I have this on a tape; recorded from the radio during an interview with Al Gibbs. Any chance of uploading the full track Timmy?
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Mr Spring - I Need Strings???
mmm.. that was one of the tracks mixed in Dolby Surround - part of a 70-minute album thing..
AFAIK, the only surviving copy is on MINIDISC (what was i thinking???) - i'll look for it this week.. For the life of me, i don't know why there isn`t a CD or DAT of it.. Grrr!!
Update: Found a Disc of the Surround Sessions, not the final one, and 'strings' is not there..Will have to dig deeper..
Last edited by playthatbeat; Sun 30-09-2007, 5:24 PM.
Uploading it now.. in .flac format so you need the convertor from http://www.dbpoweramp.com/dmc.htm if you use windows..
Install the package, and then in your FILE MANAGER, browse to the place you downloaded the file, right-click on it, select CONVERT TO, and make it into t .wav - from there you can burn it to a CD or Whatever you like..
dbpoweramp will expire after a while, but you can STILL USE IT TO DO FLAC and so on forever..
See post in TAPES FROM THE ATTIC section