Hack you-tube?
You mean get to KEEP the vids you view for later viewing in a "FLV" player like the one here -->> http://www.martijndevisser.com/
Yep.. they are usually .flv files - or "flash video" files..
So.. how to get at them? install OPERA from www.opera.com in the default folder, and hit utube.. watch a vid, and while doing so, open EXPLORER or whatever you use to look at you files & stuff, navigate to: C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\cache4 <--- may not say "cache4" exactly etc., but you get the idea..
Switch to DETAILS in the VIEW menu, and click on the column for DATE MODIFIED a bit till the files line up in date order, recent first.. Do you see a largish .tmp file there? near the top? REFRESH, is it growing in size? ok, that's the lad.. after the movie finishes playing, and stops changing size, rename it to a .flv, and copy it to somewhere nice where you can play it with an .flv player at your leisure.. or convert it to [WHY] format..
If for some reason a file dissapears when you finish watching a movie, you can right-click on it while it`s downloading, go to PROPERTIES and make it READ ONLY.. this will stop it bieng flushed when the file closes..
You mean get to KEEP the vids you view for later viewing in a "FLV" player like the one here -->> http://www.martijndevisser.com/
Yep.. they are usually .flv files - or "flash video" files..
So.. how to get at them? install OPERA from www.opera.com in the default folder, and hit utube.. watch a vid, and while doing so, open EXPLORER or whatever you use to look at you files & stuff, navigate to: C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile\cache4 <--- may not say "cache4" exactly etc., but you get the idea..
Switch to DETAILS in the VIEW menu, and click on the column for DATE MODIFIED a bit till the files line up in date order, recent first.. Do you see a largish .tmp file there? near the top? REFRESH, is it growing in size? ok, that's the lad.. after the movie finishes playing, and stops changing size, rename it to a .flv, and copy it to somewhere nice where you can play it with an .flv player at your leisure.. or convert it to [WHY] format..

If for some reason a file dissapears when you finish watching a movie, you can right-click on it while it`s downloading, go to PROPERTIES and make it READ ONLY.. this will stop it bieng flushed when the file closes..