I Remember when SOUTH started in Tramore a certain smug "prog" DJ claimed i`d never see their decks from behind.. It didn`t phaze me coz i couldn`t give a low-flying-bacon-sarnie's ringpiece what people THINK when they start a club.. At the end of the day, they all get sprung. And SOUTH's time has come. 2moro night, Bank-holiday Flava (-=as You do=-), Waterford area, myself and the Boy Power.. So there. Dew drop by if you aren`t Suicidal after the 7am-slaughter.. (don`t frown at MY page!! i may be referring to the slaughter of the cameroon!!) Now then. Where's my MALLET? Ah yes... Been a while..
Power Updated His Script. DJ mag Review of DESIRE on the Releases page..
New SLATE on the streets/gathering in bundles in bins near copshops this week.. And it`s a DAME STREET MASSACRE special! Some excellent observations re
eelers, but nothing we don`t already know, just the S.O.S. presented in an easily digestable form. Slight infiltration of the pages by someone who thinks they know something about techno, which is a shame since they dedicated so much ink to slagging such people off in the past.. This is nicely Balenced out by some Sound advice for WESTLIFE in the gig section though.. And a Fab Overview of THE POD.. All-in-all it's definatly the next issue in the collection. No doubt. Get one now before the cops get them all.
And so the great ROY story is over.. now we have someone to blame when it all goes horribly wrong in Japan/Korea.. Roy and Mick.. Savage!! Amazing isn`t it? A massive clash of Egos grabs the nation's attention as if it mattered! Christ almighty what a total and complete load of horse-knackers-in-aspic... Good god are we reduced to watching 2 sub-human lowlife pratts argue over the talking stick who specialise in booting pigskin for a profession?! What next eh? Well i'll tell you what's next then shall i? Everyone that has a problem at work should quit and leave their mates to pick up the pieces.. Great! Cos you all know the rules, (in perticular rule 114a: "if it`s difficult to do, blame everyone else, then leave.." and rule 224c: "when denied more sweeties,on a friday, rattles should be thrown out of the cot to the LEFT..".. I mean, all of us have to work with people we don`t get along with on a PERSONAL level, some of us even work with people that are incapable of doing their jobs in the first place, but we still get on with it and get the job done because IT'S OUR GIG! It is what we do. Sad Sad Sad. Good job i can`t stand football innit? Now.. who fancies an all-out strike in 2FM/6:2:6? I fancy Real money and a leather microphone..
This Saturday is SOUTH in Tramore. Bank holiday, first IRELAND game, Full on squire.. The next release, Spring records' SLI10702 "OLYMPIC MOONSHINE" is now in circulation in the UK.. Ireland & Europe next week.. TUNED are distributing it..
Copies of SLI10702 - OLYMPIC MOONSHINE were shipped from the factory yesterday!! A few will be Given to TUNED for distribution to those that require it.. a few will be mailed out this week from the UK.. and that is that.. may the summer be hot, may the revolution be live and may the music take you away..
If you want a preview. try Playthatbeat.net for a video trip..(playthatbeat the movie).. enjoy..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 250502/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Raymond Franklin (no fake tan), Stuart Clarke (out of the hotpress), Jazzy M. (the way u know), Darran Flynn (soon 2b x-pat).
*dj shog/this is my sound -nu life - 32%
74321942271/wri:greiner & terhoeven svengreiner@yahoo.de
*happy mondays/24 hour party people -london - 77%
lonx466/wri:happy mondays www.fhm.com/24hourpartypeople
*lighthouse family/happy -polydor - 44%
happy2/wri:tucker//universal music www.thelighthousefamily.com
*kluster/i feel love -whitelabel - 65%
sti001tp2//no details
*orbital/frenetic -ffrr - 58%
rbital//cop con(?)
*sex pistols/god save the queen -virgin - 63%
vst1832/wri:cook & rotton//warner chappel music
*robbie rivera/funk-a-tron - direction 6727396 www.directionrecords.com
*andre visor/speed up - tech trance 005-12 www.tech-records.de
*quebed/foward & reverse - whitelabel q4
*steve hill vs. new renegades/everyhing is go - y2k ltd008
*mikado/no sleep - propeller pro020-6 www.djmind-x.com
*grim reaper/wild n loose(the roof is on fire) - energized 053 www.energized-records.com
*layo & bushwacka!/love story - xl xlt144dj2
*kluster/i feel love - whitelabel sti001tp1
Here are the Details of the Ibeefa Thing.. It`s a CLUBBING.COM holiday Sessionstour holiday Expidition Called: "The Ibiza summer Sessions",based in Es Paradis. July 13 is Mr Spring (2FM),Alan Simms (shine),Gleave Dobbin (coast to coast) with a Pre Party at Savanah Hosted by John Power (2fm) & Leonie (Lust).. There are Holidays bieng offered in association with Panorama Holidays : 7 days / 7 nights at The Jet Apartment Complex, Bora Bora Beach - "for the young and lively crowd". Email holidays@clubbing.com or Read Clubbing.com magazine or Check the site www.clubbing.com for regular updates and full angles on the other 3 weeks you can take part in.. There will be a Broadcast on 6:2:6 as well.. so if you can`t get away, you can`t get away.. if you know what i mean.. whey-hey. etc.
It bleedin' obvious by now that we aint goin to the love parade. I feel such a tool for even thinking it was possible.. i mean.. people (no offence) have mad ideas all the time, and most of the time they rarely get past bieng just that - ideas, but this was a little bit more meaty.. actual flesh i thought.. looks like it was more blood on a tissue. Arse. I suppose i should tell you about the spoof that is to replace the Love Parade one then shouldn`t i? It`s a SESSIONS TOUR in Ibeefa. Mmmm. Ah well. Luckily i Hate Ibeefa, so if it doesn`t happen i won`t care. Ehm.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 180502/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Diggidy Daz (chat controller), Johnathan Rice (H.House rep.), Derek Duff (the duffster), Dave B
(Vinyl Wizard), Carl Lambert (future sounds past).
*n-trance/forever -aatw - 14%
12globe257/no details promo
*green velvet/la la land -creedence - 68%
cdcreddj025/wri:green velvet//cajual music www.musicmanrecords.net
*jsj/ghost of you -rennaissance - 45%
renn033t/no details//cop con
*baby ruth/choclate bar -nestle - -1% (minus 1 percent)
baby ruth - 2 ounce bar (c)nestle
*perfect phase/slammer jammer -tripoli trax - 19%
ttrax089r/wri:faber & fontein//bpm music
*basement jaxx/get me off -xl - 0% (zero percent)
xl146cdp/no details//no details
*nexus 6/tres chic - noom 65
*the hose/call it hardstyle - arsenic sound blgo12
*schalldruck/turntable junky - uberdruck ud04
*montini experience/my house is your house 2002 - vinyl loop dadvlr003
*the moon/shake it - byte progressive bp010206-12
*olympic moonshine/revolution - spring sli10702
*blank & jones/djs fans & freaks - incentive cent42tdj
*mikado/no sleep - propeller pro020-6 www.djmind-x.com
*dj darkzone/infinity in your hands - Full E fue0045
*steve hill vs. new renegades/everyhing is go - y2k ltd008
Power updated his script..
We taped the Old Skool Night in MONO.. Coming soon to a late-night-session near you! Oh, and the NEW MONO.. well, not so new thesedays, but i haven`t been in there since b4 the change.. seems verymuch the same to me, same area floor, cool cieling - curves and angles galore, and the sound was stiff and there.. New DJbox too, right next to the bogs! Amazingly the dex were at the correct level to avoid backstrain too! Overall - nice as ever, but VERY little trace of the Mean Fiddler now.. THE GRILL on saturday was quite fun! I was a little bit l8 as i had to pilot the Bratmobile myself.. Sure we had fun though! I`m not sure if i`ve already commented on it, but they have 1210 Mk3 Decks there, and they are such a joy to use.. it`s a sad fact that these days you have to make your tunes slighty faster or slower then they should actually be since NOBODY in their right mind will risk getting too close to the dreaded "green light".. how many times have you been hovering around it, and it starts to blink a little? goddamn!! the speed jumps all over the place! So, on the Mk3s, there is no physical "notch" (which can be removed on Mk2s, but it`s a mesy job..) on Zero Pitch, it`s a free-flowing fade from -8 to +8, no middle, no warble, no risk, no worries.. and, you can use the "zero button" on the mk3s as a "nudge" button!! Lovely for when you need a controlled boost or dive done DIGITAL... think like this.. the pitch is minus something, you need to nudge the tune on a bit, but it`s warped (or you are warped!) and touching the tune could kill the mix, so, hit the "zero return" button, the green light comes on, the deck speed races back to "no pitch", you release the button, it goes back to your fine-adjusted speed, bingo - a REAL smooth nudge!!! Now will SOMEBODY PLEASE do a modification for the MK3 so the amount of fine pitch can be (lets say) doubled momentarily with this handy button instead of rhe "zero" function? cos lets face it, zero pitch is for jazz-fanatiks only... i have spoken.
So tonight is OLD SKOOL TIES night in MONO.. the nite is called DEJA-VU ('specially for all my brain-dead homies) and i believr Dave McD of the Original Banana Boys and Warren K are On with me for what promises to be an Extremely messy night.. Oldies. And some of them are even goodies,still. We plan to tape the proceedings for radio broadcast as well, so er, yeah. That's that i suppose. THE SLATE are on the head when they say It`s all a bit Band-wagony of MONO to be doing this kind of thing, that's what i thought when i agreed to it.. In fact, i only agreed to it because i thought it was a windup.Goddamn. Thing is, i very much doubt anyone that was ACTUALLY THERE (91-95) will actually be there. So. This leaves me with a problem, and also leaves the other lads on the bill with the same one i might add.. How can we play the REAL stuff we danced to back then when the crowd will probably only know stuff that got hammered by Sunset & Club or found it`s way onto DJ Wicked's Ledgendary CDR collection and has been rotated ever since? Is this to be a HITS night? Oh god please no. There are compilation albums for that aren`t there? Enuf. We will c.
Yeah.. late with the playlist this week.. i have an excuse - i am a bad person. There. Letterkenny this weekend, for the GRILL.. first time in ages etc.. Apparently PASCALL is taking his first night off in 10 years there, to, ehm,"attend to something.." So.. let the rumours begin right here,right now.. heheh.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 110502/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: James Zabelia (spelled wrong), Donal & Paddy (element108), DJ Pressure (rez), Darran Rice (too)
*kumara/i can`t wait -y2k - 47%
y2kltd009/wri:neeskens &jong//puregroove music
*paul oakenfold/southern sun -perfecto - 33%
akenfold & werner//mushroom
*scooter/the logical song -edel - 43%
0139300stup/no details
*funky green dogs/you got me burnin' up -serious vinyl - 43%
serr041t1pro/no details//mca music
*layo & bushwacka/love story -xl - 55%
xls144cde/wri:artists//cop con
*sq1/balare -kontor - 11%
k236/wri:tanneberger & mirto//at music Int. & Warner Chappell
*starchaser/love will set you free -rulin - 48%
rulin23p4/wri:cannizzaro & fanizza//cop con
*aquagen/everybody's free - dosordie dos212 www.dosordie.de
*pro-tech/orgasam - pulse 054 www.djwag.de
*michael parsberg/bassline kickin' - damage dmg008 www.hitland.com
*nexus 6/tres chic - noom 65 www.ucmg-proton.com
*quebed/groove magic - white q4a1 +447971286154
*olympic moonshine/leave me there - spring sli10702
*dj mike/ravin' - blutonium blu047 info@blutonium.de
*traveller in motion/i believe - 5am fam012
*chic/le freak - atlantic records a230101
You have got to look HERE.. it`s about those Spam letters we have all heard of.. someone has discovered one of my favorite pastimes - TEASING CONMEN! Oh, and power filled his script again today..
Did a really loooong tune this week.. No Name as yes.. but it's 18 minutes long.. and er.. em.. well.. it`s a bit of an epic. Like. (snif). (twitch).And so... the oasis is gone. Oh dear. Ah well.. Fun while it lasted innit? Soon to be reborn as the same thing with a different name? I dunno what you have heard, but i can confirm that this club is now the all-time #1 most-bullshitted about thing to happen EVER on the scene here. Never b4 have so many gossiped so hard, so now i present my..
1. The Club Conversion cost 3 million Euros.
2. Jocks Will be paid 10 thousand Euro to play there.
3. It will be a "Sleep-Over" Club running for 24 hours.
4. Doorprice will be a Flat 50 Euro.
5. It will have a Swimming Pool With Underwater Sound.
Well whatever happens, i hope it becomes something special and they really do have pool-partys and piped music EVERYWHERE. I want Barry White in the Girl's Jax, The Jam in the Lad's Jax,Bob James in the Lobby & Barley Area, Playstations on Projection TVs running "Frequency" in the resteraunt, Ice cream everywhere, No Boilers, Glass lifts to buzz in. That go sideways too. Split-level comfy-cushioned groping areas, No Boilers. Ever. Aircon, Ice-Jets. CDJ-1000s & Mark3s in the DJ booth, Pioneer 600 and Red Infader mixers, decent lighting in the jock-box, sofa's and rolling-tables, roulette wheel and fridge-full-of-drink also in jockbox. Jockbox on hydraulic legs so we can go WALKABOUT and drop prezzies on the crowd. Wank booths. Big-ass THX mini-cinema complex showing nothing but Giallo/Spagetti western/Druggy/70's porn/exploitation/public information films/the prisoner. Vintage Arcade-game Room with all games on FREEPLAY. Ditto for those crap new games with big screens. Lots of free-stuff. Cigerrette,Alcahol and Personal Finance Demonstrations. Ice Skating. Hairdresser, Barber and personal Massage lads. Oh, and no Boilers.
BIIIIG shout to THE SLATE on another ThUmPiNg month.. I was flattered beyond mere erections & dreams of villa's on the costa-lad by a dead-on slating LAST month,and the rest of the issue was seriously together and so on.. but, this month's is another candidate for framing in the jax (alongside the wild collection of press they got) coz some lazy ratbagz decided it was THEM that had started the riot thing in Dublin the other week.. well, at least provided the rioters with a guide on how to riot.. or something. classic. The BLACKS IN THE JACKS item has been topped.. and to be fair, this is only the beginning of this kind of thing happening. rioting that is.And hacks making amazing psychic-links between 2 items in the "in" box on their desks.. Unfortunatly we, as a nation have basically got F*ck-all else to do these days.And nothing Fuc*ing interesting happens anymore. We have machines that answer our phones & watch television for us. All our food & belongings are given to us in exchange for money. We get money by going places and doing things when we get there. All we have left to do (really) is Move About a bit. And Screw. Oh, hang on, there's several appliances for that now. Er. Okay, I suppose we don`t have a "self-destruction" machine yet do we? Ahh.. there, that's something we can DO!! We can destroy things. No need to worry, someone will repair it sooner or later. Let's start with the Basics - Law & order and the Banking system. Now there. Doesn`t that sound more fun then going to work? Think of the fun you can have turning up in court repeatedly for superglueing your gonads to a banklink machine!
Power Updated his script.. New Format of SEVEN magazine out.. Dinky new size (ala VIDEO WATCHDOG or TV GUIDE) - still no sign of GIRL IN TRAINERS though.. Doh! Maybe she`s on medication or something?
Book is savage.. if not a bit sad really.. I'm finding i had alot more then is comfortable in comman with Mr.Adams. Anyway, uploaded the Stream of THE VIC to playthatbeat.net last night.. so enjoy!! As usual you can stream it if you have MediaPlayer with WM8 Codecs and a decent connection, but if you prefer, you may download it all in chunks thanx to our resumeable downloads feature, it is, after all, 62MB in size.. the quality is pretty dire, but OK for b/g music.. the Master fle is very clean indeed, and will be included on any further .MP3 CDRs i do since it`s 130MB and a little big uploading!!!
Getting in spirit with the Riots, i`ll be upping another ScaryEire Deom tonight, the notorious "trunchon song", which is about The Gardai giving people shit and tolchocking them for bieng lippy/an individual... not that i approve of violence or anything.
New Book Alert: As you may be aware, i really lost it a bit when Dougas Adams Snuffed it last year.. He really did explain an awful lot to me when i first discovered his writing (in 1982 i think..) He Basically answered all my "Why are we here.." and "What's life all about??" questions.. which was handy.. Well, he had been working on a new book for years, and apparently hadn`t got very far.. His First book had the comforting statement on the cover :" DON'T PANIC!!", good advice at the time.. This last Bit of douggie, "THE SALMON OF DOUBT - Hitchhiking the galaxy one last time" has the handy statement on the back-jacket "Don`t worry, everything is nicely out of control..." And it is, and ever shall be, Amen. I am going to attempt to read this book this month. Doug's last bits.. and (what looks like) alot of Doug-related nonsense. Excellent. Yes i know. It`s a bit much to take on concidering my total lack of Inate Menory (meaning i sometimes read the same page 10-15 times before realising it all seems a bit too familier..) and Non-Existant attention span (resulting in me confusing the story on the pages with the one running in my head..), but i must do it. And if it`s any good, i`ll tell you so. www.douglasadams.com is open for bizz now as well.. so. there.
Today the last of the political partys to do so announced it`s manifesto.. Riding HIGH in the list of spoofs was LOWER CAR INSURANCE and the promise of State-run insurance options to end the monopoly held by the current bunch of blood-sucking vampires. I like that. Sounds MUCH more believable then one of the other lot's promise to do "Free internet access for everyone..".. hmm.. you mean like Iol-Free? Or Indigo Go-free? Yeah right. Well, at least it proves that 2 partys actually got thru to me.. 1 offering Lower car insurance, the other offering something we have had for years anyway.. Somebody isn`t paying attention. My advice is STILL don`t vote, it only encourages them. I mean, the day you actually take part in all this charade is the day you CONDONE it all.. it`s like DOing what you are TOLD to do at work or school.. Do it once and you ADMIT the prick telling you to do it is CAPABLE of making decisions for you - a bad move.. it may save you some time at the time, but in the long run it`s a BAD investment. My plan? Well, i`m going to watch the people that get in VERY carefully indeed, and i`m going to play a game called "match the spoof" when the NEXT elections come around!! Every single little promise broken, every failure, every lie will be brought out like a Basterd at a family re-union next time around.. I sugges you do the same.. Lets SEE who's worthy.. cos if they tell the truth THIS time around, then MAYBE i`ll believe them next time. But for now, I'm Fully on the "Placard-removing" and "Get the F*CK off my doorstep" ticket. Wasters.
Busy bank holiday finished in style.. A BIG slap in the teeth for the Dad-House brigade in Galway.. So people don`t like "that banging crap" eh? Well fu*k you trooper.. We were Stuffed to the gills in The VIC on sunday.. all the familier faces and a moxy of new one's too.. (hey cake!!) I brought along the Laptop I liberated during the last peace march & Got most of it in a nice Windows Media movie.. which will be on playthatbeat.net from tomorrow.. Picture is very ropey indeed, but the masterfile has lovely clear audio.. I had to Scrunch it down to fit on the web, so the streaming version is a bit ropey, but hey.. it`s a start.. So THAT'S what i was doing with it.. not using that "Final scratch" thing.. nor playing MP3s.. I was webcasting!! I did enjoy meself.. and a special thanks to the Security doods, VERY well handled on the "1 more tune" thingy.. Nice one.. I appreciate you Didn`t have to let us run (way) over time, but it was the correct thing to do, in fairness... well done.. see we are a nice bunch after all!!?? Meanwhile over in the Dad-House Lounge (previously a nightclub)
the dads had a crises on their hands - the bar ran low on horlicks and pipecleaners.. Good night irene.. Long Live Fun..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 040502/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Podje & Dave McDonnell (kitchen executioners), DJ Ted (award winning), The Redsettaz (award winning also), BP Fallon (dotcom)
*stewert dot doogan/tomorrow -universal - 44%
0154532/wri:charles & martin//warner chappell stewart.doogan@solemail.com
*novacaine/love be my lover -boscaland - 14%
xpr3530b/no details//sony music
*the traveller in motion/i believe -5am - 46%
fam012/no details//no details
*stooges vs salt n pepa/no fun push it -pias 45%
no details/album sampler
*mars/the new mars bar -mars - 44%
yes - another chocolate bar!!
*american head charge/just so you know -mercury - 42%
ahc3/wri:band//american recordings company
*elvis presley vs. jxl/a little less conversation -rca - 74%
elvis01/no details/no details www.elvisnumberones.com
*rob dougan/clubbed to death (hybrid) - cheeky rob02
*olympic moonshine/revolution - spring sli10702
*mac & mac/hard time - jinx jxh690
*quebed/the bomb - white q3 +447971286154
*pulsedriver/koma - aqualoop aql024r www.aqualoop.de
*future ledgend/restless native - jinx jxj720 www.bpmdance.com
*dj wag/black magic - overdose dmddose091
*classified project/apatial enhancer - united alien025 www.unitedrecords.com
*phonetic/acid deja-vu - deep mission dmt11 www.uptiderecords.de
And so the third Bank holiday in a month is upon us. And 2 festival-spoofs made the transformation from "worst-kept-secret" to "press release".. Homelands - Enuffed (again) & Creamfields - RainCheck (Go to Witness or else/instead). So there. So. There then. Thats messy. For over a year now most Commentators on the scene (myself included) have been talking loudly at public gatherings about the CLUB scene bieng fuc*ed and that "they" (whoever "they" may be.. probably the "they" that used to go out alot, not the "they" that are watching over us all..) would still turn out for the festivals.. any why not? going to a clubnight is all very well, but difficult to mix with regularity and reliability - especially when it`s YOU that lacks these to qualitys due to 2 much clubbing!! Er.. so the theory is, less messing about with nights, and more emphasis on all-day funfairs-of-dancemusic.. with live shit interrupting the flow to keep the crusties happy and give the promoter's brother's band a gig in a field too.. Well.. what happend? Ye of little faith?! Nope. Too many of the eggs, not a big enough basket. Think about it. And weep. Were are all doomed. Doomed i tell ya. Unless somebody fixes the clubscene again that is.. Since the festivals are enuffed, shouldn`t we start hoovering the clubs and perhaps giving a few catalogues a look?
2 nite we goto Carlow for the Edge.. Rumoured to be squaddieng 2moro nite on 6:2:6, 8pm EU, 3pm East,4pm central: BP Fallon, Redsettaz, Ted & Podge. Probably. And sunday is Still the Vic in Galway. Happy Bank holiday People!
New SLATE out today.. i`ll actually try and review this one properly since i totally failed the last time.. infact, i`ll do a double-header.. mmm.. Big point that is of the sticking variety currently is: CREAMFIELDS. WTF? Well? Whitless is fully announced and currently the subject of mucho angles in the press and so on.. and it`s a month AFTER the proposed CREAMFIELDS date... Both are bieng Run by MCD.. 2+2=4. Goodnight Fair Creamfields, Goodnight. (Hint: the Actual Club "cream" in liverpool is bieng converted to handle Live Bands and so on.. the courtyard is no more.... Cream is dead, long live the Cream?) So. whaddya think of that then? Yeah. Me 2. E4 is back, and it`s so happy with it`s recently aquired (from a skip) 300MB SCSI internal and Zip 100+ External.. Oh baby.. 128-voices please, Twice. That's right. Twice. Mmm... And got the TPs for LEAVE ME THERE 2day as well.. haven`t listened to them yet because i killed one of the monitors here the other night experimenting with the OB12's Bass-ability.. goddamn it rumbles.. so much it RIPPED the (rank 1974) 10-inch driver to ribbons. and i`m having dificulty deciding on a replacement driver (about 90 euro) or an entire new cabinet (about 90 euro also).. maybe i could use the old knackered cabinet as a windowbox? Or an ant farm? Or a bin? Whatever.. No point in playing the TPs anyway on the horrible Yamaha NS-10s (the only working pair of speakers in the shack right now) since EVERYTHING sounds crispy on NS-10s, Perhaps the first Play will be this weekend out!?
Mayday! Etc.. Should have a new batch of photos up over the weekend.. HotpressAwards, Oasis and (i think) some KK-posse stuff too.. My god. Spring is over now, and Summer has arrived. Lovely. And you know what summer means don`t you? Yep, that's right.. New Body-Kit. And Festivals too. Mmm.. Cruise to the festival called for i think... This weekend bieng a bank-holiday the details are scanty. Saturday DEFINATLY sees the 6:2:6 broadcast from Tramore/South for BOY GEORGE, and i'm returning (with my floor-scoop) to Galway for a Sunday-night Excursion.. (as previously reported) and an alleged CARLOW visit on friday. Lovely. And the Ice-cream is GOOOD out there people. Real good.
TP's of "Leave me there"/"Reveloution" left the factory yesterday, so i hope to have it to play out this weekend.. All those gumming for it will have to wait, sorry, no promo-run this time, straight to product since the demand is there.. Whee!! And the Last tune of the Spring2002 (now called "it`s just a groove") is going down VERY well on all the hifis i`m torturing with it. Possibly will be the next release...
Top 30 SPRINGNATIONs April 2002..
1 US Network
2 Unresolved/Unknown
3 Ireland
4 US Commercial
5 United Kingdom
6 Sweden
7 Spain
8 Netherlands
9 Thailand
10 US Educational
11 Canada
12 Australia
13 France
14 Austria
15 Czech Republic
16 Belgium
17 Germany
18 Japan
19 Poland
20 Italy
21 Argentina
22 United States
23 Denmark
24 Saudi Arabia
25 Switzerland
26 Finland
27 Greece
28 New Zealand (Aotearoa)
29 Croatia (Hrvatska)
30 Norway
Definatly an average month was April.. You hit us 20427 times.. Mostly in the afternoon (while you are meant to be at work?) and You still refuse to give up usuing IE5! 12865 of you are on it! 4774 in IE6, 1184 on Netscape and about 400 a piece for IE3 and Opera.. Amazingly, only 20 of you use Netscape 6! So much for that then eh? 5 Of you use WAP to look at the UPDATE, and 11 of You use the AOL branded Netscape.. Honourable Mention to the person using Netsape 2.. you brave thing...
I Remember when SOUTH started in Tramore a certain smug "prog" DJ claimed i`d never see their decks from behind.. It didn`t phaze me coz i couldn`t give a low-flying-bacon-sarnie's ringpiece what people THINK when they start a club.. At the end of the day, they all get sprung. And SOUTH's time has come. 2moro night, Bank-holiday Flava (-=as You do=-), Waterford area, myself and the Boy Power.. So there. Dew drop by if you aren`t Suicidal after the 7am-slaughter.. (don`t frown at MY page!! i may be referring to the slaughter of the cameroon!!) Now then. Where's my MALLET? Ah yes... Been a while..
Power Updated His Script. DJ mag Review of DESIRE on the Releases page..
New SLATE on the streets/gathering in bundles in bins near copshops this week.. And it`s a DAME STREET MASSACRE special! Some excellent observations re

And so the great ROY story is over.. now we have someone to blame when it all goes horribly wrong in Japan/Korea.. Roy and Mick.. Savage!! Amazing isn`t it? A massive clash of Egos grabs the nation's attention as if it mattered! Christ almighty what a total and complete load of horse-knackers-in-aspic... Good god are we reduced to watching 2 sub-human lowlife pratts argue over the talking stick who specialise in booting pigskin for a profession?! What next eh? Well i'll tell you what's next then shall i? Everyone that has a problem at work should quit and leave their mates to pick up the pieces.. Great! Cos you all know the rules, (in perticular rule 114a: "if it`s difficult to do, blame everyone else, then leave.." and rule 224c: "when denied more sweeties,on a friday, rattles should be thrown out of the cot to the LEFT..".. I mean, all of us have to work with people we don`t get along with on a PERSONAL level, some of us even work with people that are incapable of doing their jobs in the first place, but we still get on with it and get the job done because IT'S OUR GIG! It is what we do. Sad Sad Sad. Good job i can`t stand football innit? Now.. who fancies an all-out strike in 2FM/6:2:6? I fancy Real money and a leather microphone..
This Saturday is SOUTH in Tramore. Bank holiday, first IRELAND game, Full on squire.. The next release, Spring records' SLI10702 "OLYMPIC MOONSHINE" is now in circulation in the UK.. Ireland & Europe next week.. TUNED are distributing it..
Copies of SLI10702 - OLYMPIC MOONSHINE were shipped from the factory yesterday!! A few will be Given to TUNED for distribution to those that require it.. a few will be mailed out this week from the UK.. and that is that.. may the summer be hot, may the revolution be live and may the music take you away..

Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 250502/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Raymond Franklin (no fake tan), Stuart Clarke (out of the hotpress), Jazzy M. (the way u know), Darran Flynn (soon 2b x-pat).
*dj shog/this is my sound -nu life - 32%
74321942271/wri:greiner & terhoeven svengreiner@yahoo.de
*happy mondays/24 hour party people -london - 77%
lonx466/wri:happy mondays www.fhm.com/24hourpartypeople
*lighthouse family/happy -polydor - 44%
happy2/wri:tucker//universal music www.thelighthousefamily.com
*kluster/i feel love -whitelabel - 65%
sti001tp2//no details
*orbital/frenetic -ffrr - 58%

*sex pistols/god save the queen -virgin - 63%
vst1832/wri:cook & rotton//warner chappel music
*robbie rivera/funk-a-tron - direction 6727396 www.directionrecords.com
*andre visor/speed up - tech trance 005-12 www.tech-records.de
*quebed/foward & reverse - whitelabel q4
*steve hill vs. new renegades/everyhing is go - y2k ltd008
*mikado/no sleep - propeller pro020-6 www.djmind-x.com
*grim reaper/wild n loose(the roof is on fire) - energized 053 www.energized-records.com
*layo & bushwacka!/love story - xl xlt144dj2
*kluster/i feel love - whitelabel sti001tp1
Here are the Details of the Ibeefa Thing.. It`s a CLUBBING.COM holiday Sessionstour holiday Expidition Called: "The Ibiza summer Sessions",based in Es Paradis. July 13 is Mr Spring (2FM),Alan Simms (shine),Gleave Dobbin (coast to coast) with a Pre Party at Savanah Hosted by John Power (2fm) & Leonie (Lust).. There are Holidays bieng offered in association with Panorama Holidays : 7 days / 7 nights at The Jet Apartment Complex, Bora Bora Beach - "for the young and lively crowd". Email holidays@clubbing.com or Read Clubbing.com magazine or Check the site www.clubbing.com for regular updates and full angles on the other 3 weeks you can take part in.. There will be a Broadcast on 6:2:6 as well.. so if you can`t get away, you can`t get away.. if you know what i mean.. whey-hey. etc.
It bleedin' obvious by now that we aint goin to the love parade. I feel such a tool for even thinking it was possible.. i mean.. people (no offence) have mad ideas all the time, and most of the time they rarely get past bieng just that - ideas, but this was a little bit more meaty.. actual flesh i thought.. looks like it was more blood on a tissue. Arse. I suppose i should tell you about the spoof that is to replace the Love Parade one then shouldn`t i? It`s a SESSIONS TOUR in Ibeefa. Mmmm. Ah well. Luckily i Hate Ibeefa, so if it doesn`t happen i won`t care. Ehm.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 180502/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Diggidy Daz (chat controller), Johnathan Rice (H.House rep.), Derek Duff (the duffster), Dave B
(Vinyl Wizard), Carl Lambert (future sounds past).
*n-trance/forever -aatw - 14%
12globe257/no details promo
*green velvet/la la land -creedence - 68%
cdcreddj025/wri:green velvet//cajual music www.musicmanrecords.net
*jsj/ghost of you -rennaissance - 45%
renn033t/no details//cop con
*baby ruth/choclate bar -nestle - -1% (minus 1 percent)
baby ruth - 2 ounce bar (c)nestle
*perfect phase/slammer jammer -tripoli trax - 19%
ttrax089r/wri:faber & fontein//bpm music
*basement jaxx/get me off -xl - 0% (zero percent)
xl146cdp/no details//no details
*nexus 6/tres chic - noom 65
*the hose/call it hardstyle - arsenic sound blgo12
*schalldruck/turntable junky - uberdruck ud04
*montini experience/my house is your house 2002 - vinyl loop dadvlr003
*the moon/shake it - byte progressive bp010206-12
*olympic moonshine/revolution - spring sli10702
*blank & jones/djs fans & freaks - incentive cent42tdj
*mikado/no sleep - propeller pro020-6 www.djmind-x.com
*dj darkzone/infinity in your hands - Full E fue0045
*steve hill vs. new renegades/everyhing is go - y2k ltd008
Power updated his script..
We taped the Old Skool Night in MONO.. Coming soon to a late-night-session near you! Oh, and the NEW MONO.. well, not so new thesedays, but i haven`t been in there since b4 the change.. seems verymuch the same to me, same area floor, cool cieling - curves and angles galore, and the sound was stiff and there.. New DJbox too, right next to the bogs! Amazingly the dex were at the correct level to avoid backstrain too! Overall - nice as ever, but VERY little trace of the Mean Fiddler now.. THE GRILL on saturday was quite fun! I was a little bit l8 as i had to pilot the Bratmobile myself.. Sure we had fun though! I`m not sure if i`ve already commented on it, but they have 1210 Mk3 Decks there, and they are such a joy to use.. it`s a sad fact that these days you have to make your tunes slighty faster or slower then they should actually be since NOBODY in their right mind will risk getting too close to the dreaded "green light".. how many times have you been hovering around it, and it starts to blink a little? goddamn!! the speed jumps all over the place! So, on the Mk3s, there is no physical "notch" (which can be removed on Mk2s, but it`s a mesy job..) on Zero Pitch, it`s a free-flowing fade from -8 to +8, no middle, no warble, no risk, no worries.. and, you can use the "zero button" on the mk3s as a "nudge" button!! Lovely for when you need a controlled boost or dive done DIGITAL... think like this.. the pitch is minus something, you need to nudge the tune on a bit, but it`s warped (or you are warped!) and touching the tune could kill the mix, so, hit the "zero return" button, the green light comes on, the deck speed races back to "no pitch", you release the button, it goes back to your fine-adjusted speed, bingo - a REAL smooth nudge!!! Now will SOMEBODY PLEASE do a modification for the MK3 so the amount of fine pitch can be (lets say) doubled momentarily with this handy button instead of rhe "zero" function? cos lets face it, zero pitch is for jazz-fanatiks only... i have spoken.
So tonight is OLD SKOOL TIES night in MONO.. the nite is called DEJA-VU ('specially for all my brain-dead homies) and i believr Dave McD of the Original Banana Boys and Warren K are On with me for what promises to be an Extremely messy night.. Oldies. And some of them are even goodies,still. We plan to tape the proceedings for radio broadcast as well, so er, yeah. That's that i suppose. THE SLATE are on the head when they say It`s all a bit Band-wagony of MONO to be doing this kind of thing, that's what i thought when i agreed to it.. In fact, i only agreed to it because i thought it was a windup.Goddamn. Thing is, i very much doubt anyone that was ACTUALLY THERE (91-95) will actually be there. So. This leaves me with a problem, and also leaves the other lads on the bill with the same one i might add.. How can we play the REAL stuff we danced to back then when the crowd will probably only know stuff that got hammered by Sunset & Club or found it`s way onto DJ Wicked's Ledgendary CDR collection and has been rotated ever since? Is this to be a HITS night? Oh god please no. There are compilation albums for that aren`t there? Enuf. We will c.
Yeah.. late with the playlist this week.. i have an excuse - i am a bad person. There. Letterkenny this weekend, for the GRILL.. first time in ages etc.. Apparently PASCALL is taking his first night off in 10 years there, to, ehm,"attend to something.." So.. let the rumours begin right here,right now.. heheh.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 110502/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: James Zabelia (spelled wrong), Donal & Paddy (element108), DJ Pressure (rez), Darran Rice (too)
*kumara/i can`t wait -y2k - 47%
y2kltd009/wri:neeskens &jong//puregroove music
*paul oakenfold/southern sun -perfecto - 33%

*scooter/the logical song -edel - 43%
0139300stup/no details
*funky green dogs/you got me burnin' up -serious vinyl - 43%
serr041t1pro/no details//mca music
*layo & bushwacka/love story -xl - 55%
xls144cde/wri:artists//cop con
*sq1/balare -kontor - 11%
k236/wri:tanneberger & mirto//at music Int. & Warner Chappell
*starchaser/love will set you free -rulin - 48%
rulin23p4/wri:cannizzaro & fanizza//cop con
*aquagen/everybody's free - dosordie dos212 www.dosordie.de
*pro-tech/orgasam - pulse 054 www.djwag.de
*michael parsberg/bassline kickin' - damage dmg008 www.hitland.com
*nexus 6/tres chic - noom 65 www.ucmg-proton.com
*quebed/groove magic - white q4a1 +447971286154
*olympic moonshine/leave me there - spring sli10702
*dj mike/ravin' - blutonium blu047 info@blutonium.de
*traveller in motion/i believe - 5am fam012
*chic/le freak - atlantic records a230101
You have got to look HERE.. it`s about those Spam letters we have all heard of.. someone has discovered one of my favorite pastimes - TEASING CONMEN! Oh, and power filled his script again today..
Did a really loooong tune this week.. No Name as yes.. but it's 18 minutes long.. and er.. em.. well.. it`s a bit of an epic. Like. (snif). (twitch).And so... the oasis is gone. Oh dear. Ah well.. Fun while it lasted innit? Soon to be reborn as the same thing with a different name? I dunno what you have heard, but i can confirm that this club is now the all-time #1 most-bullshitted about thing to happen EVER on the scene here. Never b4 have so many gossiped so hard, so now i present my..
1. The Club Conversion cost 3 million Euros.
2. Jocks Will be paid 10 thousand Euro to play there.
3. It will be a "Sleep-Over" Club running for 24 hours.
4. Doorprice will be a Flat 50 Euro.
5. It will have a Swimming Pool With Underwater Sound.
Well whatever happens, i hope it becomes something special and they really do have pool-partys and piped music EVERYWHERE. I want Barry White in the Girl's Jax, The Jam in the Lad's Jax,Bob James in the Lobby & Barley Area, Playstations on Projection TVs running "Frequency" in the resteraunt, Ice cream everywhere, No Boilers, Glass lifts to buzz in. That go sideways too. Split-level comfy-cushioned groping areas, No Boilers. Ever. Aircon, Ice-Jets. CDJ-1000s & Mark3s in the DJ booth, Pioneer 600 and Red Infader mixers, decent lighting in the jock-box, sofa's and rolling-tables, roulette wheel and fridge-full-of-drink also in jockbox. Jockbox on hydraulic legs so we can go WALKABOUT and drop prezzies on the crowd. Wank booths. Big-ass THX mini-cinema complex showing nothing but Giallo/Spagetti western/Druggy/70's porn/exploitation/public information films/the prisoner. Vintage Arcade-game Room with all games on FREEPLAY. Ditto for those crap new games with big screens. Lots of free-stuff. Cigerrette,Alcahol and Personal Finance Demonstrations. Ice Skating. Hairdresser, Barber and personal Massage lads. Oh, and no Boilers.
BIIIIG shout to THE SLATE on another ThUmPiNg month.. I was flattered beyond mere erections & dreams of villa's on the costa-lad by a dead-on slating LAST month,and the rest of the issue was seriously together and so on.. but, this month's is another candidate for framing in the jax (alongside the wild collection of press they got) coz some lazy ratbagz decided it was THEM that had started the riot thing in Dublin the other week.. well, at least provided the rioters with a guide on how to riot.. or something. classic. The BLACKS IN THE JACKS item has been topped.. and to be fair, this is only the beginning of this kind of thing happening. rioting that is.And hacks making amazing psychic-links between 2 items in the "in" box on their desks.. Unfortunatly we, as a nation have basically got F*ck-all else to do these days.And nothing Fuc*ing interesting happens anymore. We have machines that answer our phones & watch television for us. All our food & belongings are given to us in exchange for money. We get money by going places and doing things when we get there. All we have left to do (really) is Move About a bit. And Screw. Oh, hang on, there's several appliances for that now. Er. Okay, I suppose we don`t have a "self-destruction" machine yet do we? Ahh.. there, that's something we can DO!! We can destroy things. No need to worry, someone will repair it sooner or later. Let's start with the Basics - Law & order and the Banking system. Now there. Doesn`t that sound more fun then going to work? Think of the fun you can have turning up in court repeatedly for superglueing your gonads to a banklink machine!
Power Updated his script.. New Format of SEVEN magazine out.. Dinky new size (ala VIDEO WATCHDOG or TV GUIDE) - still no sign of GIRL IN TRAINERS though.. Doh! Maybe she`s on medication or something?
Book is savage.. if not a bit sad really.. I'm finding i had alot more then is comfortable in comman with Mr.Adams. Anyway, uploaded the Stream of THE VIC to playthatbeat.net last night.. so enjoy!! As usual you can stream it if you have MediaPlayer with WM8 Codecs and a decent connection, but if you prefer, you may download it all in chunks thanx to our resumeable downloads feature, it is, after all, 62MB in size.. the quality is pretty dire, but OK for b/g music.. the Master fle is very clean indeed, and will be included on any further .MP3 CDRs i do since it`s 130MB and a little big uploading!!!
Getting in spirit with the Riots, i`ll be upping another ScaryEire Deom tonight, the notorious "trunchon song", which is about The Gardai giving people shit and tolchocking them for bieng lippy/an individual... not that i approve of violence or anything.
New Book Alert: As you may be aware, i really lost it a bit when Dougas Adams Snuffed it last year.. He really did explain an awful lot to me when i first discovered his writing (in 1982 i think..) He Basically answered all my "Why are we here.." and "What's life all about??" questions.. which was handy.. Well, he had been working on a new book for years, and apparently hadn`t got very far.. His First book had the comforting statement on the cover :" DON'T PANIC!!", good advice at the time.. This last Bit of douggie, "THE SALMON OF DOUBT - Hitchhiking the galaxy one last time" has the handy statement on the back-jacket "Don`t worry, everything is nicely out of control..." And it is, and ever shall be, Amen. I am going to attempt to read this book this month. Doug's last bits.. and (what looks like) alot of Doug-related nonsense. Excellent. Yes i know. It`s a bit much to take on concidering my total lack of Inate Menory (meaning i sometimes read the same page 10-15 times before realising it all seems a bit too familier..) and Non-Existant attention span (resulting in me confusing the story on the pages with the one running in my head..), but i must do it. And if it`s any good, i`ll tell you so. www.douglasadams.com is open for bizz now as well.. so. there.
Today the last of the political partys to do so announced it`s manifesto.. Riding HIGH in the list of spoofs was LOWER CAR INSURANCE and the promise of State-run insurance options to end the monopoly held by the current bunch of blood-sucking vampires. I like that. Sounds MUCH more believable then one of the other lot's promise to do "Free internet access for everyone..".. hmm.. you mean like Iol-Free? Or Indigo Go-free? Yeah right. Well, at least it proves that 2 partys actually got thru to me.. 1 offering Lower car insurance, the other offering something we have had for years anyway.. Somebody isn`t paying attention. My advice is STILL don`t vote, it only encourages them. I mean, the day you actually take part in all this charade is the day you CONDONE it all.. it`s like DOing what you are TOLD to do at work or school.. Do it once and you ADMIT the prick telling you to do it is CAPABLE of making decisions for you - a bad move.. it may save you some time at the time, but in the long run it`s a BAD investment. My plan? Well, i`m going to watch the people that get in VERY carefully indeed, and i`m going to play a game called "match the spoof" when the NEXT elections come around!! Every single little promise broken, every failure, every lie will be brought out like a Basterd at a family re-union next time around.. I sugges you do the same.. Lets SEE who's worthy.. cos if they tell the truth THIS time around, then MAYBE i`ll believe them next time. But for now, I'm Fully on the "Placard-removing" and "Get the F*CK off my doorstep" ticket. Wasters.
Busy bank holiday finished in style.. A BIG slap in the teeth for the Dad-House brigade in Galway.. So people don`t like "that banging crap" eh? Well fu*k you trooper.. We were Stuffed to the gills in The VIC on sunday.. all the familier faces and a moxy of new one's too.. (hey cake!!) I brought along the Laptop I liberated during the last peace march & Got most of it in a nice Windows Media movie.. which will be on playthatbeat.net from tomorrow.. Picture is very ropey indeed, but the masterfile has lovely clear audio.. I had to Scrunch it down to fit on the web, so the streaming version is a bit ropey, but hey.. it`s a start.. So THAT'S what i was doing with it.. not using that "Final scratch" thing.. nor playing MP3s.. I was webcasting!! I did enjoy meself.. and a special thanks to the Security doods, VERY well handled on the "1 more tune" thingy.. Nice one.. I appreciate you Didn`t have to let us run (way) over time, but it was the correct thing to do, in fairness... well done.. see we are a nice bunch after all!!?? Meanwhile over in the Dad-House Lounge (previously a nightclub)
the dads had a crises on their hands - the bar ran low on horlicks and pipecleaners.. Good night irene.. Long Live Fun..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 040502/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Podje & Dave McDonnell (kitchen executioners), DJ Ted (award winning), The Redsettaz (award winning also), BP Fallon (dotcom)
*stewert dot doogan/tomorrow -universal - 44%
0154532/wri:charles & martin//warner chappell stewart.doogan@solemail.com
*novacaine/love be my lover -boscaland - 14%
xpr3530b/no details//sony music
*the traveller in motion/i believe -5am - 46%
fam012/no details//no details
*stooges vs salt n pepa/no fun push it -pias 45%
no details/album sampler
*mars/the new mars bar -mars - 44%
yes - another chocolate bar!!
*american head charge/just so you know -mercury - 42%
ahc3/wri:band//american recordings company
*elvis presley vs. jxl/a little less conversation -rca - 74%
elvis01/no details/no details www.elvisnumberones.com
*rob dougan/clubbed to death (hybrid) - cheeky rob02
*olympic moonshine/revolution - spring sli10702
*mac & mac/hard time - jinx jxh690
*quebed/the bomb - white q3 +447971286154
*pulsedriver/koma - aqualoop aql024r www.aqualoop.de
*future ledgend/restless native - jinx jxj720 www.bpmdance.com
*dj wag/black magic - overdose dmddose091
*classified project/apatial enhancer - united alien025 www.unitedrecords.com
*phonetic/acid deja-vu - deep mission dmt11 www.uptiderecords.de
And so the third Bank holiday in a month is upon us. And 2 festival-spoofs made the transformation from "worst-kept-secret" to "press release".. Homelands - Enuffed (again) & Creamfields - RainCheck (Go to Witness or else/instead). So there. So. There then. Thats messy. For over a year now most Commentators on the scene (myself included) have been talking loudly at public gatherings about the CLUB scene bieng fuc*ed and that "they" (whoever "they" may be.. probably the "they" that used to go out alot, not the "they" that are watching over us all..) would still turn out for the festivals.. any why not? going to a clubnight is all very well, but difficult to mix with regularity and reliability - especially when it`s YOU that lacks these to qualitys due to 2 much clubbing!! Er.. so the theory is, less messing about with nights, and more emphasis on all-day funfairs-of-dancemusic.. with live shit interrupting the flow to keep the crusties happy and give the promoter's brother's band a gig in a field too.. Well.. what happend? Ye of little faith?! Nope. Too many of the eggs, not a big enough basket. Think about it. And weep. Were are all doomed. Doomed i tell ya. Unless somebody fixes the clubscene again that is.. Since the festivals are enuffed, shouldn`t we start hoovering the clubs and perhaps giving a few catalogues a look?
2 nite we goto Carlow for the Edge.. Rumoured to be squaddieng 2moro nite on 6:2:6, 8pm EU, 3pm East,4pm central: BP Fallon, Redsettaz, Ted & Podge. Probably. And sunday is Still the Vic in Galway. Happy Bank holiday People!
New SLATE out today.. i`ll actually try and review this one properly since i totally failed the last time.. infact, i`ll do a double-header.. mmm.. Big point that is of the sticking variety currently is: CREAMFIELDS. WTF? Well? Whitless is fully announced and currently the subject of mucho angles in the press and so on.. and it`s a month AFTER the proposed CREAMFIELDS date... Both are bieng Run by MCD.. 2+2=4. Goodnight Fair Creamfields, Goodnight. (Hint: the Actual Club "cream" in liverpool is bieng converted to handle Live Bands and so on.. the courtyard is no more.... Cream is dead, long live the Cream?) So. whaddya think of that then? Yeah. Me 2. E4 is back, and it`s so happy with it`s recently aquired (from a skip) 300MB SCSI internal and Zip 100+ External.. Oh baby.. 128-voices please, Twice. That's right. Twice. Mmm... And got the TPs for LEAVE ME THERE 2day as well.. haven`t listened to them yet because i killed one of the monitors here the other night experimenting with the OB12's Bass-ability.. goddamn it rumbles.. so much it RIPPED the (rank 1974) 10-inch driver to ribbons. and i`m having dificulty deciding on a replacement driver (about 90 euro) or an entire new cabinet (about 90 euro also).. maybe i could use the old knackered cabinet as a windowbox? Or an ant farm? Or a bin? Whatever.. No point in playing the TPs anyway on the horrible Yamaha NS-10s (the only working pair of speakers in the shack right now) since EVERYTHING sounds crispy on NS-10s, Perhaps the first Play will be this weekend out!?
Mayday! Etc.. Should have a new batch of photos up over the weekend.. HotpressAwards, Oasis and (i think) some KK-posse stuff too.. My god. Spring is over now, and Summer has arrived. Lovely. And you know what summer means don`t you? Yep, that's right.. New Body-Kit. And Festivals too. Mmm.. Cruise to the festival called for i think... This weekend bieng a bank-holiday the details are scanty. Saturday DEFINATLY sees the 6:2:6 broadcast from Tramore/South for BOY GEORGE, and i'm returning (with my floor-scoop) to Galway for a Sunday-night Excursion.. (as previously reported) and an alleged CARLOW visit on friday. Lovely. And the Ice-cream is GOOOD out there people. Real good.
TP's of "Leave me there"/"Reveloution" left the factory yesterday, so i hope to have it to play out this weekend.. All those gumming for it will have to wait, sorry, no promo-run this time, straight to product since the demand is there.. Whee!! And the Last tune of the Spring2002 (now called "it`s just a groove") is going down VERY well on all the hifis i`m torturing with it. Possibly will be the next release...
Top 30 SPRINGNATIONs April 2002..
1 US Network
2 Unresolved/Unknown
3 Ireland
4 US Commercial
5 United Kingdom
6 Sweden
7 Spain
8 Netherlands
9 Thailand
10 US Educational
11 Canada
12 Australia
13 France
14 Austria
15 Czech Republic
16 Belgium
17 Germany
18 Japan
19 Poland
20 Italy
21 Argentina
22 United States
23 Denmark
24 Saudi Arabia
25 Switzerland
26 Finland
27 Greece
28 New Zealand (Aotearoa)
29 Croatia (Hrvatska)
30 Norway
Definatly an average month was April.. You hit us 20427 times.. Mostly in the afternoon (while you are meant to be at work?) and You still refuse to give up usuing IE5! 12865 of you are on it! 4774 in IE6, 1184 on Netscape and about 400 a piece for IE3 and Opera.. Amazingly, only 20 of you use Netscape 6! So much for that then eh? 5 Of you use WAP to look at the UPDATE, and 11 of You use the AOL branded Netscape.. Honourable Mention to the person using Netsape 2.. you brave thing...