a radio edit of the title track from the upcoming PRODIGY album "Invadors Must Die" is available to download free from today (nov 27 2008) for one week only from www.theprodigy.com
No announcement yet.
Free Prodigy Track!
lol reactions from the prodigy website!!!
Russian news portal km.ru write that Liam H steal this track from russian singer Boris Moiseev
http://music.km.ru/news.asp?id=6f7b4...584b8b9a83ebf0JDPower, Having read the comments here while downloading
November 27, 2008 Having read the comments here while downloading was dreading listening to it. But seriously guys, talk about an over reaction, it's an ok track with a solid beat. Certainly doesn't deserve the slagging its getting here.
As for the pendulum comparisons, fuckin come on people!!!Russo, Liama take this fucking shit song to the hospital
November 27, 2008 Liama take this fucking shit song to the hospital к ебеням нахуйamokk, Why I and hundred thousand should be silent? If t
November 27, 2008 Why I and hundred thousand should be silent? If this shit. But Prodigy all early for us №1
В пизду такой инвандерс, пиздетс, комрады-(Liam H, This just first tune from album,dont panic guys
November 27, 2008 This just first tune from album,dont panic guys !!llllR. Maxim, I know that this track full bull shit and I re
November 27, 2008 I know that this track full bull shit and I repeatedly told it Liam, but he has not listened to me, I apologise, to especially Russian fans...Pbo, Well it didn't grab me by the balls, but sounded li
November 27, 2008 Well it didn't grab me by the balls, but sounded like a cross between Pendulum ("the new Prodigy"?) and Does it offend you yeah.
I like it!
Lol the Russian News article:
The Prodigy перепели русскую колыбельную
Электронные панки The Prodigy дарят своим поклонникам песню «Invaders Must Die» с нового одноименного альбома, релиз которого состоится 2 марта 2009 года. Песня будет доступна на официальном сайте группы с 26 ноября.
«Invaders Must Die» станет пятой студийной работой британских электронщиков. Над ним работают члены классического состава Prodigy – Лайам Хоулетт, Кит Флинт и Максим, – которые в последний раз сотрудничали при записи диска «Fat of the Land» (1997). Спустя 12 лет трио, по всей видимости, решило повторить свой успех.
Предыдущий полноценный альбом The Prodigy «Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned» вышел в 2004 году. В 2005 году музыканты выпустили компиляцию, состоящую из синглов группы с 1999 по 2005 годы.
28 ноября можно группа представит и клип на заглавную песню альбома, который также будет размещен на официальном сайте.
От имени редакции портала Music.km.ru хотим заметить, что трек «Invaders Must Die» подсознательно является отсылкой к русской народной колыбельной «Придет серенький волчок», в исполнении «Бременских музыкантов». Впрочем, скорее всего, это всего лишь случайность.
Главные новости KM.RU Версия для печати
четверг, 27.11.2008, 11:59:00
The Prodigy have sung Russian lullaby
Electronic punks The Prodigy give the admirers a song " Invaders Must Die " from a new same album which release takes place on March, 2nd, 2009. The song will be accessible on an official site of group since November, 26th.
" Invaders Must Die " becomes the fifth studio work of the British electronicians. Above it members of classical structure Prodigy - Лайам Хоулетт work, the Whale Flint and Maxim, - which last time cooperated at record of a disk " Fat of the Land " (1997). Later 12 years of a trio, most likely, have decided to repeat the success.
Previous high-grade album The Prodigy " Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned " has left in 2004. In 2005 musicians have let out the compilation consisting of singles of group with 1999 for 2005.
On November, 28th it is possible group will present also a clip on a header song of an album which also will be placed on an official site.
On behalf of edition of portal Music.km.ru we wish to notice, that the track " Invaders Must Die " subconsciously is sending to Russian national lullaby " the greyish top ", in execution of " the Bremen musicians " Will come. However, most likely, it only accident.
Main news KM.RU The version for a press
Thursday, 27.11.2008, 11:59:00
Lol, looks like the russians have taken a dislike to Liam & Co.
убейте этот форум нах, а то после прочитанного Продиджи будут выступать у себя в гараже каком-нить, что б никто не видел
Kill this forum нах, and that after read through продиджи will act at itself in garage what-string, that nobody would see
Fuckin Hell i'm also signed up to their mailing list got that tune downloaded it and deleted it just as fast as i could I'm All for the lads releasing this new album but even maxim himself said that he TOLD liam it was shit but he would not listen ! ! ! !
If it's gonna be more of the same i have to say i wouldn't buy it♪♫♪♫NoT fOr ArMeR
Jeayz that's &%$£in' desperate. Tune nearly gave me thrush in the ear. If you put any Top 10 chart-rider and "Fat Of The Land" into a blender called Ableton Live, you'd get that in two clicks of the "remix" button. The prodigy are in recession. Deep burial for that and fast before the disease spreads :P
Lol - the economic downturn hits the projidy HARD!!!! I have settled on it being DIET PENDULUM.. And PENDULUM are derivitive and ALREADY painted into a corner, so i really feel sorry for the Lads on this one.. They claim its a "grower", so i am willing to allow it the chance to "grow"... Lets see where this goes..