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  • vodafail

    as you know, maybe, BT escaped from ireland and left VODAFONE holding the screaming brat..

    I recently emaild them to express my meh at the shittyness of my speed - this was the reply:

    - These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:; Failed; 5.2.2 (mailbox full)

    Remote MTA SMTP diagnostic: 552 RCPT TO:<> Mailbox disk quota exceeded
    jUst plAythAtbEAt

  • #2
    My parents are in the same boat. Had BT, got transferred to vodafone. Everything has gone to absolute shite! Internet is down more often than it's up, but they are tied into a year long contract


    • #3
      was with bt, got put into fostercare with faux dafone,
      no papers signed,

      and the speed got slower and slower, eventually it failed completely in June of this year.

      No Internet for 3 Months.

      After more than 3 months on the phone with their drones, getting me to do the same shit over and over
      eventually they referred my case to what they call
      3rd level support, the big boys, who look after business.

      that was a friday, on the monday a Dsl something or other in the exchange was replaced because. IT FAILED.

      So in Summary Faux dafone = Fail

      well, well, well.


      • #4
        is it workin now though ?


        • #5
          indeed it is,
          and weve been promised a refund for the lost months.


          if you were changing where would you go ?
          well, well, well.


          • #6
            Originally posted by digitalallstars View Post
            indeed it is,
            and weve been promised a refund for the lost months.


            if you were changing where would you go ?
            I dont know. Back to errorcom ? I hadn't really considered the options. I'm with Last Mile in my own house and it's absolutely perfect. The Parents just browse now and again, so i don't know if they are really bothered.


            • #7
              SO - result on this side..

              for past few days my 10mbit down and .6 up (yes, i know, impossible...) connection had been borking out and getting laggy, finishing with total fail and the 70 second loop after 5pm.. i rang and failed to get any help past couple of days cos it was outside business hours, and i was a business customer... so, first up the magic number for vodafone is: 1800800020 - this gets you someone who can do stuff, and will xfer you to someone lurking on overtime in fixed line tech - i rang today and got an awesome bloke who played all sorts of games with me - dropping speed of the line bit by bit - eventually he tried 1meg down and 128k up - it stabilized.. so back to the previous lock of 4meg down and 384k up, and it's solid again..

              so the new fibre exchange ONLY REDUCES CONTENTION - the 8mbit, 8.1 actually, they guarantee was always available apparently, but MY problem - and the problem i suspect of most people, is the exchange has been ADSL2 for ages, and my modem is from the IOL then BT days - is ADSL1.. (or t1 in the series model number on the sticker on the underside of the box..) its a ZyXEL 600 series - so, the trick is to keep the level locked to 4 meg - thats 4 down and .384 up while You wait for Your new ADSL2 modem to arrive.. 49euro inc. vat delivered..

              eircom (and ex eircom) customers would have a netopia box - i bet You 5c its fuc*ing ADSL 1 - go check..

              It WILL still work, but will act flakey at hig speeds.. my poxy ZyXEL was showing 92% CPU use at 8mbit.. so it wasnt really gonna cope with spikes - and trust me, with 10mbit on surges (which was what i was getting!) there WILL be spikes.. hehehe..

              SO, there.. Old bocks == sheeeitetiem..

              jUst plAythAtbEAt

