Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 280902/20.00-22.00
20.00: Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Mark Kavanagh (baby dolly),Jason Young (tired of bieng pushed around), Paul Masterson (the gate man), Pressure (in residential role), Sunil Sharpe (freshly ground)
*Breather/come on -ffrr/Y2k - 63%
br001/wri:auburn & reader//universal music
*Noyze/stay with me -md - 31%
md0106/wri:noyze//cop con www.resolutedistribution.com
*Marc n Claude vs. DJ Isaac/Loving You -white label - 31%
leg011/no details white label
*Mendoza & Cerutti/gotta funk -tekkton - 39%
tk005/wri:mendoza & cerutti//king ediciones musicales www.king-records.com
*Mr.Scruff/trouser Jazz - ninja tune - 24%
zen712/wri:mr.scruff//cop con
*marco zaffarano/girls & boys - anima 03-12 http://www.anima-rec.com
*orion too/so shy - mostiko 23206886 http://www.mostiko.be
*cream team/div-x - md0095 http://www.mdrecords.net
*dirty vegas/days go by - creedence 12cred030 http://www.dirtyvegas.com
*hooligan/system overload - silly spider ssm004 http://www.hool.tv
*geal/loosin my feelin - seismic smc009 http://www.zero-gi.net
*atlantic wave/reforced - dance pollution poll 213 http://www.saifam.com
*uptide tuner/last night - headline0016 http://www.headline-records.de
*hardheadz/wreck this place - scantraxx 003 www.scantraxx.com
This week's 626 Clubchart is here..
Power Updated his Script..
For those of you still without your own copy of The Evil Dead.. now is the time to snap up one of the Latex-covered Ultimate Editions coming to DVD Region 2.. The "Book of the dead" edition comes in a faux-Human Flesh/latex mockup model of the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, lovingly fleshey to imitate the book in the story that was apparently Bound in human Flesh and inked in human blood.. heheheh.. The pages of the book are all re-created too to ape the pages seen in the Titles of the 3 Evil Dead movies.. For all dead-ites out there, this is the final nail in the Re-release gravy train for the Evil Dead Film.. Surely there can`t be any more ways of packageing the same DVD? Surely?! Well, it`s the same DVD all over again.. And for the completeists among us, it`ll be the sixth time they have bought the same content.. Check it out here.. it`s only 20stg or thereabouts, which is a great improvement on the stateside price for the same product a few short months ago.. If you don`t own the film, now is the time to buy.. If you do own one of the earlier versions, this promises only the funky new Mock-up of the book as a bonus, but what a bonus!! Mmm.. and while we are in the mood.. this tuesday is the preview for the new Hannibal Movie in Dublin - RED DRAGON and i have expertly accidently been invited, so it`s either total crap, or solid citizen material.. can`t wait.. Ahhh yes.. Movies.. Isn`t it amazing how the real world doesn`t seem real untill you see it on a big screen? I`m delighted (BTW) that the US are back to making decent movies after a glut of "Everything is OK & the way it used to be before 911" films.. jeez.. too many "hark back to the simple days of innocence" lead-baloons for my liking.. In fact, the ultimate example of same starts it`s Run on TV this sunday night in America on NBC - AMERICAN DREAMS - which features original footage from "American Bandstand" which was THE show in the 50/60's upsetters era where funky tunes were blatently broadcast for all to hear while people danced to them!!! Shocking really.. anyway.. looks like the Entertainment industry is healthily rewinding to the 50's now for another try.. er.. or something. Prepare for a MOXY of nostalgia in the mainstream any second.. [whooshing noise..] oh shit!! there it is!! A rolling Stones Compilation wearing National health specs just pulled up in a New Mini dressed in drainpipes, brothel creepers and a 3-button suit while smoking No.6 fags.. mmm.. No.6.. Information.. [click]
Our top 5 Cringes: [1] The Lyrics Board, [2] Jack & Ali On Spin 103.8, [3] The Mad redhaead on Corrie, [4] Photgraphs, [5] Huggy Bear's Dialogue.
It`s that time of year again.. the DJ MAGAZINE TOP 100 DJs is bieng compiled.. So.. Usually i discourage any kind of Voting, but this is Different since it`s a UK poll and doesn`t effect us in the slightest.. so VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! you can do it at www.djmag.com or www.dotmusic.com/dance - it`s a Top 5, so be prepared to name 5 DJs that rocked your Lad this past 12 months.. Go on.. If you don`t do it some asshole with a busy keyboard will win!! You can Vote for ANY DJ.. including American, European, UK and Irish Jocks..
The first Irish Top 30 Clubchart was broadcast this Saturday on 6:2:6.. you can view it here..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 210902/20.00-22.00
20.00: Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Arveene (experienced),Enda Rochford (lost in leitrim), David Sherwin (BBM vampire), Zoe (in sound & vision), Nick Corrigan (messy as usual)
*Ian van dahl/try -nulife - 27%
nux52/wri:chantzis & coenen//W64 Music www.ianvandahl.com
*dreamcatcher/twisted -positiva - 23%
12tivdjd178/no details - lazy label www.positivarecords.com
*gclub pres. banda sonara/pressurecooker -defected - 40%
df5122a/no details
*twix/triple choc limited edition -mars - 20%
new "all choc" twix experimental bar (aka "raider choc")
*derler & klitzing/dumb people -proceed - 1%
pc014/wri:klitzing & derler//edition klangforschung www.derler-klitzing.com
*richard & ava/let the sunshine -probe - -134% (minus 134 percent)
probeprods001/wri:garnish & cherry//cop con probeproductions@ukgateway.net
*niels van gogh/on a freak - kosmo kos2049 www.nielsvangogh.de
*energy 52/cafe del marco v - lost language lost019rp
*symphonic/spanish night - kontor k262
*safri duo/samb adagio(cosmic gate) - am
m 12ampmdj148 www.seriousworld.com
*da techno bohemian/droppin the instrumental - tuff stuff tuff611-12 www.digidance.cc
*hardstyle masterz/the age of reverse bass - titanic ttc013 www.saifam.com
*hardheadz/wreck this place - scantraxx 003 www.scantraxx.com
*hooligan/system overload - silly spider ssm004 www.hool.tv
*system f/needle juice - tsunami tsusb9006 www.purple-eye.com
*ransom/my dance(ferry corsten) - mydance01 [+441273208766]
This saturday we returned to the OASIS in carrickmacross.. Nice of you all to turn up like that.. glad you enjoyed yourselves! My report? well.. a big improvement on the shanty-town style that was the Oasis before the upgrade.. A solid and well thought out DJ box and relaxing area.. Jax within the area (a definate plus!) and little fridges everywhere, including in the DJ console itself, packed with fine import beer and water.. no LUCOZADE in the fridges, i had to ask, and a shortage of ICE, but otherwise superb faculitys, nice leather couches and friendly staff all round! Thanks for that!! I`m sure i`m the subject of some "he doesn`t know what he's on about" rants after my observations on the choice of gear at the front-end.. The dex were Fiiiine, except the left deck had a (fully approved) STANTON 500-series head, and the Right one had a (not unless you are stuck) STANTON 600-series.. causing a massive drop in levels on the right deck.. messy.. Oh and the MIXER, a _horrible_ allen & heath "big-bucks" monster mixer.. not the worst in the line, but nearly.. the famous patented Allen&Heath "distorto" headphone circut making sure it`s never loud enough, and always distorts before having any bollocks at all.. but hey!, i`m a snobby bast*rd when it comes to mixers, Pioneer 600/500 or Redsound Infader.. Everything else is just not good enough/too bleeding expensive.. The sound was Fiiiine, and the lazer (we LIKE lazers) was on 1/2 power (green only) but the lights were expertly manipulated.. so the Verdict? Nice job people.. keep going.. don`t stop..
This saturday night was also a bit wierd for me, my grandad died finally after a LONG illness.. I miss him already,very selfish of me concidering he was in such pain for so long.. He was a cartoonist, doing an almost Daily toon for the EVENING PRESS newspaper in Dublin untill it imploded in the early 90's.. and here is some of his work..

Once again I am reminded of how fragile we humans are.. So long, George, Till we meet again..
I remember doing a bit here about the OASIS in carrickmacross when it closed in prep for becoming the OASIS, remember we had a sessionstour there? yeah.. well, here we are.. the weekend i go back there is upon us.. i haven`t set foot in it since BEFORE the refurb (remember it was rumoured to have cost 3m euro??) so Saturday will be interesting on THAT front alone.. I hope the dex are on a more solid plinth this time, the rubbery stage was a panic last time.. every time someone put their drink down i could feel the bass!! Anyway.. we are busy in the background now preparing the first Clubchart Show for Broadcast this saturday night on 626 - 90-92FM officially, 97FM sometimes, 235 & 490 Medium Wave, On the Internet via http://www.2fm.ie and in MPEG2 on your SKY Digibox Channel 914. It's so difficult making sure the 30 records in the chart actually reflect what is popular on the scene.. we have LOADS of cool Email charts from YOU LOT to guide us (about 9 an hour this week - and it`s only the first week!), and we are scanning all the weekly published charts in The UK and europe we can get our hands on.. the main problem we have is BIG tunes in wierd places.. There are some tunes making waves that we simply cannot get yet since we are in Ireland and everything takes a week longer (if you are lucky!) to get here - including Information! At this stage i`m blown away with how nice people are bieng about the whole thig.. Not a Single Downer has been thrown.. Some companys have been SOOO nice with getting us stuff on ridiculously short notice that it`s shocking.. Distance is no problem to some of them! Quite funny having to ask people for stuff i wouldn`t normally want (like that Tomato Sauce Thingy!!) and that wouldn`t normally be sent to me or any of the 626 crew, but it`s bieng blasted in the clubs, and that means it`s a scene tune.. so it has to be got! Anyway.. back to the grindstone, it`s in need of a rub...
This saturday, And Every Saturday, from 6-8 on 626, Mark McCabe Counts Down the Club Chart Top30.. To Include YOUR chart, send it in weekly.. If you don`t, You Are PART OF THE PROBLEM...
Power updated his script...
Contribute Your ClubChart to the 626 SURVEY: mail your charts weekly to: charts@2fm.ie
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 140902/20.00-22.00
20.00: Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Jay Cisco (residential fullfillment), Tony O'Leary (and why not), Paul Scott (emerging eventually)
*jakatta feta, seal/my vision -rulin - 76%
rulin26cdsp/wri:lee//ministry of sound pub. www.jakatta.info
*first choice/aint he bad -code blue - 60%
blu029cd/wri:dean & glover//silk music www.codeblue.co.uk
*feliz da housecat/silver screen shower scene -city rockers - 31%
rockers19cd/wri:stallings & jenefsky//cop con www.cityrockers.net
*res/they say vision -mca - 7%
resvp4/wri:white & mckinney//mca music www.resmusic.com
*rowntrees/fruit rush -nestle - 11%
new liquid-centre jelly sweetys..
*frontline/star system -duty free - 30%
df045/wri:frontline//duty free publishing & EMI www.dutyfreerecordings.co.uk
*tsumi/spare us the cutup - whitelabel no details
*alien factory/rebel - edm 071-1 www.EDMmusic.de
*ransom/my dance(ferry corsten) - mydance01 [+441273208766]
*exit eee/epidemic(tony de vit) - y2k y2k035r www.puregroove.co.uk
*symphonic/spanish night(murano) - kontor k262
*hardstyle masterz/the age of reverse bass - titanic ttc013 www.saifam.com
*dj m.i.t.c.h./the message - deep mission DM26 www.uptiderecords.de
*schalldrach/turntable junky(remix) - uberdruck ued06 www.djthecrow.de
*c4/mysterious place - uberdruck ued07
So.. nice visit to LIETRIM this weekend.. the auld nitelynx crew was slightly thinner then usual due to the lack of Band out the front i suppose - they always had a bunch of loons pogoing at 3am when i was leaving in the past - but we did have some fun! Someone commented the set was a lot more "musical" then previous visits.. i can confirm this.. more notes i say!! Moooore notes!! The FOG made things very scary on the way there & back though.. it`s wierd driving for 2+ hours with only the ass of another vehicle or a broken white-line for a guide.. i missed the countyside as we tore along.. one interesting advantage is the ability to stop ANYWHERE you like for a wee.. nobody can see you! heheh.. Anyways, thanks for having us again,again. Master P should be aware his right deck has "stuck green light syndrome" - where the "zero" light on the deck's pitch shifter is always on/flickering therefore making it impossible to accuratly change pitch.. basically the pitch is constantly wavering between the selected pitch and zero.. the more you move away from Zero the wilder the warble.. very messy, and almost impossible to be clinical.. sadly there is a Minidisk of the set to prove this.. sad really, would have made a good mixtape if it wasn`t for that!! Nice improvment moving the decks up to upper-abdomen level - i was DREADING the bad back from bending over the rig all night but it was sorted out - goood...
And so to football.. (WHaaaT??!) UK football to be precise. I know NOTHING about it. So there. Anyway, an observation - the UK footy craze is over. It`s dead. Nobody cares anymore. The teams are boring, the big stars are sad as hell lamers with less then 2 brain cells to rub together that drive porshe boxters and beat up nightclub bouncers/lie alot.. We all despise their attitudes with their 80grand-a-week wages, payed by US weather we like it or not, through crap Pay-TV fee increases and price-hikes on every product we consume from Electricity to crisps to pay for sponsership deals with these tossers.. and what about the CONSTANT irritation of having LONG adds for Football on every TV channel now.. IN EVERY ADD BREAK! Either the People who like football are very stupid indeed and need to be reminded where to find it all the time (doubtfull), or the the TV companys know NOTHING about football _or_ the audience for it.. Do they think we are going to suddenly get the urge to take on football as our new vibe if they hasstle us enough?? Here's a scary Fact - A friend got a letter from SKY last month telling him they were jacking up his Subscription costs because of the extra costs involved in bringing him RTE and TV3.. I got a similer letter claiming i WASNT getting a fee increase because sky were such nice guys.. no mention of TV3 or RTE at ALL!! The difference between us? He has SKY SPORTS, I don`t... go figger.. the the writing is on the wall.. ITV digital [the UK's digital tv-thru-the-ariel company] gone wallop,the premiere league themed "Man U" shops closing as quick as they open [Question: What the F*ck was a ManU shop DOING on O'Connel Bridge In Dublin Anyway?????] and to top it all off Mullets like our very own Roy Keane ["Mullet" - Unattractive,Anti-Social,Grey-Brown slow-moving Fish that Favours Sheltered Harbours and Feasts on Excrament] Wasting our time & licence-fees with Spoiled-brat antics that ape the behaviour of the Snottiest Rock-Stars in history.. Anyway, the lot is finished.. the Premiere league is Finished.. Nobody wants it anymore, it`s just boring. The New Buzz is.. GAA! Yep.. who would have thought it, Gaelic Games are finally Cool.. Real people, REAL competition, real exitement and real reality.. really. It`s all real. You can reach out and touch it all it`s so real.. and we don`t have to pay through the nose for it yet neither!!! (yet) Who want`s to PAY to see a bunch of Losers interrupt their drinking/nightclubbing bareknuckle fighting/tossing/spoofing and prance around for 90 minutes on astroturf in the UK when we can Sit in traffic for 7-10 hours and then watch real men kick chunks out of one another in the mud for real heheh.. GAA is like "EX" football you know - "Extreme" sports.. in fact, hows about a special "settler" match between the All-Ireland Champions and The Premiere League Champions?? Eh? Why not? Winner takes all.. so, bollocks to Priemier football, may it return to crapossity and crapulence, let's do GAA.. Blood n' guts wins every time.. Let the tolchocking Commence.. I have spoken.
So did you go to the Curragh last sunday? For the Auld Car Thingy? We did.. great fun! So many nice cars, and most of them OUTSIDE the show! Had a nice mooch around the Fulsh Bus Stand, and gawked at the Mostest Savage Lexus i've seen, 3litre Turbo, leather ashtrays, my next wheels for the Bratmobile.. grrr.. mmmm.. blowoffvalve... mm.. anyway, it was a good drool.. Must remember the Messers in the Red Supra caught rapid Doing Donuts in the Mud, excellent Coverage with that Mud Boys.. sprayed EVER-RE-WHERE, i think that`s what tipped the Cops off you were up to no good to be fair.. They were Sooo quick to arrive, sad that they were the only one's on the scene that wern`t splitting their sides laughing! Ah well.. It was worth it, i feel priviliged to have seen such a meaty motar bieng so messy.. hehehe.. Hotdogs were good too.. mmm.. And so we move to the next 2 items on the adjenda.. [1] the New DANCE CHART SHOW ("the survey") on 626 is to begin in 2 weekends.. if you want to send us your top 20 weekly for inclusion, we'd all appreciate it, we need as many of them weekly as we can get to help things reflect the "real" situation.. MARK McCABE will be doing the chart, a Top 30, Every saturday night from 6-8.. It`s a Nationwide Clubchart, so if you are in the scene, or know somebody who is, be a part of it! Your Country Needs Parts of it! Er.. I`ll post an email address soon.. [2] MOHILL is officially on protective warning for a Spring Visit this saturday, as is CARRICKMACROSS for the Following. Usual Dress Code and Behavioural Patterns apply. Ehm.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 070902/20.00-22.00
20.00: Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Conor G (up early), Gav C (flush bus magazine), Timmy G & Tony W (northwestern department)
*push/strange world(vocal) -inferno - 21%
sw1/wri:mike//cop con www.infernorecords.co.uk
*energy 52/cafe del mar 2002 -lost language - 51%
losto19rp/wri:sharam//cop con www.lostlanguage.com
*transluzent/angel hybrid -ark records - 53%
ml01435/no details//cop con www.arkrecords.com
*phlash/get a life(irish mixes) -tripoli trax - 66%
ttrax088ire/wri:shiner & hill//pure groove music
*Boost/Guarana Energy flavour -cadbury schwepps-55%
new "energy laced" cadbury bar with guarana & caffine
*Exit eee/epidemic -y2k - 62%
y2k035/wri:zenker & driessen//upright songs
*safri duo/samb adagio - AM:PM 12ampmdj148 www.safriduo.dk
*sonz of a loop da loop era/far out - subbase audio asset12008r1
*onoro/love to love you baby - arcade 23.206216 www.mostiko.be
*the moon/shake it - phobos phs002-12 www.zyx.de
*jendrick de ruvo/drumcode x(lecargo) -deep mission DMltd04 www.deepmission.de
*sushi/the earthshaker -you clash yc001
*player one/insomnia - whitelabel no details [booty of Faaithless insomnia]
*orion too/so shy - mostiko 23.206.886 www.mostiko.be
*jurgen vries/the theme - direction xpr3592
Power also updated his script..
New issue of THE SLATE circulating today, and they confirm the Fine Rumours that TOWER RECORDS may be eyeing up the lifeboats with the current 35-25% (depending on who`s talking/listening) drop in record sales murdering everyone's cushy few quid. I knew that something was up when i noticed the VIRGIN on the quays is now a very big nothing, having legged it without any fuss or anyone missing them.. So NICE to know the big megastores that caused the closure or decent into 2nd-hand hell of most of the city's (nay, Country's) record shops have finally banged the last gasp out of us and are off into the sunset like a disgruntled lover... So.. i wonder if HMV will follow them or will it sit tight and hope people start buying music again? Anyway, the new SLATE is just that, a NEW SLATE.. gone are the misinformed "I don`t understand/like this so it`s total shite and the people doing it are wankers.." club reviews, and in are the totally on-target Themes and lines we love about them.. This issue's cover/lead item is so stupendously "on-the-head" it`s up there with the others that stirred the shit so excellently in the past - a return to form after the bird-cage-liner that was the last issue to be sure.. Such a pity they dropped the ball on creamfields, they could have done an entire issue on that alone.. ho hum.. anyway, it`s out, miss it at your peril!
Creamfields Ireland 2oo2 Roundup Part 2:
OhhhhKaaaay then.. lets put the ribbons on this then.. Selected comments: "love that tune (i played) that has a male vocal goin Um...ah ha...um ah ha ah ah!Class!" "Ricky Effe nearly made the Cream arena melt!Pure quality set.That was SOME fuc*in sound system in there!" "lisa lashes,,was cool.." "highlights of the day were spring,lisa lashes,the judge but sonique did a brave job following the judge & she brought the crowd up to another level again which was special!" "the queing going in/out of punchestown was a disgrace,40 mins to get in & the same to get out,not impressed!" "we all had a mental time" "Underworld impressed also but picotto on the outdoor stage at 12 was ridicilous!" "Badly organized,ppl were WELL pissed with it finishin at 1am!Glowsticks and bottles were thrown." "To be honest i dont think i got my 61.40 euros worth and am dissapointed with the genral setup" "Where were the MTV cameras from last year?" "The food was poison" "The only drink there was poxy beer" "The bouncers were all gettin in to the swing of things with us(ie:wasted)" "things have gone downhill since the first homelands"(!) "next time go till 3am at LEAST".. this sort of sums it up for the crew's Creamfields 2oo2 Verdict.. Alot of people heard the Rumour on the day that there was to be no more creamfields or homelands in the future in Ireland, instead we are (allegedly) having a "Spirit" festival and "Godskitchen" events instead.. I can confirm the God'skitchen Rumour alright, they are working with the people in Ireland that HOME used to, and since both Home & cream seem to be dfunk'd, it at all Sounds possible to me, don`t matter what they call it does it?, it`s all good innit.. so.. that was that.. smaller, cheaper and over - Creamfields 2oo2.
Temple Theatre re-opens this weekend Fri 6th/Sat 7th Sept. The club has been renovated with upgraded lights and sound, improved facilities, a new VIP Balcony bar and a hot-tub! Line-up for the opening weekend is
UMONDE (Jam-X & DeLeon), Orbit, Ken Tobin.. So, that didn`t take long now didit?
More Indeep Coverage of CFI2oo2.. New gallery is upped, 40 cool images of your humble narrator and pals suitable for long-term viewing as desktops or mind-fu*ks!! All are under 50k and in glorious trip-o-vision as usual.. All 100% analogue, no digital cameras involved, no touching up or plugins or anything like that, all real filters and real film.. hehehe.. FEEL the difference.. Check out Gallery 14 in the PICTURES section... Still collecting your comments on the event, email them to me here if you haven't yet and want to contribute to Part 2 of the roundup.. all comments welcome.. who kicked it.. who dropped it.. <>>
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 310802/20.00-21.00
*** Firen' Squad Portable Edition ***
Live with the 626 Sessions Tour from Creamfields Ireland 2oo2
Live via Transatlantic-slug From Punchestown Racecourse!
20.00: Firen` Squad, Squaddies: The Original John Chechini (Lush Stage), The New Improved Leonie (Lust Stage), Neatly Trimmed Metisse's Scully (Main Stage), Family size Eddie Wray (BBM/Planet love Infiltrator), Well exposed Sharon & Natasha (Sparkley Dancing Gurls, Lush Stage)
*timo maas/help me -perfecto - 87%
perf42cdsp/wri:maas & hermann//EMI music & issy & Nemo tunes
*trisco/ultra -positiva - 81%
cdtivdj-177/wri:dawson & browski//universal & v2 music
*faithless/crazy english summer -cheeky - 99%
cheeky020/wri:johnston,bliss & rollo//bmg music
*the streets/don`t mug yourself -locked on - 0%
CDR no details/wri:the streets//pure groove music www.the-streets.co.uk
*soho/flyin madness -byte - 41%
bb03020312/wri:rijswijk & bjerri//red bullet & nanada music
17.00(ish):Spring's Playlist (sort of) from the LUSH stage @ creamfields Irl. 2oo2
*sunstorm/fable(kaze mix) - pultrance003 www.pulsivemedia.com
*minimilistix/a forest(dj harry mix) - mostiko 23.206946
*queen elizabeth/strange impression(rexanthony mix) - suntec tec062 www.hitland.com
*dj isaac/on the edge - kontor k226 www.djisaac.com
[[insert:riva/time is the healer(harry peat sunset mix)ffrr dfx006]]
*mobil jockey/auflegen - no details
*dj yoeri/the reality & the future(pyra mix) - noname nn4027
*sushi/the earthshaker - you clash yc001
*raul cremona/proteus(force mix) - md0109
*snap!/do you see the light(steve murano) - data33p3
*warrior/warrior 2 - incentive whitelabel
*sonz of a loop da loop era/far out(tintin out) - liquid asset12008r1
Creamfields Ireland 2oo2 Roundup Part 1:
So.. it`s all over now.. and that's more literal then you think. 2 things were repeatedly nattered all day, [1]:thank god it`s not raining,[2]:this is the last mega-scale dance festival in the South of Ireland, ever..!! Mmm.. sounds like an album! So.. wanna hear how it went from my POV? First up, big shouts to the Nazi slimebag that made a fuss over my protocol on entering the "spirit" arena.. I had just parked the Bratmobile in the inner-sanctum carpark right next to the production area (as you do) and had a MAJOR drool over a gorgeous JAGUAR XK8 (more about this later) and headed over thru the gates in a major hurry/panic due to the following things: [1] i had no armband to admit me to the area i was working for 2FM/playing for LUSH in, [2] i was very late after waiting at a junction for 40 minutes while a prang was sorted out, [3] i was BURSTING for a crap and the loos were in my sights.. Sadly, a bald guy on a golf-cart didn`t like my attitude and started a row, forcing me to return to the gate to define my attitude further and confirm i had/hadn`t upset the lad on sentry dutys.. this row took place in full view of everyone, and i had to throw a wobbler almost immediatly at his crappy attitude.. during all this i was tagging peoples tickets,shaking hands and trying to say "hi" to PODJE while taking calls on my mobile from panicky CREAM people wondering where i was since i had to play in 25 minutes, management sorting my pass, friends stuck in the queue, and i sill had no idea where to go.. ehm.. so anyway, the nazi and me went at it, and words were had, in an animated fashion. I was just about to launch into the "give someone a radio and a black jacket and they can`t resist throwing their weight around.." & "..you daytrippers give the job a bad name" & the compulsary "you need to grow some hair man and mellow the f*ck out a bit.." when i was rescued and pointed towards the loos.. such a nasty start.. luckily this fool was the ONLY shit thing that happend all day! er.. except for the TRISCO CD going all "squarepusher" on the squad later.. but that _couldn`t_ be helped.. The Uptight Bald one,on the other hand, COULD. So, Legged it over to the LUSH tent and installed myself after a very giggly CHECHINI and HAMILTON finished off a very attractive set - So for those that weren`t there, the lush arena featured a big screen in the background of the stage and the "lush" horns over the DJ plinth, the gear was a (dreaded) allen & heath monster desk, and 3 Technics 1210s, and 2 Pioneer CDJ500s too, the monitors were Absolutly SHIT hot, really bleeding loud man, no doubt.. christ.. even drownded out the headphones! (that isn`t hard on an allen & heath mind you...) so i had a nice quality blasting thru the set.. which is playlistedlisted above.. all favorites since that was the mood.. Serious roars of approval drowned out the monitors a bit every now and again, and the whistle posse just didn`t let up did they? Holy batman cow.. It really gets to me when a good bit comes along in the tune, and i`m thinking to my self "oh yes.. i like that bit ALOT.." and then i hear the sound of you lot agreeing with me, er, as if you read my mind.. sort of thing.. hehehe.. and not just the bits where we go all tribal and roar like the tribal goers we are.. but the "i like THAT, That bit RiiiiiGHT t-h-e-r-e..." bits.. very connected. i like that... then Power followed,and i went on a food-finding mission before the radio thingy.. MCD (the organgrinders) as always had an excellent, almost soundproofed, catering thing organised and meal vouchers were applied.. No major incidents, bar 2 thingeens, firstly, there was a LOT of australian accents around, and secondly, the RTE crew like their food. Oh yes. MOunTaiNS of it.. Very strange how some of them stay so skinny, must be all the worrieng... anyway, where was i? oh yeah, then the SQUAD happend, "swimmingly" as someone put it - swimming in girly-pee and bikini-clad prancers! You'd have to have been there.. really... so we left eventually, after extensive sampling of the tents (as you do) and as i approached the bratmobile for the tear home i spied that JAG again.. mmmm... what a car.. did i mention the next bratmobile was due to be one? yes.. for 2 years it`s been the "bratmobile-in-waiting", the XK8.. mmm.. Jaaaaaag.. Sadly it was replaced by the MASARATI GT3200 thingy only last thursday after i saw one "in the right light".. anyway, i was "oooh"-ing and "ahhh"-ing at the jag, when my attention fell upon it's rims, since i was passing like, and they were SHITE softline's, reaaaaly boring 5 or 7 or whatever-spoked, rounded like a spoon, deceptivly small-looking and damnright girly.. sorry.. just as i exclaimed all of this i noticed the man putting his key in the door, HIS door, and it was the Main man himself, er... the "D" in MCD, the people that made Creamfields happen in ireland.. er.. ah well.. i don`t think he noticed.. ehm.. But in CASE he did.. er, look man, Softline wheels are for Lawnmowers, and even they hate them, Softlines, with their oh-so-harmless look are for Hyundai Land-Cruisers and Stock Ford Fiestas!! Do yourself a Service and drop those wheels Immediatly.. HARD lines.. Not soft. You DON'T put a Jag like that on Cuddly wheels, they are for shopping trolleys, Put it on RAZOR BLADES! Lets see some SERIOUS sharp multi-spokes, extending out to the rim, hard-as-you-like.. christ what a pity.. you could put rims on that motar that would shread a traffic-cone and take your eye out just looking at them.. mmm... eye out.. er.. so that was it really. how did you do? oh, and we have about 130 photos too, heheheh.. i`ll up them soon into a new gallery.. and doo part 2 when i doo.
Earth wind and fire on the warblebox.. Creamfields 2oo2 over, head hurty... mmmm... hurrrty.. oh look.. from the 14,082 bangs on the door we got last month it`s the..
Top 13 Springnations for August 2oo2!
1 Unresolved/Unknown
<<< AlieNz aGAin!!
2 United States
3 Ireland
4 US Commercial
5 United Kingdom
6 Finland
7 Saudi Arabia
8 Slovak Republic
9 France
10 Canada
11 Romania
12 Switzerland
13 Russian Federation
That's all i can manage today..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 280902/20.00-22.00
20.00: Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Mark Kavanagh (baby dolly),Jason Young (tired of bieng pushed around), Paul Masterson (the gate man), Pressure (in residential role), Sunil Sharpe (freshly ground)
*Breather/come on -ffrr/Y2k - 63%
br001/wri:auburn & reader//universal music
*Noyze/stay with me -md - 31%
md0106/wri:noyze//cop con www.resolutedistribution.com
*Marc n Claude vs. DJ Isaac/Loving You -white label - 31%
leg011/no details white label
*Mendoza & Cerutti/gotta funk -tekkton - 39%
tk005/wri:mendoza & cerutti//king ediciones musicales www.king-records.com
*Mr.Scruff/trouser Jazz - ninja tune - 24%
zen712/wri:mr.scruff//cop con
*marco zaffarano/girls & boys - anima 03-12 http://www.anima-rec.com
*orion too/so shy - mostiko 23206886 http://www.mostiko.be
*cream team/div-x - md0095 http://www.mdrecords.net
*dirty vegas/days go by - creedence 12cred030 http://www.dirtyvegas.com
*hooligan/system overload - silly spider ssm004 http://www.hool.tv
*geal/loosin my feelin - seismic smc009 http://www.zero-gi.net
*atlantic wave/reforced - dance pollution poll 213 http://www.saifam.com
*uptide tuner/last night - headline0016 http://www.headline-records.de
*hardheadz/wreck this place - scantraxx 003 www.scantraxx.com
This week's 626 Clubchart is here..
Power Updated his Script..
For those of you still without your own copy of The Evil Dead.. now is the time to snap up one of the Latex-covered Ultimate Editions coming to DVD Region 2.. The "Book of the dead" edition comes in a faux-Human Flesh/latex mockup model of the Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, lovingly fleshey to imitate the book in the story that was apparently Bound in human Flesh and inked in human blood.. heheheh.. The pages of the book are all re-created too to ape the pages seen in the Titles of the 3 Evil Dead movies.. For all dead-ites out there, this is the final nail in the Re-release gravy train for the Evil Dead Film.. Surely there can`t be any more ways of packageing the same DVD? Surely?! Well, it`s the same DVD all over again.. And for the completeists among us, it`ll be the sixth time they have bought the same content.. Check it out here.. it`s only 20stg or thereabouts, which is a great improvement on the stateside price for the same product a few short months ago.. If you don`t own the film, now is the time to buy.. If you do own one of the earlier versions, this promises only the funky new Mock-up of the book as a bonus, but what a bonus!! Mmm.. and while we are in the mood.. this tuesday is the preview for the new Hannibal Movie in Dublin - RED DRAGON and i have expertly accidently been invited, so it`s either total crap, or solid citizen material.. can`t wait.. Ahhh yes.. Movies.. Isn`t it amazing how the real world doesn`t seem real untill you see it on a big screen? I`m delighted (BTW) that the US are back to making decent movies after a glut of "Everything is OK & the way it used to be before 911" films.. jeez.. too many "hark back to the simple days of innocence" lead-baloons for my liking.. In fact, the ultimate example of same starts it`s Run on TV this sunday night in America on NBC - AMERICAN DREAMS - which features original footage from "American Bandstand" which was THE show in the 50/60's upsetters era where funky tunes were blatently broadcast for all to hear while people danced to them!!! Shocking really.. anyway.. looks like the Entertainment industry is healthily rewinding to the 50's now for another try.. er.. or something. Prepare for a MOXY of nostalgia in the mainstream any second.. [whooshing noise..] oh shit!! there it is!! A rolling Stones Compilation wearing National health specs just pulled up in a New Mini dressed in drainpipes, brothel creepers and a 3-button suit while smoking No.6 fags.. mmm.. No.6.. Information.. [click]
Our top 5 Cringes: [1] The Lyrics Board, [2] Jack & Ali On Spin 103.8, [3] The Mad redhaead on Corrie, [4] Photgraphs, [5] Huggy Bear's Dialogue.
It`s that time of year again.. the DJ MAGAZINE TOP 100 DJs is bieng compiled.. So.. Usually i discourage any kind of Voting, but this is Different since it`s a UK poll and doesn`t effect us in the slightest.. so VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! you can do it at www.djmag.com or www.dotmusic.com/dance - it`s a Top 5, so be prepared to name 5 DJs that rocked your Lad this past 12 months.. Go on.. If you don`t do it some asshole with a busy keyboard will win!! You can Vote for ANY DJ.. including American, European, UK and Irish Jocks..
The first Irish Top 30 Clubchart was broadcast this Saturday on 6:2:6.. you can view it here..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 210902/20.00-22.00
20.00: Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Arveene (experienced),Enda Rochford (lost in leitrim), David Sherwin (BBM vampire), Zoe (in sound & vision), Nick Corrigan (messy as usual)
*Ian van dahl/try -nulife - 27%
nux52/wri:chantzis & coenen//W64 Music www.ianvandahl.com
*dreamcatcher/twisted -positiva - 23%
12tivdjd178/no details - lazy label www.positivarecords.com
*gclub pres. banda sonara/pressurecooker -defected - 40%
df5122a/no details
*twix/triple choc limited edition -mars - 20%
new "all choc" twix experimental bar (aka "raider choc")
*derler & klitzing/dumb people -proceed - 1%
pc014/wri:klitzing & derler//edition klangforschung www.derler-klitzing.com
*richard & ava/let the sunshine -probe - -134% (minus 134 percent)
probeprods001/wri:garnish & cherry//cop con probeproductions@ukgateway.net
*niels van gogh/on a freak - kosmo kos2049 www.nielsvangogh.de
*energy 52/cafe del marco v - lost language lost019rp
*symphonic/spanish night - kontor k262
*safri duo/samb adagio(cosmic gate) - am

*da techno bohemian/droppin the instrumental - tuff stuff tuff611-12 www.digidance.cc
*hardstyle masterz/the age of reverse bass - titanic ttc013 www.saifam.com
*hardheadz/wreck this place - scantraxx 003 www.scantraxx.com
*hooligan/system overload - silly spider ssm004 www.hool.tv
*system f/needle juice - tsunami tsusb9006 www.purple-eye.com
*ransom/my dance(ferry corsten) - mydance01 [+441273208766]
This saturday we returned to the OASIS in carrickmacross.. Nice of you all to turn up like that.. glad you enjoyed yourselves! My report? well.. a big improvement on the shanty-town style that was the Oasis before the upgrade.. A solid and well thought out DJ box and relaxing area.. Jax within the area (a definate plus!) and little fridges everywhere, including in the DJ console itself, packed with fine import beer and water.. no LUCOZADE in the fridges, i had to ask, and a shortage of ICE, but otherwise superb faculitys, nice leather couches and friendly staff all round! Thanks for that!! I`m sure i`m the subject of some "he doesn`t know what he's on about" rants after my observations on the choice of gear at the front-end.. The dex were Fiiiine, except the left deck had a (fully approved) STANTON 500-series head, and the Right one had a (not unless you are stuck) STANTON 600-series.. causing a massive drop in levels on the right deck.. messy.. Oh and the MIXER, a _horrible_ allen & heath "big-bucks" monster mixer.. not the worst in the line, but nearly.. the famous patented Allen&Heath "distorto" headphone circut making sure it`s never loud enough, and always distorts before having any bollocks at all.. but hey!, i`m a snobby bast*rd when it comes to mixers, Pioneer 600/500 or Redsound Infader.. Everything else is just not good enough/too bleeding expensive.. The sound was Fiiiine, and the lazer (we LIKE lazers) was on 1/2 power (green only) but the lights were expertly manipulated.. so the Verdict? Nice job people.. keep going.. don`t stop..
This saturday night was also a bit wierd for me, my grandad died finally after a LONG illness.. I miss him already,very selfish of me concidering he was in such pain for so long.. He was a cartoonist, doing an almost Daily toon for the EVENING PRESS newspaper in Dublin untill it imploded in the early 90's.. and here is some of his work..

Once again I am reminded of how fragile we humans are.. So long, George, Till we meet again..
I remember doing a bit here about the OASIS in carrickmacross when it closed in prep for becoming the OASIS, remember we had a sessionstour there? yeah.. well, here we are.. the weekend i go back there is upon us.. i haven`t set foot in it since BEFORE the refurb (remember it was rumoured to have cost 3m euro??) so Saturday will be interesting on THAT front alone.. I hope the dex are on a more solid plinth this time, the rubbery stage was a panic last time.. every time someone put their drink down i could feel the bass!! Anyway.. we are busy in the background now preparing the first Clubchart Show for Broadcast this saturday night on 626 - 90-92FM officially, 97FM sometimes, 235 & 490 Medium Wave, On the Internet via http://www.2fm.ie and in MPEG2 on your SKY Digibox Channel 914. It's so difficult making sure the 30 records in the chart actually reflect what is popular on the scene.. we have LOADS of cool Email charts from YOU LOT to guide us (about 9 an hour this week - and it`s only the first week!), and we are scanning all the weekly published charts in The UK and europe we can get our hands on.. the main problem we have is BIG tunes in wierd places.. There are some tunes making waves that we simply cannot get yet since we are in Ireland and everything takes a week longer (if you are lucky!) to get here - including Information! At this stage i`m blown away with how nice people are bieng about the whole thig.. Not a Single Downer has been thrown.. Some companys have been SOOO nice with getting us stuff on ridiculously short notice that it`s shocking.. Distance is no problem to some of them! Quite funny having to ask people for stuff i wouldn`t normally want (like that Tomato Sauce Thingy!!) and that wouldn`t normally be sent to me or any of the 626 crew, but it`s bieng blasted in the clubs, and that means it`s a scene tune.. so it has to be got! Anyway.. back to the grindstone, it`s in need of a rub...
This saturday, And Every Saturday, from 6-8 on 626, Mark McCabe Counts Down the Club Chart Top30.. To Include YOUR chart, send it in weekly.. If you don`t, You Are PART OF THE PROBLEM...
Power updated his script...
Contribute Your ClubChart to the 626 SURVEY: mail your charts weekly to: charts@2fm.ie
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 140902/20.00-22.00
20.00: Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Jay Cisco (residential fullfillment), Tony O'Leary (and why not), Paul Scott (emerging eventually)
*jakatta feta, seal/my vision -rulin - 76%
rulin26cdsp/wri:lee//ministry of sound pub. www.jakatta.info
*first choice/aint he bad -code blue - 60%
blu029cd/wri:dean & glover//silk music www.codeblue.co.uk
*feliz da housecat/silver screen shower scene -city rockers - 31%
rockers19cd/wri:stallings & jenefsky//cop con www.cityrockers.net
*res/they say vision -mca - 7%
resvp4/wri:white & mckinney//mca music www.resmusic.com
*rowntrees/fruit rush -nestle - 11%
new liquid-centre jelly sweetys..
*frontline/star system -duty free - 30%
df045/wri:frontline//duty free publishing & EMI www.dutyfreerecordings.co.uk
*tsumi/spare us the cutup - whitelabel no details
*alien factory/rebel - edm 071-1 www.EDMmusic.de
*ransom/my dance(ferry corsten) - mydance01 [+441273208766]
*exit eee/epidemic(tony de vit) - y2k y2k035r www.puregroove.co.uk
*symphonic/spanish night(murano) - kontor k262
*hardstyle masterz/the age of reverse bass - titanic ttc013 www.saifam.com
*dj m.i.t.c.h./the message - deep mission DM26 www.uptiderecords.de
*schalldrach/turntable junky(remix) - uberdruck ued06 www.djthecrow.de
*c4/mysterious place - uberdruck ued07
So.. nice visit to LIETRIM this weekend.. the auld nitelynx crew was slightly thinner then usual due to the lack of Band out the front i suppose - they always had a bunch of loons pogoing at 3am when i was leaving in the past - but we did have some fun! Someone commented the set was a lot more "musical" then previous visits.. i can confirm this.. more notes i say!! Moooore notes!! The FOG made things very scary on the way there & back though.. it`s wierd driving for 2+ hours with only the ass of another vehicle or a broken white-line for a guide.. i missed the countyside as we tore along.. one interesting advantage is the ability to stop ANYWHERE you like for a wee.. nobody can see you! heheh.. Anyways, thanks for having us again,again. Master P should be aware his right deck has "stuck green light syndrome" - where the "zero" light on the deck's pitch shifter is always on/flickering therefore making it impossible to accuratly change pitch.. basically the pitch is constantly wavering between the selected pitch and zero.. the more you move away from Zero the wilder the warble.. very messy, and almost impossible to be clinical.. sadly there is a Minidisk of the set to prove this.. sad really, would have made a good mixtape if it wasn`t for that!! Nice improvment moving the decks up to upper-abdomen level - i was DREADING the bad back from bending over the rig all night but it was sorted out - goood...
And so to football.. (WHaaaT??!) UK football to be precise. I know NOTHING about it. So there. Anyway, an observation - the UK footy craze is over. It`s dead. Nobody cares anymore. The teams are boring, the big stars are sad as hell lamers with less then 2 brain cells to rub together that drive porshe boxters and beat up nightclub bouncers/lie alot.. We all despise their attitudes with their 80grand-a-week wages, payed by US weather we like it or not, through crap Pay-TV fee increases and price-hikes on every product we consume from Electricity to crisps to pay for sponsership deals with these tossers.. and what about the CONSTANT irritation of having LONG adds for Football on every TV channel now.. IN EVERY ADD BREAK! Either the People who like football are very stupid indeed and need to be reminded where to find it all the time (doubtfull), or the the TV companys know NOTHING about football _or_ the audience for it.. Do they think we are going to suddenly get the urge to take on football as our new vibe if they hasstle us enough?? Here's a scary Fact - A friend got a letter from SKY last month telling him they were jacking up his Subscription costs because of the extra costs involved in bringing him RTE and TV3.. I got a similer letter claiming i WASNT getting a fee increase because sky were such nice guys.. no mention of TV3 or RTE at ALL!! The difference between us? He has SKY SPORTS, I don`t... go figger.. the the writing is on the wall.. ITV digital [the UK's digital tv-thru-the-ariel company] gone wallop,the premiere league themed "Man U" shops closing as quick as they open [Question: What the F*ck was a ManU shop DOING on O'Connel Bridge In Dublin Anyway?????] and to top it all off Mullets like our very own Roy Keane ["Mullet" - Unattractive,Anti-Social,Grey-Brown slow-moving Fish that Favours Sheltered Harbours and Feasts on Excrament] Wasting our time & licence-fees with Spoiled-brat antics that ape the behaviour of the Snottiest Rock-Stars in history.. Anyway, the lot is finished.. the Premiere league is Finished.. Nobody wants it anymore, it`s just boring. The New Buzz is.. GAA! Yep.. who would have thought it, Gaelic Games are finally Cool.. Real people, REAL competition, real exitement and real reality.. really. It`s all real. You can reach out and touch it all it`s so real.. and we don`t have to pay through the nose for it yet neither!!! (yet) Who want`s to PAY to see a bunch of Losers interrupt their drinking/nightclubbing bareknuckle fighting/tossing/spoofing and prance around for 90 minutes on astroturf in the UK when we can Sit in traffic for 7-10 hours and then watch real men kick chunks out of one another in the mud for real heheh.. GAA is like "EX" football you know - "Extreme" sports.. in fact, hows about a special "settler" match between the All-Ireland Champions and The Premiere League Champions?? Eh? Why not? Winner takes all.. so, bollocks to Priemier football, may it return to crapossity and crapulence, let's do GAA.. Blood n' guts wins every time.. Let the tolchocking Commence.. I have spoken.
So did you go to the Curragh last sunday? For the Auld Car Thingy? We did.. great fun! So many nice cars, and most of them OUTSIDE the show! Had a nice mooch around the Fulsh Bus Stand, and gawked at the Mostest Savage Lexus i've seen, 3litre Turbo, leather ashtrays, my next wheels for the Bratmobile.. grrr.. mmmm.. blowoffvalve... mm.. anyway, it was a good drool.. Must remember the Messers in the Red Supra caught rapid Doing Donuts in the Mud, excellent Coverage with that Mud Boys.. sprayed EVER-RE-WHERE, i think that`s what tipped the Cops off you were up to no good to be fair.. They were Sooo quick to arrive, sad that they were the only one's on the scene that wern`t splitting their sides laughing! Ah well.. It was worth it, i feel priviliged to have seen such a meaty motar bieng so messy.. hehehe.. Hotdogs were good too.. mmm.. And so we move to the next 2 items on the adjenda.. [1] the New DANCE CHART SHOW ("the survey") on 626 is to begin in 2 weekends.. if you want to send us your top 20 weekly for inclusion, we'd all appreciate it, we need as many of them weekly as we can get to help things reflect the "real" situation.. MARK McCABE will be doing the chart, a Top 30, Every saturday night from 6-8.. It`s a Nationwide Clubchart, so if you are in the scene, or know somebody who is, be a part of it! Your Country Needs Parts of it! Er.. I`ll post an email address soon.. [2] MOHILL is officially on protective warning for a Spring Visit this saturday, as is CARRICKMACROSS for the Following. Usual Dress Code and Behavioural Patterns apply. Ehm.
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 070902/20.00-22.00
20.00: Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Conor G (up early), Gav C (flush bus magazine), Timmy G & Tony W (northwestern department)
*push/strange world(vocal) -inferno - 21%
sw1/wri:mike//cop con www.infernorecords.co.uk
*energy 52/cafe del mar 2002 -lost language - 51%
losto19rp/wri:sharam//cop con www.lostlanguage.com
*transluzent/angel hybrid -ark records - 53%
ml01435/no details//cop con www.arkrecords.com
*phlash/get a life(irish mixes) -tripoli trax - 66%
ttrax088ire/wri:shiner & hill//pure groove music
*Boost/Guarana Energy flavour -cadbury schwepps-55%
new "energy laced" cadbury bar with guarana & caffine
*Exit eee/epidemic -y2k - 62%
y2k035/wri:zenker & driessen//upright songs
*safri duo/samb adagio - AM:PM 12ampmdj148 www.safriduo.dk
*sonz of a loop da loop era/far out - subbase audio asset12008r1
*onoro/love to love you baby - arcade 23.206216 www.mostiko.be
*the moon/shake it - phobos phs002-12 www.zyx.de
*jendrick de ruvo/drumcode x(lecargo) -deep mission DMltd04 www.deepmission.de
*sushi/the earthshaker -you clash yc001
*player one/insomnia - whitelabel no details [booty of Faaithless insomnia]
*orion too/so shy - mostiko 23.206.886 www.mostiko.be
*jurgen vries/the theme - direction xpr3592
Power also updated his script..
New issue of THE SLATE circulating today, and they confirm the Fine Rumours that TOWER RECORDS may be eyeing up the lifeboats with the current 35-25% (depending on who`s talking/listening) drop in record sales murdering everyone's cushy few quid. I knew that something was up when i noticed the VIRGIN on the quays is now a very big nothing, having legged it without any fuss or anyone missing them.. So NICE to know the big megastores that caused the closure or decent into 2nd-hand hell of most of the city's (nay, Country's) record shops have finally banged the last gasp out of us and are off into the sunset like a disgruntled lover... So.. i wonder if HMV will follow them or will it sit tight and hope people start buying music again? Anyway, the new SLATE is just that, a NEW SLATE.. gone are the misinformed "I don`t understand/like this so it`s total shite and the people doing it are wankers.." club reviews, and in are the totally on-target Themes and lines we love about them.. This issue's cover/lead item is so stupendously "on-the-head" it`s up there with the others that stirred the shit so excellently in the past - a return to form after the bird-cage-liner that was the last issue to be sure.. Such a pity they dropped the ball on creamfields, they could have done an entire issue on that alone.. ho hum.. anyway, it`s out, miss it at your peril!
Creamfields Ireland 2oo2 Roundup Part 2:
OhhhhKaaaay then.. lets put the ribbons on this then.. Selected comments: "love that tune (i played) that has a male vocal goin Um...ah ha...um ah ha ah ah!Class!" "Ricky Effe nearly made the Cream arena melt!Pure quality set.That was SOME fuc*in sound system in there!" "lisa lashes,,was cool.." "highlights of the day were spring,lisa lashes,the judge but sonique did a brave job following the judge & she brought the crowd up to another level again which was special!" "the queing going in/out of punchestown was a disgrace,40 mins to get in & the same to get out,not impressed!" "we all had a mental time" "Underworld impressed also but picotto on the outdoor stage at 12 was ridicilous!" "Badly organized,ppl were WELL pissed with it finishin at 1am!Glowsticks and bottles were thrown." "To be honest i dont think i got my 61.40 euros worth and am dissapointed with the genral setup" "Where were the MTV cameras from last year?" "The food was poison" "The only drink there was poxy beer" "The bouncers were all gettin in to the swing of things with us(ie:wasted)" "things have gone downhill since the first homelands"(!) "next time go till 3am at LEAST".. this sort of sums it up for the crew's Creamfields 2oo2 Verdict.. Alot of people heard the Rumour on the day that there was to be no more creamfields or homelands in the future in Ireland, instead we are (allegedly) having a "Spirit" festival and "Godskitchen" events instead.. I can confirm the God'skitchen Rumour alright, they are working with the people in Ireland that HOME used to, and since both Home & cream seem to be dfunk'd, it at all Sounds possible to me, don`t matter what they call it does it?, it`s all good innit.. so.. that was that.. smaller, cheaper and over - Creamfields 2oo2.
Temple Theatre re-opens this weekend Fri 6th/Sat 7th Sept. The club has been renovated with upgraded lights and sound, improved facilities, a new VIP Balcony bar and a hot-tub! Line-up for the opening weekend is

More Indeep Coverage of CFI2oo2.. New gallery is upped, 40 cool images of your humble narrator and pals suitable for long-term viewing as desktops or mind-fu*ks!! All are under 50k and in glorious trip-o-vision as usual.. All 100% analogue, no digital cameras involved, no touching up or plugins or anything like that, all real filters and real film.. hehehe.. FEEL the difference.. Check out Gallery 14 in the PICTURES section... Still collecting your comments on the event, email them to me here if you haven't yet and want to contribute to Part 2 of the roundup.. all comments welcome.. who kicked it.. who dropped it.. <>>
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 310802/20.00-21.00
*** Firen' Squad Portable Edition ***
Live with the 626 Sessions Tour from Creamfields Ireland 2oo2
Live via Transatlantic-slug From Punchestown Racecourse!
20.00: Firen` Squad, Squaddies: The Original John Chechini (Lush Stage), The New Improved Leonie (Lust Stage), Neatly Trimmed Metisse's Scully (Main Stage), Family size Eddie Wray (BBM/Planet love Infiltrator), Well exposed Sharon & Natasha (Sparkley Dancing Gurls, Lush Stage)
*timo maas/help me -perfecto - 87%
perf42cdsp/wri:maas & hermann//EMI music & issy & Nemo tunes
*trisco/ultra -positiva - 81%
cdtivdj-177/wri:dawson & browski//universal & v2 music
*faithless/crazy english summer -cheeky - 99%
cheeky020/wri:johnston,bliss & rollo//bmg music
*the streets/don`t mug yourself -locked on - 0%
CDR no details/wri:the streets//pure groove music www.the-streets.co.uk
*soho/flyin madness -byte - 41%
bb03020312/wri:rijswijk & bjerri//red bullet & nanada music
17.00(ish):Spring's Playlist (sort of) from the LUSH stage @ creamfields Irl. 2oo2
*sunstorm/fable(kaze mix) - pultrance003 www.pulsivemedia.com
*minimilistix/a forest(dj harry mix) - mostiko 23.206946
*queen elizabeth/strange impression(rexanthony mix) - suntec tec062 www.hitland.com
*dj isaac/on the edge - kontor k226 www.djisaac.com
[[insert:riva/time is the healer(harry peat sunset mix)ffrr dfx006]]
*mobil jockey/auflegen - no details
*dj yoeri/the reality & the future(pyra mix) - noname nn4027
*sushi/the earthshaker - you clash yc001
*raul cremona/proteus(force mix) - md0109
*snap!/do you see the light(steve murano) - data33p3
*warrior/warrior 2 - incentive whitelabel
*sonz of a loop da loop era/far out(tintin out) - liquid asset12008r1
Creamfields Ireland 2oo2 Roundup Part 1:
So.. it`s all over now.. and that's more literal then you think. 2 things were repeatedly nattered all day, [1]:thank god it`s not raining,[2]:this is the last mega-scale dance festival in the South of Ireland, ever..!! Mmm.. sounds like an album! So.. wanna hear how it went from my POV? First up, big shouts to the Nazi slimebag that made a fuss over my protocol on entering the "spirit" arena.. I had just parked the Bratmobile in the inner-sanctum carpark right next to the production area (as you do) and had a MAJOR drool over a gorgeous JAGUAR XK8 (more about this later) and headed over thru the gates in a major hurry/panic due to the following things: [1] i had no armband to admit me to the area i was working for 2FM/playing for LUSH in, [2] i was very late after waiting at a junction for 40 minutes while a prang was sorted out, [3] i was BURSTING for a crap and the loos were in my sights.. Sadly, a bald guy on a golf-cart didn`t like my attitude and started a row, forcing me to return to the gate to define my attitude further and confirm i had/hadn`t upset the lad on sentry dutys.. this row took place in full view of everyone, and i had to throw a wobbler almost immediatly at his crappy attitude.. during all this i was tagging peoples tickets,shaking hands and trying to say "hi" to PODJE while taking calls on my mobile from panicky CREAM people wondering where i was since i had to play in 25 minutes, management sorting my pass, friends stuck in the queue, and i sill had no idea where to go.. ehm.. so anyway, the nazi and me went at it, and words were had, in an animated fashion. I was just about to launch into the "give someone a radio and a black jacket and they can`t resist throwing their weight around.." & "..you daytrippers give the job a bad name" & the compulsary "you need to grow some hair man and mellow the f*ck out a bit.." when i was rescued and pointed towards the loos.. such a nasty start.. luckily this fool was the ONLY shit thing that happend all day! er.. except for the TRISCO CD going all "squarepusher" on the squad later.. but that _couldn`t_ be helped.. The Uptight Bald one,on the other hand, COULD. So, Legged it over to the LUSH tent and installed myself after a very giggly CHECHINI and HAMILTON finished off a very attractive set - So for those that weren`t there, the lush arena featured a big screen in the background of the stage and the "lush" horns over the DJ plinth, the gear was a (dreaded) allen & heath monster desk, and 3 Technics 1210s, and 2 Pioneer CDJ500s too, the monitors were Absolutly SHIT hot, really bleeding loud man, no doubt.. christ.. even drownded out the headphones! (that isn`t hard on an allen & heath mind you...) so i had a nice quality blasting thru the set.. which is playlistedlisted above.. all favorites since that was the mood.. Serious roars of approval drowned out the monitors a bit every now and again, and the whistle posse just didn`t let up did they? Holy batman cow.. It really gets to me when a good bit comes along in the tune, and i`m thinking to my self "oh yes.. i like that bit ALOT.." and then i hear the sound of you lot agreeing with me, er, as if you read my mind.. sort of thing.. hehehe.. and not just the bits where we go all tribal and roar like the tribal goers we are.. but the "i like THAT, That bit RiiiiiGHT t-h-e-r-e..." bits.. very connected. i like that... then Power followed,and i went on a food-finding mission before the radio thingy.. MCD (the organgrinders) as always had an excellent, almost soundproofed, catering thing organised and meal vouchers were applied.. No major incidents, bar 2 thingeens, firstly, there was a LOT of australian accents around, and secondly, the RTE crew like their food. Oh yes. MOunTaiNS of it.. Very strange how some of them stay so skinny, must be all the worrieng... anyway, where was i? oh yeah, then the SQUAD happend, "swimmingly" as someone put it - swimming in girly-pee and bikini-clad prancers! You'd have to have been there.. really... so we left eventually, after extensive sampling of the tents (as you do) and as i approached the bratmobile for the tear home i spied that JAG again.. mmmm... what a car.. did i mention the next bratmobile was due to be one? yes.. for 2 years it`s been the "bratmobile-in-waiting", the XK8.. mmm.. Jaaaaaag.. Sadly it was replaced by the MASARATI GT3200 thingy only last thursday after i saw one "in the right light".. anyway, i was "oooh"-ing and "ahhh"-ing at the jag, when my attention fell upon it's rims, since i was passing like, and they were SHITE softline's, reaaaaly boring 5 or 7 or whatever-spoked, rounded like a spoon, deceptivly small-looking and damnright girly.. sorry.. just as i exclaimed all of this i noticed the man putting his key in the door, HIS door, and it was the Main man himself, er... the "D" in MCD, the people that made Creamfields happen in ireland.. er.. ah well.. i don`t think he noticed.. ehm.. But in CASE he did.. er, look man, Softline wheels are for Lawnmowers, and even they hate them, Softlines, with their oh-so-harmless look are for Hyundai Land-Cruisers and Stock Ford Fiestas!! Do yourself a Service and drop those wheels Immediatly.. HARD lines.. Not soft. You DON'T put a Jag like that on Cuddly wheels, they are for shopping trolleys, Put it on RAZOR BLADES! Lets see some SERIOUS sharp multi-spokes, extending out to the rim, hard-as-you-like.. christ what a pity.. you could put rims on that motar that would shread a traffic-cone and take your eye out just looking at them.. mmm... eye out.. er.. so that was it really. how did you do? oh, and we have about 130 photos too, heheheh.. i`ll up them soon into a new gallery.. and doo part 2 when i doo.
Earth wind and fire on the warblebox.. Creamfields 2oo2 over, head hurty... mmmm... hurrrty.. oh look.. from the 14,082 bangs on the door we got last month it`s the..
Top 13 Springnations for August 2oo2!
1 Unresolved/Unknown
<<< AlieNz aGAin!!
2 United States
3 Ireland
4 US Commercial
5 United Kingdom
6 Finland
7 Saudi Arabia
8 Slovak Republic
9 France
10 Canada
11 Romania
12 Switzerland
13 Russian Federation
That's all i can manage today..