Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*filterheadz vs. prince - i would die for you (cdr)
*japanese popstars - reagnomics (cdr)
*wonderland avenue - white horse (data cdr)
*cornell & ann bailey - a deeper love (gusto cdr)
*sharron phillips - want 2 need 2 [switch dub] (gi recordings)
*david morales - how would u feel? [phillipe b] (data 106cds)
*daft punk - revolution 909 (virgin)
*mac devilia - the sound (nvr001)
*slok - lonley child [satosi tomiie] (saw048)
*roberto carlos - o calhambreque [xrs remix] (g-stone "picked for the floor EP")
*preach - oxygen [marco v] (relic 002)
*marco g - funkolicious EP (relic silver relics002)
*bobina - beautiful friend [megadrive] (maelstrom cdr)
*rooster & peralta - move your body [austin leeds] (tweekd tt010)
*kid creme - the game (illegal beats cdr)
*steve forest - u cant stop [nicola fasano] (hit! records cdr)
*thrillseekers - by your side [martin roth] (adjusted)
*perry o'neil - numb (electronic elements)
*8 wonders - 8th wonder [deep] (solaris slrs004)
*horny morris - written all over your face (melodica)
*selu vobra - stargazing (somatic sense somatic009)
*gleave - focus (detox tox017)
*out of the past - mystery (captivating sounds cvsa030) www.armadamusic.com
*benjamin R - cold passion (druck 016) www.druckrecords.com
*brian m vs. mcbunn - don`t stop (blutonium blu103) www.blutonium.de
*samuel sanders - illusion (kevlar 07) contact@ld-editions.fr
*mark norman - medusa (magik music lp06)
*thomas bronzwaer - shadow world (yakuza)
*deep piece - torwort (limbo)
Normal Service has returned on the SHOWS page, after the shock of my wonderfull Custom-Wound Linux Media Box (with an uptime approaching 18 months!) screwing up last week's capture, and somehow thinking friday was saturday.. FYI, i have been using a WinTV-DVB card on Mandrake (now Mandriva) to do the dirty deed, sucking the Mpeg stream from the Astra2 Satellite, and demuxing it with ProjectX.. I usually do a safety on the Trusty Dreambox as well, but bieng a lazy person, and one to Not fix things that actually work, i kinda neglected that recently.. Never again mind.. Ah well.. So, On to other bizz.. I knocked out about 300 piccys at GODSKITCHEN using the funky Archos Gmini400 i won in a moment of eBay weakness, sadly, the quality is absolutely shiiiite.. not as bad as the spycams i used to use, but nowhere near as nice as the Digi-IXUS i have been using for 5 years now.. Yes, i know, but the Archos is so much more fun, and it does .WAV on Line ins, and so on, but the truth is, the CANON has a mad custom charger which (you guessed it) i have totally lost.. So, new incentive to find it.. The most interesting of the piccys are Up now as Gallery 25 in the Pictures Section.. Yes, they are nonsense, but make interesting Desktops
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*sherrif fatman - twist your body (cdr)
*lipps inc. vs. dave lambert & electrokid - funky town (cdr)
*japanese popstars - reagnomics (cdr)
*public enemy - rebirth of a nation (guerrilla funk)
*spice - big blue sky (jalepeno)
*mike agent X clarke - let your love 9charles spenser] (third ear "detroit breakdown" comp)
*Kano ft. katie pearl - Nobody Dont Dance No More (679 recordings) [c/o grime]
*usura - open your mind (media)
*filterheadz - endless summer (love distortion 003)
*jaymo & housewerks - don`t stop (salacious cdr)
*steve forest - you can`t stop [nicols fasano] (hit! records)
*union jack - 2 full moons and a trout 2006 [casper pound] (platipus cdr)
*bobina - beautiful friend [megadrive] (maelstrom cdr)
*preach - oxygen [marco v] (relic002)
*oakenfold - not over (perfecto test)
*lifelike & kris menace - discopolis (vulture vult012) vulturemusic@yahoo.fr
*horny morris - written all over your face [dub] (melodica 356047)
*armin van buuren / who is watching [tonedepth] (armind armd1022) www.arminvanbuuren.com
*perry o'neil - numb (electronic elements elel033)
*4 strings - hurricane [orig] (liquid lq058) www.4-strings.nl
*mark norman - overkill (magik musik lp06) www.mark-norman.com
*gleave - focus (detox tox017)
*tzooki - conflictions (beat this bt006)
*thrillseekers - by your side (adjusted) www.adjustedmusic.com
*blank & jones - revealed [zimms] (liquid wl040)
*marco v - false light (recharge) www.marcov.nl
*dj hooligan - the culture (no respect)
So.. That was kinda fun wasn`t it? paddy's day i mean.. Did you like the Sub-Zero Temps? And the sheets of ice falling from the sky? I saw 3 people decapitated in our local parade by random ice-attacks and falling shards of frozen aeroplane/duck/roofing, and not a DROP of blood thanks to the instant freeze effect of the FINEest (M&S Quality) Irish weather!! Defo the bestest parade in years.. And Yes, we DID make it down to the POINT for GODSKITCHEN.. For those wondering what actually happend - the lineup ended up like this: AL GIBBS - ABOVE & BEYOND - AL GIBBS AGAIN - ERICK MORILLO - SCOT PROJECT - JUDGE JULES - MARCO V.. Apparently PAUL VAN DYK had a death in the family, so the bill got shuffled, and Mr.Morillo got a taste of a real irish celebration before he headed up the sheltered surrounds of "spirrah".. The LATE NIGHT SESSIONS were there (the POINT, not spirrah), represented by Myself & Mark McCabe and Assisted by Jelly-Skelly and we managed to record Most of the Bill in Surround Sound, so watch out for Jules, Marco and Scot Project in the coming months! I had a nice chat with Frank (mr.project) about the current script in Europe, and my friends, it`s a bit ropey as far as the OVERDOSE angle goes.. Apparently, Overdose is finito. Yep, horse's mouth on this one - it`s all gone wallop.. You can expect NO more releases from the 'dose. So, add OVERDOSE to the list of casualtys, alongside all those other labels that changed the way we think - like, er, FRANKFURT BEAT and PRELUDE and EYE Q.. Although, frank did say he's seen a few EYE-Q germany re-releases lately, which is a good thing in fairness, i suppose..
RE: Last week's show Archive - Unfortunatly, the system we use to store radioshows backfired last week and for some stupid reason stored FRIDAY 9-midnite, cleverly missing the show by 24 hours.. as a result, last week's show is GONE FOREVER. Damn, and my mixing was fuc*ing fantastic and all. Yeah, well, that's how it goes.. Anyone with the show recorded should contact me and tease me..
RE: Downloads, the UK server is now dead completely, so i will start building a new downloads section in the coming weeks on the USA server, so if you have any suggestions or requests for it, email me..
Ohmigod. Only 3 days to Paddy's day.. For Fu*kssake.. I should have known It was 'round the corner, as Daylight has recently made it's yearly comeback to Ireland.. Yeah, the birds have been singing at 4am again.. You of coarse know the ORIGIN of Paddy's day don`t you? Yes, like all our Pagen/Non-Pagen Feasts, Paddys appears at a time of the year when we need reminding of why we are here - to consume. It`s traditional to get in to debt at Xmas time, and to hide for up to 14 weeks afterwards avoiding everything - as everything in the 12-14 weeks after Xmas wants MONEY from you (duh..), but did you know that it takes the average person 12-14 weeks to "get back on their feet", on average? Yep. Think about it. Thats right - the exact time it took you to blank your Xmas toys as a brat - the exact time it takes to get bored of XBOX - the exact time it takes to realise you really need to "snap out of this mood" and get back into some serious malleting.. Oh yes, summer is coming ANY SECOND NOW, and the Festival of The Excessive Consumption (Paddy's Day) is an important reminder to shake off that "debt-and-18-hours-a-day-of-darkness-with-minimum-4-hours-a-day-of-sideways-rain" feeling for another 6 months.. (terms & conditions apply) Who else but the Irish could box off one of the MOST important times of the Solar year as their own? (in fairness) The Chinese got close with their sneaky "New Year 2" bender, but it was just to early in the year to have any real impact - if only they had waited a month, then Chinese new year would be the Event that Paddy's day is.. Oh yes. Perfect timing - just as everyone emerges from their caves after the long and desperatly dull winter, WHAM, there it is - The festival of festivals! Televised worldwide dressing up and larking around arrseholes-drunk. And once again people - it`s all down to timing. Don`t believe me? Look at the Turkish Paddy's day.. No, you can't can you - because it`s in a fuc*ing Glass case at a Natural History Museum in Turkey Innit.. Same with The National Day of Tonga - except THEIR national day was mislayed in 1972, and nobody bothered their ass to find it or order a replacement.. Bet you don`t even KNOW what the National Day in Canada is all about do you? Huh? No.. Why? Because it`s on a shite day,at a time of year when there is something else to be doing.. Thats right - a day that you CAN find something else to do.. In fact, the only other country that has the National Excessive-drinking day correctly timed is America.. July the 4th - Perfect - right at the cusp of the blistering hot bit in the summer, when everyone can really do with letting off some steam (especially if they cannot afford AirCon) - the exact right time for an alien invasion and a bit of an auld hoe-down.. I can`t help thinking the Americans got it TOTALLY right though with July 4th - Well, they KIND of did - as usual they had to make it a "family" affair - so they chose 4th July - when the Stores are RAMMED with nice recently Harvested stuff to eat, and everyone is well fed and happy and shit.. Ireland on the other hand, at the arse-end of winter has - now let's see - oh yeah - MUD. And lots of stale Spuds and Withered Fruit.. Now what kind of celebration can you have with Mud and Stale Fruit & Spuds? Yes, that's right.. a Drunken one. Stale fruit and spuds make Excellent Hooch - YES they do. And as everyone who has experimented with making their own booze knows, you can be hospitalised 8-10 times faster on Homebrew than on any liquid available over-the-counter.. (including 'mr.proper' sink & plughole unblocker which was exposed on BBC's 'watchdog' show recently as only fatal in 15% of ingestion cases - faaaaar less then the 99% they promise in the ads they run on daytime telly..) With this in mind, I am calling on ALL of us, as Irish people (note: we are all irish technically, as The garden of eden was in Kildare, which DID have Serpents and Fruits running wild untill the Vikings Fu*ked up the Ozone Layer with their Raping and Pillaging, causing the Climate-shift that dicked Us irish weather-wise, and axed the Dinosaurs etc..) where was i? oh yeah - I`m calling on ALL of us as irish people to support our local Bootlegger in the TRUE spirit of Paddy's day, and to seek out Poteen,and at the very least use it to clean the heads on your video at some stage over the holiday. You could of coarse try drinking it, but i would imagine you would start seeing Little Green men, and snakes all over the floor if you did. Or so i`m told. One thing we can ALL be sure of is Paddy's day is there (like 4th july in the states) to remind us of what made us what we are as a nation.. And it`s Definatly not a bullshit thing made up to get us to buy lots of stupid shite that we will feck in a cupboard or flog weeks later, roughly positioned between 2 thinly-disguised religous holidays that try to get us to buy loads of useless shite (etc..) - Oh no - Paddy's day is real, and the money we drink on Paddy's day is money well spent.. Have you ever seen anyone putting their hangover on eBay 2 weeks after Paddy's day? No you Haven't. Now stop reading and Go and cook up some Intoxicants in your Bathtub. Your Ancestors had to - and they didn`t have the internet, or even a bathtub to help them.
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*junkie XL - today (ext mix)
*steve porter - time alone (from porterhouse mixcd)
*da hool - street life (kosmo)
*da hool - meet her at the love parade (kosmo)
*jaymo & hauswerks - don't stop (salacious cdr)
*Kano ft. katie pearl - Nobody Dont Dance No More (679 recordings) [c/o grime]
*public enemy - hard rhymin (guerrilla funk gfk31024-2)
*KRS-ONE - outta here (jive)
*spooky - little bullet (guerilla)
*union jack - 2 full moons.. (platipus)
*sheriff fatman - twist your body (cdr)
*denga & manus - shadow song (drizzly)
*preach - oxygen (relic 002)
*horney morris - written all over your face [dub] (emi italy094635598223)
*marco v - false light (maelstrom maelt043)
*armin - who is watching? (armada armd1022)
*perry o'neill - numb (electronic elements elel033)
*ferry corsten - whatever (tsunami tsu6060)
*thrillseekers - by your side (adjusted)
*kyle emerson - starbase 1 (club elite)
*mark norman - medusa (magikmusic lp06)
*mark norman - brazilia (magikmusic lp06) www.mark-norman.com
*gleave - focus (detox tox017)
*blank & jones - revealed [zimms] (liquid wl040)
*sa.vee.oh - disfunctionalism (mazeman maze024)
*avaline - killah (tranzaction white01)
*kuffdam & plant - attack the wire:tears (monster pure pure010)
*legend b - lost in love (lexx)
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*junkie XL - today [ext] (cdr)
*japanese popstars - rodney trotter (cdr)
*jaymo & hauswerks - don't stop (salacious)
*scape feat. dempress - be my friend [ian carey dub] (data)
*steve porter - time alone [from porterhouse mix cd]
*da hool - street life (kosmo)
*redsky feat. lisa law - takin over you (suesse)
*ATFC - return of the vigilante (cdr)
*filterheads - endless summer (love distortion 03)
*oakenfold - not over (perfecto)
*mandy reid - distraction (cdr)
*depeche mode - suffer well [narc thrust] (mute) www.mute.com
*decaf & roland clark - helpless [noir] (montana adv.)
*coldplay - talk [thin white duke] (12rdj6679)
*killers - sombody told me [jakob carrison] (hard f1b)
*steve angelo vs. metallica - metallica is dancin' (mm01)
*eurythmics vs.hisjam - 4 (hisjam 4)
*power 1
*john o'callaghan - vendetta (discover dark 06) www.recoverworld.com
*kyle emerson - starbase (club elite clel013)
*e-craig - 1st time (reset rs017)
*cor fijneman - monologue (outstanding 712-5) www.djcorfijneman.com
*ferry corsten - whatever (tsunami tsu6060)
*gleave - focus (detox tox 017)
*M.I.K.E. - strange world 2006 (club elite clel 012)
*nunrg - casino (vandit 054) www.vandit.com
*niagara - cloudbursting (le petit prince)
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*spice - big blue sky (jalepeno)
*nightmares on wax - the sweetest (warp)
*superbass - go to pieces (cr2)
*london posse - tell me something (island)
*japanese popstars - rodny trotter (cdr)
*mike polo - gypsy wonam (cdr)
*depeche mode - suffer well [narc thrust] (mute)
*filterheadz - endless summer (love distortion)
*mandy reid - distraction (cdr)
*scape feat. d'empress - be my friend (data cdr)
*tomcraft - da disko (kosmo)
*da hool - streetlife (losmo)
*oakenfold - not over (perfecto album sampler)
*dj shog - night lights (logport)
*phalanx - symphony in G-minor (illuminate)
*union jack - 2 full moons & a trout [casper pound mix] (platipus)
*shocksteady - take a ride [brazil wax] (liquid wl034)
*steve angello vs. metallica - metallica is dancin (mm01)
*ferry corsten - whatever (tsunami tsu6060)
*kyle emerson - starbase 1 (club elite clel013)
*the disco brothers - music is my weapon (utopia)
*john o'callaghan - vendetta (discover dark 06) www.recoverworld.com
*the freak - elektra (liquis wl036)
*cor fijneman - banger (outstanding 712-5) www.djcorfijnneman.com
*M.I.K.E. - strange world 2006 (club elite clel 012)
*nunrg - casino [orig] (vandit 054) www.monstertunes.com
*power 1 (bootleg)
*paul van dyk - pump this party (acade)
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*filterheadz vs. prince - i would die for you (cdr)
*japanese popstars - reagnomics (cdr)
*wonderland avenue - white horse (data cdr)
*cornell & ann bailey - a deeper love (gusto cdr)
*sharron phillips - want 2 need 2 [switch dub] (gi recordings)
*david morales - how would u feel? [phillipe b] (data 106cds)
*daft punk - revolution 909 (virgin)
*mac devilia - the sound (nvr001)
*slok - lonley child [satosi tomiie] (saw048)
*roberto carlos - o calhambreque [xrs remix] (g-stone "picked for the floor EP")
*preach - oxygen [marco v] (relic 002)
*marco g - funkolicious EP (relic silver relics002)
*bobina - beautiful friend [megadrive] (maelstrom cdr)
*rooster & peralta - move your body [austin leeds] (tweekd tt010)
*kid creme - the game (illegal beats cdr)
*steve forest - u cant stop [nicola fasano] (hit! records cdr)
*thrillseekers - by your side [martin roth] (adjusted)
*perry o'neil - numb (electronic elements)
*8 wonders - 8th wonder [deep] (solaris slrs004)
*horny morris - written all over your face (melodica)
*selu vobra - stargazing (somatic sense somatic009)
*gleave - focus (detox tox017)
*out of the past - mystery (captivating sounds cvsa030) www.armadamusic.com
*benjamin R - cold passion (druck 016) www.druckrecords.com
*brian m vs. mcbunn - don`t stop (blutonium blu103) www.blutonium.de
*samuel sanders - illusion (kevlar 07) contact@ld-editions.fr
*mark norman - medusa (magik music lp06)
*thomas bronzwaer - shadow world (yakuza)
*deep piece - torwort (limbo)
Normal Service has returned on the SHOWS page, after the shock of my wonderfull Custom-Wound Linux Media Box (with an uptime approaching 18 months!) screwing up last week's capture, and somehow thinking friday was saturday.. FYI, i have been using a WinTV-DVB card on Mandrake (now Mandriva) to do the dirty deed, sucking the Mpeg stream from the Astra2 Satellite, and demuxing it with ProjectX.. I usually do a safety on the Trusty Dreambox as well, but bieng a lazy person, and one to Not fix things that actually work, i kinda neglected that recently.. Never again mind.. Ah well.. So, On to other bizz.. I knocked out about 300 piccys at GODSKITCHEN using the funky Archos Gmini400 i won in a moment of eBay weakness, sadly, the quality is absolutely shiiiite.. not as bad as the spycams i used to use, but nowhere near as nice as the Digi-IXUS i have been using for 5 years now.. Yes, i know, but the Archos is so much more fun, and it does .WAV on Line ins, and so on, but the truth is, the CANON has a mad custom charger which (you guessed it) i have totally lost.. So, new incentive to find it.. The most interesting of the piccys are Up now as Gallery 25 in the Pictures Section.. Yes, they are nonsense, but make interesting Desktops

Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*sherrif fatman - twist your body (cdr)
*lipps inc. vs. dave lambert & electrokid - funky town (cdr)
*japanese popstars - reagnomics (cdr)
*public enemy - rebirth of a nation (guerrilla funk)
*spice - big blue sky (jalepeno)
*mike agent X clarke - let your love 9charles spenser] (third ear "detroit breakdown" comp)
*Kano ft. katie pearl - Nobody Dont Dance No More (679 recordings) [c/o grime]
*usura - open your mind (media)
*filterheadz - endless summer (love distortion 003)
*jaymo & housewerks - don`t stop (salacious cdr)
*steve forest - you can`t stop [nicols fasano] (hit! records)
*union jack - 2 full moons and a trout 2006 [casper pound] (platipus cdr)
*bobina - beautiful friend [megadrive] (maelstrom cdr)
*preach - oxygen [marco v] (relic002)
*oakenfold - not over (perfecto test)
*lifelike & kris menace - discopolis (vulture vult012) vulturemusic@yahoo.fr
*horny morris - written all over your face [dub] (melodica 356047)
*armin van buuren / who is watching [tonedepth] (armind armd1022) www.arminvanbuuren.com
*perry o'neil - numb (electronic elements elel033)
*4 strings - hurricane [orig] (liquid lq058) www.4-strings.nl
*mark norman - overkill (magik musik lp06) www.mark-norman.com
*gleave - focus (detox tox017)
*tzooki - conflictions (beat this bt006)
*thrillseekers - by your side (adjusted) www.adjustedmusic.com
*blank & jones - revealed [zimms] (liquid wl040)
*marco v - false light (recharge) www.marcov.nl
*dj hooligan - the culture (no respect)
So.. That was kinda fun wasn`t it? paddy's day i mean.. Did you like the Sub-Zero Temps? And the sheets of ice falling from the sky? I saw 3 people decapitated in our local parade by random ice-attacks and falling shards of frozen aeroplane/duck/roofing, and not a DROP of blood thanks to the instant freeze effect of the FINEest (M&S Quality) Irish weather!! Defo the bestest parade in years.. And Yes, we DID make it down to the POINT for GODSKITCHEN.. For those wondering what actually happend - the lineup ended up like this: AL GIBBS - ABOVE & BEYOND - AL GIBBS AGAIN - ERICK MORILLO - SCOT PROJECT - JUDGE JULES - MARCO V.. Apparently PAUL VAN DYK had a death in the family, so the bill got shuffled, and Mr.Morillo got a taste of a real irish celebration before he headed up the sheltered surrounds of "spirrah".. The LATE NIGHT SESSIONS were there (the POINT, not spirrah), represented by Myself & Mark McCabe and Assisted by Jelly-Skelly and we managed to record Most of the Bill in Surround Sound, so watch out for Jules, Marco and Scot Project in the coming months! I had a nice chat with Frank (mr.project) about the current script in Europe, and my friends, it`s a bit ropey as far as the OVERDOSE angle goes.. Apparently, Overdose is finito. Yep, horse's mouth on this one - it`s all gone wallop.. You can expect NO more releases from the 'dose. So, add OVERDOSE to the list of casualtys, alongside all those other labels that changed the way we think - like, er, FRANKFURT BEAT and PRELUDE and EYE Q.. Although, frank did say he's seen a few EYE-Q germany re-releases lately, which is a good thing in fairness, i suppose..
RE: Last week's show Archive - Unfortunatly, the system we use to store radioshows backfired last week and for some stupid reason stored FRIDAY 9-midnite, cleverly missing the show by 24 hours.. as a result, last week's show is GONE FOREVER. Damn, and my mixing was fuc*ing fantastic and all. Yeah, well, that's how it goes.. Anyone with the show recorded should contact me and tease me..
RE: Downloads, the UK server is now dead completely, so i will start building a new downloads section in the coming weeks on the USA server, so if you have any suggestions or requests for it, email me..
Ohmigod. Only 3 days to Paddy's day.. For Fu*kssake.. I should have known It was 'round the corner, as Daylight has recently made it's yearly comeback to Ireland.. Yeah, the birds have been singing at 4am again.. You of coarse know the ORIGIN of Paddy's day don`t you? Yes, like all our Pagen/Non-Pagen Feasts, Paddys appears at a time of the year when we need reminding of why we are here - to consume. It`s traditional to get in to debt at Xmas time, and to hide for up to 14 weeks afterwards avoiding everything - as everything in the 12-14 weeks after Xmas wants MONEY from you (duh..), but did you know that it takes the average person 12-14 weeks to "get back on their feet", on average? Yep. Think about it. Thats right - the exact time it took you to blank your Xmas toys as a brat - the exact time it takes to get bored of XBOX - the exact time it takes to realise you really need to "snap out of this mood" and get back into some serious malleting.. Oh yes, summer is coming ANY SECOND NOW, and the Festival of The Excessive Consumption (Paddy's Day) is an important reminder to shake off that "debt-and-18-hours-a-day-of-darkness-with-minimum-4-hours-a-day-of-sideways-rain" feeling for another 6 months.. (terms & conditions apply) Who else but the Irish could box off one of the MOST important times of the Solar year as their own? (in fairness) The Chinese got close with their sneaky "New Year 2" bender, but it was just to early in the year to have any real impact - if only they had waited a month, then Chinese new year would be the Event that Paddy's day is.. Oh yes. Perfect timing - just as everyone emerges from their caves after the long and desperatly dull winter, WHAM, there it is - The festival of festivals! Televised worldwide dressing up and larking around arrseholes-drunk. And once again people - it`s all down to timing. Don`t believe me? Look at the Turkish Paddy's day.. No, you can't can you - because it`s in a fuc*ing Glass case at a Natural History Museum in Turkey Innit.. Same with The National Day of Tonga - except THEIR national day was mislayed in 1972, and nobody bothered their ass to find it or order a replacement.. Bet you don`t even KNOW what the National Day in Canada is all about do you? Huh? No.. Why? Because it`s on a shite day,at a time of year when there is something else to be doing.. Thats right - a day that you CAN find something else to do.. In fact, the only other country that has the National Excessive-drinking day correctly timed is America.. July the 4th - Perfect - right at the cusp of the blistering hot bit in the summer, when everyone can really do with letting off some steam (especially if they cannot afford AirCon) - the exact right time for an alien invasion and a bit of an auld hoe-down.. I can`t help thinking the Americans got it TOTALLY right though with July 4th - Well, they KIND of did - as usual they had to make it a "family" affair - so they chose 4th July - when the Stores are RAMMED with nice recently Harvested stuff to eat, and everyone is well fed and happy and shit.. Ireland on the other hand, at the arse-end of winter has - now let's see - oh yeah - MUD. And lots of stale Spuds and Withered Fruit.. Now what kind of celebration can you have with Mud and Stale Fruit & Spuds? Yes, that's right.. a Drunken one. Stale fruit and spuds make Excellent Hooch - YES they do. And as everyone who has experimented with making their own booze knows, you can be hospitalised 8-10 times faster on Homebrew than on any liquid available over-the-counter.. (including 'mr.proper' sink & plughole unblocker which was exposed on BBC's 'watchdog' show recently as only fatal in 15% of ingestion cases - faaaaar less then the 99% they promise in the ads they run on daytime telly..) With this in mind, I am calling on ALL of us, as Irish people (note: we are all irish technically, as The garden of eden was in Kildare, which DID have Serpents and Fruits running wild untill the Vikings Fu*ked up the Ozone Layer with their Raping and Pillaging, causing the Climate-shift that dicked Us irish weather-wise, and axed the Dinosaurs etc..) where was i? oh yeah - I`m calling on ALL of us as irish people to support our local Bootlegger in the TRUE spirit of Paddy's day, and to seek out Poteen,and at the very least use it to clean the heads on your video at some stage over the holiday. You could of coarse try drinking it, but i would imagine you would start seeing Little Green men, and snakes all over the floor if you did. Or so i`m told. One thing we can ALL be sure of is Paddy's day is there (like 4th july in the states) to remind us of what made us what we are as a nation.. And it`s Definatly not a bullshit thing made up to get us to buy lots of stupid shite that we will feck in a cupboard or flog weeks later, roughly positioned between 2 thinly-disguised religous holidays that try to get us to buy loads of useless shite (etc..) - Oh no - Paddy's day is real, and the money we drink on Paddy's day is money well spent.. Have you ever seen anyone putting their hangover on eBay 2 weeks after Paddy's day? No you Haven't. Now stop reading and Go and cook up some Intoxicants in your Bathtub. Your Ancestors had to - and they didn`t have the internet, or even a bathtub to help them.
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*junkie XL - today (ext mix)
*steve porter - time alone (from porterhouse mixcd)
*da hool - street life (kosmo)
*da hool - meet her at the love parade (kosmo)
*jaymo & hauswerks - don't stop (salacious cdr)
*Kano ft. katie pearl - Nobody Dont Dance No More (679 recordings) [c/o grime]
*public enemy - hard rhymin (guerrilla funk gfk31024-2)
*KRS-ONE - outta here (jive)
*spooky - little bullet (guerilla)
*union jack - 2 full moons.. (platipus)
*sheriff fatman - twist your body (cdr)
*denga & manus - shadow song (drizzly)
*preach - oxygen (relic 002)
*horney morris - written all over your face [dub] (emi italy094635598223)
*marco v - false light (maelstrom maelt043)
*armin - who is watching? (armada armd1022)
*perry o'neill - numb (electronic elements elel033)
*ferry corsten - whatever (tsunami tsu6060)
*thrillseekers - by your side (adjusted)
*kyle emerson - starbase 1 (club elite)
*mark norman - medusa (magikmusic lp06)
*mark norman - brazilia (magikmusic lp06) www.mark-norman.com
*gleave - focus (detox tox017)
*blank & jones - revealed [zimms] (liquid wl040)
*sa.vee.oh - disfunctionalism (mazeman maze024)
*avaline - killah (tranzaction white01)
*kuffdam & plant - attack the wire:tears (monster pure pure010)
*legend b - lost in love (lexx)
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*junkie XL - today [ext] (cdr)
*japanese popstars - rodney trotter (cdr)
*jaymo & hauswerks - don't stop (salacious)
*scape feat. dempress - be my friend [ian carey dub] (data)
*steve porter - time alone [from porterhouse mix cd]
*da hool - street life (kosmo)
*redsky feat. lisa law - takin over you (suesse)
*ATFC - return of the vigilante (cdr)
*filterheads - endless summer (love distortion 03)
*oakenfold - not over (perfecto)
*mandy reid - distraction (cdr)
*depeche mode - suffer well [narc thrust] (mute) www.mute.com
*decaf & roland clark - helpless [noir] (montana adv.)
*coldplay - talk [thin white duke] (12rdj6679)
*killers - sombody told me [jakob carrison] (hard f1b)
*steve angelo vs. metallica - metallica is dancin' (mm01)
*eurythmics vs.hisjam - 4 (hisjam 4)
*power 1
*john o'callaghan - vendetta (discover dark 06) www.recoverworld.com
*kyle emerson - starbase (club elite clel013)
*e-craig - 1st time (reset rs017)
*cor fijneman - monologue (outstanding 712-5) www.djcorfijneman.com
*ferry corsten - whatever (tsunami tsu6060)
*gleave - focus (detox tox 017)
*M.I.K.E. - strange world 2006 (club elite clel 012)
*nunrg - casino (vandit 054) www.vandit.com
*niagara - cloudbursting (le petit prince)
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*spice - big blue sky (jalepeno)
*nightmares on wax - the sweetest (warp)
*superbass - go to pieces (cr2)
*london posse - tell me something (island)
*japanese popstars - rodny trotter (cdr)
*mike polo - gypsy wonam (cdr)
*depeche mode - suffer well [narc thrust] (mute)
*filterheadz - endless summer (love distortion)
*mandy reid - distraction (cdr)
*scape feat. d'empress - be my friend (data cdr)
*tomcraft - da disko (kosmo)
*da hool - streetlife (losmo)
*oakenfold - not over (perfecto album sampler)
*dj shog - night lights (logport)
*phalanx - symphony in G-minor (illuminate)
*union jack - 2 full moons & a trout [casper pound mix] (platipus)
*shocksteady - take a ride [brazil wax] (liquid wl034)
*steve angello vs. metallica - metallica is dancin (mm01)
*ferry corsten - whatever (tsunami tsu6060)
*kyle emerson - starbase 1 (club elite clel013)
*the disco brothers - music is my weapon (utopia)
*john o'callaghan - vendetta (discover dark 06) www.recoverworld.com
*the freak - elektra (liquis wl036)
*cor fijneman - banger (outstanding 712-5) www.djcorfijnneman.com
*M.I.K.E. - strange world 2006 (club elite clel 012)
*nunrg - casino [orig] (vandit 054) www.monstertunes.com
*power 1 (bootleg)
*paul van dyk - pump this party (acade)