Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*ordinary boys vs. lady sovereign - nine2five [vertical] (polydor? b-unique)
*charlie rose - fake reloaded [cuttin silk] (cdr)
*fish go deep & mark o'sullivan - razor bill [fgd] (ork004) www.fishgodeep.com
*robbie rivera - float away [joker] (hit! cdr)
*dee & jones - gypsy woman 06 [big room] (art & craft cdr)
*rainy dayz - sexy (little devil cdr)
*beatdropperz - changes (serie a cdr)
*marc leaf vs ralphi rosario - you used to hold me (suesse cdr) www.suesserecords.com
*G.L.O.B.E. & the whiz kid - play that beat mr dj [full] (tommyboy) www.tommyboy.com
*cosmic groove - transmission [robbie hardkiss] (8track 8tr001)
*kurd mavrick - the rub [orig] (cr2) www.cr2records.co.uk
*cafe groove - why u wanna do me wrong [dj pedro] (hit! cdr)
*professional loosers - night people (southern fried cdr) www.southernfriedrecords.com
*above & beyond - cant sleep (anjunabeats cdr) www.anjunabeats.com
*kuffdam & plant - dream makers [orig] (vandit 055) www.vandit.com
*armin - control freak [orig] (nebula cdr)
*boy rackers - bla bla bla [dj demand] (feverpitch) www.feverpitchrecords.co.uk
*mike shiver & marc damon - water ripples (captured 009) www.mikeshiver.com
*smith & selway - don't turn me down (intec 49) www.intecrecords.com
*a boy called joni - green astronauts [niklas harding] (black hole 187-5) www.blackholerecordings.com
*M.I.K.E. - voices from the inside (club elite clel015)
*k90 - red snapper 2006 (dataless data 05) www.datalessrecordings.com
*kamui - victory [virus inc.] (traffic tunes tt008) ~Interesting.. This sounds too like "alone at last" for comfort.. Whaddau think?
*aikon - new years day (suntec tec138) www.hitland.com/label_dett.php?id=25
*brainbug - nightmare [attitude] (attitude 002)
*tornadozzer - hey bitch (blutonium 107) www.blutonium.de
*dj fj project - the moon revolution (gt002) www.germantrance.com
*dj sakin & friends-braveheart 2006 (7th sense 006)
*oliver giacomotto - mista zeta on a ufo (techhead oo4) www.techhead.gr
*capella - helyom halib (media)
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*skeewiff - light the fuse (jalepeno jal42)
*kool & the gang & lightnin' rod - sport (celluloid cel6107)
*gabriel & dresden - eleven o clock (organised nature cdr)
*fish go deep & mark o'sullivan - razor bill (ork 004)
*cajmere and dajae - say u will [ grren velvet] (data cdr)
*kurd mavrick - the rub [orig] (cr2)
*haji & emanuel feat sonique - tonight [kurds piano soul] (azuli silver cdr)
*robbie rivera - float away [joker] (hit! cdr)
*professional losers - night people (southern fried cdr)
*99th floor elevators - hooked (labello dance)
*mike polo - gypsy woman (disco wax)
*dee and jones - gypsy woman 06 [big room] (art and craft cdr)
*lola - let's have sex (sony bmg cdr)
*oakenfold - faster kill pussycat [nat monday] (perfecto cdper008)
*armin - control freak [orig] (nebula cdr)
*kuffdam & plant - dream makers [orig] (vandit 055)
*above & beyond - can't sleep (anjuna beats cdr)
*mousse t. vs the dandy warhols - horny as a dandy [alex & jerma] (feverpitch 12fevdj14) www.feverpitchrecords.co.uk
*supermode - tell me why [2 elements] (data121p2)
*till west & dj delicious - same man [mark simmons] (data)
*simon & shaker - zero (electronic elements)
*dan stone - made in bahrain (anjunabeats anj058) www.anjunabeats.com
*mike shiver & marc damon (captured 009)
*stoneface & terminal - venus (euphonic 63.3)
*oliver giacomotto - mista zeta on a u.f.o. (techhead 004)
*marcel woods - monotone (high contrast hcr 016)
*dj wag - feel it raw (traffic tunes tt007)
*brainbug vs. ???? - nightmare (attitude 002)
*tornadozzer - soundfu*k (blutonium blu107) www.blutonium.de
*sakin & friends - breaveheart 2006 (7th sense records) www.musicmail.de
*da hool - bora bora (kosmo)
So, we all know what the date is tomorrow don`t we? Oh yes.. and to celebrate, the DOWNLOADS section will have a new addition - Check it out if you like the number SIX and maybe have some over-religious asshole nearby you need to irritte.. This is another taste from the Album, which has now mutated into a double CD, 1 nice listenin' disc, and one bang-bangin disc.. Enjoy
Special thanks to Everyone who said hello at MUSIC FACTORY last night in Carlow - Lisa Lashes really did rock the shop quite excellently before me, so the room was damn friendly by the time i dragged myself on, and it made my job alot easier.. You of coarse are aware the 'FACTORY has never been sprung, so i didn`t know what to expect... Luckily, there was a Panda Trueno in the carpark, so that kinda put the relaxers on the whole thing..
Yay - Intelligent life
Of coarse, as it`s a first visit, i has to do the Lowdown.. (as you do) Twin 1210s and pioneer 600, and twin CDJ-1000s.. The decks are a mere token these days, as everyone seems to play CDs, so they weren`t set up correctly, and Unkie HUMMMMMMMMMM-IN_THE=BReaKDoWN was there to keep me company, and make sure i rode the bass-pot all fuc*ing night - i really hate this crap, after 23 years of "proper" decks in clubs in Ireland, you'd think that we'd be able to play a record extremly loud without having to chop all the bass out of breaks to avoid the dreaded girth-feedback.. You know, it was so strong last night, if i left it to feedback, the needle actually got vibrated out of it`s groove? Yeh - testament to the loudness of the PA, but Zero-Point pour le Calibration
Lisa even said she kinda hates CDs, but had no choice last night due to the whump.. Well, that is a minor point in fairness, as Both Lisa and I managed to work around it, Her by using CD, me by BPR - the rest was rather amusing! Nice place, lots of stairs, Smoking rooms, Loooong layout, Hard sound, Cute Dancers, Reasonably priced drink (ie: too much, but less then some other places..) and importantly, a well happy Crowd
It did scare us on the way home though that the Choice on the radio was appalling.. The local station is so terrible, 2FM wasn't up to much, TODAY and the bleed-over locals all had robots on the case, even BEAT 100-102 was so boring we nearly nodded off and crashed.. WAKE UP EVERYBODY!!! anyone awake at 4am DOES not want to hear snoozy ballads and down-tempo GOLD, That is like playing lullabys to a pilot in-cab, or Shepard Tones to a Brain Surgeon on-the-job.. WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG (slap). BOLD BOLD BOLD (spank). Now, the next time i am driving back from a gig (next saturday i think, from NEWMARKET) i want to hear something decent - RIGHT? oh hang on, the SESSIONS are on that time, so i am boxed off already.. Sorry for the confusion.. Tsk! I just went off on one because it is/was a bank holiday, and i forgot that nobody bothers to do anything after midnight on Sundays Entertinment wise.. FFS, even whatever Bad ITV region was Pirated in the Hotel room we visited last night was running the animated Slide with the "next wednesday at 3pm" infomatique.. Sundays are RUINED with crappy driving, bad food, guilt, and lack of interest after 8pm. Yes, i know, it`s all down to Religion again isn`t it? [oh ffs, here we go again...] Well, people, it's time to GET OVER IT. Religion was a cool thing to do 1500 years ago (i am told...) but we don`t NEED it anymore, we have the internet now, and Porn and Booze that tastes nice and Reality TVand Guns and The joys of Home Entertainment.. Somehow an hour on a hard bench, with the smell of wee circulating, breathing strangers cough-cough germs and listening to a nasal squak in a reverb chamber doesn`t compare well to 100Hz High-Def THX-Certified [insert anything whatsoever here] on a bean-bag with a Gino-Ginelli in the oven.. Or maybe i`m just getting old? maybe i need some flagelation? nah, it`s bollocks. TIME TO RECLAIM SUNDAYS. We in Ireland are the last generation that will Know only English and Gaeilge as the commonly heard/seen/read languages.. The kids bieng born now are going to grow up alongside Asian, African , Eastern European and South American Offspring.. And they will have to deal with the MANY racial differences, peculiatitys and habits that will either cause Taunts in the Playground, or endless Fascination and adoration.. They will have to face up to the fact that as Irish people, they too do stupid things because their parents' parents did them, and they will have be the ones to say NO to mass, NO to sunday, and YES to 7-day weeks. I don`t recall the Church ever actually PAYING for Sunday, do you? In fact, as far as i can remember, WE paid THEM to ruin our sundays! Holy Crap! Well, that's got to stop, as Home-Cinema and frozen Pizza isn`t cheap... Yep, time to take a stand and vote hem OUT of sundays.. Which brings me neatly back to the DOWNLOAD section - Midnight tonite - 00.00, 06-06-06.. Don`t miss it.. 
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*horny morris - written all over your face [milk & sugar] (feverpitch)
*lola - let's have sex (sony bmg)
*jamiroquai - space cowboy [mayhem musaphia anthem dub] (columbia)
*professional loosers - night people (southern fried cdr)
*gabriel & dresden - eleven o clock (organised nature orgn006)
*d'kay and epsilon - barcelona (white)
*fonzarelli - moonlight party [da cove] (umm cdr)
*cajmere and dajae - say u will [green velvet mix] (data cdr)
*les bien - nous sommes (www lesbienmusique com)
*the ones - picture perfect [atoc] (atoc cdr)
*rob boskamp - in the evening [rockerfeller] (data 112cds)
*stylophonic - babybeatbox (cdr)
*sami saari - cherish [outback] (electric sauna esauna006)
*boy rackers - bla bla bla [dj demand] (feverpitch)
*art of trance - octopus [re- edit] (platipus)
*eastern sun - vanuata [orig] (asgard digital 001)
*above & beyond - cant sleep (anjunabeats cdr)
*johan gielen - physical overdrive [unbreakable] (t4u 450-3) www.johangielen.com
*hardcell - champane boy (drumcode dc29) www.drumcode.se
*a boy called joni - green astronauts [harding] (black hole 187-5) www.blackholerecordings.com
*simon & shaker - zero (electronic elements elel 039) www.armadamusic.com
*jochen miller - india [dub] (high contrast hcr005) www.beyourselfmusic.com
*abel ramos - electro fun (reset rs019)
*dj wag - feel it raw [tetchy] (traffic tunes tt007)
*tornadozzer - hey bitch (blutonium blu 107) www.blutonium.de
*fred baker - friends forever (baker street)
*hardfloor - acperience 1 (harthouse)
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*ordinary boys vs. lady sovereign - nine2five [vertical] (polydor? b-unique)
*charlie rose - fake reloaded [cuttin silk] (cdr)
*fish go deep & mark o'sullivan - razor bill [fgd] (ork004) www.fishgodeep.com
*robbie rivera - float away [joker] (hit! cdr)
*dee & jones - gypsy woman 06 [big room] (art & craft cdr)
*rainy dayz - sexy (little devil cdr)
*beatdropperz - changes (serie a cdr)
*marc leaf vs ralphi rosario - you used to hold me (suesse cdr) www.suesserecords.com
*G.L.O.B.E. & the whiz kid - play that beat mr dj [full] (tommyboy) www.tommyboy.com
*cosmic groove - transmission [robbie hardkiss] (8track 8tr001)
*kurd mavrick - the rub [orig] (cr2) www.cr2records.co.uk
*cafe groove - why u wanna do me wrong [dj pedro] (hit! cdr)
*professional loosers - night people (southern fried cdr) www.southernfriedrecords.com
*above & beyond - cant sleep (anjunabeats cdr) www.anjunabeats.com
*kuffdam & plant - dream makers [orig] (vandit 055) www.vandit.com
*armin - control freak [orig] (nebula cdr)
*boy rackers - bla bla bla [dj demand] (feverpitch) www.feverpitchrecords.co.uk
*mike shiver & marc damon - water ripples (captured 009) www.mikeshiver.com
*smith & selway - don't turn me down (intec 49) www.intecrecords.com
*a boy called joni - green astronauts [niklas harding] (black hole 187-5) www.blackholerecordings.com
*M.I.K.E. - voices from the inside (club elite clel015)
*k90 - red snapper 2006 (dataless data 05) www.datalessrecordings.com
*kamui - victory [virus inc.] (traffic tunes tt008) ~Interesting.. This sounds too like "alone at last" for comfort.. Whaddau think?
*aikon - new years day (suntec tec138) www.hitland.com/label_dett.php?id=25
*brainbug - nightmare [attitude] (attitude 002)
*tornadozzer - hey bitch (blutonium 107) www.blutonium.de
*dj fj project - the moon revolution (gt002) www.germantrance.com
*dj sakin & friends-braveheart 2006 (7th sense 006)
*oliver giacomotto - mista zeta on a ufo (techhead oo4) www.techhead.gr
*capella - helyom halib (media)
Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*skeewiff - light the fuse (jalepeno jal42)
*kool & the gang & lightnin' rod - sport (celluloid cel6107)
*gabriel & dresden - eleven o clock (organised nature cdr)
*fish go deep & mark o'sullivan - razor bill (ork 004)
*cajmere and dajae - say u will [ grren velvet] (data cdr)
*kurd mavrick - the rub [orig] (cr2)
*haji & emanuel feat sonique - tonight [kurds piano soul] (azuli silver cdr)
*robbie rivera - float away [joker] (hit! cdr)
*professional losers - night people (southern fried cdr)
*99th floor elevators - hooked (labello dance)
*mike polo - gypsy woman (disco wax)
*dee and jones - gypsy woman 06 [big room] (art and craft cdr)
*lola - let's have sex (sony bmg cdr)
*oakenfold - faster kill pussycat [nat monday] (perfecto cdper008)
*armin - control freak [orig] (nebula cdr)
*kuffdam & plant - dream makers [orig] (vandit 055)
*above & beyond - can't sleep (anjuna beats cdr)
*mousse t. vs the dandy warhols - horny as a dandy [alex & jerma] (feverpitch 12fevdj14) www.feverpitchrecords.co.uk
*supermode - tell me why [2 elements] (data121p2)
*till west & dj delicious - same man [mark simmons] (data)
*simon & shaker - zero (electronic elements)
*dan stone - made in bahrain (anjunabeats anj058) www.anjunabeats.com
*mike shiver & marc damon (captured 009)
*stoneface & terminal - venus (euphonic 63.3)
*oliver giacomotto - mista zeta on a u.f.o. (techhead 004)
*marcel woods - monotone (high contrast hcr 016)
*dj wag - feel it raw (traffic tunes tt007)
*brainbug vs. ???? - nightmare (attitude 002)
*tornadozzer - soundfu*k (blutonium blu107) www.blutonium.de
*sakin & friends - breaveheart 2006 (7th sense records) www.musicmail.de
*da hool - bora bora (kosmo)
So, we all know what the date is tomorrow don`t we? Oh yes.. and to celebrate, the DOWNLOADS section will have a new addition - Check it out if you like the number SIX and maybe have some over-religious asshole nearby you need to irritte.. This is another taste from the Album, which has now mutated into a double CD, 1 nice listenin' disc, and one bang-bangin disc.. Enjoy

Special thanks to Everyone who said hello at MUSIC FACTORY last night in Carlow - Lisa Lashes really did rock the shop quite excellently before me, so the room was damn friendly by the time i dragged myself on, and it made my job alot easier.. You of coarse are aware the 'FACTORY has never been sprung, so i didn`t know what to expect... Luckily, there was a Panda Trueno in the carpark, so that kinda put the relaxers on the whole thing..

Playlist for the Spring Session on 2FM.
*horny morris - written all over your face [milk & sugar] (feverpitch)
*lola - let's have sex (sony bmg)
*jamiroquai - space cowboy [mayhem musaphia anthem dub] (columbia)
*professional loosers - night people (southern fried cdr)
*gabriel & dresden - eleven o clock (organised nature orgn006)
*d'kay and epsilon - barcelona (white)
*fonzarelli - moonlight party [da cove] (umm cdr)
*cajmere and dajae - say u will [green velvet mix] (data cdr)
*les bien - nous sommes (www lesbienmusique com)
*the ones - picture perfect [atoc] (atoc cdr)
*rob boskamp - in the evening [rockerfeller] (data 112cds)
*stylophonic - babybeatbox (cdr)
*sami saari - cherish [outback] (electric sauna esauna006)
*boy rackers - bla bla bla [dj demand] (feverpitch)
*art of trance - octopus [re- edit] (platipus)
*eastern sun - vanuata [orig] (asgard digital 001)
*above & beyond - cant sleep (anjunabeats cdr)
*johan gielen - physical overdrive [unbreakable] (t4u 450-3) www.johangielen.com
*hardcell - champane boy (drumcode dc29) www.drumcode.se
*a boy called joni - green astronauts [harding] (black hole 187-5) www.blackholerecordings.com
*simon & shaker - zero (electronic elements elel 039) www.armadamusic.com
*jochen miller - india [dub] (high contrast hcr005) www.beyourselfmusic.com
*abel ramos - electro fun (reset rs019)
*dj wag - feel it raw [tetchy] (traffic tunes tt007)
*tornadozzer - hey bitch (blutonium blu 107) www.blutonium.de
*fred baker - friends forever (baker street)
*hardfloor - acperience 1 (harthouse)