Apparently i`m not allowed to swap places with Power this saturday because i'm "Too Hard" for Jimmy Van M!!!???! Well, i have 2 questions. [1] Who the F*ck is this "softie" Jimmy Van M anyway.... & [2] Why am i booked to play the lush tent if i'm "too hard"? (note: Question [2] could also be: 'Why is Jimmy Van M booked to play the lush tent if he's so soft?') I have never EVER been acused of bieng "too" anything before, Simply because i make it up as i go along, and if i say it`s 'just right' it`s because it IS just right because I invented it. So there. Again. Why do i get the feeling i`m the odd one out again? Well anyway, with all of this new evidence in my possesion i can now unconditionally guarantee i am going to bang the bollocks out of the lush tent.. or should i say, bang the tits off the lush tent, since it all seems to have gone a bit girly-blouse all of a sudden.
Latest i hear from the creamfields' rumourmill is tis: there will be NO VIP area.. apparently we made such a mess last time, and drank/ate/soiled so much that this year there is NO v.i.p. area or bar.. The area that was the VIP bar last time is actually going to house the SPIRIT arena this time... So.. VIPs will be forced to dance. Hehheehheheheh. Also, the impending Messy weather has resulted in some shifting of the Tents from last year.. they should be all on Tarmac now, around where the funfair was last time, so NO NEED FOR WELLIES! Savage. The smell of 30,000 pairs of rubber boots after an afternoon of dancing would be astounding after all.
So.. Here it is kids.. the Unofficial-official 100% unapproved totally leaked top-secret running orders and times for this saturday.. use it wisely my son.. And remember, it`s ALREADY almost 20% inaccurate.. I know Conor G has been moved to later in the Spirit Arena, and i think me & power swapping times too.. And check out that mess in the LUST arena hellooooo? How are all those people going to play between 2 & 3pm??? I mean, i may be in possetion of a brain the size of a planet, but that twists even MY head.. It could get messy, but at least theres more then 1 girl involved, i HATE those "4-blokes-on-1-girl" scenes.. very unhealthy.. ehm.. Now, on the subject of free passes, we simply didn`t get any. Sorry. That's why we havent been banging them out on the radio, coz we simply haven`t got any.. in fact, i had to STEAL this information below under pain of torture to even find out what time i was on at!! So there, Not my fault, nor power's..
CREAMFIELDS OUTDOOR STAGE :: MAURO PICOTTO 12:00 - 01:00 UNDERWORLD 10:30 - 12:00 FAITHLESS 9:00 - 10:15 YOUSEF 6:35 - 8:15 SUGABABES 6:00 - 6:35 AGNELLI & NELSON 5:00 - 6:00 METISSE 4:00 - 5:00 MR RAY ( CHANGEOVERS ) 3:00 - 4:00 EOGHAN YOUNG ( CHANGEOVERS) 2:00 - 3:00
BUGGED OUT! ARENA :: GREEN VELVET ( LIVE) 11:45-12:45 JUSTIN ROBERTSON 10:30-11:45 SLAM 9:30-10:30 TOM MIDLETON 8:30-9:30 JON CARTER 7:30-8:30 CHRISTIAN SMITH 6:30-7:30 MR C 5:30-6:30 MEDICINE 8 4:15-5:30 ALEX KIDD (F COMM) 3:30-4:15 JOHNNY MOY 2:45-3:30 PHIL KIERON 2:00-2:45
LUSH/2FM TENT :: SEB FONTAINE 11:30-01:00 SASHA 9:30-11:30 LEE BURRIDGE 8:15-9:30 JIMMY VAN M 7:00-8:15 JOHN POWER 6:00-7:00 MR SPRING 5:00-6:00 COL HAMILTON & JOHN CECCHINI 3:30-5:00 EDDIE WRAY 3:00-3:30 COOL FM DJ ( NAME TO BE ADVISED ) 2:30-3:00 RED FM DJ ( NAME TO BE ADVISED ) 2:00-2:30
CREAM - FUTURE TRANCE ARENA :: SONIQUE 11:30-01:00 JUDGE JULES 10:30-11:30 FERRY CORSTEN 9:30-10:30 NOEL PHELAN 8:30-9:30 COMMIE 7:30-8:30 RICKY EFFE (LIVE) 6:30-7:30 TOMMY STEWART 4:45-6:30 LUKE NEVILLE 3:45-4:45 HUGH SCULLY & SHAY HANNON 2:45-3:45 PODGE 2:00-2:45
LUST ARENA :: MARK KAVANAGH 10:30-12:00 ALAN PULLEN 9:30-10:30 LISA LASHES 8:00-9:30 JAY PIDGEON 7:00-8:00 DERMOT C 6:00-7:00 STIMULANT DJ'S 5:00-6:00 LISA PIN-UP 4:00-5:00 ROB TISSERA 3:30-4:00 KEN TOBIN 3:00-3:30 JON GREENWOOD 2:30-3:00 LEONIE 2:00-3:00 GRIT GREENGLOW 2:00-3:00 MANDY REID 2:00-3:00 MARK WESLEY 2:00-3:00 JOHNNY RICE 2:00-3:00
SPIRIT :: MARK LOWNES 8:30-10:00 CHRISTIAN BOSHELL 7:00-8:30 AL GIBBS 6:00-7:00 Ben Caravosso 5:00-6:00 RON'S MOBILE DISCO 4:00-5:00 JENNY GREEN 3:00-4:00 DAVE O DONOVAN 2:00-3:00
Confused? Don`t know where to go when? Let me do all the thinking for you...
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 240802/20.00-22.00
20.00: Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Ronan O (the story of..), Niall Redmond (actually), Brian Folan (TVOD), Lil' red Basterd (messy unit), CJ Mackintosh (one more thing..)
*safri duo & micheal mcdonald/sweet freedom -serious - 37%
serr05512pro2/wri:Safri Duo & McDonald//Universal music denmark
*katoi/touch you -arista - 13%
kat02/wri:henderson//M&W music ltd.
*nitzer ebb/control i`m here(hacker) -novamute - 18%
12nomu95/wri:harris & mccarthy//mute song ltd. www.mutebank.co.uk
*xpress 2 & dieter meier/i want you back -skint - 38%
skint81xp/wri:xpress2 & meier//cop con www.skint.net
*beenie man & janet/feel it boy -virgin emi - 23%
vuscdj258/wri:davis & hugo//emi blackwood music www.beenieman.net
*the moon/shake it - phobos phs002-12
*warrior/untitled - incentive cent48tdj
*blutonium boy vs. dj neo/higher level - blutonium blu-052
*040 feat. erica baxter/dreams(summer 2040) - silicon sr0218-5
*onoro/love to love you - arcade 23.20616
*dito/sky - torpedo 02 www.dito.tc
*signum/cura me - silver premium sp100 www.bpmdance.com
*sunstorm/fable - pultrance 003 www.pulsivemedia.com
*dj yoeri/the reality & the future - noname nn4027
So this weekend is a large one in the UK.. Creamfields, Notting Hill and Leeds Festivals are all on, and by gum it`s looking busy.. A bit of a Strange "downer" week in the UK actually this week. 7 Update claimed that there were loads of empty hotel rooms in Ibeefa this year, it seems that the clubbing decline is ever deepening for them. Shockingly i read this week in THE SUN that Pete Tong is now allegedly the "DLT" of the dance scene - ie: he's a joke in the scene and merely an annoying Disk Jockey that knows absolutly nothing about The music he plays!? - that's a pretty heavy accusation to be humping around in fairness! Lets explain, for the Nfo of those of you that are 2 young to remember "DLT", he was a cuddly warm-voiced Very hairy DJ on the BBC in the 70's - the inspiration (partially) behind some of the "smashie & nicey" Spoof DJ's charicters created by Paul Whitehouse and Harry Enfield.. The Turbulence in the Music scene at the arse-end of the 70's/Early 80's (ie: Punk & New Wave) "outed" DLT and his friends at the BBC as bieng nothing but Trivia-laden Human JukeBoxes that sometimes did TOTP or appeared on saturday morning Kids TV, but most importantly,revealed THEY believed they were Tastemakers and VERY important people indeed, whereas the rest of the world knew they were IN FACT only there to change the record and comment on stuff that diddn`t really matter anyway.. ehm.. They got Caught out basically.. Sussed as bieng Voices with no substance, they fell out of fashion very quickly, leading to a new generation of less-bearded airheads, and ladettes doing EXACTLY the same thing except with strong rural accents.. Sad really.. The public just got pissed off with music and levelled their pissed-offdom at the likes of DLT and friends.. And it looks like the same is happening now, with Tongey and company.. Even THE SUN (the lowest form of informatique on the news-evolutionary scale) is scoring points off Pete and friends.. Well can you blame them? In times like these (recessionary) we always direct our disgust towards whoever we feel is in charge and therefore responsible for the entire mess... Tong just happens to be one of the few people in the public eye willing to present himself for public scrutiny at the moment, he's one of the few people that still has a platform.. Everyone else we knew of as a "leading light" in dance music has has their wings clipped in the last 18 months.. Dance-Radio shows axed and shortend, magazines and clubs on their arses, labels in freefall.. so who's left to blame? TONG. He's still there isn`t he? Yeah.. lets blame him.. It`s because he's Naff that this all came about isn`t it? Well? Isn`t it? Eh? Well, you can always rely on THE SUN to point out the bleeding obvious while leaping open-armed onto the bandwagon set in motion by the latest RADIO RATINGS.. for that's where they got the basis for this week's attack on Tongey - BBC Radio 1's Ratings are down apparently.. But then again, so are EVERYONE's ratings.. depending on how you look at them that is.. THE IRISH TIMES claimes TODAY FM and RTE were Up on ratings - strange, they must be reading from a different book to the one i saw - in that book RTE lost accross the board except for RYAN TUBBRIDY's new Brekkie Show and FANNING on weekdays, and TODAY FM were stagnent in the daytime and Down at nights (weekdays).. but i suppose the statistics are relative to how big a liar you are - isn`t that what statistics are all about? in fairness.. There are No figures yet for the Weekends, but i`m anxiously awaiting them to see how 626 is doing.. Concidering we have a Very large Blunderbuss and a teeny-weeny barrell with a big, fat, slow and bloated fish floating aimlessly in it, i expect we'll hold our global-domination stance of bieng the only-game-in-town on a saturday night and therefore justify another year of taxpayer's money (special shout to BRIAN CONNELLY of ATHLONE who's tax we are payed.. thanks brian.. nice one..) but you never know.. we could be out on our ears this time.. remember we only esaped bieng dropped when the last Ratings came out because we had extended our share from 3 in 10 dead braincells to 7 in 10 of every braincell killed totally in the young-persons community - an amazing achievment which when represented on paper seems to imply we have more listeners then actually have ears.. which is typicall really. Ah well.. looks like the TV station is fading into another dream-like haze.. ho hum..
Can`t wait for Creamfields next week, It`s a sessions-tour broadcast on 626 for the duration.. we'll all be there, with me and Power on the LUSH stage from 6pm.. Please Dew Drop In and say hi.. remember your Irish Infiltrators in the big tents - Power, myself, Kavanagh and pullen, we need your support since we are bieng put on in the corner where we won't bother anyone or intefere with the actual flow of things by playing to anyone.. or something.. yeah right.. but that's for another day..
The entire Galaxy is on holidays today. Isn`t that nice.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 170802/20.00-21.00 - Now on the SKY digibox Channel 914!!!
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Frankie Headrock (chad valley beatster),Podje (block rockin' feature), Darran Rice (tandoori beefster). Pressure (residential obligation fullfillment dept.)
*redd square/in your hands -inferno - 5%
djfern50/no details white label
*puressence/walking dead -island - 37%
uressence//cop con www.puressence.co.uk
*eminem/cleaning out my closet -interscope - 41%
eminem3/wri:mathers & bass//ensign music corp
*sacha/wavy gravy -bmg - 65%
no details/wri:sacha//bmg music pub.
*untidy dubs/funky groove -tidy trax - 66%
no details/wri:toms//cop con
*way out west/stealth(la rosa) - distinctive breaks dp90/2 www.distinctiverecords.com
*system f/needle juice - tsunami tsusb9006
*warrior/untitled - incentive cent48tdj
*brainbug/nightmare - bootleg xb01
*voyager 1/rockafellas - rockafellas ccom010
*fizmo/sexy mutherfu*ker - arcade 23.206776
*dj kim/get ready to explode - waterworld wwr008 www.tyranno.de
*re-actor/radiostar - deep mission dmt12 www.uptiderecords.de
*040 feat. erica baxter/dreams(summer 2040) - silicon sr0218-5
Er.. lastnight didn`t happen as planned.. i think someone got their city/date/face/brain mixed up.. or something.. Hmm.. And DJ7 has reappeared.. in England of all places! Well.. travel is gr8 fun, and the younger you do it the less chance you have of actually getting stuck anywhere crap for the longterm.. So go for it.. but remember, holidays are only an illusion, they are relative to where you are and who you are, one man`s holliday is anther man's living.. and vice-versa.. Still, you should be able to get some nice rocker-bashing in on the august bank-holiday eh?
I am reliably informed (by the free dublin "what's on" guides) that Warran K and Myself are doing the DEJA-VU retro/oldskool night in MONO 2moro night.. er.. so there. That should be fun shouldn`t it? That is unless oldskool is played out, in which case it'll be shite.. either way, i`m going, cos' i`m bieng paid to go.. Mmmm.. must get my duster out then.. Nice to see No massive complaints from the Clare Island thingy, i think it`s accepted that we have NO control over the weather, and therefore are exempt from punishment/retribution.. thanks for that! From this i deduce either of the following: [1]:everybody died in the storm of exposure/pneumonia/the damp and were incorporated into the (excellent) sausages we all had from the chippy van while there, [2]:we got away with it.. well, that's alright then.
2 new galleries in the Pictures section... 12 is a couple of odd-shots from wittness 2oo2 and radio-studio stuff, 13 is the CLARE ISLAND batch.. And now.. the early roundup of Clare-Island script.. Points bieng stressed are : It MUST become a yearly event.. Waterproof rizla MUST be developed.. Windbreaks MUST be erected around the campsites.. God MUST pay for the messy weather.. Now.. on the Weather front.. You should be aware that we wern`t the only people shafted that weekend.. Get this, HAILSTONES and SLUSH up to 4 feet deep in Barcelona, Gales blowing tables over outside resteraunts in Monaco, Flooding and Uprooted-trees in Austria and our own storm-force gales and constant pissing rain in the West of ireland - now THAT'S August 2oo2! Anyway.. the overall feedback is the weekend was a blast, that got rapidly messyier from deployment, and ended in the Joy of actually bieng home again afterwards for absolutly everybody.. The Location was really moving, everybody felt the celtic angle and awed/gaped/drooled/shat themselves at the expanse of water between the mainland and the island as soon as they peered over the ridge upon driving down to the harbour, we really do have a very funky bit of scenery there.. We were mostly impressed with the size of Croagh Patrick, which just got bigger and bigger while still bieng far away, if you know what i mean, WHAT a mount.. dude.. The Ferry was a laugh too, especially on the way back with those grrrrooooovy 2m high waves.. great to look at while contimplating suicide due to lack of nutrition/sleep/life-force.. We did get to sit in the cockpit on the waay over, mmm. radar thingy.. er.. Where was i .. oh yeah.. so.. the OVERALL script is one of brutal,energetic defiance of the elements, and excellently paced Mallets all 'round.. People came in small tent-sharing groups, and shared resources and supported each other in their hours of need [soaked to the bone, chattering teeth and runny mascara moments mostly..] which is a cool plot.. Because of the horrible rain, people had to Mallet in small doses, and when they felt their necks/heads going numb due to the sub-zero blasting, they would traypse back to the tent for ready-rubbed and chillage. or fight their way into the guesthouses to slide about trying to get food/drink.. actually, quite civilised.. yes.. very much so.. Overall result: a Hit!!!!!!! Special merit to the indipendent Sound-system that sneaked a Marqee, Generator and rigs/decks over the day before and set up in the campsite for the "afters", there were people attempting to get us to go over there after the show and play all night, and we nearly did, but it dawned on me that if "I" had dragged a system over and someone else appeared as the main stage closed and insisted on playing, i`d be gutted after all that, in fairness, the lads brought it over for the purpose of shining after the main event, and they deserve the beam, it was their time to shine, and i hear they did.. well done whoever you were.. but next year, make it official so we can pay you, and set up windbreaks on the campsites, and a COVERED dance floor for the main area!!!!! and 2 days of events as well.. in fact. oh, and decent weather.. MEMORABLE MOMENTS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT :[1] bieng bugged by a strange-looking local guy who tried to think up something to say for ages before desperatly trieng to trade my "festival" hat for what looked like a flat baloon, i natch enuffed him, natch, and he replied by GRABBING my hat and running off into the night.. some shouting later and he was siezed by (the very well-behaved) security staff, and the hat was returned to the bonce of spring.. now, during the incident some verbals were pushed in his direction along the lines of "stop that tosser... he robbed that hat.. infront of everyone..", and a clued-up member of security announced "that tosser is the son of a Garda, who just happens to be in that Van over there.. (pointing)", to which voices in the onlooking crowd replied "well he should be keeping a low profile in that case shouldn`t he, especially with those mad eyes and pinball-jaw..", and "well that explains the anti-social behaviour and complete disrespect for private property and people's privacy..".. ah well, i suppose he got carried away and "lost in the moment", it must happen to Garda-siblings as well then.. ho hum.. dum di dum.. My hat & I have decided NOT to press charges. Cos we are nice guys.. [2] witnessing the plain-clothes gardai searching people randomly and NOT finding bin-bags of hard ***** and druggy paraphanalia, NOT finding any firearms, NOT finding any offensive weapons and NOT brutally beating people up for bieng young/a gouger/there..We had words with a local member and he was in a good mood for god's sake! Actually impressed with the small and predictable haul of stuff confiscated, instead of disgusted.. he even got his haul out for the lads,(i COULDN'T RESIST asking if anything "mad" had been got , like a machete, stick of dynamite, pound of cokaine or portable crack-factory) and i have to say from my limited knowledge of recreational pharm's., the haul seemed quite harmless in an illegal-sort of way.. much better then bieng told they stopped Pablo Escabar & His travelling Drug Circus from landing on the island.. Good behaviour all 'round i think,from both sides..
"Let's all do it again every year, fixing the ropey bits, doubling the lineup, and booking some decent weather.."
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 100802/20.00-21.00
*** AcTiVaTiNg ThE iSlAnDs SessionsTour From CLARE ISLAND Special Portable Edition ***
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Mark Gannon (Rep:Castlebar Chapter),John Power (Exile #1), Zoe (Exile #2).
*jean jacques smoothie/love & evil -echo - 45%
ecdj1261/wri:robson & martyn//warlock music & cop con
*jurgen vries/the theme -direction - 17%
xpr3592/wri:tate//universal music
*milk inc./walk on water -positiva - 13%
12tivdjx179/wri:milk inc.//cop con
*jollymusic/talco uno -illustrius - 43%
12illdj008/wri:jollymusic//cop con
*way out west/stealth -distinctive breaks - 51%
dp90,3/wri:way out west//cop con
Sessions Tour **Live Via Satellite** from the PIRATE QUEEN FESTIVAL, CLARE ISLAND..
*minimilistix/a forest(dj harry mix) - arcade 23.206946
*TBD/magic fly(koner) - arcade 23.206966
*sonz of a loop da loop era/far out(3 jays) - liquid asset 12008r1
*dj yoeri/the reality & the future(pyra) - noname nn4027
*040 feat. erica baxter/dreams(summer 2040) - silicon sr0218-5
*fizmo/sexy mutherfu*ker - arcade 23.206776
*target/harder they come - tracidd traxx ttx2037
*airbase/club point - go for it gofo0286
*sushi/the earthshaker - you clash yc001
*dj isaac/on the edge - kontor k226
*queen elisabeth/strange impression - suntec tec062
*mobil jockey/auflegen - no details
*tekken/tribal pursuit - tekktonn tk001
*oakenfold/starry eyed surprise(lieb) - perfecto perf27tp
*warrior/untitled - incentive cent48tdj
*snap! vs. plaything/do you see the light?(murano) - data 33p3
*pat krimson feat. dj livvy/music will survive - EDM 066
*camisra/let me show you - ps 002
I have several reels of photos of the SESSION at clare island at the chemist's as i type, and a long script brewing... Should up the new gallery 2moro night and compose the rant as i do it.. I`m appealing to you all for Input into my coverage.. if you were there, or know somebody that was, drop me an email and tell your story, or air it on the messageboard here, either will do, and tomorrow night i`ll do a big spread on it.. I _KNOW_ you want to be heard, so tell ME, i am listening..
Must hand it to the .sk cru (shouts 2 dave the rave) for totally disgusting everybody here at the bratcave (currently in "stealth" mode due to weekend fallout) with this.. very disturbing, totally uncalledfor, in perticularly bad taste and totally addictive.. in fact, it`s the best/worst thing since the Ledgendary "Help Phillo Bang-Up" game From SinSin..
Okaaaay.. so i`m feeling about 50-60% normal right about now.. So i think we will risk working this weekend, in fairnes, it's shaping up like a major event.. I`m thinking of proposing we put ALL the major islands off our lovely coastline on the air over the next year.. heheh.. TREASURE ISLAND my ringpiece.. Here's MALLOT ISLAND.. Contestants battle it out to stay mud-free and wasted over a greulling 24-hour mallet on a remote Irish Island.. Pitting their witts against the Elements , the coast-guard, rabid dolphins, hungry sharks and drunken locals.. g'wanouttathatyabolix, and so on... Ah yes, following in the footsteps of St.Patrick and St.Hubbins, bringing quality footwear to the grimacing pilgrims as they drag their sorry asses over razor-sharp shards of rock in the name of Forgiveness from the almighty.. except this time it`s the EXACT opposite.. we arrive in comfort and get a few "bad-boy" points in the bank too offset all those years we were soooo good... Anyway.. see ya there.. and it`s looking like a Westport/Sligo cruise from what i hear, there is carparking for a THOUSAND CARS.. so c.u.der!!!
Frightfest is looming ever closer, and details are getting clearer, It's all on over the Last weekend in August, a Bank-Holiday in The UK. The event takes place, as ever, at the excellent Prince Charles cinema in the heart of London's West End, between August 23rd and 26th. If at all possible, you really should be there! Here the mind-blowing line-up...* BLOODY MALLORY (British Premiere) - Buffy meets Indiana Jones in the latest comic strip horror sensation currently taking France by storm.* DARK WATER (English Premiere) - After scaring the world with Ring, Japanese director Hideo Nakata returns to the grisly ghost genre with another scream-lined supernatural shocker. * DONNIE DARKO (Sneak Preview) - Director Richard Kelly's powerfully affecting science fiction meditation on parallel universes, time travel and paranoid schizophrenia. * THE EYE (English Premiere) - Eighteen years after going blind as a child, Mann undergoes a risky corneal transplant operation. But her newfound gift of sight comes with a curse as she starts seeing mysterious black-clad figures that predict sudden death. * HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION (European Premiere) - The Shape is back to stalk and slash his way through the seventh sequel to John Carpenter's groundbreaking horror classic Halloween.* HAPPINESS OF THE KATAKURIS (English Premiere) - You squirmed through Audition and were shocked by Dead or Alive. Are you ready for director Takashi Miike's camp cannibal horror based on a hit stage musical? * MY LITTLE EYE (English Premiere) - Five people apply to live in a isolated house together for six months whilst their every move is filmed by numerous cameras...* NINE LIVES (World Premiere) - Peter's Friends meets The Others is how director Andrew Green describes this paranormal psychological horror. * ONE HOUR PHOTO (English Premiere) - Haunting, ominous and building to an unexpectedly shattering conclusion, director Mark Romanek's study in obsession is a surreal glimpse into the mind of a stalker.* THE PRINCESS BLADE (British Premiere) - A massive box-office hit in Japan, former scriptwriter -turned-director Sato Shinsuke's futuristic fantasy is inspired by the best-selling comic book Shurayukihime. * TED BUNDY (English Premiere) - Frightfest will be showing the full, uncut version that will never be seen in most territories due to worldwide censorship requirements. * VIDOCQ (British Premiere) - Gerard Depardieu stars as outlaw-turned-police inspector Eugene Francois Vidocq investigating a series of gruesome murders carried out by the eternal-life seeking criminal mastermind The Alchemist in 1830s Paris. * SPIDER (British Premiere) - David Cronenberg's Latest Magnum Opus.. * INSOMNIA - by Chistopher Nolan.* SWIMFAN - by John Polson. * TUNO NEGRO - by Vicente J. Martin.That should be enough to whet your appetite but there will also be a plethora of short films, including Jake West's excellent WHACKED and the delightfully titled PISS BOY, as well as guests and prizes galore! So, if you are stuck for a script that weekend, i challenge you to find better.. This year, i am going.. er.. i think..
Now.. as my senses return to me as the flu' ebbs away, i am able to recall the Sunday-night at the VIC script.. and i MUST spill at least half a tin of bachelors on the toast re:headshells.. You may have noticed if you were there that every 2nd mix was a bit wierd, to say the least.. well here's why: The decks were Brand new, as were the shells and stylii, and had been wired in that afternoon by a hurried & stressed TED.. he had followed the wire-diagram on the rear of the shell correctly on 1 deck, but reversed the polarity on the other.. so, the + and - were swapped round and resulted in a reverse-phaze signal.. i'd noticed on the headphones that no matter where i plugged in the deck on the mixer it sounded "hollow", but when it was added to the main output, it caused chaos.. what happens when you mix a + and a - ? they cancel each other out, thats what..so whenever 2 decks were in the mix, either in my headphones or to the room, the similer parts in the tunes cancelled each other out!! away went the common parts altogether! jeezus h christ on a sufrboard with cheesels.. what a nightmare.. so, that was the script, sorry. not my fault, but it won't happen again cos' we fixed it afterwards and rewired the heads correctly. Ah well.. New decks New schmecks. We are also promised a further 2k of sound next time as well to make up for the mess.. Who-Hoo!! (in the style of homer)..
Clare Island-gate Part Deux: I am assured the campsite has all mod cons, places to charge mobiles and power shavers, ghettoblasters and so on.. and the Ferry leaves WESTPORT regularly.. so no Strict time to be there, it`s just keeps on going and going.. so no panic.. there is carparking in the town, and it`s served by Trains and Busses.. I hope my flu' is better, otherwise i`ll not be doing my set bollock-naked while having my head shaved as planned.. er.. maybe.
Our campaign to rid the media of POPSHITE has now got a name, it's now officially called.....SHITEWATCH;Today's shitewatch scan: ***** walshe gets a bashing in THE SUN today for bieng shite or something.. excellent. Lets keep it up people.. There's so much work to be done.. and so little time to do it.. remember we have to remove all traces of POPSHITE from the industry before it completely implodes and has all it`s resources used up by the POPSHITEs.. Pledge now or there may not be an industry left for anyone before long.. Remember, it`s not enuf to ignore these people, you must call them names in public places and insult them whenever they appear on TV or Radio, especially if there are young impressionable Music fans in the room.. DEATH TO THE POPSHITE!!!!
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 030802/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: DJ Ted (Hungunder),Dave B (Foodie), Simon F (Cook), Jay Pidgeon (Still), Billie (Brew).
*t-roks/money -n2 - 25%
n212003/wri:whoever did the original back in the day..
*bass graffiti/spray can -tripoli traxx - 66%
ttrax087/wri:sweeten//cop con
*chad jackson/brake -acetate - -.2 (minus one fifth)
ace015/wri:jackson//cop con twister@music-village.com
*jay t/adrenalin junkie-raw 42 - 39%
ae40894/wri:hughes//cop con www.electronicscene.com/jayt
*nightmares on wax/know my name -warp - 13%
wap159cdp/wri:nightmares on wax//warp music www.warprecords.com
*fischerspooner/emerge(clarke) - ministry of sound fsmos1t
*pat krimzon/music will survive - edm 066
*sushi/the earthshaker - you clash yc001 james@topdrawermusic.biz
*dj overdog/it`s not over - pulse 058
*miss kitten & golden boy/rippin kitten - illustrious 12illdjx007
*roland klinkenberg/cellophane - additive 12ad088
*blue horizon/the journey - mainline 12maindj001
*solar stone/seven cities - lost language lost018
*blank & jones/surburban hell - gang go gg058 www.blankandjones.info
*queen elizabeth/strange impression - suntec tec062 www.hitland.comhttp://www.hitland.com
Oookay.. So this is well wierd.. We get the ONLY day of matching heat & sun this summer, and i get the worst Flu' i have ever had.. I actually like the flu', let`s be honest, it`s a buzz isn`t it? Like bieng High on something, and one gets to sit around with all work and encounters cancelled for a day or 2!!! Sounds like a decent holiday to me! But this one was Waaaay to heavy.. "..i think i did too much virus maaaaan.. bummer.." a full-on combo of heavy lungs, sore throat, glue factory in the chest, dribble-machine in the nose, spinny head every few minutes, loss of balence, aches and pains all over the bod and to top it off a total personality transplant between me and THE BORG. Messy. I actually put the shits up the poor girl in the chemist's shop 'cos i looked so sinister.. I sort-of asked for this you know.. The summer had been so crappy, i decided last weekend was actually the OCTOBER bank-holiday weekend, hallow'een if you like, and therefore the dark skies and pissing rain was normal, yet the heat we had was extraordinary for October - therefore a result!! Of coarse, my body got with the programme a bit to much, and the killer flu' descended upon the bratcave.. well, the worst is over now, and i hope to be fit enuf to top it all up this weekend on CLARE ISLAND.. yeah buddy..
Remember last month i asked you to choose between propagating Pop-Crap and educating the young to appreciate music? Well the message is spreading like a craze throughout the media.. This weekend saw several Newspapers take on the challenge and put the boot in for Real Music.. I`m so proud to have been one of the first people (semi) in the public eye to throw a stone at the greenhouse that is Pop-Crap, and may the onslaught continue.. Remember, simply ignoring this awful shite is not good enough, the more you turn a blind eye, the more they get away with, and the more they become part of our lives, you must be active, you must form an opinion and stick to it.. If it`s rubbish, say so, and be proud.. The time is nigh, death to the trash, down with the timewasters.. Music is art, not a tool in a fame-game.. This misuse of music is depriving a generation of experience and discovery.. and why? so a bunch of farts with massive chips on their shoulders can show off?? For god's sake they don`t even know how to spend the money they have ripped off our young!! The word "music" is loosing it`s meaning, and is bieng used by people who couldn`t tell the difference between an emotion and a headrush if their lives depended on it.. Don`t feel guilty, this is important, and if, as the instigators claim, the pop-crap is just a calling card, and a real soul outpouring is on the way, this stance we all must take will hurry the process on.. Remember: it`s cool, hard and easy to hate shite and the purveyors of shite.. Er.. Now where's the MOD revival at?
I don`t know how i managed this, but i`m DIENG with the Flu',Can hardly breathe, 24-hour running nose and the rest.. it`s an effort to sit still.. Untill i feel more human, everything is cancelled.
Bank Holiday monday's are traditionally easy-style.. Today will be no exception.
Ah yes.. the bank holiday is upon us again.. GALWAY for me Sunday night.. Rain For us all for 3 days!! Still advise you to check last month's UPDATE (scroll down) for clare island ticket details.. Else You may be excluded..
Since it`s Probably the worst Bank Holiday (weather and vibe wise) since The Notorious Haloween Bankholiday Weekend of 1982 where i spent 8 days rainbound in a damp chalet in Mayo pumping 10p pieces into an electricity meter and trying to teach my fellow prisoners to play Chess,and my m8 chris crushed his hand in a rockslide and had to have a bloodclot sliced out of his thumb, all while we watched the sharks devouring the dolphins in the stormy seas, and there was NOBODY on the CB, I think it`s time to upload this month's Choon to playthatbeat.net.. check it out from tonight on the DOWNLOADS button in the menu above.. It`s a special "4KiX" bootleg mix of some of our favorite auld stabby stuff from the day.. I did a mix for the MD boys during the week of WELCOME by COMMITEE, and while we woz at it, i knocked up something for the weekend (sir).. heheh.. Wellll.. all the bits were there.. It`s meant to be a Marmion/Funk Phenomena/Welcome Partytime Mixthingy.. Ah well.
I had alot of Fun this week sifting through all the ZIP disks i had lying around.. I knew i had a sound i needed on one of them (actually the Quazimidi Quazar ROM-dump) and for the life of me couldnt find it.. of coarse.. but i had fun looking.. Allow me to elaborate/type crap, Okay.. So.. the MIDI file of all the events and musical notes is stored on an old 486 PC, THE old 486-50DX hotwired to 150MHZ PC, running Dos 6.2 and a Bios-spoofed Harddrive.. Which is very tempromental, but anyway, the SAMPLES for a tune would be on a SCSI disk, maybe for the Roland 750, or a ZIP for the EMU e4, or on floppy disks for the AKAI s900, the Audio streams would be Backed Up to DAT tape from an AKAI dr4d, the final mixes of the track would be on a sessions DAT tape, and the Final Production master would be on a small DAT tape of it`s own.. There may also be CDRs floating around of test mastering experiments, and upteen walkman/car cassettes if the tune is pre-2000. Now here's the stupid bit.. they ALL have different names for the items... Yep. All of them. Here's an example. The Track SIXTH SEASON is a classic. On The Pee-Cee the MIDI file is called "j_bak.sng", on the Akai the program of samples was called "5thszn_2" and was converted into a roland bank when the Akai's left, on the roland the bank called "Akai944" was actually absorbed into a giant songwriting bank i called "Tim_96Gen_1". The Final Track was called "Fifth Season 2", and the Master was called "Sixth Season". This is Infuriating if i am looking for anything to do with the track.. It`s made worse if i have a Sequencer dump from an MC202 or an audio track or 4 of Live TB303 stuff, or (horror of horrors) streaming Vocal tracks (now no longer needed thanks to our good friend - LOADSOFRAM) since they have to be loaded back into their respective devices to be played.. grr.. oh, and going by date is not an option.. Firstly, none of the samplers care about dates, the vintaj ATARI sequencer files are Dateless (all 1980), and the PeeCee had to have it`s clock set back to 1991 because of the Y2K thing.. I used to number the DAT tapes as i used them, but all that has done is made it easier to see if one is missing, which alot are.. but i never dated them.. One wierd thing i have done for years is whole track mixdowns live, no "bit by bit" and then editing the track together later, so i have some very silly DAT tapes with outtake after outtake after rework of the same track, slowly changing to form a track, or not.. This was usefull at times as i`d be able to judge when a track turned shite due to excessive fiddling by listening to the passes. Wow.. i had so much time on my hands then. But anyway, let this be a lesson to you all, choose a name, and stick to it BEFORE you make the track.. especially if you have anything approaching MY attention span.
Temple Theatre Shuts this weekend.. boohoo.
And John Power's Script too!
Apparently i`m not allowed to swap places with Power this saturday because i'm "Too Hard" for Jimmy Van M!!!???! Well, i have 2 questions. [1] Who the F*ck is this "softie" Jimmy Van M anyway.... & [2] Why am i booked to play the lush tent if i'm "too hard"? (note: Question [2] could also be: 'Why is Jimmy Van M booked to play the lush tent if he's so soft?') I have never EVER been acused of bieng "too" anything before, Simply because i make it up as i go along, and if i say it`s 'just right' it`s because it IS just right because I invented it. So there. Again. Why do i get the feeling i`m the odd one out again? Well anyway, with all of this new evidence in my possesion i can now unconditionally guarantee i am going to bang the bollocks out of the lush tent.. or should i say, bang the tits off the lush tent, since it all seems to have gone a bit girly-blouse all of a sudden.
Latest i hear from the creamfields' rumourmill is tis: there will be NO VIP area.. apparently we made such a mess last time, and drank/ate/soiled so much that this year there is NO v.i.p. area or bar.. The area that was the VIP bar last time is actually going to house the SPIRIT arena this time... So.. VIPs will be forced to dance. Hehheehheheheh. Also, the impending Messy weather has resulted in some shifting of the Tents from last year.. they should be all on Tarmac now, around where the funfair was last time, so NO NEED FOR WELLIES! Savage. The smell of 30,000 pairs of rubber boots after an afternoon of dancing would be astounding after all.
So.. Here it is kids.. the Unofficial-official 100% unapproved totally leaked top-secret running orders and times for this saturday.. use it wisely my son.. And remember, it`s ALREADY almost 20% inaccurate.. I know Conor G has been moved to later in the Spirit Arena, and i think me & power swapping times too.. And check out that mess in the LUST arena hellooooo? How are all those people going to play between 2 & 3pm??? I mean, i may be in possetion of a brain the size of a planet, but that twists even MY head.. It could get messy, but at least theres more then 1 girl involved, i HATE those "4-blokes-on-1-girl" scenes.. very unhealthy.. ehm.. Now, on the subject of free passes, we simply didn`t get any. Sorry. That's why we havent been banging them out on the radio, coz we simply haven`t got any.. in fact, i had to STEAL this information below under pain of torture to even find out what time i was on at!! So there, Not my fault, nor power's..
CREAMFIELDS OUTDOOR STAGE :: MAURO PICOTTO 12:00 - 01:00 UNDERWORLD 10:30 - 12:00 FAITHLESS 9:00 - 10:15 YOUSEF 6:35 - 8:15 SUGABABES 6:00 - 6:35 AGNELLI & NELSON 5:00 - 6:00 METISSE 4:00 - 5:00 MR RAY ( CHANGEOVERS ) 3:00 - 4:00 EOGHAN YOUNG ( CHANGEOVERS) 2:00 - 3:00
BUGGED OUT! ARENA :: GREEN VELVET ( LIVE) 11:45-12:45 JUSTIN ROBERTSON 10:30-11:45 SLAM 9:30-10:30 TOM MIDLETON 8:30-9:30 JON CARTER 7:30-8:30 CHRISTIAN SMITH 6:30-7:30 MR C 5:30-6:30 MEDICINE 8 4:15-5:30 ALEX KIDD (F COMM) 3:30-4:15 JOHNNY MOY 2:45-3:30 PHIL KIERON 2:00-2:45
LUSH/2FM TENT :: SEB FONTAINE 11:30-01:00 SASHA 9:30-11:30 LEE BURRIDGE 8:15-9:30 JIMMY VAN M 7:00-8:15 JOHN POWER 6:00-7:00 MR SPRING 5:00-6:00 COL HAMILTON & JOHN CECCHINI 3:30-5:00 EDDIE WRAY 3:00-3:30 COOL FM DJ ( NAME TO BE ADVISED ) 2:30-3:00 RED FM DJ ( NAME TO BE ADVISED ) 2:00-2:30
CREAM - FUTURE TRANCE ARENA :: SONIQUE 11:30-01:00 JUDGE JULES 10:30-11:30 FERRY CORSTEN 9:30-10:30 NOEL PHELAN 8:30-9:30 COMMIE 7:30-8:30 RICKY EFFE (LIVE) 6:30-7:30 TOMMY STEWART 4:45-6:30 LUKE NEVILLE 3:45-4:45 HUGH SCULLY & SHAY HANNON 2:45-3:45 PODGE 2:00-2:45
LUST ARENA :: MARK KAVANAGH 10:30-12:00 ALAN PULLEN 9:30-10:30 LISA LASHES 8:00-9:30 JAY PIDGEON 7:00-8:00 DERMOT C 6:00-7:00 STIMULANT DJ'S 5:00-6:00 LISA PIN-UP 4:00-5:00 ROB TISSERA 3:30-4:00 KEN TOBIN 3:00-3:30 JON GREENWOOD 2:30-3:00 LEONIE 2:00-3:00 GRIT GREENGLOW 2:00-3:00 MANDY REID 2:00-3:00 MARK WESLEY 2:00-3:00 JOHNNY RICE 2:00-3:00
SPIRIT :: MARK LOWNES 8:30-10:00 CHRISTIAN BOSHELL 7:00-8:30 AL GIBBS 6:00-7:00 Ben Caravosso 5:00-6:00 RON'S MOBILE DISCO 4:00-5:00 JENNY GREEN 3:00-4:00 DAVE O DONOVAN 2:00-3:00
Confused? Don`t know where to go when? Let me do all the thinking for you...
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 240802/20.00-22.00
20.00: Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Ronan O (the story of..), Niall Redmond (actually), Brian Folan (TVOD), Lil' red Basterd (messy unit), CJ Mackintosh (one more thing..)
*safri duo & micheal mcdonald/sweet freedom -serious - 37%
serr05512pro2/wri:Safri Duo & McDonald//Universal music denmark
*katoi/touch you -arista - 13%
kat02/wri:henderson//M&W music ltd.
*nitzer ebb/control i`m here(hacker) -novamute - 18%
12nomu95/wri:harris & mccarthy//mute song ltd. www.mutebank.co.uk
*xpress 2 & dieter meier/i want you back -skint - 38%
skint81xp/wri:xpress2 & meier//cop con www.skint.net
*beenie man & janet/feel it boy -virgin emi - 23%
vuscdj258/wri:davis & hugo//emi blackwood music www.beenieman.net
*the moon/shake it - phobos phs002-12
*warrior/untitled - incentive cent48tdj
*blutonium boy vs. dj neo/higher level - blutonium blu-052
*040 feat. erica baxter/dreams(summer 2040) - silicon sr0218-5
*onoro/love to love you - arcade 23.20616
*dito/sky - torpedo 02 www.dito.tc
*signum/cura me - silver premium sp100 www.bpmdance.com
*sunstorm/fable - pultrance 003 www.pulsivemedia.com
*dj yoeri/the reality & the future - noname nn4027
So this weekend is a large one in the UK.. Creamfields, Notting Hill and Leeds Festivals are all on, and by gum it`s looking busy.. A bit of a Strange "downer" week in the UK actually this week. 7 Update claimed that there were loads of empty hotel rooms in Ibeefa this year, it seems that the clubbing decline is ever deepening for them. Shockingly i read this week in THE SUN that Pete Tong is now allegedly the "DLT" of the dance scene - ie: he's a joke in the scene and merely an annoying Disk Jockey that knows absolutly nothing about The music he plays!? - that's a pretty heavy accusation to be humping around in fairness! Lets explain, for the Nfo of those of you that are 2 young to remember "DLT", he was a cuddly warm-voiced Very hairy DJ on the BBC in the 70's - the inspiration (partially) behind some of the "smashie & nicey" Spoof DJ's charicters created by Paul Whitehouse and Harry Enfield.. The Turbulence in the Music scene at the arse-end of the 70's/Early 80's (ie: Punk & New Wave) "outed" DLT and his friends at the BBC as bieng nothing but Trivia-laden Human JukeBoxes that sometimes did TOTP or appeared on saturday morning Kids TV, but most importantly,revealed THEY believed they were Tastemakers and VERY important people indeed, whereas the rest of the world knew they were IN FACT only there to change the record and comment on stuff that diddn`t really matter anyway.. ehm.. They got Caught out basically.. Sussed as bieng Voices with no substance, they fell out of fashion very quickly, leading to a new generation of less-bearded airheads, and ladettes doing EXACTLY the same thing except with strong rural accents.. Sad really.. The public just got pissed off with music and levelled their pissed-offdom at the likes of DLT and friends.. And it looks like the same is happening now, with Tongey and company.. Even THE SUN (the lowest form of informatique on the news-evolutionary scale) is scoring points off Pete and friends.. Well can you blame them? In times like these (recessionary) we always direct our disgust towards whoever we feel is in charge and therefore responsible for the entire mess... Tong just happens to be one of the few people in the public eye willing to present himself for public scrutiny at the moment, he's one of the few people that still has a platform.. Everyone else we knew of as a "leading light" in dance music has has their wings clipped in the last 18 months.. Dance-Radio shows axed and shortend, magazines and clubs on their arses, labels in freefall.. so who's left to blame? TONG. He's still there isn`t he? Yeah.. lets blame him.. It`s because he's Naff that this all came about isn`t it? Well? Isn`t it? Eh? Well, you can always rely on THE SUN to point out the bleeding obvious while leaping open-armed onto the bandwagon set in motion by the latest RADIO RATINGS.. for that's where they got the basis for this week's attack on Tongey - BBC Radio 1's Ratings are down apparently.. But then again, so are EVERYONE's ratings.. depending on how you look at them that is.. THE IRISH TIMES claimes TODAY FM and RTE were Up on ratings - strange, they must be reading from a different book to the one i saw - in that book RTE lost accross the board except for RYAN TUBBRIDY's new Brekkie Show and FANNING on weekdays, and TODAY FM were stagnent in the daytime and Down at nights (weekdays).. but i suppose the statistics are relative to how big a liar you are - isn`t that what statistics are all about? in fairness.. There are No figures yet for the Weekends, but i`m anxiously awaiting them to see how 626 is doing.. Concidering we have a Very large Blunderbuss and a teeny-weeny barrell with a big, fat, slow and bloated fish floating aimlessly in it, i expect we'll hold our global-domination stance of bieng the only-game-in-town on a saturday night and therefore justify another year of taxpayer's money (special shout to BRIAN CONNELLY of ATHLONE who's tax we are payed.. thanks brian.. nice one..) but you never know.. we could be out on our ears this time.. remember we only esaped bieng dropped when the last Ratings came out because we had extended our share from 3 in 10 dead braincells to 7 in 10 of every braincell killed totally in the young-persons community - an amazing achievment which when represented on paper seems to imply we have more listeners then actually have ears.. which is typicall really. Ah well.. looks like the TV station is fading into another dream-like haze.. ho hum..
Can`t wait for Creamfields next week, It`s a sessions-tour broadcast on 626 for the duration.. we'll all be there, with me and Power on the LUSH stage from 6pm.. Please Dew Drop In and say hi.. remember your Irish Infiltrators in the big tents - Power, myself, Kavanagh and pullen, we need your support since we are bieng put on in the corner where we won't bother anyone or intefere with the actual flow of things by playing to anyone.. or something.. yeah right.. but that's for another day..
The entire Galaxy is on holidays today. Isn`t that nice.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 170802/20.00-21.00 - Now on the SKY digibox Channel 914!!!
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Frankie Headrock (chad valley beatster),Podje (block rockin' feature), Darran Rice (tandoori beefster). Pressure (residential obligation fullfillment dept.)
*redd square/in your hands -inferno - 5%
djfern50/no details white label
*puressence/walking dead -island - 37%

*eminem/cleaning out my closet -interscope - 41%
eminem3/wri:mathers & bass//ensign music corp
*sacha/wavy gravy -bmg - 65%
no details/wri:sacha//bmg music pub.
*untidy dubs/funky groove -tidy trax - 66%
no details/wri:toms//cop con
*way out west/stealth(la rosa) - distinctive breaks dp90/2 www.distinctiverecords.com
*system f/needle juice - tsunami tsusb9006
*warrior/untitled - incentive cent48tdj
*brainbug/nightmare - bootleg xb01
*voyager 1/rockafellas - rockafellas ccom010
*fizmo/sexy mutherfu*ker - arcade 23.206776
*dj kim/get ready to explode - waterworld wwr008 www.tyranno.de
*re-actor/radiostar - deep mission dmt12 www.uptiderecords.de
*040 feat. erica baxter/dreams(summer 2040) - silicon sr0218-5
Er.. lastnight didn`t happen as planned.. i think someone got their city/date/face/brain mixed up.. or something.. Hmm.. And DJ7 has reappeared.. in England of all places! Well.. travel is gr8 fun, and the younger you do it the less chance you have of actually getting stuck anywhere crap for the longterm.. So go for it.. but remember, holidays are only an illusion, they are relative to where you are and who you are, one man`s holliday is anther man's living.. and vice-versa.. Still, you should be able to get some nice rocker-bashing in on the august bank-holiday eh?
I am reliably informed (by the free dublin "what's on" guides) that Warran K and Myself are doing the DEJA-VU retro/oldskool night in MONO 2moro night.. er.. so there. That should be fun shouldn`t it? That is unless oldskool is played out, in which case it'll be shite.. either way, i`m going, cos' i`m bieng paid to go.. Mmmm.. must get my duster out then.. Nice to see No massive complaints from the Clare Island thingy, i think it`s accepted that we have NO control over the weather, and therefore are exempt from punishment/retribution.. thanks for that! From this i deduce either of the following: [1]:everybody died in the storm of exposure/pneumonia/the damp and were incorporated into the (excellent) sausages we all had from the chippy van while there, [2]:we got away with it.. well, that's alright then.
2 new galleries in the Pictures section... 12 is a couple of odd-shots from wittness 2oo2 and radio-studio stuff, 13 is the CLARE ISLAND batch.. And now.. the early roundup of Clare-Island script.. Points bieng stressed are : It MUST become a yearly event.. Waterproof rizla MUST be developed.. Windbreaks MUST be erected around the campsites.. God MUST pay for the messy weather.. Now.. on the Weather front.. You should be aware that we wern`t the only people shafted that weekend.. Get this, HAILSTONES and SLUSH up to 4 feet deep in Barcelona, Gales blowing tables over outside resteraunts in Monaco, Flooding and Uprooted-trees in Austria and our own storm-force gales and constant pissing rain in the West of ireland - now THAT'S August 2oo2! Anyway.. the overall feedback is the weekend was a blast, that got rapidly messyier from deployment, and ended in the Joy of actually bieng home again afterwards for absolutly everybody.. The Location was really moving, everybody felt the celtic angle and awed/gaped/drooled/shat themselves at the expanse of water between the mainland and the island as soon as they peered over the ridge upon driving down to the harbour, we really do have a very funky bit of scenery there.. We were mostly impressed with the size of Croagh Patrick, which just got bigger and bigger while still bieng far away, if you know what i mean, WHAT a mount.. dude.. The Ferry was a laugh too, especially on the way back with those grrrrooooovy 2m high waves.. great to look at while contimplating suicide due to lack of nutrition/sleep/life-force.. We did get to sit in the cockpit on the waay over, mmm. radar thingy.. er.. Where was i .. oh yeah.. so.. the OVERALL script is one of brutal,energetic defiance of the elements, and excellently paced Mallets all 'round.. People came in small tent-sharing groups, and shared resources and supported each other in their hours of need [soaked to the bone, chattering teeth and runny mascara moments mostly..] which is a cool plot.. Because of the horrible rain, people had to Mallet in small doses, and when they felt their necks/heads going numb due to the sub-zero blasting, they would traypse back to the tent for ready-rubbed and chillage. or fight their way into the guesthouses to slide about trying to get food/drink.. actually, quite civilised.. yes.. very much so.. Overall result: a Hit!!!!!!! Special merit to the indipendent Sound-system that sneaked a Marqee, Generator and rigs/decks over the day before and set up in the campsite for the "afters", there were people attempting to get us to go over there after the show and play all night, and we nearly did, but it dawned on me that if "I" had dragged a system over and someone else appeared as the main stage closed and insisted on playing, i`d be gutted after all that, in fairness, the lads brought it over for the purpose of shining after the main event, and they deserve the beam, it was their time to shine, and i hear they did.. well done whoever you were.. but next year, make it official so we can pay you, and set up windbreaks on the campsites, and a COVERED dance floor for the main area!!!!! and 2 days of events as well.. in fact. oh, and decent weather.. MEMORABLE MOMENTS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT :[1] bieng bugged by a strange-looking local guy who tried to think up something to say for ages before desperatly trieng to trade my "festival" hat for what looked like a flat baloon, i natch enuffed him, natch, and he replied by GRABBING my hat and running off into the night.. some shouting later and he was siezed by (the very well-behaved) security staff, and the hat was returned to the bonce of spring.. now, during the incident some verbals were pushed in his direction along the lines of "stop that tosser... he robbed that hat.. infront of everyone..", and a clued-up member of security announced "that tosser is the son of a Garda, who just happens to be in that Van over there.. (pointing)", to which voices in the onlooking crowd replied "well he should be keeping a low profile in that case shouldn`t he, especially with those mad eyes and pinball-jaw..", and "well that explains the anti-social behaviour and complete disrespect for private property and people's privacy..".. ah well, i suppose he got carried away and "lost in the moment", it must happen to Garda-siblings as well then.. ho hum.. dum di dum.. My hat & I have decided NOT to press charges. Cos we are nice guys.. [2] witnessing the plain-clothes gardai searching people randomly and NOT finding bin-bags of hard ***** and druggy paraphanalia, NOT finding any firearms, NOT finding any offensive weapons and NOT brutally beating people up for bieng young/a gouger/there..We had words with a local member and he was in a good mood for god's sake! Actually impressed with the small and predictable haul of stuff confiscated, instead of disgusted.. he even got his haul out for the lads,(i COULDN'T RESIST asking if anything "mad" had been got , like a machete, stick of dynamite, pound of cokaine or portable crack-factory) and i have to say from my limited knowledge of recreational pharm's., the haul seemed quite harmless in an illegal-sort of way.. much better then bieng told they stopped Pablo Escabar & His travelling Drug Circus from landing on the island.. Good behaviour all 'round i think,from both sides..
"Let's all do it again every year, fixing the ropey bits, doubling the lineup, and booking some decent weather.."
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 100802/20.00-21.00
*** AcTiVaTiNg ThE iSlAnDs SessionsTour From CLARE ISLAND Special Portable Edition ***
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Mark Gannon (Rep:Castlebar Chapter),John Power (Exile #1), Zoe (Exile #2).
*jean jacques smoothie/love & evil -echo - 45%
ecdj1261/wri:robson & martyn//warlock music & cop con
*jurgen vries/the theme -direction - 17%
xpr3592/wri:tate//universal music
*milk inc./walk on water -positiva - 13%
12tivdjx179/wri:milk inc.//cop con
*jollymusic/talco uno -illustrius - 43%
12illdj008/wri:jollymusic//cop con
*way out west/stealth -distinctive breaks - 51%
dp90,3/wri:way out west//cop con
Sessions Tour **Live Via Satellite** from the PIRATE QUEEN FESTIVAL, CLARE ISLAND..
*minimilistix/a forest(dj harry mix) - arcade 23.206946
*TBD/magic fly(koner) - arcade 23.206966
*sonz of a loop da loop era/far out(3 jays) - liquid asset 12008r1
*dj yoeri/the reality & the future(pyra) - noname nn4027
*040 feat. erica baxter/dreams(summer 2040) - silicon sr0218-5
*fizmo/sexy mutherfu*ker - arcade 23.206776
*target/harder they come - tracidd traxx ttx2037
*airbase/club point - go for it gofo0286
*sushi/the earthshaker - you clash yc001
*dj isaac/on the edge - kontor k226
*queen elisabeth/strange impression - suntec tec062
*mobil jockey/auflegen - no details
*tekken/tribal pursuit - tekktonn tk001
*oakenfold/starry eyed surprise(lieb) - perfecto perf27tp
*warrior/untitled - incentive cent48tdj
*snap! vs. plaything/do you see the light?(murano) - data 33p3
*pat krimson feat. dj livvy/music will survive - EDM 066
*camisra/let me show you - ps 002
I have several reels of photos of the SESSION at clare island at the chemist's as i type, and a long script brewing... Should up the new gallery 2moro night and compose the rant as i do it.. I`m appealing to you all for Input into my coverage.. if you were there, or know somebody that was, drop me an email and tell your story, or air it on the messageboard here, either will do, and tomorrow night i`ll do a big spread on it.. I _KNOW_ you want to be heard, so tell ME, i am listening..
Must hand it to the .sk cru (shouts 2 dave the rave) for totally disgusting everybody here at the bratcave (currently in "stealth" mode due to weekend fallout) with this.. very disturbing, totally uncalledfor, in perticularly bad taste and totally addictive.. in fact, it`s the best/worst thing since the Ledgendary "Help Phillo Bang-Up" game From SinSin..
Okaaaay.. so i`m feeling about 50-60% normal right about now.. So i think we will risk working this weekend, in fairnes, it's shaping up like a major event.. I`m thinking of proposing we put ALL the major islands off our lovely coastline on the air over the next year.. heheh.. TREASURE ISLAND my ringpiece.. Here's MALLOT ISLAND.. Contestants battle it out to stay mud-free and wasted over a greulling 24-hour mallet on a remote Irish Island.. Pitting their witts against the Elements , the coast-guard, rabid dolphins, hungry sharks and drunken locals.. g'wanouttathatyabolix, and so on... Ah yes, following in the footsteps of St.Patrick and St.Hubbins, bringing quality footwear to the grimacing pilgrims as they drag their sorry asses over razor-sharp shards of rock in the name of Forgiveness from the almighty.. except this time it`s the EXACT opposite.. we arrive in comfort and get a few "bad-boy" points in the bank too offset all those years we were soooo good... Anyway.. see ya there.. and it`s looking like a Westport/Sligo cruise from what i hear, there is carparking for a THOUSAND CARS.. so c.u.der!!!
Frightfest is looming ever closer, and details are getting clearer, It's all on over the Last weekend in August, a Bank-Holiday in The UK. The event takes place, as ever, at the excellent Prince Charles cinema in the heart of London's West End, between August 23rd and 26th. If at all possible, you really should be there! Here the mind-blowing line-up...* BLOODY MALLORY (British Premiere) - Buffy meets Indiana Jones in the latest comic strip horror sensation currently taking France by storm.* DARK WATER (English Premiere) - After scaring the world with Ring, Japanese director Hideo Nakata returns to the grisly ghost genre with another scream-lined supernatural shocker. * DONNIE DARKO (Sneak Preview) - Director Richard Kelly's powerfully affecting science fiction meditation on parallel universes, time travel and paranoid schizophrenia. * THE EYE (English Premiere) - Eighteen years after going blind as a child, Mann undergoes a risky corneal transplant operation. But her newfound gift of sight comes with a curse as she starts seeing mysterious black-clad figures that predict sudden death. * HALLOWEEN: RESURRECTION (European Premiere) - The Shape is back to stalk and slash his way through the seventh sequel to John Carpenter's groundbreaking horror classic Halloween.* HAPPINESS OF THE KATAKURIS (English Premiere) - You squirmed through Audition and were shocked by Dead or Alive. Are you ready for director Takashi Miike's camp cannibal horror based on a hit stage musical? * MY LITTLE EYE (English Premiere) - Five people apply to live in a isolated house together for six months whilst their every move is filmed by numerous cameras...* NINE LIVES (World Premiere) - Peter's Friends meets The Others is how director Andrew Green describes this paranormal psychological horror. * ONE HOUR PHOTO (English Premiere) - Haunting, ominous and building to an unexpectedly shattering conclusion, director Mark Romanek's study in obsession is a surreal glimpse into the mind of a stalker.* THE PRINCESS BLADE (British Premiere) - A massive box-office hit in Japan, former scriptwriter -turned-director Sato Shinsuke's futuristic fantasy is inspired by the best-selling comic book Shurayukihime. * TED BUNDY (English Premiere) - Frightfest will be showing the full, uncut version that will never be seen in most territories due to worldwide censorship requirements. * VIDOCQ (British Premiere) - Gerard Depardieu stars as outlaw-turned-police inspector Eugene Francois Vidocq investigating a series of gruesome murders carried out by the eternal-life seeking criminal mastermind The Alchemist in 1830s Paris. * SPIDER (British Premiere) - David Cronenberg's Latest Magnum Opus.. * INSOMNIA - by Chistopher Nolan.* SWIMFAN - by John Polson. * TUNO NEGRO - by Vicente J. Martin.That should be enough to whet your appetite but there will also be a plethora of short films, including Jake West's excellent WHACKED and the delightfully titled PISS BOY, as well as guests and prizes galore! So, if you are stuck for a script that weekend, i challenge you to find better.. This year, i am going.. er.. i think..
Now.. as my senses return to me as the flu' ebbs away, i am able to recall the Sunday-night at the VIC script.. and i MUST spill at least half a tin of bachelors on the toast re:headshells.. You may have noticed if you were there that every 2nd mix was a bit wierd, to say the least.. well here's why: The decks were Brand new, as were the shells and stylii, and had been wired in that afternoon by a hurried & stressed TED.. he had followed the wire-diagram on the rear of the shell correctly on 1 deck, but reversed the polarity on the other.. so, the + and - were swapped round and resulted in a reverse-phaze signal.. i'd noticed on the headphones that no matter where i plugged in the deck on the mixer it sounded "hollow", but when it was added to the main output, it caused chaos.. what happens when you mix a + and a - ? they cancel each other out, thats what..so whenever 2 decks were in the mix, either in my headphones or to the room, the similer parts in the tunes cancelled each other out!! away went the common parts altogether! jeezus h christ on a sufrboard with cheesels.. what a nightmare.. so, that was the script, sorry. not my fault, but it won't happen again cos' we fixed it afterwards and rewired the heads correctly. Ah well.. New decks New schmecks. We are also promised a further 2k of sound next time as well to make up for the mess.. Who-Hoo!! (in the style of homer)..
Clare Island-gate Part Deux: I am assured the campsite has all mod cons, places to charge mobiles and power shavers, ghettoblasters and so on.. and the Ferry leaves WESTPORT regularly.. so no Strict time to be there, it`s just keeps on going and going.. so no panic.. there is carparking in the town, and it`s served by Trains and Busses.. I hope my flu' is better, otherwise i`ll not be doing my set bollock-naked while having my head shaved as planned.. er.. maybe.
Our campaign to rid the media of POPSHITE has now got a name, it's now officially called.....SHITEWATCH;Today's shitewatch scan: ***** walshe gets a bashing in THE SUN today for bieng shite or something.. excellent. Lets keep it up people.. There's so much work to be done.. and so little time to do it.. remember we have to remove all traces of POPSHITE from the industry before it completely implodes and has all it`s resources used up by the POPSHITEs.. Pledge now or there may not be an industry left for anyone before long.. Remember, it`s not enuf to ignore these people, you must call them names in public places and insult them whenever they appear on TV or Radio, especially if there are young impressionable Music fans in the room.. DEATH TO THE POPSHITE!!!!
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 030802/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: DJ Ted (Hungunder),Dave B (Foodie), Simon F (Cook), Jay Pidgeon (Still), Billie (Brew).
*t-roks/money -n2 - 25%
n212003/wri:whoever did the original back in the day..
*bass graffiti/spray can -tripoli traxx - 66%
ttrax087/wri:sweeten//cop con
*chad jackson/brake -acetate - -.2 (minus one fifth)
ace015/wri:jackson//cop con twister@music-village.com
*jay t/adrenalin junkie-raw 42 - 39%
ae40894/wri:hughes//cop con www.electronicscene.com/jayt
*nightmares on wax/know my name -warp - 13%
wap159cdp/wri:nightmares on wax//warp music www.warprecords.com
*fischerspooner/emerge(clarke) - ministry of sound fsmos1t
*pat krimzon/music will survive - edm 066
*sushi/the earthshaker - you clash yc001 james@topdrawermusic.biz
*dj overdog/it`s not over - pulse 058
*miss kitten & golden boy/rippin kitten - illustrious 12illdjx007
*roland klinkenberg/cellophane - additive 12ad088
*blue horizon/the journey - mainline 12maindj001
*solar stone/seven cities - lost language lost018
*blank & jones/surburban hell - gang go gg058 www.blankandjones.info
*queen elizabeth/strange impression - suntec tec062 www.hitland.comhttp://www.hitland.com
Oookay.. So this is well wierd.. We get the ONLY day of matching heat & sun this summer, and i get the worst Flu' i have ever had.. I actually like the flu', let`s be honest, it`s a buzz isn`t it? Like bieng High on something, and one gets to sit around with all work and encounters cancelled for a day or 2!!! Sounds like a decent holiday to me! But this one was Waaaay to heavy.. "..i think i did too much virus maaaaan.. bummer.." a full-on combo of heavy lungs, sore throat, glue factory in the chest, dribble-machine in the nose, spinny head every few minutes, loss of balence, aches and pains all over the bod and to top it off a total personality transplant between me and THE BORG. Messy. I actually put the shits up the poor girl in the chemist's shop 'cos i looked so sinister.. I sort-of asked for this you know.. The summer had been so crappy, i decided last weekend was actually the OCTOBER bank-holiday weekend, hallow'een if you like, and therefore the dark skies and pissing rain was normal, yet the heat we had was extraordinary for October - therefore a result!! Of coarse, my body got with the programme a bit to much, and the killer flu' descended upon the bratcave.. well, the worst is over now, and i hope to be fit enuf to top it all up this weekend on CLARE ISLAND.. yeah buddy..
Remember last month i asked you to choose between propagating Pop-Crap and educating the young to appreciate music? Well the message is spreading like a craze throughout the media.. This weekend saw several Newspapers take on the challenge and put the boot in for Real Music.. I`m so proud to have been one of the first people (semi) in the public eye to throw a stone at the greenhouse that is Pop-Crap, and may the onslaught continue.. Remember, simply ignoring this awful shite is not good enough, the more you turn a blind eye, the more they get away with, and the more they become part of our lives, you must be active, you must form an opinion and stick to it.. If it`s rubbish, say so, and be proud.. The time is nigh, death to the trash, down with the timewasters.. Music is art, not a tool in a fame-game.. This misuse of music is depriving a generation of experience and discovery.. and why? so a bunch of farts with massive chips on their shoulders can show off?? For god's sake they don`t even know how to spend the money they have ripped off our young!! The word "music" is loosing it`s meaning, and is bieng used by people who couldn`t tell the difference between an emotion and a headrush if their lives depended on it.. Don`t feel guilty, this is important, and if, as the instigators claim, the pop-crap is just a calling card, and a real soul outpouring is on the way, this stance we all must take will hurry the process on.. Remember: it`s cool, hard and easy to hate shite and the purveyors of shite.. Er.. Now where's the MOD revival at?
I don`t know how i managed this, but i`m DIENG with the Flu',Can hardly breathe, 24-hour running nose and the rest.. it`s an effort to sit still.. Untill i feel more human, everything is cancelled.
Bank Holiday monday's are traditionally easy-style.. Today will be no exception.
Ah yes.. the bank holiday is upon us again.. GALWAY for me Sunday night.. Rain For us all for 3 days!! Still advise you to check last month's UPDATE (scroll down) for clare island ticket details.. Else You may be excluded..
Since it`s Probably the worst Bank Holiday (weather and vibe wise) since The Notorious Haloween Bankholiday Weekend of 1982 where i spent 8 days rainbound in a damp chalet in Mayo pumping 10p pieces into an electricity meter and trying to teach my fellow prisoners to play Chess,and my m8 chris crushed his hand in a rockslide and had to have a bloodclot sliced out of his thumb, all while we watched the sharks devouring the dolphins in the stormy seas, and there was NOBODY on the CB, I think it`s time to upload this month's Choon to playthatbeat.net.. check it out from tonight on the DOWNLOADS button in the menu above.. It`s a special "4KiX" bootleg mix of some of our favorite auld stabby stuff from the day.. I did a mix for the MD boys during the week of WELCOME by COMMITEE, and while we woz at it, i knocked up something for the weekend (sir).. heheh.. Wellll.. all the bits were there.. It`s meant to be a Marmion/Funk Phenomena/Welcome Partytime Mixthingy.. Ah well.
I had alot of Fun this week sifting through all the ZIP disks i had lying around.. I knew i had a sound i needed on one of them (actually the Quazimidi Quazar ROM-dump) and for the life of me couldnt find it.. of coarse.. but i had fun looking.. Allow me to elaborate/type crap, Okay.. So.. the MIDI file of all the events and musical notes is stored on an old 486 PC, THE old 486-50DX hotwired to 150MHZ PC, running Dos 6.2 and a Bios-spoofed Harddrive.. Which is very tempromental, but anyway, the SAMPLES for a tune would be on a SCSI disk, maybe for the Roland 750, or a ZIP for the EMU e4, or on floppy disks for the AKAI s900, the Audio streams would be Backed Up to DAT tape from an AKAI dr4d, the final mixes of the track would be on a sessions DAT tape, and the Final Production master would be on a small DAT tape of it`s own.. There may also be CDRs floating around of test mastering experiments, and upteen walkman/car cassettes if the tune is pre-2000. Now here's the stupid bit.. they ALL have different names for the items... Yep. All of them. Here's an example. The Track SIXTH SEASON is a classic. On The Pee-Cee the MIDI file is called "j_bak.sng", on the Akai the program of samples was called "5thszn_2" and was converted into a roland bank when the Akai's left, on the roland the bank called "Akai944" was actually absorbed into a giant songwriting bank i called "Tim_96Gen_1". The Final Track was called "Fifth Season 2", and the Master was called "Sixth Season". This is Infuriating if i am looking for anything to do with the track.. It`s made worse if i have a Sequencer dump from an MC202 or an audio track or 4 of Live TB303 stuff, or (horror of horrors) streaming Vocal tracks (now no longer needed thanks to our good friend - LOADSOFRAM) since they have to be loaded back into their respective devices to be played.. grr.. oh, and going by date is not an option.. Firstly, none of the samplers care about dates, the vintaj ATARI sequencer files are Dateless (all 1980), and the PeeCee had to have it`s clock set back to 1991 because of the Y2K thing.. I used to number the DAT tapes as i used them, but all that has done is made it easier to see if one is missing, which alot are.. but i never dated them.. One wierd thing i have done for years is whole track mixdowns live, no "bit by bit" and then editing the track together later, so i have some very silly DAT tapes with outtake after outtake after rework of the same track, slowly changing to form a track, or not.. This was usefull at times as i`d be able to judge when a track turned shite due to excessive fiddling by listening to the passes. Wow.. i had so much time on my hands then. But anyway, let this be a lesson to you all, choose a name, and stick to it BEFORE you make the track.. especially if you have anything approaching MY attention span.
Temple Theatre Shuts this weekend.. boohoo.
And John Power's Script too!