030p
*human resource/dominator 2002 - amendo ma9702 www.antler-subway.be
*olympic moonshine/the revolution - spring sli10702
*humate/vivid - urban zeitgiest b259493
[Stuff played on Mark McCabe's Show, Saturday 13.04.02]
the streets/let's push things foward - locked on..sugarbabes/freak like you - island..london dodgers/down down bizniss - locked on..so solid crew/ride wid us - so solid beats..norlander vs. Xpansions/elevation - bootleg..DJD presents../shake it baby - direction..k-klass/baby wants to ride - white..jens/loops and things - arcade..vicious delicious/hocus pocus - dfc..moby/we are all made of stars - mute..xpress2/lazy - skint..harrison crump/adore - subliminal..g's over you/over you - 1way..1 giant leap/for my culture - palm pictures..john cutler/it`s yours - direction..soul avengerz/i can't stop - dtension..spiller revisits saint germain/spiller rose - positiva..mary j blige/dance for me - white..unidentified artist/untitled - strictly rhythm
I've had Such a reaction to the "Leave me there" track, that i have decided to do a run of it on vinyl with the Other "norty" trak of note lately "The revolution".. They went off to the factory today and to whet your appetite, there is a Windows Media Player Video version of "Leave me there" available on playthatbeat for download (or streaming if you are on cable/broadband).. You may have to Download the WM8 Codec from microsoft to play it, but it`s a small download as long as you are running Mediaplayer 7.. I used up all the remaining footage i rescued from the Sacred Camcorder Tapes we did back in 1992-1994 to make it, so there, the Irish retro-vision project is complete.. Enjoy! Obviously it means that "mOOnshine" and "No sunshine" won`t be released now, but i did use the same code i used for "mOOnshine" to make "Leave me there", i just bolted the new sounds into it and re-arranged it a bit, so i think it'll have to be called a varient on "mOOnshine" to be fair.. oh, and i DID include the Parts to "mOOnshine" on the record as well.. But i`m going to save the Original "mOOnshine" and "No sunshine" for the next album now. To be honest, i think that dance music has got a bit to serious for my liking, and i`m wasting my time doing "serious" tracks as singles, let's be honest here, the one's that people actually BUY are the silly tunes to play out, and the demand for this tune after only 2 plays on the radio and 1 weekend in the clubs is silly.. not since Blaxxtraxx have i had so many DJs on to me looking for a copy!! I don`t even know if we'll offer it to the UK Yet since i`m sure we'll do the whole batch here.. God it`s a good time to be irish!
Another Track Uploaded to PLAYTHATBEAT.NET today.. Got THE SLATE as well.. apparently according to the shop i found it in, there are "hit squads" going around removing it and (this is the stupid bit) LEAVING copies of a Lesser rag alone.. I haven`t heard of this kind of thing ("flyer dumping") since the HipHop Days in dublin (1990ish) and i thought there was a gentlemen's agreement NOT to do this kind of thing any more.. sad innit? How sad i hear you squeal? well this weekend has to r8 as the saddest in gigging history.. a total of 700 people went out this weekend, abut 500 to the OASIS in carrickmacross, and the other 200 spread among the other 60 major clubs that ran something this weekend.. I THINK i had the smallest crowd of the lot, 2, me and DEREK the driver. Please, DO NOT mention this weekend ever again. I forgot/messed up everything i was meant to do.. Apologies to PASCAL who got "4got" on the squad this weekend, messy.. (and so on..) Anyway. I suppose you gathered BOY GEORGE is Finished on 6:2:6? The production company that supplies the show has discontinued it.. so CONOR G joins 6:2:6 next weekend, from 2-4am.. doing the "6:2:6 Drive" Face it, it _is_ our drive-time slot.. So expect loads of news, current affairs and traffic news!! (not)
Thank you for all the kind calls about the E4,really, we are all touched. No news yet, but when i get some i`ll up it 4sure4sure. I'm Delighted to hear THE SLATE has made it to another issue, and i`m proud to be their longest-running pet hate so far, with more ink wasted on me in the current issue.. I`ll elabor8 as soon as i can find a copy, couldn`t find it anywhere today in dublin strangely.. Well, it had to happen i suppose, a new sampler has been aquired, and it`s another EMU (E4XTultra).. King's ransom price, but it had to be done, now, maybee we can get back to work.. Oh, all except the Yamaha SPX-90 (yes!) MultiFX unit.. our FAVORITE vintaj Digi-grindmeister (got 2nd hand in 1990 from an ex-live rig setup so it has dents you wouldn't believe in it) has bitten the dust in sympathy with the E4.. It`s been promptly replaced with a TC electronic M1 but it's one of those machines that does something unique (the pitchshift alog is special..) and i miss the "dimension-D" chorus as well.. (sob) you see, in this case it's the fact that it is FLAWED that makes it so unique.. Ah well.. it`s nearly 20 now i suppose.. time it had (at least) it`s battery changed..
Tonite we visit Smokey Joes in Balintubber/Castleree and tomorrow after a 4-hour 6:2:6 jaunt from 6-10pm (mcCabe is on holidays) We are off for a bit of Athy.. heheheh.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 060402/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Al Gibbs (FM104), DJ7 (.net),Ken Tobin (neither), Casper ("Bar Manager")
*lost witness/did i dream? -data - 65%
data28p1/no details white label
*timo maas/shifter -perfecto - 70%
perf31cdp/wri:maas & greene//emi music www.timomaas.com
*black twang/kick off -bad magic - ((25+(10^-13))/4)%
magic23/wri:rotton//warner chappell
*bradski & jenski/hardbeat -clubtools - 55%
b260685/wri:janssen & smitshoek//twisted minds recording
*pafffendorf/be cool -data - [marking aborted 'cos of offence caused]
data29p1/wri:gottfried & connor/upright songs
*moby/we are all made of stars -mute - 87%
no details/white label/wri:moby//mute songs
*the streets/lets push things foward -locked on - 30%
679003cdlp/wri:skinner//pure groove music
*ftw/children - ftw 23.205656 tom@roadrunnerarcade.be
*taurus vs. laurent/bladerunner - everlasting ever01212 www.everlasting-records.de
*panic machine/rock on - accalwan aca9958-12
*tripods construction kit - spring sli10302
*miss peppermint/back in time - dropout 0214-6
*olympic massive/leave me there - spring sli10702
*cosmic gate/exploration of space - data30tr
*r.o.o.s./instant moments 2002 - basic beat 294-5 www.basic-beat.com
*the tornados/telstar - decca f11494
*so solid crew/ride wid us - so solid beats rwu2
May the Gods Bless & watch over the E4 on it's journey to london, possibly it`s LAST journey anywhere. The Synthesizer Service Centre have the Lazarus Gig,so lets keep the fingers crossed.. Sigh.. I`ll miss it if it's curtains i really will.Want to hear the story of the sampler? Might as well. Originally i had an Akai s900.. waaay back.Then an s950 - Time streach! Wow! Then went mad on a Roland s-750 - It had a mouse/CRT display and 32 Stereo voices.. and Lovely filters.. Mmm. and A hard drive.. mmm.. Then came the New Emulator Range.. I'd Always wanted an Emulator, Since seeing Depeche mode playing a Mk1 AND a Mk2 on TOTP one night.. Mmm.. Sampling.. But at 10 grand (when 10 grand was alot of money..) it was out of my league.. I was 14 and still in school after all. So.. When EMU did the EMAX for a grand ("affordable") i nearly went for it, but chose the Akai instead.. Can`t remember why.. possibly because the EMAX looked like and Ensoniq Mirage [Long, slim, dark.. no knobs at all etc.. heavy.. boring..] except very plasticky, and was a keyboard, not a serious-looking rack with a big (for the time) display! So i lived with and maxed out the akai's and the Roland.. then my music shop-owning cousin Karl (yo fatboy!) cooked up a "Fully loaded" demo model of the almost Ultimate sampler of all time, the 64-voice, 8 balenced outs, digi in & out behmoth EMU e-64.. I borrowed the display model, promply sold the akais and the roland and ordered the 128-voice version, the EIV.. I got SUCH a good deal cos of him bieng my Cuz and all.. Jesus christ my life changed.. Such a Monster.. And all set up like a Modular synth! loads of routing easily changed on the fly!!! Wow.. goodby "christmas-tree" operating systems, hello sampling heaven. It cost a lifetime of Sample-Library, 3 samplers and all the money i had, and we have been happy ever after for 7+ years.. (snif) Ahhhhhhhh i want it baaaaaack. I even bought back my old Roland in the meantime, but it makes no difference. I want my E4 back. In fact untill i do. I`m banning samples in the shack.(easily done). From now on breaks must be cut in by hand onto multitrack.. Er.. or we could just "take a break" for a while.. nervous breakdown? don`t mind if i doooooooo...
Everything was fine.. i was all ready to do the usual site update this evening with playlists etc.. but the events of today have put the mockers on that little plot.. Please (if u will) turn to page 300.. the Appendix of the script, and read the paragraph on SHIT FITS.. I am currently experiencing a Grade 4 shitfit.. that is: I am lucid but thinking at a million miles an hour, I will hit anyone/thing that looks at me the wrong way, i have a stern expression on and i am seriously concidering getting a new life. Why? Today my trusty and extraordinaryly expensive Sampler (a Rev.1 EMU e4 - Fully loaded) Died. Just locked up and now it won`t boot.. What did i do to it? I loved it for Years.. Fed it Fresh Zip Disks and A King's Ransom of 16MB 30-pin simms (currently valued at more then the sampler itself they are so rare..).. We made Hits, Shit and Noises every time we met.I don`t want a new one. I liked the old one. It worked. And it cost a fortune. 2moro is the day i depart on the epic journey of the millenium.. Find someone that will service a Rev.1 E4.. Wish me luck.. because if i can`t find anyone, the voodoo spell will surely be broken, and bollocks music will take over.. I`m far too pissed off to do the playlists now, so Enuf.. I`m going to get highly messy now and work myself into a total state.. Power Updated his Script though..
Well.. more Fun Has emerged re:Love Parade in Berlin.. I noticed this week that the WITNESS festival (a.k.a. WETNESS, a.k.a. SLIPNESS) is on the same weekend as the 'parade.. I can only presume 6:2:6 will be at Witness to cover the mud-sliding and rain-baiting events from the dance tent (let`s hope they have some dance music in it this time to break up the relentless downpours of alcahol and acid rain..) and if my memory serves me right, it`ll be a right auld laff.. i can`t wait to donut my car in the mud again in front of 30,000 people.. [interesting fact: guinness piss makes the bestest donut-mud for FWD cars IMHO] ehm.. anyway.. so this presents a bit of a problem.. Should we stay here and slide about in the mud, or should we go to berlin to represent our country in the OLYMPICS OF DANCE MUSIC? Or should we do BOTH? Somebody help me out here.. Look, i have nothing against rock music as such, but it IS a waste of my time at this stage in the proceedings.. I mean, we have worked hard over the last 20 years to irradicate the blight of (c)rock upon this isle,and i feel we should go the whole hog and really try to bring the LOVE PARADE here next year, and to do this we MUST attend this year on behalf of our country and show the world what we are made of. I am prepared to DRIVE all the way to Berlin, as are the rest of the cru, and party like we just don`t care on the back of a mad float in a parade of 1.5 million like-minded souls just to prove a point. No.. don`t try and talk me out of it.. I`ll enjoy the Drive.. Especially on the LOVELY Autobahn... Mmmm.. Autobahn. In the Meantime, a Cardboard-cutout of me will be placed in the window of the ROADCASTER and a loop of me saying "In fairness" over a special 2-hour long medley of ROOTS MANUVA's entire "run come save me" album will be broadcast to cover the gap left in the world by my/our absence... Mmm.. Absence..
This weekend we examine "coasters" in tarbert co.kerry for headlice and easy-parking ability.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie) TX: 300302/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Darran Rice (southeastcoast), Andrea Friendly (southcoast),Pressure (eastcoast)
*roger goode/in the beginning again -tsunami - 40%
tsu6029/wri:goode & corsten//purple eye entertainment
*solace/checkmate -bermuda records - 18%
ch001/no details//mofu music 07971.825765
*technohead/i wanna be a hippy -arcade - -26% (minus 26%)
23-205946/no details jo@roadrunnerarcade.be
*mos def vs. massive attack/i against i -virgin - 93%
no details because pressuse took my only copy of it. as usual.
*mark lowndes/the curse -religon music - 60%
rlg004/wri:lowndes//cop con
*JFK/sound of blue -y2k - 23%
y2k030/no details//puregroove music
*zombie nation/unload - drohscheibe dreh014-1r
*showtech/save the day - arcade tr6008-1
*digital guerrilla/feel the drum - suntec tec053 www.hitland.com
*thomas trouble/the real hardcore - blutonium046 www.blutonium.de
*mixfactory/take me away(bootleg) - LMT001
*kai tracid/pure acid - tracid traxx ttx2035
*vernon's world/wanderer - dos or die dos188
*orion 2/you & me(tom x) - zyx two5060
*signum/second wave - white wl031
FILM 2 WATCH OUT FOR: "24 hour party-people", a film mostly about NEW ORDER and the Rave Scene in Manchester, starring STEVE COOGAN.. Strange really since NEW ORDER would probably be better suited in a Film about the Post-Punk Scene in Manchester.. Ah well.. THE GUARDIAN on 30th March had a Stunning piece about the Entire "Retro" and "rave nostalgia" thingy.. Here's a sample..
"....fixed in my mind as a time of feeling that I was in on something noone else knew about, a secret that belonged to perhaps just a few thousand people in the country. At times it was rubbish: the rip-offs; the cancellations; the dangerous venues in the middle of nowhere. But at it's best -dancing as the summer sun rose over exquisite British countryside with a gorgeous stranger you'd met five hours earlier -it was in some ways the best I've ever felt. The idea that, 15 years on,(the U.K.) central government would be Proposing the establishment of "chill-out rooms" in clubs to reduce the risk of drug-related casualties, as it did a few weeks ago, would have been laughable. Even now, the idea that the people who run the country use the word "chill-out" seems faintly ridiculous. But I don't feel a Sense of "things ain't what they used to be". The opposite, in fact: things are somehow exactly what they used to be. The near-geriatric class of '87 has not been booted out of town in the way the long hairs and flatulent prog-rockers of 1977 were booted out by punk. And it's because they are still relevant. The culture whose birth they oversaw has yet to be threatened or superseded. ..Nor will it be for a long time yet. Ecstacy in the States now has its tentacles around hip hop, the biggest-selling musical form in the world. Among college kids,the whole raving lifestyle is only taking off, with the music rebranded as "electronica". Norman Jay, a pioneering British DJ, who pre-dates Shoom by many years and now plays allover the world says this: "I don't think dance culture has even reached its logical conclusion yet. It's still on an upward-curve. It will eventually fall flat,but I don't see it in my lifetime. It will only get bigger. The differenceis that as a DJ now you don't have to be good, you only have to be popular. Kids nowadays have hadit dumbed out of them."A week ago I went to review theChemical Brothers, a duo now in their thirties who formed a good five years after Shoom. Watching them perform their formulaic dance music to a crowd 10 years younger than me, I felt not that I was too old and didn't understand it, but that I understood it only too well, and it just wasn't very good. It felt tired, old, stagnant. Even the name Chemical Brothers sounded lame, as if it was trying too hard.Where taking ***** was once rebellion and marked you out as different, it is now conformity: it marks you out as dumb, as a sheep. It's utterly banal ; more mainstream than Pop Idol. Perhaps"Norman Jay is right and there are still many more years left to run for the formula. Perhaps, like Mick Jagger, Danny Rampling will still be banging out the big anthems when he's old enough for his buss pass. But I hope that the new thing is already secretly breaking, somewhere out there. No one would tell you if it was, that's for sure. In1987, people only shouted "Acieeed" for a week or two, afterwhich time it was considered unspeakably naff.I Recall with crystal clarity pulling up on my scooter alongside three lads in a van, and jogging up and down to some acidtrack playing on a pirate station,and shouting it to them and then shouting it back. And as we roared with laughter, the instant of kinship and conspiracy is one that i will remember for ever." [TOM HORAN, THE GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER, MARCH 30 2002]
So what do you reckon? Make you think? A few Home truths spelt out for us all at last? It`s a pity He keeps reffering to Rampling as some sort of god of the scene, i mean, he never did shit for me, or any1 i know, but the points made are 100% on the nose.. A sad realisation to begin the month.. especially about the Chems.. (giggle)
This is where the 21034 Hits on mrspring.net came from in March..
2 Unresolved/Unknown
<-- pesky Aliens again!!
3 Ireland
4 US Commercial
5 United Kingdom
6 Australia
7 Spain
8 US Educational
9 Netherlands
10 Non-Profit Organization
11 France
12 Canada
13 Belgium
14 Japan
15 Finland
16 Italy
17 Denmark
18 Saudi Arabia
19 Sweden
20 Germany
21 United States
22 Bulgaria
23 Hungary
24 Poland
25 Switzerland
26 South Africa
27 Norway
28 Austria
29 Brazil
30 Romania
We lost a bunch of regulars last month due to the strange goings on in our intro.. those connecting directly to UPDATE should feel proud they avoided the confusion at the frontdoor last month.. but you`ll really want to start acccessing us directly at http://www.mrspring.net this month as even stranger things are due.. allegedly.