Mental note: Get some sleep.
King of the ring retires, Moscow in flames - missles headed towards New York, and Ireland Gears Up to Fight For Decent Licencing Laws For NightClubs, plus all today's sport and flimzy burnoose is here with the weather - coming up at 10..
(translation: they blinked)
Re: www.Giveusthenight.com Sign the Petition to the Dail blah blah blah.. I will be checking the Hitlist on that page, and if your IP address isn`t there after reading this, you can expect a visit soon from the Mallet Advisory Board in a "kill the lamer's Pee Cee" capacity.. (this does not apply to LINUX users)
Somthing just occoured to me.. (as things sometimes do..) I have been DJing at partys and in NightClubs since i was 12 years old. Many Many Partys.. And at even the most out-of-control ones, the ONLY source of Trouble, was, er, ME. Yep. Whenever i try and think of a time when i saw trouble at a Party or In a club, er, sadly, i can only recall the times I got far too wasted and tried to climb through a closed window, or snog the wrong bird, or drink the wrong drink.. Usually i would only be the Catalyst for the Row - i would be grabbed by some Ape, and a passing soul would wade in to defend me since i was never blessed with muscle, and wore glasses (mostly). This has happend a total of 6 times in 22 years, and i always paid for the damage. In fact, this is EXACTLY why i don`t drink.. I used to get pissed Real easy when i was a kid. Mmm.. all night sessions playing ELITE on the BBC micro (borrowed) smashed on wine robbed from a m8's parents (as you do), ah yes.. that was amusing.. Of coarse, when i got old enough to pass as drinking age, i moved on to weekend binges with m8s, mostly based around Sickly Sweet Cocktails and "anything with coca-cola". I soon got sussed though - in the UCD Student Bar, where i was celebrating my 17th Birthday (or was it 18th?), and got barred "for all eternity" as i`d been a regular there since october (birthday in december).. When i couldn't get served there, i moved on to House partys and Society meets (one every night of the week in collage!) - I soon got barred from them too as the word spread, and the House Partys Dried up as everyone got fed up cleaning up puke and fixing broken furniture/windows/people.. Not that there was alot of violence - there was NONE actually, but things just "happend" alot.. Like, someone would start to cook something, and the next thing you know, there is a fire and hysterics.. ah well.. My point? There are a MILLION ways to get drunk, and the ways of getting into bother escalate the more you do it.. I think i avoid all these violent incidents because of the very fact that i DO NOT drink. And any of the people i know who DO drink, do it at home, or in clubs as they party.. PUBS, and the ancient art of skulling pints, simply doesn`t enter into the equation for me. I only socialise in Cinemas, Clubs, Racetracks, Casinos, Exhibitions and so on, and i NEVER see any people kicking shit out each other - THAT IS SOME OTHER WORLD, AND IT IS FU*K-ALL TO DO WITH ME. I DEMAND to know why my life is bieng turned Upside-Down (possibly) because a load of wankers who drink too much, take their frustration at life out on each other when high as kites on a weekend night.. They are NOT my problem.. They are SOMEBODY ELSE'S PROBLEM. Let me state for the record again - i have seen hardly any fights in my many years DJing in clubs - and i should fuc*ing know - from where i stand, i can see everything that goes on!!
And another thing.. Where did this arse come from in the first place? "arse is us" - the world's leading supplier of total and complete arse? No, i don`t think so - it came from "quik arse", who specialise in selling arse with no actual substance - PROOF that the poor Gardai haven`t even got the money to pay for someone to drum up a believable story for them! Now we begin to see the truth. The simple fact is, as a member, unless you are Columbo, you are stuck on a not-so-great wage for life, and bombarded with mentally-ill spacers who want to kill them/themselves/the world 24/7.. If you do your gig, you get paid the same as the prick next to you who DOESN'T do their gig. And if you squeal, you get Blanked. Sounds VERY Familier doesn`t it? Oh, and if you save the world, catch Public NME#1, make the public love you and break your ass to make a difference - YOU STILL get the same money and treatment. So. You see now don`t you? The Cops have a severe case of NUFFNESS. And who can blame them. I hope they have fun raiding the 100's of illegal partys that will take place every weekend from the date they pass the New Law (or whatever).. Because that is exactly what will happen, and The Club Scene will go the way of speakeasy's in American Prohibition Days.. The Crime Lords are already involved at many levels of our Entertainment industry, and are in the Ideal position to take things to the next depth - The Underground. Yes, that place that exists BETWEEN the parts of the real world.. It`s totally free, and totally out of the control of anyone.. In fact, i hear an Extraordinary General Meeting has been called by the WCF (world crime federation) at a secret location (roscommon) for this weekend to discuss the "floating" of the Irish Republic, with a view to Declaring the UK Open for Business by default.. Yes, at least SOMEBODY will gain from all of this. I hope they give me a gig every once and a while..
Right.. Well, this is the story. For a LONG time now, it has been incredibly difficult to run a Nightclub in this country. No, i don`t just mean putting up with Fickle Audience Trends, Soaring Rents, Costly Stock, Ripoff DJ Fees (ehm.. cough..), Fu*king Stupid Licencing Laws.. No - don`t take that last one lightly - the licencing laws here are so vague and complicated, they are defined according to American Law as "Open To Interpretation" - which roughly translated means that any Decent Lawyer or Council Should be able, in court or arbitration, to drag anything to do with them on, without gaining total satisfaction for either party FOREVER.. Yes.. ForEvEr and Ever anD eVEr.. or at least until they run out of judges, jury members and council! - this is a prime tactic for prolonging things - you know "that jury member once bought a Gary Glitter Single, and therefore is biased towards my client, who never did, so i request a reload on the jury, and a reload of anyone who objects to it, as it`s my right to have a fair and balenced Jury for my client(s).. " (etc..) Oh yes, any Legal minds accross the pond i have spoken to about things here, practically salivate at the thought of getting their claws into EITHER end of the stick, as it would surely be a gig for life! Sadly though, this isn`t the USA, it's Ireland, and The Legal process here isn`t the Major Sporting Event that the Americans have made it, it's still in the "big daddy" and "giant haystacks" stage of it`s development.. We have a very long way to go before it's as Glossy and Professionally Entertaining as, say, the WWC (WWF? WCW? WhAtEvEr..) We are still treating the Legal process as a seedy Saturday-afternoon wallow in a room full of Middle-aged men all smoking and drinking while 2 overwieght Men run into each-other and shout things like "easy, easy.." - We need a makeover people.. I want to see Bronze Muscle-toned Adonis' With Wired Girlfriend/Manager/DrugDealers in the wings all leaping around the Ring infront of 30,000 bloodthirsty Kids all Gibbering Uncontrollably as they rush like Psychos on Sugar and adrennalin! Can i get a "U - S - A" Chant please as the Bloke in the Black Leotard with the Steroid-face Leaps 30 Feet across the ring to Elbow the Arab Bloke, sending him careering into the Commentary Table where the Commentators are doing Lines of Coke off Their Scripts while THEMSELVES arguing and threatening each other in preperation for the special PPV event that is about to be announced where the COMMENTATORS get in the ring and fight to the Death... Oh yes, it`s all happening.. and People are GETTING entertained.. why? Because it`s FUN. FUN. And they can all do it, en masse, every weekend all over the USA, at various sporting events, or whatever, and there is booze everywhere, all day.. SO, why don`t they knock 7 bells out of each other every time? Like We all do. Yes we do. The Guards say we do. In fact, according to our good friend the SUNDAY INDO, the Guards have a "secret plot to curb nightclubs". No, this was THIS sunday's edition - Dated 26th September. Front Page. Hmmm.. So, what was the headline? Oh Jesus, BRIAN AND KERRY IN MARRIAGE CRISES TALKS. Man.. that is messy. that means my choice for the next American President is Gay. And what's more, He's only been married less then a year and is already in crises talks to save his marriage! Oh, no, wait, it`s not that at all.. It`s that Spacer From BOyZLIFE cand his Chunky Mot.. Messy.. Well, from what i have heard about poor old Brian, he's not actually a Spa at all, and this was all bound to happen sooner or later.. His body did after all reject the ***** Walshe implant, resulting in him bieng ejected from the Band, and with the stress of having to make his own decisions without *****, it was bound to interefere with his Malleting, and lead to him sobering up long enough to realise what he is now.. ah well.. Not to worry, they'll be GRAND once he drys out or gets a fright.. (or both).. Now that is a bit sad now isn`t it.. to have the Sunday Papers LEADING with that story.. I`d expect that from the NUDES OF THE WORM or THE SUNDAY WORM, well, actually, it`s a bit deep for the SUNDAY WORM, but it'd be a fuc*ing model for the NOTW.. Ehh.. So, we are reduced to this rubbish as the lead story in a Quality Broadsheet (with only 7 references to Eamonn Dunphy this week..) so the 2nd in command must be a REAL stinker.. and it is.. that GARDA SECRET PLOT crap. Lads, it's no secret. Every Club in the Nation has been bullied and intimidated by the Guards for Years now. New nights are simply not allowed in venues under threat of having their licence opposed by the Guards next time it is up for renewal.. IF a venue defys the threat, and goes ahead, they will be objected to next time round, and to make matters worse - the Guards will allegedly "wash their hands" of the place, allowing it to become overrun with Banditos And Recreational-Pharmacists, so when they do finally raid it, they find enough messing to Have the Garda press office actually answer their phones Cheerfully to discuss the matter.. Now, there is a certain train of thought among the trade that this "No Way" attitude is a carbon copy of the Behavioural pattern Displayed by Organised Crime when operating so-called "protection" rackets.. You know the type, "pay us for protetion or we kick your ass and fu*k up your shop.." you are told by the nice man with the suit.. "and if you pay ontime, and in cash, every week, we will make sure nobody else in the town opens a shop like yours, so you will be ABLE to make the payments on the profits from your new Monopoly.." Now, even a straight-Laced Model Citizen like your humble Narrator can see the positive advantages of getting with the programme: [1] Retain Un-Smashed Face [2] Retain Un-Smashed Shop [3] Get Rich [4] Get "in" with the local Hood(s) [5] Get Let-Off when caught Pissed Driving - oh yes, it`s all coming together.. And as long as everybody has access to the Shop, and can get what it sells, it`s FAIR. Yes, it is. Sorry, but it`s worked Fine up till now.. So, Why the Public Outing of this Carry On? Well.. Apparently one of our Politicians recently Banned Smoking in the Workplace (including Pubs and Clubs..) and as a result of which, people stopped going out, and all those Bars and venues out there started to loose their arses.. Now, we all know the reason we don`t go out anymore is it's simply more fun to stay in or go to a house party or a friend's house, buying your Beer at the Supermarket, or whatever.. Especially when the local venues are SHITE now anyway.. So, to cover his mistake, the Minister has decided to Kill off NIGHTCLUBS by insisting they keep the same hours as Pubs,to allow the pubs a clear shot at the People who have nowhere else to get Fu*ked up that night.. Right. Thanks for that. That will change things. Yeah. Thanks. That's me and 20,000 other people out of a parttime/fulltime job now. In fact, i`m not going to get into this now.. I just wanted you to be aware of what is coming. This Horrible situaton means we will all have to start Malleting 3 hours EARLIER on days of Mallet to get the Correct amount of Intoxicats on board in the allocated time. this may mean leaving work early, and also mingling with horrible scangy knacker pissheads as they fall out of thier horrible holes of pubs at the same time as us Elite superhuman clubbers emerge from our dens of musical heaven.. Right.. that will be fun.. you know how the Pissheads like to kick chunks out of each other after the pub? well they are going to be meeting the Mods (see: Quadrophenia the movie ) as they fall about, and the Mods are full of redbull and not having any of it.. There will be war, but it will be short lived, and we will end victorious (simply for the fact we will have better balence..) Ok, so the reason for this total and complete bollocks? To stop offences occouring in Urban areas, late at night, as pissheads loose the plot - and who is to suffer? EVERYBODY BUT THE FUC*ING PISSHEADS.
Legal - Shmegal.
Man.. what a stack of playlists! I am SO untogether. Anyway. Don`t forget the shows page - glad to see it's bieng used, and we haven`t recieved any complaints yet, so it may stay
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*hidden logic / time (a state of trance asot024) www.armadamusic.nl [reload]
*boback vs. miles owen / pulse (duty free df069)
*faithless / i want more (cheeky 25) [happy peak]
*tajo,black alien & speed / follow me (mr bongo mrblp032) www.mrbongo.com
*papi chulo / me gusta!! (samba la casa slc 101a1)
*adriano canzian / blow job (international Deejay gigolo gigolo 132) www.gigolo-records.de
*david guetta / stay (virgin dinstdj270)
*cricco castelli / personal solution (illegal beats)
*future breeze / 2nd life (alphabet city mmfb0404-6) www.AlphabetCity.de
*dj ton B / dream machine (black hole 170-5) www.blackholerecordings.com
*marcel woods / static state (id&t 7007855)
*porn armada / all i want is... (excellent exr003) www.exr.cc
*kaylab / transparant (headline 034)
*overdog / brainfucker (fakten 009) www.faktenrecords.de
*hunter / beauty and the beat (titanic ttc023) www.saifam.com
*jj project / iris (trance corporation recordings tcr011) tcr@kingrecords.com
*jam & spoon / stella (superfly 10015) www.superfly-records.com
Stats: 1:3.333 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 3.333 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*faithless / i want more (cheeky 25) [reload]
*dido / sand in my shoes (cheeky sand03b)
*eric prydz / call me (data 68p1)
*pirates of the tribal / greece 2oo4 (white )
*hidden logic / time (a state of trance asot024)
*cloud69 / 70 days (45 records ff2004008) www.bonzaimusic.com
*mayhem / rise & cry (uberdruck 019) www.ueberdruck-records.de
*jose amnesia / the eternal (vandit 040) www.vandit.com
*thomas rubin / cold night (druck 005r)
*kaylab / transparant (headline 034)
*dj ton B / dream machine (black hole 170-5) www.blackholerecordings.com
*dj sequenza / dark horizon (overdose dmddose 126) www.overdose.de
*hunter / beauty and the beat (titanic ttc023) www.saifam.com
*digital guerilla / i am crazy (suntec tec108) www.hitland.com
*derb / attack (tracid ttxlp04)
*anticapella / 2^1/231 (white)
Stats: 1:10 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 10 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*kaylab / transparant (headline 034) [reload]
*dallas superstars / fast driving (manifesto dallasdj2) [happy peak]
*empyral sun / twisted reality (redlabel tcom038)
*armin / blue fear 2004 (nebula nebtx061)
*raul cremona / proteus 2004 (md 0149)
*angel city / do you know? (data 76p3)
*bazement freakz / spikehead (ID&T 7007885) [lock]
*simon & shaker / joim ass (intenso ir009)
*quadran / no air (bonzai btp-103-2004) www.bonzaimusic.com
*bobak vs. miles owen / pulse (duty free df069)
*jose amnesia / the eternal (vandit 040) www.vandit.com
*jj project / iris (trance corporation recordings tcr011)
*future breeze / second life (alphabet city mmfb 0404-6) www.alphabetcity.de
*d sequenza / dark horizon (overdose dmddose 126) www.overdose.de
*thomas rubin / cold night (druck 005R)
*t99 / anasthasia (md mdcd035) www.valemusic.com
Stats: 1:3 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 3 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*dallas superstars / fast driving (manifesto dallasdj2) [reload]
*angel city / do you know? (data 76p3)
*armin / blue fear 2004 (nebula nebtx061)
*eric prydz / call on me (data 68p2)
*bazement freakz / spikehead (ID&T 7007885)
*deep dish / flashdance (positiva 12tivdj211) [happy peak]
*the music / freedom fighters (virgin vstdj1883) www.johndigweed.com
*quadran / no air (bonzai)
*ferry corsten / sweet sorrow (tsunami tsu6050)
*future breeze / 2nd life (alphabet city mmfb0404-6) www.AlphabetCity.de
*dark monks vs silvio encomo / insane uprising (white insane 01)
*dirty (white myneck 1)
*raul cremona / proteus 2004 (md 0149)
*warp brothers / smells like teen spirit (dosordie)
*foggy / come into my dream (dogzilla mix) (feverpitch 12fevdjx5)
*opus III / fine day (white op-3-a)
Stats: 1:8 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 8 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*deep dish / flashdance (positiva 12tivdj211) [reload]
*superchumbo / dirty filthy (twisted chumpro1) twistedamerica@hotmail.com
*briggs & lievense / strike (multitracks mt 1104-5)
*dark monks vs silvio encomo / insane uprising (white insane 01) [happy peak]
*bazement freakz / spikehead (ID&T 7007885)
*eric prydz / call on me (data 68p1)
*flash brothers / amen (direction xpr3775a)
*dave seamen pres. group therapy / my own worst enemy (audio therapy at009x)
*ron trent / altered states (yves deruyter) (bonzai bc2004043)
*empyral sun / twisted reality (redlabel tcom038)
*ferry corsten / sweet sorrow (tsunami tsu6050)
*active sight / out of our lives (captivating sounds cvsa014)
*armin / blue fear 2004 (nebula nebtx061)
*dj virus & blutonium boy / hard creation (blutonium blu082)
*klubbheads / dutch klubb dubbs 1 (dna 340-12)
*david morales / needin you (azuli az-ny-84)
Stats: 1:1 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 1 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*dark monks vs silvio encomo / insane uprising (white insane 01) [reload]
*deep dish / flashdance (positiva 12tivdj211)
*linus loves / night music (breastfed bfd011)
*eric prydz / call on me (data 68p2)
*klubbheads / dutch klubb dubbs 1 (dna 340-12)
*briggs & lievense / strike (multitracks mt 1104-5)
*dirty vegas / walking into the sun (EMI 12rdjx 6647) [happy peak]
*warp brothers / smells like teen spirit (dos or die us010)
*ferry corsten / sweet sorrow (tsunami tsu6050)
*dave seamen pres. group therapy / my own worst enemy (audio therapy at009x)
*flash brothers / amen (dogzilla mix) (direction xpr3775a)
*foggy / come into my dream (dogzilla mix) (feverpitch 12fevdjx5)
*re:locate / typhoon (galactive ) [lock]
*dj steff & rene campo / shocking love (digidance ps415-12)
*paffendorf / welcome to africa (gangGOmusic gg092)
*filo & peri / (c) 1999 (a state of trance asot026)
*dj virus & blutonium boy / hard creation (blutonium blu082)
*active sight / out of our lives (captivating sounds cvsa014)
*liquid / time to get up (xl xlt40)
Stats: Disabled [email peakvote] Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week
BallyBunion Tonight
Our Mid-range Correspondant writes:
Mountains? All nighter? The wild wild west?
30 djs? 9 diffrent styles of dance? Trance to breaks? Sat 11th September? No charges? Whats going on?!
And more to the point what exactly is australian psy goa or nu style gabber techno? hmmm its times like this when retreating to the wilderness to reflect is the only way of rediscovering what its all about in the first place. Or what it was meant to be about rather then what your meant to believe its about.
Madness personafied. Maybe you should drop an email to desensitize@eircom.net if your intrested in hearing more about this malarky and joining the adventure lord of the rings style on an epic mission for unity and legendary messyness.
In the meantime however, remember kids:
glowsticks are your friends and even though they look pretty they should not be ingested no matter what your friends tell you!
Mental note: Get some sleep.
King of the ring retires, Moscow in flames - missles headed towards New York, and Ireland Gears Up to Fight For Decent Licencing Laws For NightClubs, plus all today's sport and flimzy burnoose is here with the weather - coming up at 10..
(translation: they blinked)
Re: www.Giveusthenight.com Sign the Petition to the Dail blah blah blah.. I will be checking the Hitlist on that page, and if your IP address isn`t there after reading this, you can expect a visit soon from the Mallet Advisory Board in a "kill the lamer's Pee Cee" capacity.. (this does not apply to LINUX users)
Somthing just occoured to me.. (as things sometimes do..) I have been DJing at partys and in NightClubs since i was 12 years old. Many Many Partys.. And at even the most out-of-control ones, the ONLY source of Trouble, was, er, ME. Yep. Whenever i try and think of a time when i saw trouble at a Party or In a club, er, sadly, i can only recall the times I got far too wasted and tried to climb through a closed window, or snog the wrong bird, or drink the wrong drink.. Usually i would only be the Catalyst for the Row - i would be grabbed by some Ape, and a passing soul would wade in to defend me since i was never blessed with muscle, and wore glasses (mostly). This has happend a total of 6 times in 22 years, and i always paid for the damage. In fact, this is EXACTLY why i don`t drink.. I used to get pissed Real easy when i was a kid. Mmm.. all night sessions playing ELITE on the BBC micro (borrowed) smashed on wine robbed from a m8's parents (as you do), ah yes.. that was amusing.. Of coarse, when i got old enough to pass as drinking age, i moved on to weekend binges with m8s, mostly based around Sickly Sweet Cocktails and "anything with coca-cola". I soon got sussed though - in the UCD Student Bar, where i was celebrating my 17th Birthday (or was it 18th?), and got barred "for all eternity" as i`d been a regular there since october (birthday in december).. When i couldn't get served there, i moved on to House partys and Society meets (one every night of the week in collage!) - I soon got barred from them too as the word spread, and the House Partys Dried up as everyone got fed up cleaning up puke and fixing broken furniture/windows/people.. Not that there was alot of violence - there was NONE actually, but things just "happend" alot.. Like, someone would start to cook something, and the next thing you know, there is a fire and hysterics.. ah well.. My point? There are a MILLION ways to get drunk, and the ways of getting into bother escalate the more you do it.. I think i avoid all these violent incidents because of the very fact that i DO NOT drink. And any of the people i know who DO drink, do it at home, or in clubs as they party.. PUBS, and the ancient art of skulling pints, simply doesn`t enter into the equation for me. I only socialise in Cinemas, Clubs, Racetracks, Casinos, Exhibitions and so on, and i NEVER see any people kicking shit out each other - THAT IS SOME OTHER WORLD, AND IT IS FU*K-ALL TO DO WITH ME. I DEMAND to know why my life is bieng turned Upside-Down (possibly) because a load of wankers who drink too much, take their frustration at life out on each other when high as kites on a weekend night.. They are NOT my problem.. They are SOMEBODY ELSE'S PROBLEM. Let me state for the record again - i have seen hardly any fights in my many years DJing in clubs - and i should fuc*ing know - from where i stand, i can see everything that goes on!!
And another thing.. Where did this arse come from in the first place? "arse is us" - the world's leading supplier of total and complete arse? No, i don`t think so - it came from "quik arse", who specialise in selling arse with no actual substance - PROOF that the poor Gardai haven`t even got the money to pay for someone to drum up a believable story for them! Now we begin to see the truth. The simple fact is, as a member, unless you are Columbo, you are stuck on a not-so-great wage for life, and bombarded with mentally-ill spacers who want to kill them/themselves/the world 24/7.. If you do your gig, you get paid the same as the prick next to you who DOESN'T do their gig. And if you squeal, you get Blanked. Sounds VERY Familier doesn`t it? Oh, and if you save the world, catch Public NME#1, make the public love you and break your ass to make a difference - YOU STILL get the same money and treatment. So. You see now don`t you? The Cops have a severe case of NUFFNESS. And who can blame them. I hope they have fun raiding the 100's of illegal partys that will take place every weekend from the date they pass the New Law (or whatever).. Because that is exactly what will happen, and The Club Scene will go the way of speakeasy's in American Prohibition Days.. The Crime Lords are already involved at many levels of our Entertainment industry, and are in the Ideal position to take things to the next depth - The Underground. Yes, that place that exists BETWEEN the parts of the real world.. It`s totally free, and totally out of the control of anyone.. In fact, i hear an Extraordinary General Meeting has been called by the WCF (world crime federation) at a secret location (roscommon) for this weekend to discuss the "floating" of the Irish Republic, with a view to Declaring the UK Open for Business by default.. Yes, at least SOMEBODY will gain from all of this. I hope they give me a gig every once and a while..
Right.. Well, this is the story. For a LONG time now, it has been incredibly difficult to run a Nightclub in this country. No, i don`t just mean putting up with Fickle Audience Trends, Soaring Rents, Costly Stock, Ripoff DJ Fees (ehm.. cough..), Fu*king Stupid Licencing Laws.. No - don`t take that last one lightly - the licencing laws here are so vague and complicated, they are defined according to American Law as "Open To Interpretation" - which roughly translated means that any Decent Lawyer or Council Should be able, in court or arbitration, to drag anything to do with them on, without gaining total satisfaction for either party FOREVER.. Yes.. ForEvEr and Ever anD eVEr.. or at least until they run out of judges, jury members and council! - this is a prime tactic for prolonging things - you know "that jury member once bought a Gary Glitter Single, and therefore is biased towards my client, who never did, so i request a reload on the jury, and a reload of anyone who objects to it, as it`s my right to have a fair and balenced Jury for my client(s).. " (etc..) Oh yes, any Legal minds accross the pond i have spoken to about things here, practically salivate at the thought of getting their claws into EITHER end of the stick, as it would surely be a gig for life! Sadly though, this isn`t the USA, it's Ireland, and The Legal process here isn`t the Major Sporting Event that the Americans have made it, it's still in the "big daddy" and "giant haystacks" stage of it`s development.. We have a very long way to go before it's as Glossy and Professionally Entertaining as, say, the WWC (WWF? WCW? WhAtEvEr..) We are still treating the Legal process as a seedy Saturday-afternoon wallow in a room full of Middle-aged men all smoking and drinking while 2 overwieght Men run into each-other and shout things like "easy, easy.." - We need a makeover people.. I want to see Bronze Muscle-toned Adonis' With Wired Girlfriend/Manager/DrugDealers in the wings all leaping around the Ring infront of 30,000 bloodthirsty Kids all Gibbering Uncontrollably as they rush like Psychos on Sugar and adrennalin! Can i get a "U - S - A" Chant please as the Bloke in the Black Leotard with the Steroid-face Leaps 30 Feet across the ring to Elbow the Arab Bloke, sending him careering into the Commentary Table where the Commentators are doing Lines of Coke off Their Scripts while THEMSELVES arguing and threatening each other in preperation for the special PPV event that is about to be announced where the COMMENTATORS get in the ring and fight to the Death... Oh yes, it`s all happening.. and People are GETTING entertained.. why? Because it`s FUN. FUN. And they can all do it, en masse, every weekend all over the USA, at various sporting events, or whatever, and there is booze everywhere, all day.. SO, why don`t they knock 7 bells out of each other every time? Like We all do. Yes we do. The Guards say we do. In fact, according to our good friend the SUNDAY INDO, the Guards have a "secret plot to curb nightclubs". No, this was THIS sunday's edition - Dated 26th September. Front Page. Hmmm.. So, what was the headline? Oh Jesus, BRIAN AND KERRY IN MARRIAGE CRISES TALKS. Man.. that is messy. that means my choice for the next American President is Gay. And what's more, He's only been married less then a year and is already in crises talks to save his marriage! Oh, no, wait, it`s not that at all.. It`s that Spacer From BOyZLIFE cand his Chunky Mot.. Messy.. Well, from what i have heard about poor old Brian, he's not actually a Spa at all, and this was all bound to happen sooner or later.. His body did after all reject the ***** Walshe implant, resulting in him bieng ejected from the Band, and with the stress of having to make his own decisions without *****, it was bound to interefere with his Malleting, and lead to him sobering up long enough to realise what he is now.. ah well.. Not to worry, they'll be GRAND once he drys out or gets a fright.. (or both).. Now that is a bit sad now isn`t it.. to have the Sunday Papers LEADING with that story.. I`d expect that from the NUDES OF THE WORM or THE SUNDAY WORM, well, actually, it`s a bit deep for the SUNDAY WORM, but it'd be a fuc*ing model for the NOTW.. Ehh.. So, we are reduced to this rubbish as the lead story in a Quality Broadsheet (with only 7 references to Eamonn Dunphy this week..) so the 2nd in command must be a REAL stinker.. and it is.. that GARDA SECRET PLOT crap. Lads, it's no secret. Every Club in the Nation has been bullied and intimidated by the Guards for Years now. New nights are simply not allowed in venues under threat of having their licence opposed by the Guards next time it is up for renewal.. IF a venue defys the threat, and goes ahead, they will be objected to next time round, and to make matters worse - the Guards will allegedly "wash their hands" of the place, allowing it to become overrun with Banditos And Recreational-Pharmacists, so when they do finally raid it, they find enough messing to Have the Garda press office actually answer their phones Cheerfully to discuss the matter.. Now, there is a certain train of thought among the trade that this "No Way" attitude is a carbon copy of the Behavioural pattern Displayed by Organised Crime when operating so-called "protection" rackets.. You know the type, "pay us for protetion or we kick your ass and fu*k up your shop.." you are told by the nice man with the suit.. "and if you pay ontime, and in cash, every week, we will make sure nobody else in the town opens a shop like yours, so you will be ABLE to make the payments on the profits from your new Monopoly.." Now, even a straight-Laced Model Citizen like your humble Narrator can see the positive advantages of getting with the programme: [1] Retain Un-Smashed Face [2] Retain Un-Smashed Shop [3] Get Rich [4] Get "in" with the local Hood(s) [5] Get Let-Off when caught Pissed Driving - oh yes, it`s all coming together.. And as long as everybody has access to the Shop, and can get what it sells, it`s FAIR. Yes, it is. Sorry, but it`s worked Fine up till now.. So, Why the Public Outing of this Carry On? Well.. Apparently one of our Politicians recently Banned Smoking in the Workplace (including Pubs and Clubs..) and as a result of which, people stopped going out, and all those Bars and venues out there started to loose their arses.. Now, we all know the reason we don`t go out anymore is it's simply more fun to stay in or go to a house party or a friend's house, buying your Beer at the Supermarket, or whatever.. Especially when the local venues are SHITE now anyway.. So, to cover his mistake, the Minister has decided to Kill off NIGHTCLUBS by insisting they keep the same hours as Pubs,to allow the pubs a clear shot at the People who have nowhere else to get Fu*ked up that night.. Right. Thanks for that. That will change things. Yeah. Thanks. That's me and 20,000 other people out of a parttime/fulltime job now. In fact, i`m not going to get into this now.. I just wanted you to be aware of what is coming. This Horrible situaton means we will all have to start Malleting 3 hours EARLIER on days of Mallet to get the Correct amount of Intoxicats on board in the allocated time. this may mean leaving work early, and also mingling with horrible scangy knacker pissheads as they fall out of thier horrible holes of pubs at the same time as us Elite superhuman clubbers emerge from our dens of musical heaven.. Right.. that will be fun.. you know how the Pissheads like to kick chunks out of each other after the pub? well they are going to be meeting the Mods (see: Quadrophenia the movie ) as they fall about, and the Mods are full of redbull and not having any of it.. There will be war, but it will be short lived, and we will end victorious (simply for the fact we will have better balence..) Ok, so the reason for this total and complete bollocks? To stop offences occouring in Urban areas, late at night, as pissheads loose the plot - and who is to suffer? EVERYBODY BUT THE FUC*ING PISSHEADS.
Legal - Shmegal.
Man.. what a stack of playlists! I am SO untogether. Anyway. Don`t forget the shows page - glad to see it's bieng used, and we haven`t recieved any complaints yet, so it may stay

Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*hidden logic / time (a state of trance asot024) www.armadamusic.nl [reload]
*boback vs. miles owen / pulse (duty free df069)
*faithless / i want more (cheeky 25) [happy peak]
*tajo,black alien & speed / follow me (mr bongo mrblp032) www.mrbongo.com
*papi chulo / me gusta!! (samba la casa slc 101a1)
*adriano canzian / blow job (international Deejay gigolo gigolo 132) www.gigolo-records.de
*david guetta / stay (virgin dinstdj270)
*cricco castelli / personal solution (illegal beats)
*future breeze / 2nd life (alphabet city mmfb0404-6) www.AlphabetCity.de
*dj ton B / dream machine (black hole 170-5) www.blackholerecordings.com
*marcel woods / static state (id&t 7007855)
*porn armada / all i want is... (excellent exr003) www.exr.cc
*kaylab / transparant (headline 034)
*overdog / brainfucker (fakten 009) www.faktenrecords.de
*hunter / beauty and the beat (titanic ttc023) www.saifam.com
*jj project / iris (trance corporation recordings tcr011) tcr@kingrecords.com
*jam & spoon / stella (superfly 10015) www.superfly-records.com
Stats: 1:3.333 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 3.333 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week

Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*faithless / i want more (cheeky 25) [reload]
*dido / sand in my shoes (cheeky sand03b)
*eric prydz / call me (data 68p1)
*pirates of the tribal / greece 2oo4 (white )
*hidden logic / time (a state of trance asot024)
*cloud69 / 70 days (45 records ff2004008) www.bonzaimusic.com
*mayhem / rise & cry (uberdruck 019) www.ueberdruck-records.de
*jose amnesia / the eternal (vandit 040) www.vandit.com
*thomas rubin / cold night (druck 005r)
*kaylab / transparant (headline 034)
*dj ton B / dream machine (black hole 170-5) www.blackholerecordings.com
*dj sequenza / dark horizon (overdose dmddose 126) www.overdose.de
*hunter / beauty and the beat (titanic ttc023) www.saifam.com
*digital guerilla / i am crazy (suntec tec108) www.hitland.com
*derb / attack (tracid ttxlp04)
*anticapella / 2^1/231 (white)
Stats: 1:10 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 10 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week

Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*kaylab / transparant (headline 034) [reload]
*dallas superstars / fast driving (manifesto dallasdj2) [happy peak]
*empyral sun / twisted reality (redlabel tcom038)
*armin / blue fear 2004 (nebula nebtx061)
*raul cremona / proteus 2004 (md 0149)
*angel city / do you know? (data 76p3)
*bazement freakz / spikehead (ID&T 7007885) [lock]
*simon & shaker / joim ass (intenso ir009)
*quadran / no air (bonzai btp-103-2004) www.bonzaimusic.com
*bobak vs. miles owen / pulse (duty free df069)
*jose amnesia / the eternal (vandit 040) www.vandit.com
*jj project / iris (trance corporation recordings tcr011)
*future breeze / second life (alphabet city mmfb 0404-6) www.alphabetcity.de
*d sequenza / dark horizon (overdose dmddose 126) www.overdose.de
*thomas rubin / cold night (druck 005R)
*t99 / anasthasia (md mdcd035) www.valemusic.com
Stats: 1:3 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 3 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week

Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*dallas superstars / fast driving (manifesto dallasdj2) [reload]
*angel city / do you know? (data 76p3)
*armin / blue fear 2004 (nebula nebtx061)
*eric prydz / call on me (data 68p2)
*bazement freakz / spikehead (ID&T 7007885)
*deep dish / flashdance (positiva 12tivdj211) [happy peak]
*the music / freedom fighters (virgin vstdj1883) www.johndigweed.com
*quadran / no air (bonzai)
*ferry corsten / sweet sorrow (tsunami tsu6050)
*future breeze / 2nd life (alphabet city mmfb0404-6) www.AlphabetCity.de
*dark monks vs silvio encomo / insane uprising (white insane 01)
*dirty (white myneck 1)
*raul cremona / proteus 2004 (md 0149)
*warp brothers / smells like teen spirit (dosordie)
*foggy / come into my dream (dogzilla mix) (feverpitch 12fevdjx5)
*opus III / fine day (white op-3-a)
Stats: 1:8 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 8 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week

Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*deep dish / flashdance (positiva 12tivdj211) [reload]
*superchumbo / dirty filthy (twisted chumpro1) twistedamerica@hotmail.com
*briggs & lievense / strike (multitracks mt 1104-5)
*dark monks vs silvio encomo / insane uprising (white insane 01) [happy peak]
*bazement freakz / spikehead (ID&T 7007885)
*eric prydz / call on me (data 68p1)
*flash brothers / amen (direction xpr3775a)
*dave seamen pres. group therapy / my own worst enemy (audio therapy at009x)
*ron trent / altered states (yves deruyter) (bonzai bc2004043)
*empyral sun / twisted reality (redlabel tcom038)
*ferry corsten / sweet sorrow (tsunami tsu6050)
*active sight / out of our lives (captivating sounds cvsa014)
*armin / blue fear 2004 (nebula nebtx061)
*dj virus & blutonium boy / hard creation (blutonium blu082)
*klubbheads / dutch klubb dubbs 1 (dna 340-12)
*david morales / needin you (azuli az-ny-84)
Stats: 1:1 in favour - For every 1 missed call on the "sad" line, we had 1 on the "happy" line. Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week

Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*dark monks vs silvio encomo / insane uprising (white insane 01) [reload]
*deep dish / flashdance (positiva 12tivdj211)
*linus loves / night music (breastfed bfd011)
*eric prydz / call on me (data 68p2)
*klubbheads / dutch klubb dubbs 1 (dna 340-12)
*briggs & lievense / strike (multitracks mt 1104-5)
*dirty vegas / walking into the sun (EMI 12rdjx 6647) [happy peak]
*warp brothers / smells like teen spirit (dos or die us010)
*ferry corsten / sweet sorrow (tsunami tsu6050)
*dave seamen pres. group therapy / my own worst enemy (audio therapy at009x)
*flash brothers / amen (dogzilla mix) (direction xpr3775a)
*foggy / come into my dream (dogzilla mix) (feverpitch 12fevdjx5)
*re:locate / typhoon (galactive ) [lock]
*dj steff & rene campo / shocking love (digidance ps415-12)
*paffendorf / welcome to africa (gangGOmusic gg092)
*filo & peri / (c) 1999 (a state of trance asot026)
*dj virus & blutonium boy / hard creation (blutonium blu082)
*active sight / out of our lives (captivating sounds cvsa014)
*liquid / time to get up (xl xlt40)
Stats: Disabled [email peakvote] Contribute during the show leaving missed calls on 0860.700427 (happy) or 0860.700426 (sad). Happy Peaker Starts the Show Next Week

BallyBunion Tonight

Our Mid-range Correspondant writes:
Mountains? All nighter? The wild wild west?
30 djs? 9 diffrent styles of dance? Trance to breaks? Sat 11th September? No charges? Whats going on?!
And more to the point what exactly is australian psy goa or nu style gabber techno? hmmm its times like this when retreating to the wilderness to reflect is the only way of rediscovering what its all about in the first place. Or what it was meant to be about rather then what your meant to believe its about.
Madness personafied. Maybe you should drop an email to desensitize@eircom.net if your intrested in hearing more about this malarky and joining the adventure lord of the rings style on an epic mission for unity and legendary messyness.
In the meantime however, remember kids:
glowsticks are your friends and even though they look pretty they should not be ingested no matter what your friends tell you!