God i have been very lax on the auld updates recently innit!? Bleeding Sunshine.. Blue sunshine if you get me.. hehehe.. anyway.. Eminem plays ireland tonite, and tomorrow nite... so many people bieng dragged there by their female teenage family members.. riiight.. good luk and all that.. never mind, i'll be play some REAL hiphop in the gridlock this weekend as i head to TRALEE for a sunny summer lashing at HORANS as usual.. Saturday night.. innit. [note: "innit" is now the excepted way to finish a sentance/story that doesn`t need finishing due to bleeding obviousness - just so you know.. innit.]
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 210603/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: razor, tiddlaz, lynam & possibly cyril b (west coast disorderlys), mark kavanagh & dj bunny (southside casuals), phil & bren split loop (dublin city attitude adjusters)
*** live linkup with the roadcaster 2 for COASTAL BEATS GALWAY
*double dee/shining - positiva - 42%
12tivdjd194/no details www.positivarecords.com
*kosheen/all in my head - bmg - 16%
head2/wri:evans & morrison//tairona songs www.kosheen.com
*theory:kaos/electronic surgery - backyard - -8 (minus 8 percent)
back09djx01/wri:cottone & d'antonio//cop con info@back-yard.co.uk
*the faint/glass danse - astralwerks - 12%
asc38862/wri:the faint//cop con www.astralwerks.com
*biba-rom/don't you forget about me - absolutly - VOTE ABORTED
abr041/wri:jim kerr//cop con absolutelyrecords@virgilio.it
*robbie rivera/insanity - juicy music DFi03 www.robbierivera.com
*boo selecta/nobody listens to hiphop - pulsive 018 www.pulsive.info
*nfk/don't you want me? - urban b387088
*micheal jackson/thriller [bootleg] dll1
*who the fu*k is bou boou? - whitelabel boubou12 +49821994786
*aikon/mobile tones - suntec tec080 www.hihouse.it
*max b grant/chewing gum - editiontrax etx 0015 www.maxbgrant.com
*dj saram/deeper - md 0135 www.saraydj.com
*nico parisi/niagara - atmoz at8569 www.nicoparisi.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 14.8 Lowest Average: 1.8 [coastal beats] Highest Average: 13.0 [MK and Phil]
So apparently we (power, pressure & moi) are doing a clubnight for July in THE CRYPT, under the TEMPLE THEATRE, every saturday night.. It's called NOIZ, and we'll be serving 2 flavours of NOIZ at it.. Technoish In the main pit, and a sleazy room for Houseboys and Girl moments.. Hopefully roping in Conor G and LRB and so on to spin there.. Ehm.. So.. Should be fun fun fun baby.. Ehh.. We seem to be at the "Getting Some Flyers done and racking our brains about how to make it Fun rather then crap" stage now. Thoughts are It wont just be all of us playing, it`ll be other heads too.. And if the series goes well. we may do it again some month.. I don`t really think we can do a night every week and keep it interesting, but a month here and there should be alright.. Will give us a chance to catch our breath and so on.. We also want to move the month from place to place.. We may do a series in an ice rink one month.. In the Bar at a racecourse one month... You know.. On a mission stuff.. Anyway.. more news as it happens.. or doesen't happen, whichever the case may be..
Maggot the cat is much better.. he refuses to take his pills, so i have to jam them inside bits of raw chicken.. The silly animal WOLFS down the chunks of flesh (as you do) and even cRunCHes on the pills inside, surely they taste as bad inside raw poultry??? Ah well, there you go.. more information for my great poisoning scam (T.B.A.)..
Soooooooooo glad *****E WALSHE finally got exposed this weekend.. Looks like the knives are out for the poor old fruit.. I cannot understand how he can slag an event for people with Intellect-disability (the special olympics). Even people he has made are spilling the beans about him now - like Rohnan for example - well, after Rohnan's blasting of *****e in the Sunday papers, i cannot blame *****e for getting the hump.. Rohnan (ex- ballszone - a terrible pop-crap band from the 90's) claims he was always in it FOR THE MUSIC, and not the money - which is just as well really, concidering when you work with *****e you rarely get paid properly.. Not that he robs all the money - Oh no - it`s just there rarely IS any money in the POP game.. Unless you are an egomaniac, you shouldn`t be involed in the Pop industry.. The ONLY people that get a buzz out of pop success are Lazy Journalists/Diary colomnists and the Raging Spotlight-addicted Drama Queens at the top of the pop-crap pyramid.. In fact, the claim Rohnan was only in it FOR THE MUSIC supports my claim he is of reduced intellect - i mean, can anyone find ANY connection between the guy's activitys and MUSIC?? I certainly cannot.. Anyway.. Nice one *****e, you prick, Bieng someone with a family member with an intellect disability, I feel rightly justified in Issuing the following Statement: "YOU ARE TYRRILED". You Blabbed the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person, only THIS time, you were lower then low..Lower then the dick on an itty-bitty maggot.. The only thing that is stopping me, and the MANY other people in this country from nailing your head to the floor over this, is our Family members With Intellect Disabilitys Don`t Care what you say, and are just far too exited over the Special olympics to have their spirits dampend by a lousey old shitbag like you talking shite.. May the God of entertainment have mercy on your Soul.. You tosser. Oh, and i want that money you owe me you tight-fisted Cnut. (phew!)
Sure.. the above rant is a bit nasty, even for me, but i'm sorry - this really annoyed me. And on top of that crap, i tyrriled my car over the weekend.. Some toad built a low (shin-high) wall where previously there was none, and i scraaaaaaaaaaapppeeddd the side of my lovely motor.. To top it off, the Grafix i have are not made anymore, and i have had to order new ones, and have the old ones removed.. This, i`m sure, is the MOST annoying thing i have had to deal with car-wise in my life. You have NO idea how sad the car looks now, and how stupid i feel driving around in it. Please take me now. And make it quick. Boo Hoo. Ah well, after checking with my insurance company, claiming is NOT an option.. not unless i feel like pissing my no-claims down the toilet for a silly parking scrape.. hell NO!!! i'm saving my no-claims for when i have that "ball-of-fire" prang in a James Bond stylee.. Anyway, at least i know where my income is heading for the next 6 months.. Did i mention you could Take me now oh lord? Anytime you are ready..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 140603/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: rob hawk (X-dr.how)), dj raffo (sommit2dowid eXchange?), donna lyons (durty beeotch)
*big bone/something good - R six - 70%
r2001/no details//no details peter.cunado@rollover.co.uk
*chris coco/falling(kupper) - distinctive - 32%
dp94|2/wri:mellor & puttnam//warner chappell music www.distinctiverecords.com
*robbie riviera/insanity - juicy music - 90%
jm06/wri:rivera & bigham//courtyard music & warner chappell www.robbierivera.com
*diet coke/with lemon - coke-a-cola - 89%
new diet coke drink with in-built lemon flavah
*system f/spaceman - tsunami - 51%
tsusb9010/wri:corsten//purple eye music
*neon lights/bullet in the gun - voltswagon - 42%
akenfold & osbourne//mute song
*mo jones/you cannot stop me - mcp - 33%
mcp22822007/wri:jones & jones//MCP bv www.mojones.nl
*mr.timothy/keep rockin - confidential cb181
*3 drives/air traffic - massive drive md033 www.mid-town.com
*little wonder/eclipse - lost language lost028r
*bbe/7 days & 1 week(original) - positiva tivten05 www.positivarecords.com
*m-shape/cloudless sky(steve murano) - direction xpr3672
*tnt/ti ta tnt - titanic ttc017 www.technoboy.nl
*mayham/distorted soul - uberdruck ued14 www.ueberdruck-records.de
*Y.O.M.C./deftig - overdose dmd dose 109 www.overdose.de
*hypertraxx/promisedland(brooklyn bounce) - overdose dmd dose107r
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 60.00 Lowest Average: 55.7 [donna] Highest Average: 65.4 [raffo]
Friday the 13th.. So.. Well.. i think the day holds significance purely because the FILM of the same name was so dire.. Apparently. You will be thrilled to hear a m8 had his car confiscated today... nice car too.. black one.. blaaaaaaaakkk.. (ehm) anyway, today (the 13th) was the day he finally achieved the rank of "pisstaker" on the Police Computer (P.U.L.S.E.) - yes - the "Columbo" DVD-ROM in an X-Box the police use to er... justify having 1000's of Flatscreen All-in-1s with Broadband connections (not) finally gave the "bleep of death" when my m8 had his Plates Run, oh dear, "no tax for xx months eh?".. very messy.. VERY messy.. there is no arguing with the Bleep of death i`m afraid.. The B.O.D. occours when your car is enquired about too much for the same reason.. oh yes.. it means you have been caught LIENG to the cops.. and they HATE when you do that. Who knows where the BOD happens... could be on the PC back at base, could be in the head of the Radio Operator.. could be from Above in the ear of the Guard on the scene... Whatever.. Your time is up.. You have Out-Spoofed your Welcome, and now you are getting a tug.. Oh dear.. Poor A-non-a-mouse Friend.. Got tyrriled on Friday the 13th. Messy. And it`s only 9pm.. still 3 more hours... I suppose those 3 hours would be the IDEAL time for the Police Car-Pound to have a visit from some TWOCers that like Black Coupes! That would be perfect innit!
Lots of Ibiza stuff happening this summer... I hear ADRIAN KENNEDY is doing a stint of his show from Ibeefa, recorded earlier in the day for coherence sakes (?), and AL GIBBS is threatening to do a show from there with 'is Telstar ting.. We of 626 are recording a gig or two, focusing on a LASHED night at EDEN (i think) where your Humble narrator and cohorts will attempt to play.. Not sure if it will be live, in fact, it won't be, cos' it`s on a wednesday night.. But we'll air the lot the weekend after, and Hopefully, Conor G will record his show in MAMBO early on saturday evening, for later broadcast (it`s called "timeshifting", not "cheating actually...) and the Squad Should come live from the same venue that evening, so that's going to be a bit messy, to say the least, and i'd expect the 2nd hour of my show to be the set from Eden,.. probably.. Power's show will be all from Ibeefah, so will probably be equally chaotic.. Ehm.. so that's the basic plan, we hope.. Er maybe.. well, actually, there has been an Eyebeeeeefaaaaah summertime spoof script for 4 years running now.. but at least the details are getting richer
Bleeding Sessions tour in Oibeefaaarrr meeeeearssee. Well, there _is_ also the EMIGMA trip to the (s)white isle, a full package-mallet, club entry included for 450 yoyos.. now that sounds doable.. heheheh..
Stats for last month (may 2003) went like this: 24 hits an hour, max of 681, making 18501 Hits on this domain, and an Instant frenzy on Playthatbeat for THE TRIP, which is already the #2 biggest ever from that server.. you greedy basretds! Lovely.. Veryyy nice... Oh, and here's the top 20 springnations..
1 Unresolved/Unknown
3 US Commercial
4 Ireland
5 United Kingdom
6 New Zealand (Aotearoa)
7 Netherlands
8 Belgium
9 Australia
10 Greece
11 Hungary
12 Italy
13 Austria
14 Canada
15 Czech Republic
16 Germany
17 Spain
18 Japan
19 Mexico
20 Poland
Sorry, i have not been very forthcoming with the verbals lately.. not that my mind isn`t a torrent of swirling torment/thought/toffee.. Oh yes.. well, i have been a bit pre-occupied lately, my poor cat maggot is sick as a dog (er....), sneezing and stuff.. on pills (no, they don`t do anything..we tried..) and looking very ill while snuffling and fighting to breath.. poor little bast*rd.. so that is wrecking my head.. as it does.. Oh, and there is the Summer slowdawn - have you noticed? Nothig happening AT ALL ANYWHERE? I mean, what happend? even the SPAMmers have taken a rest.. i only got 135 spam emials since monday!!! That's TERRIBLE!!! What happend to the spammers? I used to get 5 times that amount!?! Jesus, you know things are bad when the spammers get Lax
Annnnyyyywaaaaaaaayyyyy.. it _is_ the summer, so i suppose it`s time for some Sunlight-inspired music to be made - thing is, i couldn`t be arsed making anything these days neither.. I had to dig into the back-catalog this week, for the FLUSH BUS crew - the "require" some music for a secret project, and mine is offered, and there is enough stuff on file to do a nice mini-album thingy.. but still no "killer app" tune.. you know? the one that seals the whole deal's fate? yep.. well, it MAY happen soon, i have a feeling.. i have noticed the Drought of tunes has subsided slightly.. some COOL new stuff floating about - and it`s NOTHING to do with floppy house, or hard house - nice droney and funky.. the tide is turning, and the dead-fish are bieng washed up on the beach.. ha-fuc*ing-ha.. now us gannets and gulls can feast on their carcasses, and lay some dirty big eggs
hehehehe.. [sunshine does funny things]
Have you tried listening to the RADIO lately? It`s still very grim.. I read that GARV and some other people i don`t know have formed a mini-pressure group to moan about the Lack of Specialist Radio in an official stylee, and good luck to them, i really miss the radio choice in dublin - now i can FEEL the road-rage oozing as i perambulate.. jesus the stress.. You now, i actually didn`t enjoy a portion of Cian's gig on RnaG last night because i HAD to listen to it.. Get me? Given a choice, it`s the right choice... Given NO choice, it`s less attractive.. But at LEAST he is there.. (and chance of coming up with a new way saying "title", "tidle" is becoming his catchphraze.. heheh.. Anyway, i'm saddend that those who hid themselves after black tuesday still feel the need to continue with the hiding thing... Trust me, NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU DO.. For years a "blind eye" (legal term) has been turned to the radio pirates, just like MILLIONS of other things in the country that are technically illegal, but socially acceptable.. Now, do we want to live in a Sterile state full of anal shitbags? NO!!!! this is Scary-Eire.. we are messy, and we are the best at it.. now Quit bieng lilly-livered babies and GET BACK ON THE AIR you fuc*ing tossers... you have no choice..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 070603/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: dj orbit (housemastah), kieth mac (rivermastah), Jason McKay (vibemastah), Ben Curvoso (so late it was ridiculus)
*paul van dyk/nothing but you - positiva - 43%
12tivdj192a/wri:hemstock & jennings//cop con www.paulvandyk.de
*the young punx/the matrix reboored - typ - 31%
typ001/wri:young punk//cop con theyoungpunx@hotmail.com
*m factor/come 2gether - credence - 65%
12credjx037/wri:jonah & harrison//bmg music www.credence.co.uk
*talespin/illusions - y2k - 16%
y2k042/wri:willam faber//cop con
*starburst/flipsters - mars - 40%
[new hard candy with the "satrburst" branding]
*mr.timothy/keep rockin - feel the rhythm - 51%
ftr4158-6/wri:dudfield//midnight music
*shut up & dance/reclaim the streets - SUAD 53
*NFK/don`t you want me? - urban b380078 www.shutupanddance.co.uk
*nils van gogh/feeling a pressure - fast foward ffrec1 www.ffrec.com
*99 allstars/chemical generation - CG 15
*dallas superstars/helium - all around the world 12djglobe289 www.aatw.com
*tnt/ti ta tnt - titanic ttc017 www.technoboy.nl
*the prophet/hard style baby - scantraxx 007 www.scantraxx.com
*analog system/the wall - headline 0025 www.headline-records.com
*da bootleggers/cold as ice - kickin tunes kt009 www.hitland.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 45.00 Lowest Average: 41.6 [kieth] Highest Average: 45.0 [jason]
Replaced the Truncated mp3 of the "Voyager1 - Director's cut" on Playthatbeat.net - somehow it lost it's last 3 minutes in the sands of time.. Apologies for this.. It`s now back to it's 10 minute glory..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 310503/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: sunil sharpe (secret secret), pete donaldson (i've gotta), tony mullen (enigma), neal scarboragh (parts made in japan), L.R.B. (modern man)
*blak beat niks/one day at a time - champion - 48%
champ12.783/wri:big ed & fingers//champion music
*jennifer lopez/i'm glad - epic - 8%
xpr3693/wri:lopez & deyo//sony music
*dave gahan/dirty sticky floors - mute - 58%
pl12mute294/wri:gahan & chandler//mute song
*david guetta vs. david bowie/just 4 1 day - virgin - -40% (minus 40%)
visa008832/wri:eno & bowie//bmg songs
*subaqua/listen - white label - 0%
listn001/no details
*lambchop/stole my heart - white chopper1
*dj sakin & friends/sometimes - overdose dmddose 108 www.overdose.de
*drugface/c*ntmaster(remix) - uberdruck ued012 www.ueberdruck-records.de
*koenig cylinders/99.9 - neuton exacta001 info@neuton.com
*banjo works/dynamic boots - bash 007
*rennie pilgrim/london voodoo - perfecto perfalb14tp1
*apollo440/dude descending staircase(warriors) - sony ssr14t
*da hool/crazy - kosmo kos2059 www.kosmomusic.com
*benny benassi/satisfaction - submental smr009-12
*trisco/time - vinyl addiction va 013
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 14.84 Lowest Average: -6 [neal] Highest Average: 33.2 [tomy]
Some shitty news to start off the Sunny months: Got this email from JUDITH of BBm Magazine:
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news - the clubscene has had enough of that lately - but Eddie (my partner in BBm) and I have decided this issue of BBm is to be the last as a monthly print magazine, but please note that we will continue to represent clubbing in Ireland via our website, bbmag.com (this will feature tune and album reviews, as well as clubbing news from across Ireland, the UK and internationally), and via a new wider music magazine from September.
There is a press release, expalining the move, but i won`t bore you with it since i couldn`t be arsed reading it, i`m sure neither could you.. Yes, another body-blow to the scene.. I sometimes wonder where we are all heading.. Ah well.. wherever it is, i intend to be there first, to get a good seat for the collapse of the Universe as we know it.
God i have been very lax on the auld updates recently innit!? Bleeding Sunshine.. Blue sunshine if you get me.. hehehe.. anyway.. Eminem plays ireland tonite, and tomorrow nite... so many people bieng dragged there by their female teenage family members.. riiight.. good luk and all that.. never mind, i'll be play some REAL hiphop in the gridlock this weekend as i head to TRALEE for a sunny summer lashing at HORANS as usual.. Saturday night.. innit. [note: "innit" is now the excepted way to finish a sentance/story that doesn`t need finishing due to bleeding obviousness - just so you know.. innit.]
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 210603/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: razor, tiddlaz, lynam & possibly cyril b (west coast disorderlys), mark kavanagh & dj bunny (southside casuals), phil & bren split loop (dublin city attitude adjusters)
*** live linkup with the roadcaster 2 for COASTAL BEATS GALWAY
*double dee/shining - positiva - 42%
12tivdjd194/no details www.positivarecords.com
*kosheen/all in my head - bmg - 16%
head2/wri:evans & morrison//tairona songs www.kosheen.com
*theory:kaos/electronic surgery - backyard - -8 (minus 8 percent)
back09djx01/wri:cottone & d'antonio//cop con info@back-yard.co.uk
*the faint/glass danse - astralwerks - 12%
asc38862/wri:the faint//cop con www.astralwerks.com
*biba-rom/don't you forget about me - absolutly - VOTE ABORTED
abr041/wri:jim kerr//cop con absolutelyrecords@virgilio.it
*robbie rivera/insanity - juicy music DFi03 www.robbierivera.com
*boo selecta/nobody listens to hiphop - pulsive 018 www.pulsive.info
*nfk/don't you want me? - urban b387088
*micheal jackson/thriller [bootleg] dll1
*who the fu*k is bou boou? - whitelabel boubou12 +49821994786
*aikon/mobile tones - suntec tec080 www.hihouse.it
*max b grant/chewing gum - editiontrax etx 0015 www.maxbgrant.com
*dj saram/deeper - md 0135 www.saraydj.com
*nico parisi/niagara - atmoz at8569 www.nicoparisi.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 14.8 Lowest Average: 1.8 [coastal beats] Highest Average: 13.0 [MK and Phil]
So apparently we (power, pressure & moi) are doing a clubnight for July in THE CRYPT, under the TEMPLE THEATRE, every saturday night.. It's called NOIZ, and we'll be serving 2 flavours of NOIZ at it.. Technoish In the main pit, and a sleazy room for Houseboys and Girl moments.. Hopefully roping in Conor G and LRB and so on to spin there.. Ehm.. So.. Should be fun fun fun baby.. Ehh.. We seem to be at the "Getting Some Flyers done and racking our brains about how to make it Fun rather then crap" stage now. Thoughts are It wont just be all of us playing, it`ll be other heads too.. And if the series goes well. we may do it again some month.. I don`t really think we can do a night every week and keep it interesting, but a month here and there should be alright.. Will give us a chance to catch our breath and so on.. We also want to move the month from place to place.. We may do a series in an ice rink one month.. In the Bar at a racecourse one month... You know.. On a mission stuff.. Anyway.. more news as it happens.. or doesen't happen, whichever the case may be..
Maggot the cat is much better.. he refuses to take his pills, so i have to jam them inside bits of raw chicken.. The silly animal WOLFS down the chunks of flesh (as you do) and even cRunCHes on the pills inside, surely they taste as bad inside raw poultry??? Ah well, there you go.. more information for my great poisoning scam (T.B.A.)..
Soooooooooo glad *****E WALSHE finally got exposed this weekend.. Looks like the knives are out for the poor old fruit.. I cannot understand how he can slag an event for people with Intellect-disability (the special olympics). Even people he has made are spilling the beans about him now - like Rohnan for example - well, after Rohnan's blasting of *****e in the Sunday papers, i cannot blame *****e for getting the hump.. Rohnan (ex- ballszone - a terrible pop-crap band from the 90's) claims he was always in it FOR THE MUSIC, and not the money - which is just as well really, concidering when you work with *****e you rarely get paid properly.. Not that he robs all the money - Oh no - it`s just there rarely IS any money in the POP game.. Unless you are an egomaniac, you shouldn`t be involed in the Pop industry.. The ONLY people that get a buzz out of pop success are Lazy Journalists/Diary colomnists and the Raging Spotlight-addicted Drama Queens at the top of the pop-crap pyramid.. In fact, the claim Rohnan was only in it FOR THE MUSIC supports my claim he is of reduced intellect - i mean, can anyone find ANY connection between the guy's activitys and MUSIC?? I certainly cannot.. Anyway.. Nice one *****e, you prick, Bieng someone with a family member with an intellect disability, I feel rightly justified in Issuing the following Statement: "YOU ARE TYRRILED". You Blabbed the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person, only THIS time, you were lower then low..Lower then the dick on an itty-bitty maggot.. The only thing that is stopping me, and the MANY other people in this country from nailing your head to the floor over this, is our Family members With Intellect Disabilitys Don`t Care what you say, and are just far too exited over the Special olympics to have their spirits dampend by a lousey old shitbag like you talking shite.. May the God of entertainment have mercy on your Soul.. You tosser. Oh, and i want that money you owe me you tight-fisted Cnut. (phew!)
Sure.. the above rant is a bit nasty, even for me, but i'm sorry - this really annoyed me. And on top of that crap, i tyrriled my car over the weekend.. Some toad built a low (shin-high) wall where previously there was none, and i scraaaaaaaaaaapppeeddd the side of my lovely motor.. To top it off, the Grafix i have are not made anymore, and i have had to order new ones, and have the old ones removed.. This, i`m sure, is the MOST annoying thing i have had to deal with car-wise in my life. You have NO idea how sad the car looks now, and how stupid i feel driving around in it. Please take me now. And make it quick. Boo Hoo. Ah well, after checking with my insurance company, claiming is NOT an option.. not unless i feel like pissing my no-claims down the toilet for a silly parking scrape.. hell NO!!! i'm saving my no-claims for when i have that "ball-of-fire" prang in a James Bond stylee.. Anyway, at least i know where my income is heading for the next 6 months.. Did i mention you could Take me now oh lord? Anytime you are ready..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 140603/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: rob hawk (X-dr.how)), dj raffo (sommit2dowid eXchange?), donna lyons (durty beeotch)
*big bone/something good - R six - 70%
r2001/no details//no details peter.cunado@rollover.co.uk
*chris coco/falling(kupper) - distinctive - 32%
dp94|2/wri:mellor & puttnam//warner chappell music www.distinctiverecords.com
*robbie riviera/insanity - juicy music - 90%
jm06/wri:rivera & bigham//courtyard music & warner chappell www.robbierivera.com
*diet coke/with lemon - coke-a-cola - 89%
new diet coke drink with in-built lemon flavah
*system f/spaceman - tsunami - 51%
tsusb9010/wri:corsten//purple eye music
*neon lights/bullet in the gun - voltswagon - 42%

*mo jones/you cannot stop me - mcp - 33%
mcp22822007/wri:jones & jones//MCP bv www.mojones.nl
*mr.timothy/keep rockin - confidential cb181
*3 drives/air traffic - massive drive md033 www.mid-town.com
*little wonder/eclipse - lost language lost028r
*bbe/7 days & 1 week(original) - positiva tivten05 www.positivarecords.com
*m-shape/cloudless sky(steve murano) - direction xpr3672
*tnt/ti ta tnt - titanic ttc017 www.technoboy.nl
*mayham/distorted soul - uberdruck ued14 www.ueberdruck-records.de
*Y.O.M.C./deftig - overdose dmd dose 109 www.overdose.de
*hypertraxx/promisedland(brooklyn bounce) - overdose dmd dose107r
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 60.00 Lowest Average: 55.7 [donna] Highest Average: 65.4 [raffo]
Friday the 13th.. So.. Well.. i think the day holds significance purely because the FILM of the same name was so dire.. Apparently. You will be thrilled to hear a m8 had his car confiscated today... nice car too.. black one.. blaaaaaaaakkk.. (ehm) anyway, today (the 13th) was the day he finally achieved the rank of "pisstaker" on the Police Computer (P.U.L.S.E.) - yes - the "Columbo" DVD-ROM in an X-Box the police use to er... justify having 1000's of Flatscreen All-in-1s with Broadband connections (not) finally gave the "bleep of death" when my m8 had his Plates Run, oh dear, "no tax for xx months eh?".. very messy.. VERY messy.. there is no arguing with the Bleep of death i`m afraid.. The B.O.D. occours when your car is enquired about too much for the same reason.. oh yes.. it means you have been caught LIENG to the cops.. and they HATE when you do that. Who knows where the BOD happens... could be on the PC back at base, could be in the head of the Radio Operator.. could be from Above in the ear of the Guard on the scene... Whatever.. Your time is up.. You have Out-Spoofed your Welcome, and now you are getting a tug.. Oh dear.. Poor A-non-a-mouse Friend.. Got tyrriled on Friday the 13th. Messy. And it`s only 9pm.. still 3 more hours... I suppose those 3 hours would be the IDEAL time for the Police Car-Pound to have a visit from some TWOCers that like Black Coupes! That would be perfect innit!
Lots of Ibiza stuff happening this summer... I hear ADRIAN KENNEDY is doing a stint of his show from Ibeefa, recorded earlier in the day for coherence sakes (?), and AL GIBBS is threatening to do a show from there with 'is Telstar ting.. We of 626 are recording a gig or two, focusing on a LASHED night at EDEN (i think) where your Humble narrator and cohorts will attempt to play.. Not sure if it will be live, in fact, it won't be, cos' it`s on a wednesday night.. But we'll air the lot the weekend after, and Hopefully, Conor G will record his show in MAMBO early on saturday evening, for later broadcast (it`s called "timeshifting", not "cheating actually...) and the Squad Should come live from the same venue that evening, so that's going to be a bit messy, to say the least, and i'd expect the 2nd hour of my show to be the set from Eden,.. probably.. Power's show will be all from Ibeefah, so will probably be equally chaotic.. Ehm.. so that's the basic plan, we hope.. Er maybe.. well, actually, there has been an Eyebeeeeefaaaaah summertime spoof script for 4 years running now.. but at least the details are getting richer

Stats for last month (may 2003) went like this: 24 hits an hour, max of 681, making 18501 Hits on this domain, and an Instant frenzy on Playthatbeat for THE TRIP, which is already the #2 biggest ever from that server.. you greedy basretds! Lovely.. Veryyy nice... Oh, and here's the top 20 springnations..

3 US Commercial
4 Ireland
5 United Kingdom
6 New Zealand (Aotearoa)
7 Netherlands
8 Belgium
9 Australia
10 Greece
11 Hungary
12 Italy
13 Austria
14 Canada
15 Czech Republic
16 Germany
17 Spain
18 Japan
19 Mexico
20 Poland
Sorry, i have not been very forthcoming with the verbals lately.. not that my mind isn`t a torrent of swirling torment/thought/toffee.. Oh yes.. well, i have been a bit pre-occupied lately, my poor cat maggot is sick as a dog (er....), sneezing and stuff.. on pills (no, they don`t do anything..we tried..) and looking very ill while snuffling and fighting to breath.. poor little bast*rd.. so that is wrecking my head.. as it does.. Oh, and there is the Summer slowdawn - have you noticed? Nothig happening AT ALL ANYWHERE? I mean, what happend? even the SPAMmers have taken a rest.. i only got 135 spam emials since monday!!! That's TERRIBLE!!! What happend to the spammers? I used to get 5 times that amount!?! Jesus, you know things are bad when the spammers get Lax

Have you tried listening to the RADIO lately? It`s still very grim.. I read that GARV and some other people i don`t know have formed a mini-pressure group to moan about the Lack of Specialist Radio in an official stylee, and good luck to them, i really miss the radio choice in dublin - now i can FEEL the road-rage oozing as i perambulate.. jesus the stress.. You now, i actually didn`t enjoy a portion of Cian's gig on RnaG last night because i HAD to listen to it.. Get me? Given a choice, it`s the right choice... Given NO choice, it`s less attractive.. But at LEAST he is there.. (and chance of coming up with a new way saying "title", "tidle" is becoming his catchphraze.. heheh.. Anyway, i'm saddend that those who hid themselves after black tuesday still feel the need to continue with the hiding thing... Trust me, NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU DO.. For years a "blind eye" (legal term) has been turned to the radio pirates, just like MILLIONS of other things in the country that are technically illegal, but socially acceptable.. Now, do we want to live in a Sterile state full of anal shitbags? NO!!!! this is Scary-Eire.. we are messy, and we are the best at it.. now Quit bieng lilly-livered babies and GET BACK ON THE AIR you fuc*ing tossers... you have no choice..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 070603/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: dj orbit (housemastah), kieth mac (rivermastah), Jason McKay (vibemastah), Ben Curvoso (so late it was ridiculus)
*paul van dyk/nothing but you - positiva - 43%
12tivdj192a/wri:hemstock & jennings//cop con www.paulvandyk.de
*the young punx/the matrix reboored - typ - 31%
typ001/wri:young punk//cop con theyoungpunx@hotmail.com
*m factor/come 2gether - credence - 65%
12credjx037/wri:jonah & harrison//bmg music www.credence.co.uk
*talespin/illusions - y2k - 16%
y2k042/wri:willam faber//cop con
*starburst/flipsters - mars - 40%
[new hard candy with the "satrburst" branding]
*mr.timothy/keep rockin - feel the rhythm - 51%
ftr4158-6/wri:dudfield//midnight music
*shut up & dance/reclaim the streets - SUAD 53
*NFK/don`t you want me? - urban b380078 www.shutupanddance.co.uk
*nils van gogh/feeling a pressure - fast foward ffrec1 www.ffrec.com
*99 allstars/chemical generation - CG 15
*dallas superstars/helium - all around the world 12djglobe289 www.aatw.com
*tnt/ti ta tnt - titanic ttc017 www.technoboy.nl
*the prophet/hard style baby - scantraxx 007 www.scantraxx.com
*analog system/the wall - headline 0025 www.headline-records.com
*da bootleggers/cold as ice - kickin tunes kt009 www.hitland.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 45.00 Lowest Average: 41.6 [kieth] Highest Average: 45.0 [jason]
Replaced the Truncated mp3 of the "Voyager1 - Director's cut" on Playthatbeat.net - somehow it lost it's last 3 minutes in the sands of time.. Apologies for this.. It`s now back to it's 10 minute glory..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 310503/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: sunil sharpe (secret secret), pete donaldson (i've gotta), tony mullen (enigma), neal scarboragh (parts made in japan), L.R.B. (modern man)
*blak beat niks/one day at a time - champion - 48%
champ12.783/wri:big ed & fingers//champion music
*jennifer lopez/i'm glad - epic - 8%
xpr3693/wri:lopez & deyo//sony music
*dave gahan/dirty sticky floors - mute - 58%
pl12mute294/wri:gahan & chandler//mute song
*david guetta vs. david bowie/just 4 1 day - virgin - -40% (minus 40%)
visa008832/wri:eno & bowie//bmg songs
*subaqua/listen - white label - 0%
listn001/no details
*lambchop/stole my heart - white chopper1
*dj sakin & friends/sometimes - overdose dmddose 108 www.overdose.de
*drugface/c*ntmaster(remix) - uberdruck ued012 www.ueberdruck-records.de
*koenig cylinders/99.9 - neuton exacta001 info@neuton.com
*banjo works/dynamic boots - bash 007
*rennie pilgrim/london voodoo - perfecto perfalb14tp1
*apollo440/dude descending staircase(warriors) - sony ssr14t
*da hool/crazy - kosmo kos2059 www.kosmomusic.com
*benny benassi/satisfaction - submental smr009-12
*trisco/time - vinyl addiction va 013
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 14.84 Lowest Average: -6 [neal] Highest Average: 33.2 [tomy]
Some shitty news to start off the Sunny months: Got this email from JUDITH of BBm Magazine:
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news - the clubscene has had enough of that lately - but Eddie (my partner in BBm) and I have decided this issue of BBm is to be the last as a monthly print magazine, but please note that we will continue to represent clubbing in Ireland via our website, bbmag.com (this will feature tune and album reviews, as well as clubbing news from across Ireland, the UK and internationally), and via a new wider music magazine from September.
There is a press release, expalining the move, but i won`t bore you with it since i couldn`t be arsed reading it, i`m sure neither could you.. Yes, another body-blow to the scene.. I sometimes wonder where we are all heading.. Ah well.. wherever it is, i intend to be there first, to get a good seat for the collapse of the Universe as we know it.