Been a while since i did a "venue sketch", but wednesday was a new venue for me, so here it is... Nice place actually! Great design! It`s (i think the term is) an "intimate" venue - so it aint no aircraft hanger that will be doing a performance dog show on sunday or anything like that - DJ box on a corner shelf, with a trapdoor in, and loads of neat gear to play with.. Pioneer "auto mix" CD players - the MASTER/SLAVE thing going on, so all you really need to be able to do is count to 4 and you can mix - a worrieng development, but one that has been coming for many years.. You know what i am talking about don't you? One CD is playing, so the Player gets the BPM from it, and it AUTO adjusts the other one to match it, and all you have to do is kick it in at the right place, and it will Auto mix for you.. Jesus wept. There goes another skill to the wayside.. In fairness, VESTAX have had CV-controllable pitch on some models for nearly 5 years now, er, i think, and i'm surprised nobody made a BPM>CV controller for them - or maybe they did - whatever, i kind of know how to mix now without all those aids, so i guess i don`t pay attention to any of the developments in the field - no need to.. kinda like how i know absolutely fu*k-all about the latest types of portable vacum pumps, as i have no interest in Plumbing, beyond why my shower randomly adjusts it`s hotness - sometimes.. So why even mention this? I don`t use CDs, although people send me them more often the Vinyl now, but with this little development, the AUTO mix crap, and with it bieng included as standard on even budget twin-deck CD players, it`s only a firmware-upgrade away before we get one that plays MP3 off DVD-R.. Mmm.. thats a shitload of music. You would just have 2 copies of the SAME DVD-R, and set about chopping them together.. Thing is, with all this spare time on our hands, DJs are going to FIDDLE more.. With the tunes, the mixing and their brains.. It will also mean that the first hurdle of Bieng a working Club DJ - Beat mixing - is removed.. Sure, it`s an easy thing to master if you keep at it, but now that is about to be totally removed from the equation.. Mmm.. I wonder if this will shake up the DJing thing like it did the Production scene? Like, this is the same script as REASON.. Now anybody can do it.. Jesus what a time to get into this thing.. I mean, You can pluck tunes from the Cable, burn them off, and have a machine beat mix them for you, as anotehr one syncs effects over your selection.. I'm sorry, but this is the future of self-op RADIO IMHO.. Mmm automix radio.. Lock & load and off you go.. Ah yes, queue another half hour while adjusting the random reverb plunges up a notch, and dropping the auto-stutter and phazer down a notch, and then we'll have more time to do links on the Shopping channel we are also running in the cupboard in the corner of the room, and check on how the Dirty Phonecall Scam is doing in the press over the sink.. All that is needed is to write software that renders music on the fly as well, and then we can safely set the controls for the sun..
Now, where was i? Oh the venue.. riiight.. well, it`s small, cute, and has all the latest toys, choice of heads, strange LED lights, and the nicest touch? A mad 360-degree panning remote-control camera with mega-zoom on it, that yo control from the DJ-box with a "XYbots"-style contoller - it`s a joystick, but also has a "twistable" knob at the top of the shaft (oeerrr..) that allows you to zzzooommmm.. Lol.. Great fun Pointing it at cleavage, drinks, feet, random places.. Yes, this is INDEED a feature that is surely in GOD's Personal DJ box, doubtless in his bedroom, or in his beach-house.. Superb.. And the crowd was well up for the behaviour, despite the earlyness and Xmassness of it all.. MAcko MAde an appearence - which was amusing.. Claims there may be some people about for CASTLEBAR on the 30th.. Travellers Friend again? Panama Jack is Alive and kicking? Well now! Been a Looooong time it has...
It is Traditional for me to totally ignore Xmas.. Except for the OBJECTS OF DESIRE.. they are simple this year.. 2 items.. the GMINI-400 from archos is a seriously pointlessly excellent device.. Records 200 hours of WAV in stereo to it`s HArd disk.. Does all the shit an iPod does, but also plays VIDEO on it`s piddly built-in screen! It can also output this to a TV, and is dinky, cheap, and so amazingly better then everything else out there, you have to admit, this is not only the birth of a neat new idea (-ish), but the product that in 10 years people in the know will say ".. ah the gmini, yeah, that was the one that MADE archos..", and i can FEEL everyone else pulling their hair out at this, it`s too good to be true.. I, Of COARSE, Want one. and i want one of the bigegr AV400s as well.. The other item is actually a shedload of items.. Yep, i am into INITIAL-D now.. the lads at flushbus have turned me on to a tintin-esque freaky Manga Streetracing TV Series, and i can`t get enough of it.. sazuma have a nice selection of Japenese and US DVDs, i like the look of this one though, it`s one of the more pricey Jap ones
It`s all well funky stuff.. Lots of sideways action, mountains, rain and so on.. Perfect as a new thing to become obsessive over... As usual, the American DVDs are cheapest, but are 33% less cool because they aren`t Japanese, and possibly may have bits removed, even if they don`t.. ("dragonball-Z" japanese dVd anyone??)
So.. enjoy.. hope santy is good 2 yez.. Tomorrow is Xmas Day, and at Midnight, Conor & Me will be on 2FM, as you do, so drop in if you are awake.. And NewYears night, from midnight, we have a 6-hour bender planned on the same station, tune innn if you like, we have ORBITAL LIVE, DOLPHIN, BK and some other stuff and blah..
Damn.. another year has passed. What happend? Anybody catch what happend? Oh..
Tomorrow night, Wednesday, It's an early "chestnuts over the open fire" session at Maddens in Loughrae Co.Galway from 9.30pm-12.30am.. yep, early, but i am assured there is a good reason for this.. Something about Banshees.. Allegedly..
TIME TO VOTE!!!!! go here and cast your vote for the favorite 3 sets of the year from our list of victims, and YOU can be in with a chance blah blah blah.. the winning sets will be broadcast in a special on Jan 7th, so get your fingers out.. AS expected, there really IS a bribe involved - some electronic gadgets and virtual money i expect, but hey, it`s not about the prizes, it's about voting for the set you want to hear again, in fairness!!! Wonder who "BLANK" and "no overnight" were? i don`t remember them..
anyway, here's the list.. (below) - go to the link above, and vote.. you know it makes sense.. go on.. what are you waiting for? Oh, you are reading the list? right.. well.. hurry up.. (and so on..)
10-Jan-04 Think Toy - Music for Speakers mix
17-Jan-04 Aoife Ni Ceannaigh
24-Jan-04 Ronan Kerr - Jimmy Saville Tribunal mix
31-Jan-04 Chris Agnelli - live from Colours fest- Enigma Carrickmacross
07-Feb-04 STEVE LAWLOR - Live in Copenhagen (EBU)
14-Feb-04 DJ KAOS - A K7 FLAVOUR mix (EBU)
21-Feb-04 110 th live mix
28-Feb-04 Will O'Brien electro mix
06-Mar-04 Graeme S
13-Mar-04 Craig G
20-Mar-04 Ian Bright
27-Mar-04 PETE HELLER AND ANDY FARLEY- live Amsterdam Dance Event (EBU)
03-Apr-04 Midfield General - live Amsterdam Dance Event (EBU)
10-Apr-04 Alex Dobly (EBU)
17-Apr-04 Tiefschwarz - live Transmusicales (EBU)
24-Apr-04 Stuart Miller
01-May-04 Graham Gold
08-May-04 DJ Miu
15-May-04 Think Toy - April 04 mix
22-May-04 THE RAPTURE Live Dj Mix ( Village Dublin Feb 04 )
29-May-04 AL Redmond
05-Jun-04 Ryan B
12-Jun-04 Beanfield (EBU)
19-Jun-04 Ronan Kerr
26-Jun-04 Gilles Peterson - La Suisse a Londres live (EBU)
03-Jul-04 Bob Sinclar - Yellow productions mix (EBU)
10-Jul-04 DJ Pressure Live Temple Reunion special
17-Jul-04 James Pierson
24-Jul-04 BLANK
31-Jul-04 BLANK
07-Aug-04 110th St. 2nd birthday live mix
14-Aug-04 Lee Holman
21-Aug-04 Michael Kelly
28-Aug-04 Ciaran Reaney and Declan Murphy
04-Sep-04 Aidan Brady
11-Sep-04 Ray Roc LIVE at Oxegen
18-Sep-04 ORBITAL LIVE at Oxegen
25-Sep-04 XPRESS 2 LIVE at Oxegen
02-Oct-04 LIQUID WHEEL LIVE at Oxegen
09-Oct-04 FELIX da Housecat LIVE at Oxegen
16-Oct-04 TOM MIDLETON LIVE at Oxegen
23-Oct-04 Grandmaster Flash Live at Electric Picnic
30-Oct-04 no overnight
06-Nov-04 Yousef mix-
13-Nov-04 David Morales
20-Nov-04 Bodytonic LIVE at Oxegen
27-Nov-04 The Freesstylers LIVE at Paleo Festival (EBU)
04-Dec-04 DJ Fonix
11-Dec-04 MYLO - LIVE at Oxegen
18-Dec-04 DIMAS (aka D-FORMATION)
Firstly, i am serious about having a Java Chat sess soon to determine if what me, and many others, perp'd in the oLdsKool daYz was actually and embaressment, or was fun.. I remember very little of 1992-present day, so it should be amusing...
Now, a word of warning this Xmas. nVidia Chipsets are the DEVIL. In fact, the Devil himself designs them. I know this, because i rang him on his mobile last night, after 72 hours of trying everything possible to get a new mobo going, and also to let him know he had turned me into a psycho in just 72 short hours (with sleep breaks obviously - going truely insane is a slow process..) How did i know i had finally flipped? Easy - i * kicked the kitchen door off it's hinges *punted my lovely LianLi across the room * put a big DC-shoe print on the kitchen wall, and * tried to headbutt my fridge to death.. The fridge bit isn`t as impressive as it sounds, as fridge doors are notoriously soft and flexible, but the door thing even impressed me, in fairness.. Luckily, i got the mobo from PCWORLD, and they are sensible people and had no problem giving me a lesser non-nvid mobo with no issues or laughing and pointing.. I am now, happily i might add, fully operational and cooking like a mofo on a nice cheezy MSI board, with (and here is the crux..) a VIA chipset. Yep. The same as was on my lovely Albatron (r.i.p.), except it`s a KT600 instead of a KT400.. I had a bad experience with an MSI in the past, but now that i rememebr it correctly - it was an nVidia Chipset as well! Hell yeah! I cannot knock their Graphics cards, but if you are the type of person that likes schWindows 98se, well, actually, anything other then XP, and wants little luxaries like 2 or 3 screens, and a computer that actually works, boots up cleanly, shuts down cleanly, never goes mad and so on, then avoid nVidia Chipsets like you would something that will f*ck you up real bad and cause you to kick the crap out of your gaff with the frustration. I am not a violent person, well, not to living things anyway, and this is only the second time i have attempted techocide, the first time i succeded, but it cost me a broken wrist and another 250 quid for a new playstation2 - but it WAS worth it, oh yes it was..
Whoa! There goes another year.. WTF happend? I remember so little of it.. That means it was either Incredibly Busy, or deadly dull.. Mmm..
Been a while since i did a "venue sketch", but wednesday was a new venue for me, so here it is... Nice place actually! Great design! It`s (i think the term is) an "intimate" venue - so it aint no aircraft hanger that will be doing a performance dog show on sunday or anything like that - DJ box on a corner shelf, with a trapdoor in, and loads of neat gear to play with.. Pioneer "auto mix" CD players - the MASTER/SLAVE thing going on, so all you really need to be able to do is count to 4 and you can mix - a worrieng development, but one that has been coming for many years.. You know what i am talking about don't you? One CD is playing, so the Player gets the BPM from it, and it AUTO adjusts the other one to match it, and all you have to do is kick it in at the right place, and it will Auto mix for you.. Jesus wept. There goes another skill to the wayside.. In fairness, VESTAX have had CV-controllable pitch on some models for nearly 5 years now, er, i think, and i'm surprised nobody made a BPM>CV controller for them - or maybe they did - whatever, i kind of know how to mix now without all those aids, so i guess i don`t pay attention to any of the developments in the field - no need to.. kinda like how i know absolutely fu*k-all about the latest types of portable vacum pumps, as i have no interest in Plumbing, beyond why my shower randomly adjusts it`s hotness - sometimes.. So why even mention this? I don`t use CDs, although people send me them more often the Vinyl now, but with this little development, the AUTO mix crap, and with it bieng included as standard on even budget twin-deck CD players, it`s only a firmware-upgrade away before we get one that plays MP3 off DVD-R.. Mmm.. thats a shitload of music. You would just have 2 copies of the SAME DVD-R, and set about chopping them together.. Thing is, with all this spare time on our hands, DJs are going to FIDDLE more.. With the tunes, the mixing and their brains.. It will also mean that the first hurdle of Bieng a working Club DJ - Beat mixing - is removed.. Sure, it`s an easy thing to master if you keep at it, but now that is about to be totally removed from the equation.. Mmm.. I wonder if this will shake up the DJing thing like it did the Production scene? Like, this is the same script as REASON.. Now anybody can do it.. Jesus what a time to get into this thing.. I mean, You can pluck tunes from the Cable, burn them off, and have a machine beat mix them for you, as anotehr one syncs effects over your selection.. I'm sorry, but this is the future of self-op RADIO IMHO.. Mmm automix radio.. Lock & load and off you go.. Ah yes, queue another half hour while adjusting the random reverb plunges up a notch, and dropping the auto-stutter and phazer down a notch, and then we'll have more time to do links on the Shopping channel we are also running in the cupboard in the corner of the room, and check on how the Dirty Phonecall Scam is doing in the press over the sink.. All that is needed is to write software that renders music on the fly as well, and then we can safely set the controls for the sun..

It is Traditional for me to totally ignore Xmas.. Except for the OBJECTS OF DESIRE.. they are simple this year.. 2 items.. the GMINI-400 from archos is a seriously pointlessly excellent device.. Records 200 hours of WAV in stereo to it`s HArd disk.. Does all the shit an iPod does, but also plays VIDEO on it`s piddly built-in screen! It can also output this to a TV, and is dinky, cheap, and so amazingly better then everything else out there, you have to admit, this is not only the birth of a neat new idea (-ish), but the product that in 10 years people in the know will say ".. ah the gmini, yeah, that was the one that MADE archos..", and i can FEEL everyone else pulling their hair out at this, it`s too good to be true.. I, Of COARSE, Want one. and i want one of the bigegr AV400s as well.. The other item is actually a shedload of items.. Yep, i am into INITIAL-D now.. the lads at flushbus have turned me on to a tintin-esque freaky Manga Streetracing TV Series, and i can`t get enough of it.. sazuma have a nice selection of Japenese and US DVDs, i like the look of this one though, it`s one of the more pricey Jap ones

So.. enjoy.. hope santy is good 2 yez.. Tomorrow is Xmas Day, and at Midnight, Conor & Me will be on 2FM, as you do, so drop in if you are awake.. And NewYears night, from midnight, we have a 6-hour bender planned on the same station, tune innn if you like, we have ORBITAL LIVE, DOLPHIN, BK and some other stuff and blah..
Damn.. another year has passed. What happend? Anybody catch what happend? Oh..
Tomorrow night, Wednesday, It's an early "chestnuts over the open fire" session at Maddens in Loughrae Co.Galway from 9.30pm-12.30am.. yep, early, but i am assured there is a good reason for this.. Something about Banshees.. Allegedly..
TIME TO VOTE!!!!! go here and cast your vote for the favorite 3 sets of the year from our list of victims, and YOU can be in with a chance blah blah blah.. the winning sets will be broadcast in a special on Jan 7th, so get your fingers out.. AS expected, there really IS a bribe involved - some electronic gadgets and virtual money i expect, but hey, it`s not about the prizes, it's about voting for the set you want to hear again, in fairness!!! Wonder who "BLANK" and "no overnight" were? i don`t remember them..

10-Jan-04 Think Toy - Music for Speakers mix
17-Jan-04 Aoife Ni Ceannaigh
24-Jan-04 Ronan Kerr - Jimmy Saville Tribunal mix
31-Jan-04 Chris Agnelli - live from Colours fest- Enigma Carrickmacross
07-Feb-04 STEVE LAWLOR - Live in Copenhagen (EBU)
14-Feb-04 DJ KAOS - A K7 FLAVOUR mix (EBU)
21-Feb-04 110 th live mix
28-Feb-04 Will O'Brien electro mix
06-Mar-04 Graeme S
13-Mar-04 Craig G
20-Mar-04 Ian Bright
27-Mar-04 PETE HELLER AND ANDY FARLEY- live Amsterdam Dance Event (EBU)
03-Apr-04 Midfield General - live Amsterdam Dance Event (EBU)
10-Apr-04 Alex Dobly (EBU)
17-Apr-04 Tiefschwarz - live Transmusicales (EBU)
24-Apr-04 Stuart Miller
01-May-04 Graham Gold
08-May-04 DJ Miu
15-May-04 Think Toy - April 04 mix
22-May-04 THE RAPTURE Live Dj Mix ( Village Dublin Feb 04 )
29-May-04 AL Redmond
05-Jun-04 Ryan B
12-Jun-04 Beanfield (EBU)
19-Jun-04 Ronan Kerr
26-Jun-04 Gilles Peterson - La Suisse a Londres live (EBU)
03-Jul-04 Bob Sinclar - Yellow productions mix (EBU)
10-Jul-04 DJ Pressure Live Temple Reunion special
17-Jul-04 James Pierson
24-Jul-04 BLANK
31-Jul-04 BLANK
07-Aug-04 110th St. 2nd birthday live mix
14-Aug-04 Lee Holman
21-Aug-04 Michael Kelly
28-Aug-04 Ciaran Reaney and Declan Murphy
04-Sep-04 Aidan Brady
11-Sep-04 Ray Roc LIVE at Oxegen
18-Sep-04 ORBITAL LIVE at Oxegen
25-Sep-04 XPRESS 2 LIVE at Oxegen
02-Oct-04 LIQUID WHEEL LIVE at Oxegen
09-Oct-04 FELIX da Housecat LIVE at Oxegen
16-Oct-04 TOM MIDLETON LIVE at Oxegen
23-Oct-04 Grandmaster Flash Live at Electric Picnic
30-Oct-04 no overnight
06-Nov-04 Yousef mix-
13-Nov-04 David Morales
20-Nov-04 Bodytonic LIVE at Oxegen
27-Nov-04 The Freesstylers LIVE at Paleo Festival (EBU)
04-Dec-04 DJ Fonix
11-Dec-04 MYLO - LIVE at Oxegen
18-Dec-04 DIMAS (aka D-FORMATION)
Firstly, i am serious about having a Java Chat sess soon to determine if what me, and many others, perp'd in the oLdsKool daYz was actually and embaressment, or was fun.. I remember very little of 1992-present day, so it should be amusing...
Now, a word of warning this Xmas. nVidia Chipsets are the DEVIL. In fact, the Devil himself designs them. I know this, because i rang him on his mobile last night, after 72 hours of trying everything possible to get a new mobo going, and also to let him know he had turned me into a psycho in just 72 short hours (with sleep breaks obviously - going truely insane is a slow process..) How did i know i had finally flipped? Easy - i * kicked the kitchen door off it's hinges *punted my lovely LianLi across the room * put a big DC-shoe print on the kitchen wall, and * tried to headbutt my fridge to death.. The fridge bit isn`t as impressive as it sounds, as fridge doors are notoriously soft and flexible, but the door thing even impressed me, in fairness.. Luckily, i got the mobo from PCWORLD, and they are sensible people and had no problem giving me a lesser non-nvid mobo with no issues or laughing and pointing.. I am now, happily i might add, fully operational and cooking like a mofo on a nice cheezy MSI board, with (and here is the crux..) a VIA chipset. Yep. The same as was on my lovely Albatron (r.i.p.), except it`s a KT600 instead of a KT400.. I had a bad experience with an MSI in the past, but now that i rememebr it correctly - it was an nVidia Chipset as well! Hell yeah! I cannot knock their Graphics cards, but if you are the type of person that likes schWindows 98se, well, actually, anything other then XP, and wants little luxaries like 2 or 3 screens, and a computer that actually works, boots up cleanly, shuts down cleanly, never goes mad and so on, then avoid nVidia Chipsets like you would something that will f*ck you up real bad and cause you to kick the crap out of your gaff with the frustration. I am not a violent person, well, not to living things anyway, and this is only the second time i have attempted techocide, the first time i succeded, but it cost me a broken wrist and another 250 quid for a new playstation2 - but it WAS worth it, oh yes it was..
Whoa! There goes another year.. WTF happend? I remember so little of it.. That means it was either Incredibly Busy, or deadly dull.. Mmm..