So.. Ibeefah tomorrow.. Looking 4wd to the 2 gigs in Stansted Airport on the way there, and on the way back.. i just love those easy gigs where i just sit in an uncomfortable chair and feel my hip-bone merge with my arsecheek for 5-7 hours while bieng baked by artificial light and inhaling recycled poison.. JUST like working in the studio, except without the loud banging noises..
no problem... etc.. er.. well, that aside, i will be making the most of it all by doing a tour of every inch of my surroundings, like a curious feline... and i think we may video the proceedings "as you do" so we can have a "balir-witch" meets "cannibal holocaust" style documentary on return.. hehehehee. I have heard the usual talk about ibiza this year, so time we did a top 5.. [1]" it`s nearly back to the way it was when people first discovered it." [2]" it's quiet .." [3] "NNNNNNN at VVVVVVV had X500 at it last DDDDDDD night - it`s biggest night ever, and it`s been going for YY years!!" (Key: NNNNNN = Night name, VVVVVVV = Venue, X = Alleged Attendance in Thousands, DDDDDDD = Day of week, YY = Number beween 2 and 12 [4] "This year the Police are coming down really hard on [insert necessary activity here]" [5] "The music is suddenly great again, it was terrible the last few times.." Well my plan is simple, play tunes that i would require MYSELF in the same situation.. So. There.
Nice night in SG1/Fermoy for Igor's Birthday on saturday.. Nice to see everybody braving the heat to venture out.. good to see you all again.. er..But (there is ALWAYS a but...) wasn`t the HUMMMMMMMM sound problem a pain in the nuts? Was it just me? or did that wreck heads? I don`t get it, what is the sketcH? eh? For those of you in a mixing mind, the other Jocks and me had to have the bass at about -60% the whole time on each deck to stop thet earth-shattering HUMMMMMM thing drowning out the sound! This made mixing a bit messy too to be honest.. i hope i wasn`t toooo shitty, but man, what a task.. having to feel the bass back in in a mix is fine, but having to pull it out altogher for the breakdowns is a pain, and more annoing is that when the track kicks back in, judging not WHEN to return the bass to (any) safe level, but by HOW MUCH is a ropey affair.. do you risk BlaSTinG the shite out of the place by slamming it back to the approx -60% mark? or do you do it a bit by bit to feel the hOrridHumm (tm) approach?? ah fu*k it, it`s not on.. made the night a little less excellent for everybody.. sorry to moan, but, well, now you know... b'aware.. (your country needz warez). Some nice motors outside too, so that made for some "look-at-thating", in fact, serious Carscene down cork way.. never really noticed it b4.. ho hum.
Anyway. thats probably the last time i'll speak to you all, as i'm sure to melt/evaporate/regress to a worm-like creature in an isolation tank in Ibiza, so, erh, em, it`s been great! Nice one.. Just always remember, we are Puddles.. Puddles baby.. [read: "the salmon of doubt" by DOUGLAS ADAMS]
Apparently we will be in IBIZA this day next week!!! In the words of Sharon Redd:"Can you handle it?".. absolutly no details whatsoever to pass on to you, except that we are playing LASHED in EDEN in SanAntonio Town on Wednesday night.. It`s down by the harboury bit of the town.. near EsParadise.. i think.. eh... maybe you'd better ask someone. Obviously the Rt.Hon Ms.Lashes will be in command, and i'll just be playing the fly-in-the-ointment part in the lil' movie.. We will be recording stuff for Time-delay Broadcast on 626, so if you areon the white-island, or know anyone of the patrician persuasion and so on,dew drop inn.. as you do.. CONOR G will be spinning too, although it'll be in a housey setting, and i think there is some hot beach action on thursday somewhere, and so on... as you know, i am a total sceptic when it comes to the validity of malleting in the baking sun - isn`t the sun the 1 thing you DON'T want to see when malleting/in post-mallet trauma? i thought so!!! not to worry, it`s probably not going to happen - remember there has been Ibeefah spoofing every year now for the last 4 years - and it NEVER happens.. someone always gos bust or what ever at the last minute.. maybe this time it'll be the airline or something?? jusus wept.
No Firen' Squad this saturday, and no Late-night sessions with power.. This saturday night 626 makes way for a Live broadcast from SLANE 2003.. from 8pm to 12am will be all that noisey guitar festival shite, and 626 will have a say on the sunday instead - with a SESSIONS TOUR broadcast from TRALEE - horans hosts CONOR G and TIM DELUXE as part of the ROSE OF TRALEE celebration of sexy chix.. yeah baby!!! Not sure what i'll be doing there because the night before i'll be in FERMOY,Co.CORK playing with LEONI infront of everyone! fnar fnar.. and so on.. Busy busy weekend all round - wot with festival fever in the UK, Creamfields UK and all the SLANEing.. messssssssyyyyyyy...
2 Playlists today - as promised.. Have to say sorry to all waiting for the next internet release.. I think i lost it.. the track that is.. i had a spreadable version done, from the parts i upped the other week, but i can`t find it now!! only a WIP that is too ruff to tolerate.. i am looking though.. er.. have you noticed how the Summer seems to make me slur? not just vocally - in a GENERAL sense that is! I mean, it`s as if my whole LIFE is slurred these days.. the atmosphere has definatly changed - evident in the freaky weather we have had lately, but moreso in the way people are behaving! Some Serious Closure happening all around - Jobs, Relationships, Projects - all getting closure! As for me - i am in a seriously sedated state lately - no, not chemically induced (i was warned about that sort of thing by a doc once, he claimed any sedation for me could result in a new sub-corpse form of human forming..) but just on "half-power" so to speak.. think of it like this, "if it moves - funk it" and "if it doesn`t require funking, leave it alone" - so, i , in my infanate wisdom have been doing absolutley bugger-all.. yep.. couldn`t be arsed to be honest... the tune season begins in mid september AFAIK, and then we shall throw down some more noises.. there is alot to absorb, desibeats galore,new KRS1 album and the new KRAFTWERK album in perticular, how it's partially iffey (like all their albums) but totally amazing in places - how DO they do it STILL? when i was 8 years old they were all ancient and wise, how old are they now then? how much more wise can they be? well, they re-wrote the angle charts for me last week when i heard the album..i had to re-calibrate my angulator - i will DEFINATLY be backing off on the distortion for a year-or-so
There is even a mr.spring intro/palete cloned on one of the tracks on the album!! (which makes a change..ehm.. kof..).. mmm, i think the SAD that affects us all is about to get profound - DEEP winters, and LaaaaaaaZeeeeeeee summers..
Looks like LOST IN LIETRIM is axed
so no "only irish festival of 2003" i'm afraid
ah well, not to worry, there is a new night in SLIGO starting 30th of the month - >>ICE_CREAM<< in the holbourn street club.. Myself and Conor G on the 30th, see you there ??? Yep, i know it`s no substitute for a full-blown mallot of the mega-festival proportion, but hell, a protion is better then nowt innit? I'll up the flyer when i get one..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 090803/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Mark McCabe (locked in), Pat McMellow (locked up), Graham BassOdyssey (locked down), Kieth Mac (locked-ish)
*d'allergic/deep - flawless UK - 39%
flaw002/wri:d'allergic & blades//cop con www.flawlessrecords.co.uk
*hybrid & peter hook/true to form - distinctive - 44%
dp111/wri:hybrid & hook//cop con www.distinctiverecords.com
*frou frou/good to be in love - white - 16%
wmcst40322/no details
*tranzlucent feat. o'dessa/i need you - ark records - 10%
mlo1505/wri:garcia & cattaneo//PAO publishing www.arkrecords.com
*limited edition ORANGE TWIX/twix - mars - 52%
[new Ltd Edition re-branding of the TWIX/RAIDER formula - with Orange flavour!]
*7th nation army/freeland stripes - white - 65%
ws01/no details [as white stripes]
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 38.09 Lowest Average: 15.0 [graham] Highest Average: 50.1 [pat]
*zee/nokia - chocolate factory recordsbd002 chocolatefactoryrecords@yahoo.com
*dirty/dirty(remix) - bootleg dirty 1
*f massif/bitstreak - fmassif pee 16011 www.purple-eye.com
*sonique/alive(benni benassi) - serious ser7212pro2
*ricky fobis/no regular - ID&T 08085208620 records@id-t.com
*laibach/tanz mit laibach - mute 12mute241 www.mute.com
*marco zaffarano & sascha barth/pay the game - anima 006-12 www.anima-rec.com
*DAF;Neun / seltsame freunde - superstar recordings superdj 2068 desiree@superstar.ag
back 20 to 1983)
*sharon redd/beat the street - prelude US
*kraftwerk/tour de france (francois K mix) - emi UK 8874216
*globe & whizzkid/play that beat mr.dj - tommyboy US tb836
*midnite star/freekazoid - solar records US
*art of noise/beatbox(diversion1) - ztt UK ztis108
*depeche mode/everything counts(in larger amounts) - mute UK 12bong3
*video/somebody(hey hey girl) - snakemusic IT
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 160803/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Mark McCabe (emergency standin duties), Don joseppi clarke (trinity rooms), Snr. Slime III (effortless), Alan O'Keefe (Bass Oddessy Part 1.)
[New Feature] They Who Blew it: Ian M ("missed his flight"), John Kelly ("tired after last night")
*sting/send your love - a&m - 30%
stingvp5/wri:sting//cop con www.sting.com
*blondie/good boys - sony - 20%
xpr3723/wri:griffen & harry//tentative music www.sonymusic.co.uk
*just jack/paradise(zed bias) - rgr - 33%
rgrcd1/wri:allsop//cop con www.rgrmusic.com
*finley quaye & william orbit/dice - sony - 8%
rbit, quaue & orton//rondor music london www.finleyquaye.com
*chemical brothers/golden path - virgin - 71%
chemsdj18/wri:chemical brothers & flaming lips//cop con
*audio bullys/way too long - emi - 71%
sourtdj088/wri:dinsdale & franks//cop con
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 38.1 Lowest Average: 33.0 [mark] Highest Average: 41.0 [alan]
*ricky forbis/no regular - ID&T 8085208620 records@id-t.com
*push/journey of life - bonzai bm2003180 www.bonzaimusic.com
*mr.niceguy/theme from insomnia - combined forces cf015934 bob@profmix.com
*starlet DJs/go girl - youclash! yc006 www.youclashrecords.com
*magnum force/blow the bloody doors off! - stay up forever suf65000 www.truelove.co.uk
*floyd/4eva - sirup sir014-6 info@sirupmusic.com
*spider/go insane - tsunami tsu sb9011 www.djspider.nl
*arome/visions of paradise - overdose dmddose110 www.overdose.de
Time is going backwards in the heat.. feel like a prune.. MM.. pruuuune... er.. anyway, POWER resumed SCRIPT updates a while back, so iv'e published a bumper scripting here.. and regular service will resume from hereon in.. And i read today that STEVE HILL of Y2K and TripoliTrax is fooking back to the United State of Australia soon.. to live like!!!>!??!?>!?!?? ah well.. good luck steve old fruit.. hope you enjoy the Barbies and Surfing.. we'll all be freezing our Nads off here in the pissing slush working our fingers to the bone trying to get a crust, don`t you worry about us..
Ballybunion this saturday night for me.. bit of an aul' gig.. and why not.. Now, the scary bit: MARS is apparently the closest to the earth in 30,000 years this month.. and it won`t be this close again for about another 30,000 years... so look to the skys this weekend, and look for the dull star with the red glow (if you look at it out the corner of your eye).. It would be a GOOD time to dig out thos binocs or that telescope you know somebody has, somewhere.
Liquid Wheel news: We may have found a partner for the album in othere territorys we all agree on.. and there is new material in the oven! Heheheh...
Nice bank holiday wasn`t it? Sunshine... Shangri-lah.. Skylines.. (sigh) Shout to all who attended the ENIGMA thing.. An all-irish Lineup and a good night ONCE AGAIN going hand-in-hand!! Usually an irish bank-holiday weekend doesn`t co-incide with the UK and EU, so we get a bunch of headliners from abroad getting the extra angle in on the sunday - not so this time.. well not so you'd notice that is.. did anyone go to DEEP DISSH in the redbox? any good? missed it.. ah well.. so, looking good.. and i must have a look at the photos i did..mmm..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 260703/20.00-22.00
*thermaroc/into the light - wall of sound ????
*sonique/alive(tomcraft) - serious ser7212pro2
*jason nevins vs. moby/untitled - whitelabel j4tl001
*christina aguilara/dirty booty - whitelabel dirty 1a
*serious danger/deeper - isb003
*screen II/hey mr DJ - cleveland city
*the rimshots/7654321 - chess records
*kamaal & mc lightning/untitled - www.streetbeats.co.uk
*klubbheads/bounce 2 the beat - dna 330-12
*snap/the power(of bhangra) - data data60p2 www.datarecords.co.uk
*alex arzano & ali kay/godless - sirenum sir001 www.signal-e.com
*the prophet/follow the leader - qdance.nl 7006745 www.id-t.com
*amen/passion - positiva 12tivdjd195
*methods of mayhem/f.y.u. - qdance.nl 7006785 www.q-dance.nl
*c??tmaster/drugface - closet clos10 www.closetrecordings.com
*da bootleggers/cold as ice - kickin italy kt009 www.hitland.com
*aikon/mobile tones - suntec tec 080 www.hitland.com
*ghost/element - md 0134 http://shop.resolutedistribution.com
*jas van houten/heavens gate - mitsuko mit002 www.djabelramos.com
*s.t.r.o.b.e/now this is acid - binary state bin003 binarystate@hotmail.com
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 020803/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: DJ Ted (west coast), Hugh Lawton (novadance.com), James Holden (Imported Especially)
*h-foundation/tonight - soma - -33% (minus 33%)
soma133/wri:h-foundation//cop con
*ironbase/electro smoker - amost - 3.3%
dmdamost001/wri:ironbase & black emmanuelle//hanseatic musikverlag
*jamez/testpilot - future groove - 41%
12fgr029r/wri:jamez & jon//jamez music
*capoeira twins/flick the switch - hope - 8%
hope043/wri:capoeira twins & wallace//cop con info@hoperecordings.com
*chicane/locking down - wea - 6%
sam00841/wri:bracegirdle & ackerman//warner chappell
*snap/the power(of bhangra) - data
*dallas superstars/fast drivin' - stockholm/urban urbdj2288
*spider/go insane - tsunami tsusb9011
*alex arzano & ali k/godless - sirenum sir001 www.signal-e.com
*magnum force/blow the bloody doors off - stay up forever
*exit 5/running in the music - sigma 071 www.self.it
*aikon/mobile tones - suntec tec 080 www.hitland.com
*fmassif/understatement - fmassif pee1601 www.purple-eye.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 5.2 Lowest Average: 0.25 [james] Highest Average: 26.60 [ted]
Sorry i missed lastweek's playlist, i am extremely lazy at the moment and besides that i couldn`t be arsed frankly.. been in the studio for 5 days on the trot working on a single tune.. i thought i'd attempt a turd-polishing track, since i never do do them, and it's been a hard auld slog!!! really!! It's incredibly difficult to do a choon with no plot at all. no name, theme, idea, nowt - just jam and pick the best bits! well, this may sound like a good plan, but when you are on your own, jamming is an unfulfilling experience to say the least!! nobody to react with or bounce off.. it`s like playing tennis solo.. short-lived and one-sided.. anyway, i eventually did something ineresting, which i`m deciding what to do with right now.. i have some PARTS, and i may just go ahead and release the parts at PLAYTHATBEAT.NET and let you all have a choo on ot.. i know there are some budding constructers out there, and the bits are quite whacky... slightly hardstyle, but also a bit housey (?!) since it`s a pedestrian 135BPM.. it`s got no main "bit" actually, just a nice flat-topped bassdrum and some very skanky shuffling on the top-end.. pretty acomplished layers of nothingless at the end.. and so on.. anyway, i give in, and i'm mashing an .MP3 of the parts now, and i'll release the full track itself in time.. have a blast on the parts, on playthatbeat.. here and here (direct link from here only for the moment)... and see if you can do a track with the parts to go with the one i did!!! (read my mind...)
Tonight sees the return of the Firen' Squad on 626, and If you are in the bank-holiday mood, come along to ENIGMA in carrickmacross for Myself, YOMANDA, ROBBIE NELSON and JOHN POWER in an irish-stew style porno showdown.. yeah baby.. lick that meat and veggies!!!!
The Top 15 Springnations July 2003 is a bit wierd actually... the Number 1 Location [alien] is almost 100-times #2 (USA - presumably AOL?), and rightly so - looks like everyone has got their SHIELDS UP these days.. (sigh) we may have to discontinue the Nations chart since pretty soon nobody will register as anything but UNKNOWN.. pity really.. but proper order with all those ridiculous Robots and PornoDiallers all over the shop.. anyway.. here tis'.. 21405 hits, average 28 hits an hour, peaking at 386 an hour, averaging 690 hits a day with a peak of 1324 a day.. Top 15 Springnations July 2003
Number Country
1 Unresolved/Unknown [aliens]
3 US Commercial
4 Ireland
5 France
6 Australia
7 Belgium
8 Poland
9 Sweden
10 Germany
11 Netherlands
12 Japan
13 Norway
14 United Kingdom
15 Yugoslavia
So.. Ibeefah tomorrow.. Looking 4wd to the 2 gigs in Stansted Airport on the way there, and on the way back.. i just love those easy gigs where i just sit in an uncomfortable chair and feel my hip-bone merge with my arsecheek for 5-7 hours while bieng baked by artificial light and inhaling recycled poison.. JUST like working in the studio, except without the loud banging noises..

Nice night in SG1/Fermoy for Igor's Birthday on saturday.. Nice to see everybody braving the heat to venture out.. good to see you all again.. er..But (there is ALWAYS a but...) wasn`t the HUMMMMMMMM sound problem a pain in the nuts? Was it just me? or did that wreck heads? I don`t get it, what is the sketcH? eh? For those of you in a mixing mind, the other Jocks and me had to have the bass at about -60% the whole time on each deck to stop thet earth-shattering HUMMMMMM thing drowning out the sound! This made mixing a bit messy too to be honest.. i hope i wasn`t toooo shitty, but man, what a task.. having to feel the bass back in in a mix is fine, but having to pull it out altogher for the breakdowns is a pain, and more annoing is that when the track kicks back in, judging not WHEN to return the bass to (any) safe level, but by HOW MUCH is a ropey affair.. do you risk BlaSTinG the shite out of the place by slamming it back to the approx -60% mark? or do you do it a bit by bit to feel the hOrridHumm (tm) approach?? ah fu*k it, it`s not on.. made the night a little less excellent for everybody.. sorry to moan, but, well, now you know... b'aware.. (your country needz warez). Some nice motors outside too, so that made for some "look-at-thating", in fact, serious Carscene down cork way.. never really noticed it b4.. ho hum.
Anyway. thats probably the last time i'll speak to you all, as i'm sure to melt/evaporate/regress to a worm-like creature in an isolation tank in Ibiza, so, erh, em, it`s been great! Nice one.. Just always remember, we are Puddles.. Puddles baby.. [read: "the salmon of doubt" by DOUGLAS ADAMS]
Apparently we will be in IBIZA this day next week!!! In the words of Sharon Redd:"Can you handle it?".. absolutly no details whatsoever to pass on to you, except that we are playing LASHED in EDEN in SanAntonio Town on Wednesday night.. It`s down by the harboury bit of the town.. near EsParadise.. i think.. eh... maybe you'd better ask someone. Obviously the Rt.Hon Ms.Lashes will be in command, and i'll just be playing the fly-in-the-ointment part in the lil' movie.. We will be recording stuff for Time-delay Broadcast on 626, so if you areon the white-island, or know anyone of the patrician persuasion and so on,dew drop inn.. as you do.. CONOR G will be spinning too, although it'll be in a housey setting, and i think there is some hot beach action on thursday somewhere, and so on... as you know, i am a total sceptic when it comes to the validity of malleting in the baking sun - isn`t the sun the 1 thing you DON'T want to see when malleting/in post-mallet trauma? i thought so!!! not to worry, it`s probably not going to happen - remember there has been Ibeefah spoofing every year now for the last 4 years - and it NEVER happens.. someone always gos bust or what ever at the last minute.. maybe this time it'll be the airline or something?? jusus wept.
No Firen' Squad this saturday, and no Late-night sessions with power.. This saturday night 626 makes way for a Live broadcast from SLANE 2003.. from 8pm to 12am will be all that noisey guitar festival shite, and 626 will have a say on the sunday instead - with a SESSIONS TOUR broadcast from TRALEE - horans hosts CONOR G and TIM DELUXE as part of the ROSE OF TRALEE celebration of sexy chix.. yeah baby!!! Not sure what i'll be doing there because the night before i'll be in FERMOY,Co.CORK playing with LEONI infront of everyone! fnar fnar.. and so on.. Busy busy weekend all round - wot with festival fever in the UK, Creamfields UK and all the SLANEing.. messssssssyyyyyyy...
2 Playlists today - as promised.. Have to say sorry to all waiting for the next internet release.. I think i lost it.. the track that is.. i had a spreadable version done, from the parts i upped the other week, but i can`t find it now!! only a WIP that is too ruff to tolerate.. i am looking though.. er.. have you noticed how the Summer seems to make me slur? not just vocally - in a GENERAL sense that is! I mean, it`s as if my whole LIFE is slurred these days.. the atmosphere has definatly changed - evident in the freaky weather we have had lately, but moreso in the way people are behaving! Some Serious Closure happening all around - Jobs, Relationships, Projects - all getting closure! As for me - i am in a seriously sedated state lately - no, not chemically induced (i was warned about that sort of thing by a doc once, he claimed any sedation for me could result in a new sub-corpse form of human forming..) but just on "half-power" so to speak.. think of it like this, "if it moves - funk it" and "if it doesn`t require funking, leave it alone" - so, i , in my infanate wisdom have been doing absolutley bugger-all.. yep.. couldn`t be arsed to be honest... the tune season begins in mid september AFAIK, and then we shall throw down some more noises.. there is alot to absorb, desibeats galore,new KRS1 album and the new KRAFTWERK album in perticular, how it's partially iffey (like all their albums) but totally amazing in places - how DO they do it STILL? when i was 8 years old they were all ancient and wise, how old are they now then? how much more wise can they be? well, they re-wrote the angle charts for me last week when i heard the album..i had to re-calibrate my angulator - i will DEFINATLY be backing off on the distortion for a year-or-so

Looks like LOST IN LIETRIM is axed


Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 090803/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Mark McCabe (locked in), Pat McMellow (locked up), Graham BassOdyssey (locked down), Kieth Mac (locked-ish)
*d'allergic/deep - flawless UK - 39%
flaw002/wri:d'allergic & blades//cop con www.flawlessrecords.co.uk
*hybrid & peter hook/true to form - distinctive - 44%
dp111/wri:hybrid & hook//cop con www.distinctiverecords.com
*frou frou/good to be in love - white - 16%
wmcst40322/no details
*tranzlucent feat. o'dessa/i need you - ark records - 10%
mlo1505/wri:garcia & cattaneo//PAO publishing www.arkrecords.com
*limited edition ORANGE TWIX/twix - mars - 52%
[new Ltd Edition re-branding of the TWIX/RAIDER formula - with Orange flavour!]
*7th nation army/freeland stripes - white - 65%
ws01/no details [as white stripes]
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 38.09 Lowest Average: 15.0 [graham] Highest Average: 50.1 [pat]
*zee/nokia - chocolate factory recordsbd002 chocolatefactoryrecords@yahoo.com
*dirty/dirty(remix) - bootleg dirty 1
*f massif/bitstreak - fmassif pee 16011 www.purple-eye.com
*sonique/alive(benni benassi) - serious ser7212pro2
*ricky fobis/no regular - ID&T 08085208620 records@id-t.com
*laibach/tanz mit laibach - mute 12mute241 www.mute.com
*marco zaffarano & sascha barth/pay the game - anima 006-12 www.anima-rec.com
*DAF;Neun / seltsame freunde - superstar recordings superdj 2068 desiree@superstar.ag

*sharon redd/beat the street - prelude US
*kraftwerk/tour de france (francois K mix) - emi UK 8874216
*globe & whizzkid/play that beat mr.dj - tommyboy US tb836
*midnite star/freekazoid - solar records US
*art of noise/beatbox(diversion1) - ztt UK ztis108
*depeche mode/everything counts(in larger amounts) - mute UK 12bong3
*video/somebody(hey hey girl) - snakemusic IT
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 160803/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: Mark McCabe (emergency standin duties), Don joseppi clarke (trinity rooms), Snr. Slime III (effortless), Alan O'Keefe (Bass Oddessy Part 1.)
[New Feature] They Who Blew it: Ian M ("missed his flight"), John Kelly ("tired after last night")
*sting/send your love - a&m - 30%
stingvp5/wri:sting//cop con www.sting.com
*blondie/good boys - sony - 20%
xpr3723/wri:griffen & harry//tentative music www.sonymusic.co.uk
*just jack/paradise(zed bias) - rgr - 33%
rgrcd1/wri:allsop//cop con www.rgrmusic.com
*finley quaye & william orbit/dice - sony - 8%

*chemical brothers/golden path - virgin - 71%
chemsdj18/wri:chemical brothers & flaming lips//cop con
*audio bullys/way too long - emi - 71%
sourtdj088/wri:dinsdale & franks//cop con
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 38.1 Lowest Average: 33.0 [mark] Highest Average: 41.0 [alan]
*ricky forbis/no regular - ID&T 8085208620 records@id-t.com
*push/journey of life - bonzai bm2003180 www.bonzaimusic.com
*mr.niceguy/theme from insomnia - combined forces cf015934 bob@profmix.com
*starlet DJs/go girl - youclash! yc006 www.youclashrecords.com
*magnum force/blow the bloody doors off! - stay up forever suf65000 www.truelove.co.uk
*floyd/4eva - sirup sir014-6 info@sirupmusic.com
*spider/go insane - tsunami tsu sb9011 www.djspider.nl
*arome/visions of paradise - overdose dmddose110 www.overdose.de
Time is going backwards in the heat.. feel like a prune.. MM.. pruuuune... er.. anyway, POWER resumed SCRIPT updates a while back, so iv'e published a bumper scripting here.. and regular service will resume from hereon in.. And i read today that STEVE HILL of Y2K and TripoliTrax is fooking back to the United State of Australia soon.. to live like!!!>!??!?>!?!?? ah well.. good luck steve old fruit.. hope you enjoy the Barbies and Surfing.. we'll all be freezing our Nads off here in the pissing slush working our fingers to the bone trying to get a crust, don`t you worry about us..
Ballybunion this saturday night for me.. bit of an aul' gig.. and why not.. Now, the scary bit: MARS is apparently the closest to the earth in 30,000 years this month.. and it won`t be this close again for about another 30,000 years... so look to the skys this weekend, and look for the dull star with the red glow (if you look at it out the corner of your eye).. It would be a GOOD time to dig out thos binocs or that telescope you know somebody has, somewhere.
Liquid Wheel news: We may have found a partner for the album in othere territorys we all agree on.. and there is new material in the oven! Heheheh...
Nice bank holiday wasn`t it? Sunshine... Shangri-lah.. Skylines.. (sigh) Shout to all who attended the ENIGMA thing.. An all-irish Lineup and a good night ONCE AGAIN going hand-in-hand!! Usually an irish bank-holiday weekend doesn`t co-incide with the UK and EU, so we get a bunch of headliners from abroad getting the extra angle in on the sunday - not so this time.. well not so you'd notice that is.. did anyone go to DEEP DISSH in the redbox? any good? missed it.. ah well.. so, looking good.. and i must have a look at the photos i did..mmm..
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 260703/20.00-22.00
*thermaroc/into the light - wall of sound ????
*sonique/alive(tomcraft) - serious ser7212pro2
*jason nevins vs. moby/untitled - whitelabel j4tl001
*christina aguilara/dirty booty - whitelabel dirty 1a
*serious danger/deeper - isb003
*screen II/hey mr DJ - cleveland city
*the rimshots/7654321 - chess records
*kamaal & mc lightning/untitled - www.streetbeats.co.uk
*klubbheads/bounce 2 the beat - dna 330-12
*snap/the power(of bhangra) - data data60p2 www.datarecords.co.uk
*alex arzano & ali kay/godless - sirenum sir001 www.signal-e.com
*the prophet/follow the leader - qdance.nl 7006745 www.id-t.com
*amen/passion - positiva 12tivdjd195
*methods of mayhem/f.y.u. - qdance.nl 7006785 www.q-dance.nl
*c??tmaster/drugface - closet clos10 www.closetrecordings.com
*da bootleggers/cold as ice - kickin italy kt009 www.hitland.com
*aikon/mobile tones - suntec tec 080 www.hitland.com
*ghost/element - md 0134 http://shop.resolutedistribution.com
*jas van houten/heavens gate - mitsuko mit002 www.djabelramos.com
*s.t.r.o.b.e/now this is acid - binary state bin003 binarystate@hotmail.com
Weekend Playlist for Mr.Spring`s Show on 2FM's 6:2:6,
(www.2fm.ie/626) TX: 020803/20.00-22.00
Firen` Squad, Squaddies: DJ Ted (west coast), Hugh Lawton (novadance.com), James Holden (Imported Especially)
*h-foundation/tonight - soma - -33% (minus 33%)
soma133/wri:h-foundation//cop con
*ironbase/electro smoker - amost - 3.3%
dmdamost001/wri:ironbase & black emmanuelle//hanseatic musikverlag
*jamez/testpilot - future groove - 41%
12fgr029r/wri:jamez & jon//jamez music
*capoeira twins/flick the switch - hope - 8%
hope043/wri:capoeira twins & wallace//cop con info@hoperecordings.com
*chicane/locking down - wea - 6%
sam00841/wri:bracegirdle & ackerman//warner chappell
*snap/the power(of bhangra) - data
*dallas superstars/fast drivin' - stockholm/urban urbdj2288
*spider/go insane - tsunami tsusb9011
*alex arzano & ali k/godless - sirenum sir001 www.signal-e.com
*magnum force/blow the bloody doors off - stay up forever
*exit 5/running in the music - sigma 071 www.self.it
*aikon/mobile tones - suntec tec 080 www.hitland.com
*fmassif/understatement - fmassif pee1601 www.purple-eye.com
### Pointless Statistics: Squad Satisfaction Index: 5.2 Lowest Average: 0.25 [james] Highest Average: 26.60 [ted]
Sorry i missed lastweek's playlist, i am extremely lazy at the moment and besides that i couldn`t be arsed frankly.. been in the studio for 5 days on the trot working on a single tune.. i thought i'd attempt a turd-polishing track, since i never do do them, and it's been a hard auld slog!!! really!! It's incredibly difficult to do a choon with no plot at all. no name, theme, idea, nowt - just jam and pick the best bits! well, this may sound like a good plan, but when you are on your own, jamming is an unfulfilling experience to say the least!! nobody to react with or bounce off.. it`s like playing tennis solo.. short-lived and one-sided.. anyway, i eventually did something ineresting, which i`m deciding what to do with right now.. i have some PARTS, and i may just go ahead and release the parts at PLAYTHATBEAT.NET and let you all have a choo on ot.. i know there are some budding constructers out there, and the bits are quite whacky... slightly hardstyle, but also a bit housey (?!) since it`s a pedestrian 135BPM.. it`s got no main "bit" actually, just a nice flat-topped bassdrum and some very skanky shuffling on the top-end.. pretty acomplished layers of nothingless at the end.. and so on.. anyway, i give in, and i'm mashing an .MP3 of the parts now, and i'll release the full track itself in time.. have a blast on the parts, on playthatbeat.. here and here (direct link from here only for the moment)... and see if you can do a track with the parts to go with the one i did!!! (read my mind...)
Tonight sees the return of the Firen' Squad on 626, and If you are in the bank-holiday mood, come along to ENIGMA in carrickmacross for Myself, YOMANDA, ROBBIE NELSON and JOHN POWER in an irish-stew style porno showdown.. yeah baby.. lick that meat and veggies!!!!

The Top 15 Springnations July 2003 is a bit wierd actually... the Number 1 Location [alien] is almost 100-times #2 (USA - presumably AOL?), and rightly so - looks like everyone has got their SHIELDS UP these days.. (sigh) we may have to discontinue the Nations chart since pretty soon nobody will register as anything but UNKNOWN.. pity really.. but proper order with all those ridiculous Robots and PornoDiallers all over the shop.. anyway.. here tis'.. 21405 hits, average 28 hits an hour, peaking at 386 an hour, averaging 690 hits a day with a peak of 1324 a day.. Top 15 Springnations July 2003
Number Country
1 Unresolved/Unknown [aliens]
3 US Commercial
4 Ireland
5 France
6 Australia
7 Belgium
8 Poland
9 Sweden
10 Germany
11 Netherlands
12 Japan
13 Norway
14 United Kingdom
15 Yugoslavia