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ENERGIZE - goes OldSkool - Mark Kavanagh, Alan Pullen + @ Ishka, Bray. Fri 19th june
I had a great night there a few weeks back.. Got a little bit of lip after for not playing any oldschool from some ex-camolin heads, so this lineup should keep them happy..
We DO need to re-define 'oldschool' now though.. as the 1998-2003 days are oldschool to alot of people, while to the crusties like me, oldschool is Francois, Pressure, Mick Walshe, X-Ray, Johnny Moy etc.
'Oldschool' is also a bit of a iffey subject.. Some DJs get annoyed when asked to play oldschool.. it can appear as an insult if they are still playing out.. But, we all love the past - nostalgia for the days in which we had the best times, so it's NOT an insult to be asked, nor is it an admittance that a DJ cannot compete in today's scene if he/she says yes - it's actually an honour.
The 1000's of DJs that exist today will NEVER have an oldschool to re-visit.. The tidal-wave of tunes, music-sharing, online 'radio shows' (sic) & djs has made sure that it is now practicly impossible to become a big name or release a classic tune, as there is something better guaranteed to arrive any moment.. The slow-burn and hard-slog of the past is done away with now, and all that hard work built charicter - something missing from the [forced big-name DJ] and [bollocks tune] of today.
Oldschool == Before the wankers arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!