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Xfer: MR.Spring@The Vic Galway(Review)

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  • Xfer: MR.Spring@The Vic Galway(Review)

    In a thread on, barry2006 said:

    i'll start by saying this(a bit of a disclaimer if you like)
    i would like to say i take absolutley NOTHING away from the people who organised it or any dj involved in it in any way at all....nothing but admiration for organisers/djs who can ram a club like the vic on a sunday night.
    but tonight has to have been one of THEE most intimidating,knacker filled nights ive ever been at......................EVER in ANY county in Ireland.

    the music policy was Hard House pretty much all night---(old Lisa Lashes Orange Euphoria Hard House)type of stuff and while it wouldnt be my cup of tea it was a fairly decent night,crowd loved it and danced their arses off.

    Each and EVERY DJ played out of their skin and did their upmost to rock the place...and they did.there was tunes played tonight that i honestly thought i'd never hear again in a club.

    But the general crowd had a very bad BAAAAD streak in them.
    I witnessed the bouncers(BIIIIIIIIIIIG polish/russian fuckers)getting HAMMERED by nothing more than pure knackers,i was also at the bar at one stage and saw the bar staff have drink thrown over them....this sort of shit is NOT ANY club....ANYWHERE.

    Its EXACTLY whats wrong with clubland in Ireland.
    Tinkers thinkin' "oh mrspring is on,lets run amok....."
    Fuck them,no scene anyplace needs this shit.
    I can garuntee that this wil be the last hard dance gig run in galway(and particulary the Vic) for a long time.

    DJ of the night had to have been Tara Murphy,what a chick!!!!!
    She rocked the place and took it past the HH music policy and onto harder dance and some techno thrown in aswell for good measure.
    At €15 in i would seriously re-consider going back to one of these nights-especially witth the type of crowd that they draw.

    As for the headliner,Mr.Spring....well lets just say he was forced into a corner playing Hard House/Hard Dance muck.....he even fiunished the night with that Faithless bootleg Insomnia/Everything starts with a "E" thing......fuckin hell i left that tune back in leaving cert....
    Not impressed at all.
    jUst plAythAtbEAt

  • #2
    First off, this thread has been moved from the forum at due to it bieng nothing to do with the sessionstour - Barry is talking about the night AFTER the sessionstour in Leitrim, held in the VIC in Galway.

    === my reply:

    Mmm.. well, the night was billed as a HARD DANCE night, and i was asked to play a HARDSTYLE set by the Promoter, and HardStyle is what was Played..
    I'm sorry if the music didn`t suit you, but it WAS sold to me as a specialist night..

    As for ending on "one they know" - i have done that since 1988, and it may be uncool, but i AM uncool. So.

    Now, As for the Messy crowd, i didn`t see any of that going down, but as you say, it is totally unacceptable that people should be assaulted while performing their jobs, especially barstaff who are there as bringers of pleasure!

    But, I get the feeling you reckon that this behaviour was somehow triggered by ME bieng on stage, and i would like you to explain how you came to this conclusion, if you don`t mind!
    jUst plAythAtbEAt


    • #3
      Tinkers thinkin' "oh mrspring is on,lets run amok....."

      this isnt a direct hit on you in any way,it certainly wasnt MEANT to be implying that you were the cause-far from it.

      i think there were folk in the vic that night that wouldnt get into ANY other nightclub in Galway on any night---this is a victoria hotel security issue i know but its sad to see it happen at a dance event and this is what the victoria hotel will take on board-"Dance events will cause mayhem and grief" for their staff.

      bouncers gettin flaked and bar staff getting drowned in drink isnt usually what happens at dance gigs in galway.
      i know i wasnt the only one to think this in fairness...but again in no way was i implying that you were the cause.

      i was kinda under a different illusion of what the music policy was when i was heading in,two mates of mine played in the front bar before the club opened and they played all electro-ish house sets and i knew they were going to be playing that type of music.
      I had never heard of any of the djs on the lineup play before...well bar you so i was a little taken back when the first two djs hammered the hard house out of it.
      I'll admit that my comment on you being forced into a corner of playing hard house was in haste as i honestly hadnt a clue that you were going hardstyle for the night.

      as for my comment on your last tune-lets just say i have that record on vinyl so i liked it at one stage but in my humble opinion i would have expected you to finish with something else after hearing some of the deadly tunes youre playing on 2fm these days!!Armani & Ghost - Airport was a great opener!

      as i said in my original post springer,i take absolutley NOTHING away from the promoters or ANY of the djs-the music wouldnt be my cup of tea but i did recognise a few of the tunes from back in my hard house lovin days which brought a smile to my face.
      Every dj played out of their skin and had the floor rockin from the word go,its just a shame there was a bad element attaracted to this gig.

      looking forward to the sessions tour in mayo with ferry...see ya there!


      • #4
        oh and i posted that original topic at
        10-30-2006, 05:13 AM
        and i may have been just a little cheesed off at the time after waiting nearly 2 and a half hours in the pissing rain for a taxi home(fuckin bank holiday weekends!!!!!!)so... disrespect to the promoters or the springmeister intened if thats how my first post came across.


        • #5
          Dude!! yes, i am there 100% on this.. i get your drift on the mayhem thing - and ther reason i picked up on it was because in the 7 years i have been playing in galway, i have NEVER heard of any trouble whatsoever.. I DID notice all the bouncers were WELL beefy, but foriegn.. Through experience of doorstaff going back to the dark ages (ie pre '92) there is ALWAYS a heavy element at any public gathering, but it`s the security that mark trouble-makers' cards when they go in - "if i let you in, you behave tonight - ok?" and there is rarely any messing - but THIS time, it looks like the staff couldn`t tell the easily-aggrevated faces from the newbies.. Simple Problem really, but i am sure the NEXT time the vic have an event, the staff will REMEMBER who was impolite, and refuse them entry..

          This is the great problem with new venues or new staff, you get the people that are barred from everywhere else trying their luck, and going a bit mad..

          Yes, well, i now know why the cute barstaff were so glum when it finished - usually they are all perky, eager to get the place cleaned up so they can go home and stuff, but this time they were well down..

          Thing is, the 'heavy' element that was there i _recognised_ from previous outings in the district, and they are heavy - sure, but they are usually well behaved - generous, buying people drinks and so on - i reckon the language barrier stopped them from making that "i'll behave" pact with the security staff, because as you point out, they were mostly eastern european.

          Anyone i know From lithuania or poland DOES sometimes come accross as aggressive from their facial expressions and tone of voice - especially when they are surprised or stressed.. Thing is, the eastern europeans are EXPERT malleters - spesh the polish - they are FULLY scripted on the mallet, and when you get into a session with them, they are extremly funny and have acrid senses of humour - much like the irish! I reckon if the Vexed people from last sunday went on the mallet with the people they griefed, they'd learn they are actually our cousins, and can drink almost as much as us..

          Anyway, i DO hope this isn`t the end of dance nights in the VIC, i hope the staff REMEMBER the troublemakers, and they learn from the experience.. In fairness, you cannot PREDICT these things unless you know the faces to watch out for..
          jUst plAythAtbEAt


          • #6
            Ya the trouble was unfortunate but it was def a security issue. Not enough staff on the night. They knew it was gonna do well and they should have been a bit more prepared. Especially as it was a bank holiday weekend aswell.

            But we learn.....................and there is a gig with Mark Kavanagh in the Vic on the 8th December!!


            • #7
              best of luck with it tara,are ya playing this one aswell??


              • #8
                Yep. On before Mark . Prob be the 12-1 slot. Will ya be down for it?


                • #9
                  i shall try my best!!


                  • #10
                    well, i think we can look 4wd to a less messy catalogue of incidents at that date Should be a fun-1
                    jUst plAythAtbEAt


                    • #11
                      yeah i think youre right timmy.hopefully the victoria are better prepared.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by barry2006
                        yeah i think youre right timmy.hopefully the victoria are better prepared.
                        They would want to be. We ll have them well told anyhow

